>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 15:58:27 EDT
>TANJUG - September 25th, 2000  Stories: Vote tallies by SPS/JUL coalition and
>Serbian Radical Party (SRS); Voting irregularities cited in Montenegro due to
>DOS manipulations; Socialist People's Party (SNP) takes legal action against
>Djukanovic regime for intimiding of workers during elections; Yugoslav
>elections one of the best covered by foreign media - transparency reigns in
>republic; Chief of Russian State Duma gives seal of approval to elections;
>Macedonia's pro-NATO gov't, imposed after electoral frauds, seeks to heighten
>anti-Yugoslav sentiment; Yugoslav jurist presents case against NATO in
>Brazil, forum condemns USA; ethnic cleansing continues in Kosovo and
>Metohija; Sport - Yugoslavia CRUSHES USA in waterpolo.
>BELGRADE - SPS main board executive council member Nikola Sainovic said
>Monday morning that the presidential candidate of leftist parties, Slobodan
>Milosevic, continues to be in the lead, and that he was confident of a
>victory in the first round.
>Sainovic, at the third press conference since the closing of polling
>stations, specified that, on the basis of results processed so far, which
>continue to arrive at the election headquarters, so far have been processed
>2,478 polling stations at which have voted 940,453 voters.
>According to preliminary results of elections for president of Yugoslavia,
>candidate Miodrag Vidojkovic has won 7,416 or 0.7 percent of votes, Vojislav
>Kostunica 414,999 votes or 41 percent, Slobodan Milosevic 442,606 votes or 44
>percent, Vojislav Mihailovic 29,123 or three percenet, Tomislav Nikolic
>46,309 or 4.8 percent of votes.
>BELGRADE - According to the latest results that arrived at the headquarters
>of the Serbian Radical Party from 1,729 polling stations and after the
>counting of 635,941 ballots, Slobodan Milosevic has won 257,170 votes or
>40.44 percent.
>Vojislav Kostunica has won 315,080 votes or 49.55 percent, Tomislav Nikolic
>39,587 votes or 6.22 percent, Vojislav Mihailovic 21,156 votes or 3.33
>percent, and Miodrag Vidojkovic 5,732 votes or 0.9 percent.
>For the Chamber of Republics of Yugoslav parliament, from 1,734 polling
>stations have been counted 616,056 ballots.
>Candidates on the SPS-JUL ticket-Slobodan Milosevic have won 227,429 votes or
>36.92 percent.
>Candidates of DOS have won 259,169 votes or 42.07 percent, the Serbian
>Radical Party 64,364 votes or 10.45 percent, the Serbian Renewal Party 39.839
>votes or 6.47 percent, the Radical Party of the Left "Nikola Pasic" 13,769
>votes or 2.24 percent, and the list of the Party of Natural Law 13,100 votes
>or 2.13 percent.
>PODGORICA - Voting in Yugoslavia's presidential and parliamentary elections
>in the Yugoslav republic of Montenegro was proceeding in an orderly fashion
>on the whole.
>Montenegrin Electoral Commission Chairman Neven Gosovic has told TANJUG that
>the Commission has received no reports of a polling station remaining closed.
>Gosovic said there "are certain problems" at polling stations "concerning
>solely members of the election staff for presidential candidate Vojislav
>According to Gosovic, "they are bringing along their own electoral registers,
>in violation of the law and order at the polling stations and of the
>electoral law".
>Also, he added, "unidentified persons" were hanging at and around polling
>stations, keeping tabs on the voters.
>PODGORICA - The Socialist People's Party (SNP) of Montenegro has filed
>charges against four prominent officials for hampering elections by
>threatening workers with losing their jobs if they voted.
>The opposition SNP, as different from the Democratic Party of Socialists
>(DPS) which is the ruling party in this Yugoslav republic, is not boycotting
>Sunday's elections for Yugoslavia's president and parliament.
>The charges against Montenegro's vice premier and three directors of
>state-owned companies have been filed with the state prosecutor's office.
>BELGRADE - Yugoslavia's elections are being followed by hundreds of foreign
>correspondents, in addition to a large number of domesic reporters, according
>to Dragan Zivadinovic, secretary at the Yugoslav information ministry, on
>Responding to untrue and maliciuos reports by some foreign media that certain
>foreign correspondents in Yugoslavia are being hampered in covering the
>polls, Zivadinovic said the ministry had given every facility to all those
>who wished to cover the election process.
>He explained that foreign reporters had evinced a great interest in covering
>Yugoslavia's presidential and parliamentary elections and local polls in the
>Yugoslav republic of Serbia.
>Allegations by individual world media that foreign correspondents were being
>prevented from reporting on the Yugoslav elections were another instance of
>pressure being brought to bear on the country, he said.
>He added that, so far from preventing foreign correspondent from covering the
>polls, Yugoslavia had accredited a large number of special correspondents for
>the purpose.
>Sunday's elections were being covered by world news agencies such as Reuters,
>the Agence France Presse (AFP), Associated Press (AP), Germany's DPA, the
>Press Trust of India (PTI), and Russian news agencies, Zivadinovic said.
>Also, he added, there were numerous television crews from all over the world,
>from the former Yugoslav republics, as well as teams sent by leading world
>newspapers, political magazines and other media.
>All technical facilities had been provided for their work, he stressed.
>MOSCOW - The chief Russian State Duma (lower house) monitor at Sunday's
>presidential and parliamentary elections in Yugoslavia has said the polls
>were normal and conformed to standards prevalent in highly developed
>Speaking in prime-time Vremya news programme on Russian state television,
>Constantine Kosachov said he had visited 15 polling stations in four
>electoral districts during the day, and nowhere had there been any problems.
>He specified this was true both of the technical organisation of the voting
>and of the attendance at the polling stations of representatives of all
>interested parties.
>Kosachov described the situation in Belgrade as absolutely normal.
>In his Sunday evening report from Belgrade, Russian state television's
>special correspondent also said the elections had been held in a normal
>atmosphere, without any particular problems at the polling stations.
>SKOPJE - Yugoslav Ambassador in Skopje Zoran Janackovic assessed on Saturday
>that some participants in the anti-Yugoslav campaign in Macedonia attempt in
>that way to cover-up the participation of that state in NATO's aggression
>last year on Yugoslavia.
>In a statement to Skopje television Sitel, after the Macedonian government
>announced the intensified monitoring of the activities of all diplomats in
>Macedonia, suspected of provoking tension in that state, Janackovic said that
>the mentioning of his name in that connection was a mere insinuation and
>accusation that he rejects with indignation.
>"Such allegations are unfounded, incorrect, immoral and untenable, and are
>not new," Janackovic said, pointing out that the same thing happened during
>NATO's aggression, which some anti-Yugoslav campaigners supported, and
>accused Yugoslavia, the victim of aggression, that it allegedly tried to
>destabilize Macedonia.
>SAO PAULO, Brazil - Yugoslavia's state prosecutor has addressed the 1st world
>congress of prosecutors in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on the subject of war crimes
>and crimes against humanity that have rocked the world.
>Vukasin Jokanovic spoke about the causes and effects of last year's brutal
>NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, which he said violated all norms of
>international law and all principles of humanity and morality.
>Jokanovic quoted horrendous crimes committed by NATO against civilians, its
>use of banned weapons - depleted uranium warheads, graphite and cluster bombs
>- with far-reaching consequences for health and the environment.
>He stressed that NATO-inflicted damaged is roughly estimated at 100 billion
>U.S. dollars plus, and that the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia was the most
>drastic armed operation since World War II in terms of intensity, military
>power involved and consequences.
>He went on to speak about the history of the Kosovo crisis and decades of
>ethnic Albanian separatism designed to detach the province from Serbia and
>its parent Yugoslavia and form a "Greater Albania" from parts of Serbia,
>Montenegro, Macedonia and Greece.
>He said that, under the Constitution, the Albanian ethnic community in
>Kosovo-Metohija had always enjoyed all political, cultural and human rights
>according to the highest world standards.
>According to him, the U.N. Kosovo-Metohija mission (UNMIK) has failed
>absolutely and totally, not having carried out its most important mandate -
>to provide equal security for Serbs and other non-Albanians.
>The situation in Kosovo-Metohija is more dramatic now than before June 1999,
>when the international force KFor and UNMIK were deployed, he explained.
>He said the Yugoslav army and police are being unlawfully kept out of
>Kosovo-Metohija, and quoted that more than 50,000 homes, mostly Serb, have
>been destroyed, torched or heavily damaged, and more than 350,000 people,
>mostly Serbs, expelled from the province.
>MOSCOW - Western peacemakers have helped Albanians from Kosovo-Metohija expel
>from that Serbian province at least 200,000 Serbs, said on Saturday Moscow
>daily Komsomolskaya Pravda.
>The daily specified that the large-scale ethnic cleansing of the Serbian
>population was performed in only 11 months since the arrival of UN and KFOR
>in Kosovo-Metohija, while in the same period from Albania have illegally
>moved into the province 300,000 Albanian citizens.
>The key person with whose support all that was carried out, the Russian daily
>said, is the head of the UN Civilian Mission in Kosovo-Metohija, Bernard
>Kouchner. He is practically responsible for the failure of the UN mission in
>Kosovo-Metohija and now he is in a hurry to organize local election in the
>Serbian province so as to put the blame on others for future developments.
>The Russian daily, analyzing the situation around Kosovo-Metohija, assessed
>that the United States is making efforts to build an oil pipeline from the
>Caspian sea, among other countries, also through Macedonia, Kosovo-Metohija
>and Albania, and that is why it wants to break away a part of Yugoslav
>The efforts of the United States to set up in Kosovo-Metohija one of the
>largest Muslim centers is very dangerous for Russia, Komsomolskaya Pravda
>said, because if that scenario becomes reality, into Russia could start
>flowing in from Kosovo-Metohija in the near future, arms and narcotics, and
>worst of all, religious intolerence.


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