>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 00:12:32 -0400
>Subject:  Radio Havana Cuba - Viewpoint - 24 September 2000 23:45
>Radio Havana Cuba - Viewpoint - 24 September 2000 23:45
>Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
>Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 24 September 2000 23:45
>Granma Editorial published Sept 24, 2000
>Havana, September 24(RHC)-- Cuba has urged the US government to put an end
>to the criminal Cuban Adjustment Act. In an editorial published in today's
>edition of the daily Granma entitled "New Evidence of the Lies and
>Complicity of the U.S. authorities," the island's authorities asked the
>White House to end its complicity with all criminal actions perpetrated by
>the anti-Cuba Mafia elements in Miami.
>Cuba's authorities denounce that the recent acts of piracy against the
>island are simply the result of Washington's criminal policy towards Cuba,
>particularly the so-called Cuban Adjustment Act, which has been in place for
>the past 34 years.
>The Granma editorial makes reference to an incident that occurred on August
>2nd, in which a Cuban fishing vessel was hijacked in Boca de Calafre, Cuba's
>westernmost province of Pinar del Rio. Four crew members were drugged by the
>captain of the ship, who later picked up accomplices and headed towards
>Florida. However, recalls the editorial, U.S. authorities declined to bring
>charges against the hijackers, arguing that no conclusive evidence was
>found, indicating any violations of the U.S. and Cuban laws.
>Only 6 days after the hijacking of the Cuban fishing vessel, news of a new
>human tragedy involving undocumented Cuban immigrants began to come in from
>Miami, regarding the discovery of the bodies of two young Cubans devoured by
>sharks off the coasts of Florida. News agencies reported that the U.S.
>authorities had rescued the decaying body of a Hispanic on the Atlantic
>Ocean and that another body, according to witnesses, was dragged into deep
>water by a shark in an area commonly used by Cubans trying to reach the U.S.
>territory illegally.
>Following Washington's continued refusal to provide any information on the
>death of the two brothers, claiming that they had no information at all
>indicating that the two young Cubans, Juan Carlos and Alexander Rodriguez
>Bueno, were the victims of any acts of human trafficking, the Cuban
>authorities then decided to provide their U.S. counterpart with irrefutable
>evidence, proving that it was actually another case of human trafficking.
>A speedboat from Florida, was spotted in the coastal town of Cojimar August
>8th, when it took illegally from 14 to 18 undocumented Cuban immigrants to
>the United States. All undocumented immigrants on board arrived safe in
>Florida, except for the Rodriguez Bueno brothers.
>Why has not the FBI questioned Josue Soto Hernandez, one of the two
>traffickers who picked up the Human cargo and took it to the U.S.? Why has
>not the U.S. government ordered an investigation into the death of the two
>Cuban brothers?, asks Granma.
>The Cuban news daily also denounces the latest act of air piracy against the
>island, the hijacking past Tuesday of a small Cuban crop duster aircraft,
>which later crashed into the Gulf of Mexico on route to Florida with ten
>people aboard, including three women and three children. As a result of the
>plane crash, a young man died and others were seriously wounded.
>Despite the irrefutable facts that a Cuban plane was stolen, that the
>irresponsible attitude of those involved brought about the loss of a human
>life and that the lives of innocent children were place in danger, adds the
>Granma editorial, the U.S. authorities continue to insist that no crime was
>committed, nor any violation of the U.S. or Cuban laws.
>The editorial then concludes by affirming that Cuba will never abandon its
>struggle to demonstrate to the world the criminal nature of Washington's
>policy towards Cuba, which is based on lies, intolerance, weakness and the
>complicity of the U.S. authorities in each and every criminal actions
>committed by Washington's mercenaries, terrorist allies against our country.
>Finally, Granma urges the well-intended U.S. media to investigate these
>cases and reveal the truth to the U.S. public. An honest, objective report,
>concludes Granma, could save many lives.
>In the face of Washington's continued violations of the bilateral U.S.-Cuba
>Migratory Accords, Cuban grassroots organizations have convened a protest
>demonstration tomorrow, Monday, in front of the U.S. Interests Section in
>(c) 2000 Radio Habana Cuba, NY Transfer News. All rights reserved.
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