>Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 01:26:13 +0100

>Asunto: Fw: Postmark Prague 321
>Fecha: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:37:58 -0500
>Friday 29 September 2000
>The IMF/World Bank summit in Prague ended yesterday with the
>number of
>arrested protesters rising to 858, more than 500 of them Czech.
>During the week, in addition to the 300 would-be protesters who
>entry by the Czech Aliens’ Police  many of them because they
>figured on
>list of ”undesirables” compiled by the Czech police, with the help of
>globalised FBI’s Prague office and Interpol  a further 100 activists
>140 demonstrators were injured as a result of police violence, with a
>of 10 police and 10 demonstrators hospitalised. The injured police
>visited in hospital yesterday by the IMF’s Director General, who
>congratulated them on their ”courage and professionality”. Czech
>Vaclav Havel also visited a police detachment to commiserate with
>Yesterday’s issue of the American-owned weekly The Prague Post
>graphic account of police violence in Wenceslas Square on
>when police swept down the square from the National Museum,
>using dogs,
>tear gas and concussion grenades. ”Demonstrators, restaurant
>patrons and
>bystanders ran to adjoining side streets in an attempt to escape
>police, who grabbed and beat people as they ran.
>”Bystanders caught in the crossfire were bewildered. ‘I was just
>bloody coffee!’ said one British tourist, as another round of
>startled the crowd into another sprint up Stepanska Street…
>”Police continued, shoulder to shoulder in a riot line, and the crowd
>slowed to a jog. The brief standoff ended when pedestrians realized
>another line of police was approaching from the opposite direction,
>trapping the crowd between them.
>”The police lines stood silently for several minutes, terrifying the
>many of whom darted into doorways and passages seeking refuge,
>ordering the press to leave, the police closed in and began
>ID-checks and arrests.”
>Those arrested include a number of tourists.
>Yesterday’s peaceful demonstration of solidarity with the 300
>protesters being held at Plzen, 90 kms west of Prague was
>attended by
>protesters. It was immediately banned by the police. Many of the
>demonstrators refused to disperse, claiming that they had received
>that the prisoners had been brutalised. They sat down in the
>whereupon they were removed by police in riot gear. Some of the
>demonstrators were arrested.
>The Spanish consulate in Barcelona was occupied by
>demonstrators in
>solidarity with the Plzen prisoners. PP has also received reports of
>demonstrations of solidarity with the Prague protesters in Portland,
>(USA), where at least 20  people were arrested and several
>and police hurt, and in Tel Aviv (Israel), where mainly young people
>30 organisations came together in the first ever such anti-IMF rally
>march in the city.
>While the IMF/World Bank was able to claim that it had held its
>attendance by delegates on Wednesday was restricted after the
>day’s demonstrations. A gala reception planned for Tuesday
>evening was
>cancelled after 1,500 demonstrators blocked the entrance to the
>State Opera House.
>Ritual professions of concern about the world’s poor were made by
>Bank leaders. A World Bank spokesperson said that, as well as
>conference had discussed the Euro and oil price crises. She said
>the European Union would stop the practice of some of its member states
>linking aid to lucrative commercial contacts. The World Bank had
>itself to halving the number of the world’s poor by the year 2015, and
>number of countries getting debt relief would be extended from 10
>to 20.
>The Czech Republic’s Communist Party, the KSCM, which
>distanced itself
>the protests because of its fear of a right-wing backlash in Senate
>regional council elections in November, has promised to ”evaluate”
>conference and protests at tomorrow’s festival of its daily paper,
>EDITORS! Please note that the October issue of the 16-page
>Postmark Prague news review will include reports of this week’s
>Your readers can get a free copy by writing to PP, OPO Box 42,
>182 21
>Prague 8, Czech Republic, or by e-mailing
>Version: N/A
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