>According to the “Washington Times,” Congressman Henry Hyde, who actively
>opposes Leonard Peltier’s release, is now heading a House Judiciary
>Committee “investigation” on the case of Leonard Peltier.  He will be
>forwarding the results to President Clinton.   Leonard Peltier’s attorneys
>have not been contacted by the House Judiciary Committee and the Judiciary
>Committee has not reviewed anything other than FBI information to our
>knowledge.  Furthermore, Congressman John Conyers, the ranking democrat of
>the House Judiciary Committee and a supporter of Leonard Peltier’s, has not
>even been informed about, or included in the so-called investigation.
>Clearly Congressman Hyde is abusing the power of the House Judiciary
>Committee by disguising his opinion as an unbiased “investigation” in an
>attempt to interfere with the clemency process.  Therefore, urgent action is
>needed to oppose this move.  For more information, read the  “Washington
>Times” article below.  Be warned, the article is wrought with irresponsible
>misinformation….not a surprise coming from this particular paper.
>Call the House Judiciary Committee:
>1. We want to know why Congressman Hyde is conducting a Judiciary Committee
>investigation on the case of Leonard Peltier without informing all of the
>other committee members, including the Ranking Democrat, John Conyers.
>2. We also want to know why none of Mr. Peltier’s attorneys have been
>informed about this investigation.
>3. We strongly oppose the conducting of an investigation whose
>pre-determined goal is to oppose clemency for Leonard Peltier, rather than
>allow all sides of the situation to be heard fairly and equally.
>4. Amnesty International, the Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights,
>several members of Congress, and millions of US citizens have looked into
>the case of Leonard Peltier and determined that he should be immediately
>released. We suggest the Judiciary Committee thoroughly examine our reasons,
>including the utilization of falsified evidence, the withholding of
>exculpatory evidence, and the coercing of witnesses in gaining Mr. Peltier’s
>conviction. Equally important, the US Attorney has admitted on several
>occasions that he cannot prove who shot the agents. Documentation to all of
>these claims is ample, and can be provided to the Judiciary Committee by Mr.
>Peltier’s attorneys.
>Call Congressman John Conyers
>John Conyers 202-225-5126
>1. According to the “Washington Times” Congressman Henry Hyde has initiated
>a Judiciary Committee investigation into the case of Leonard Peltier.
>2. Leonard Peltier is considered by Amnesty International to be a political
>prisoner who should be “immediately and unconditionally” released.
>Literally no evidence exists as to his guilt.
>3. Congressman Conyers has long raised questions as to the fairness of Mr.
>Peltier’s trial and we are upset that he has not been included in the
>4. Congressman Hyde openly opposes Leonard Peltier’s release through
>Executive Clemency, and has initiated the so-called investigation for this
>reason only.
>5. We are calling to urge Congressman Conyers to intervene in the
>investigation by voicing his concern with the many improprieties involved in
>the conviction of Leonard Peltier, as he has rightly done many times in the
>6. We strongly oppose any investigation that will not be inclusive to our
>many concerns about the Peltier case including the utilization of falsified
>evidence, the withholding of exculpatory evidence, and the coercing of
>witnesses to gain a conviction.  Any investigation that fails to do so would
>be unfair, deceptive, and an unjust interference of the clemency process.
>Clemency review worries House Judiciary chairman
>Hyde says inquiry on Peltier blocked by administration
>By Jerry Seper, The Washington Times
>The chairman of the House committee yesterday accused the Clinton
>administration of blocking efforts to find out the status of a pending
>clemency review for Leonard Peltier, the American Indian activist convicted
>of murdering two FBI agents in a 1975 shootout.
>Rep. Henry J. Hyde, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, sad he is
>“concerned about the possibility” of clemency for Peltier, now serving two
>life terms at the federal prison in Leavenworth, Kan., in the murders of
>Agents Jack R. Coler and Ronald A. Williams.
>“When I learned the Department of Justice was actively reviewing this case,
>I wrote to Attorney General Janet Reno twice requesting information relating
>to the clemency review,” Mr. Hyde said in a statement.
>“in response, DOJ refused to provide answers to my inquiry on the ground
>that clemency and pardon matters are subject to executive privilege,” the
>Illinois Republican said.  “I am concerned about the silence from DOJ and
>the White House on this matter.  This should be an easy decision – Leonard
>Peltier should serve his complete sentence and should not receive clemency.”
>Mr. Hyde has begun a committee investigation into the matter.  He also sent
>a dozen letters yesterday to law enforcement associations nationwide,
>outlining the case against Peltier and describing his concerns about a
>possible clemency order.
>The clemency petition is under review by the Justice Department, which will
>make a recommendation to President Clinton in the case.  The department has
>refused to hand over documents to Mr. Hyde concerning the review, saying
>Congress “has no authority whatsoever to review a president’s clemency
>Justice Department officials have confirmed the review is ongoing, but have
>declined to elaborate.
>Peltier, 55, filed a petion for clemency in November 1993, his third such
>request.  President Reagan rejected a similar petition in 1982, and a 1989
>request was administratively closed by President Bush.
>The Supreme Court has twice denied without comment Peltier’s appeals of his
>Eligible for parole in 2008, he was convicted in the June 26, 1975 murders
>of Mr. Coler, 28, and Mr. Williams, 27, and sentenced June 2, 1977, in
>Fargo, N.D.  His conviction came after he fled to Canada and was extradited
>to the United States.
>The killings occurred at South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, near
>Wounded Knee, when Peltier’ van was stopped by the agents looking for a
>suspect in a kidnapping and assault.  According to court records, Peltier
>was himself a fugitive and thought he was about to be arrested.
>The records show Peltier fled the van with two others and began shooting at
>the agents with semi automatic rifles.  Mr. Coler and Mr. Williams were
>wounded immediately.  Crime-scene experts said the agents fired only five
>shots before being hit, compared with more than 125 bullet holes found in
>their car.
>Prosecutors said Peltier and two other men approached the wounded agents and
>fired three shots at point-blank range, hitting Mr. Williams in the face as
>he knelt and Mr. Colder who was still unconscious. twice in the head.
>Law enforcement authorities from throughout the country have united in a
>letter-writing effort to prevent Peltier’s release – led by the 9,500-member
>FBI Agents Association and by agents at the bureau’s 56 offices nationwide.
>The association, in a recent letter to Mr. Clinton, described Peltier as a
>"murderer with no respect or regard for human life.”  It told Mr. Clinton
>there was “no justification” for a grant of clemency, calling Peltier “a
>vicious, violent and cowardly criminal who hides be hind the Native American
>FBI Director Louis J. Freeh also has opposed clemency, saying Peltier's
>guilt “has been firmly established.”  Mr. Freeh has said the agents were
>killed with rifle bullets at close range after they had been wounded in a
>“The FBI cannot forget this cold-blooded crime nor should the American
>people,” Mr. Freeh said in a statement.
>Efforts by the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee for a clemency grant by Mr.
>Clinton have drawn noticeable support from the Hollywood community, which
>contends – but has offered no proof – the FBI withheld or planted evidence
>and coerced witnesses to win Peltier’s conviction.
>That effort has been led by Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Robin
>Williams and Robert Redford.  The defense committee has said it received
>positive reaction from both Mr. Clinton and Vice President Al Gore.
>Call the White House Comments Line Today
>Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-1111
>Be in New York City December 10th
>Peltier March For Freedom!
>Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>PO Box 583
>Lawrence, KS 66044


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