>US wargames in Adriatic, UK navy in Mediterranean
>ABOARD USS AUSTIN, Croatia: U.S. and Croatian troops launched a
>joint assault on an Adriatic island on Tuesday in wargames that coincided
>with Western warnings to embattled Yugoslav President Slobodan
>A Reuters photographer on the helicopter ship USS Austin said the exercise
>near the picturesque island of Zirje, just off the Adriatic city of Sibenik,
>began with a joint amphibious landing of U.S. marines in speedboats and
>Croatian troops in helicopters.
>The landing force captured the island, supported by Croatian MiG-21
>fighters, helicopters, a missile boat and two U.S. A-10 planes, known as
>"tank busters". The assault completed the public part of the manoeuvre,
>which ends on September 29.
>Croatian and U.S. officials said the exercise was originally set for June but
>was postponed at Croatia's request to avoid the main tourist season, and
>was not meant as a show of force for Croatia's Balkan neighbour.
>"The exercise was indeed planned long ago and is not directly related to
>elections in Yugoslavia, but one cannot in all honesty say this has absolutely
>nothing to do with Yugoslavia," a Croatian official said.
>"Perhaps what we are doing here might have a 0.01 percent bearing on the
>situation in Belgrade," the official said.
>Colonel Bry Gider, whose marines took part in NATO's bombing of
>Yugoslavia last year, told Reuters his soldiers were professionals ready to
>go to Yugoslavia again "if told so".
>Croatian general Damir Krsticevic said Croatian troops could also be used
>in any action staged by NATO, "if we get approval from the president,
>parliament and all relevant institutions".
>The West is concerned that Milosevic, charged with war crimes by a United
>Nations tribunal, might rig the results of Sunday's elections or use force to
>try to remain in power.
>On Tuesday, Britain's Foreign Secretary Robin Cook warned Milosevic
>against using force to try to stay in power, saying Western powers had a
>"very substantial capacity in the region".
>Britain has 15 warships in the Mediterranean operating in two distinct
>flotillas, manned by 5,000 sailors, Royal Marines and aircrew, according to
>the British defence ministry.
>They include the aircraft carrier Invincible, which carries Harrier jump-jet
>fighters, the destroyer HMS Liverpool, helicopter assault ship HMS Ocean,
>the amphibious assault ship HMS Fearless and 10 more ships including
>minesweepers, a tanker, a store ship and Northumberland, a type-23
>Romania and Bulgaria, which border Yugoslavia to the northeast and east,
>are planning a joint exercise at the Romanian Danube port of Turnu
>Magurele on September 28. The drill will include the construction of a
>pontoon bridge across the Danube and the evacuation of the local
>The Adriatic manoeuvres in Croatian waters include 400 U.S. soldiers and
>200 Marines. Croatia is a member of NATO's Partnership for Peace
>programme and is seeking full membership of the alliance.
>NATO mounted a massive air offensive last year to halt the operations of
>Milosevic's troops against ethnic Albanians in Serbia's southern Kosovo


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