TODAY'S NEWS (September.29.2000 Juche 89)


   * Talks between DPRK and Italian FMs

   * Gift to Kim Jong Il

   * Gift to Kim Jong Il from Cambodian party leader

   * Yang Hyong Sop meets Czech party official

   * Agreements signed between DPRK and Italian governments

   * Gift to Kim Jong Il from chairman of Hyundai Asan board of directors

   * Meeting held to mark Guinean Independence day

   * Symposiums on WPK's birthday

   * Reception given to mark PRC foundation anniversary

   * Japan's encroachment on sovereign right of Korean nation

   * Principle of independence is essential for national reunification

   * S. Koreans slash at Japanese PM's blast

   * Inter-Korean summit talks highly praised

   * Kim Jong Il praised by Russian

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * asamblea general de onu elogia exito de conversaciones de nivel supremo

   * primera jornada de tercera ronda de conversaciones a nivel de ministro

   * kim jong il recibe presente de presidente de hyundai asan de sudcorea

Talks between DPRK and Italian FMs

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Talks between DPRK Foreign Minister
Paek Nam Sun and
Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini were held in Rome on Sept. 27.
    At the talks both sides informed each other of the situation in their
countries and affirmatively
appreciated the situation of the Korean peninsula and the inter-Korean
dialogue. And they exchanged
views on developing the bilateral cooperation in political, economic, and
cultural and other fields.
    Present there from the DPRK side were suite members of the Foreign
Minister, the DPRK
ambassador to Italy and embassy officials and from the Italian side were
the chief secretary, the director
general for Asian and Oceanic affairs, the director general for
cooperation, the director for Asian affairs
and other officials concerned of the Foreign Ministry.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il
received a gift from the
central committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain
    The gift was handed to an official concerned by spokesman (leader) of
the party central committee
Cristopher Coleman who is heading the delegation of the party on a visit to

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Cambodian party leader

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il
received a gift from Chea
Sim, chairman of the central committee of the People's Party of Cambodia.
    The gift was handed to an official concerned by Som Kim Suor, director
of the Cambodian
newspaper people, the organ of the party, who is heading the delegation of
the newspaper on a visit to

Yang Hyong Sop meets Czech party official

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Yang Hyong Sop, alternate member of
the political bureau
of the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea and vice-president
of the presidium of the
Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a conversation with Vaclav Exner,
vice-chairman of the
central committee of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, at the
Mansudae Assembly Hall
    Vaclav Exner said he was glad to witness successes made by the Korean
people in their efforts to
achieve the reunification of the country under the outstanding leadership
of Kim Jong Il. The Korean
nation's desire to live in harmony in one reunified territory will surely
come true, he added.

Agreements signed between DPRK and Italian governments

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- An agreement on the mutual
encouragement and protection
of investment, a basic agreement on economic cooperation and an agreement
on cultural and scientific
cooperation between the governments of the DPRK and Italy were separately
signed in Rome on Sept.
    DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun and Italian Foreign Minister
Lamberto Dini signed the

Gift to Kim Jong Il from chairman of Hyundai Asan board of directors

   Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a gift from Jong
Mong Hon, chairman of the Hyundai Asan board of directors of South Korea.
    Jong Mong Hon handed it to Kim Yong Sun, chairman of the Korean
Asia-Pacific Peace
Committee, on Thursday.

Meeting held to mark Guinean Independence day

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held here on Thursday
to mark the 42nd
anniversary of the Independence of Guinea.
    Present there were Ri Song Ho, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee
for Cultural Relations with
Foreign Countries and vice-chairman of the Korea-Guinea Friendship
Association, and members of the
association and Pyongyangites.
    A speech was made before a message of greetings to the Guinean
President was adopted at the

Symposiums on WPK's birthday

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Symposiums of officials of the Union
of Agricultural
Workers of Korea and the Korean Democratic Women's Union were held in
Pyongyang on September
28 on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    At the symposiums it was stressed that for 55 years since its
foundation the WPK, guided by the
great Juche idea, has achieved the rock-firm unity with which all the party
members act as one according
to the idea and will of the leader and remarkably strengthened the driving
force of the revolution to lead
the revolution and construction convincingly along the road of victory and
    The symposium by the Union of Agricultural Workers said that the
respected leader Kim Jong Il
has always attached great importance to enhancing the role of working
people's organizations in
cementing the mass foundations of the party and developed the union into an
eternal transmission belt
intensely loyal to the party and the leader. And it called on all the union
members and officials to wage a
vigorous struggle to carry through the agricultural policy of the party and
thus put into practice the
party's blueprint to build a powerful nation.
    The symposium by the women's union put an emphasis on the exploits
performed by Kim Jong Il
in building up the union into a revolutionary women's organization
boundlessly loyal to the party and
leading it so that it could discharge its mission as a peripheral
organization of the party.

Reception given to mark PRC foundation anniversary

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- The Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign
Countries and the central committee of the Korea-China Friendship
Association gave a reception at
Okryu Restaurant on Thursday on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of the
foundation of the People's
Republic of China (PRC).
    Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign
Countries, spoke at the reception.
    Noting that the foundation of the PRC was an important event which is
of epochal significance in
the development of revolution in china and the political life of its
people, he said that over the past 51
years the Chinese people have built a new socialist China and steadily
consolidated its position in the
international arena, unyieldingly meeting all challenges in socialist
construction in the revolutionary
spirit of self-reliance and fortitude.
    Today the Chinese people are registering great achievements in the
efforts to achieve the stability
and unity of the whole country and realize the modernization of socialism
with Chinese characteristics
under the leadership of the Communist Party of China headed by the
respected Jiang Zemin, he said,
adding that Korea-China friendship is a precious one provided and developed
by the President Kim Il
Sung together with the leaders of the old generation of China including the
great leader of the Chinese
people Chairman Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai.
    The Korean people will as ever make positive efforts to bring the
flower of Korea-China friendship
into full bloom, he stressed.
    Wang Guozhang, Chinese ambassador to Korea, spoke next.
    He said that the party and government of china have always valued the
traditional China-Korea
friendship personally provided and developed by the leaders of the old
generation of the two countries
and worked hard to steadily develop this friendship.
    The May China visit of General Secretary Kim Jong Il at the historic
turn of century is of weighty
significance in consolidating the relations between the two parties and two
countries and developing the
traditional relations of friendship between the two countries through joint
efforts in a new century, too,
he noted.
    Stating that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the entry of the
Chinese people's volunteers into
the Korean War, he expressed the conviction that the great traditional
China-Korea friendship which has
already taken deep roots in the minds of the peoples of the two countries
thanks to the joint efforts of the
two countries will be further consolidated.
    Under the wise guidance of the great leader Kim Jong Il the Korean
people have this year made
successes which draw attention of the world, in socialist construction and
in the work to accomplish the
cause of national reunification despite manifold difficulties, giving full
play to the revolutionary spirit of
self-reliance and hard struggle, he said, sincerely wishing the fraternal
Korean people greeting the 55th
anniversary of the foundation of the Worker's Party of Korea greater
success in their efforts to
implement the calls of the party central committee.
    The north Hamgyong provincial committee of the Korea-China Friendship
Association arranged a
party for members of the consulate general of China in Chongjin on the same

Japan's encroachment on sovereign right of Korean nation

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- The Japanese chief executive in a
recent interview with KBS
made rubbish remarks that Tok Islet is a "territory proper to Japan."
    His remarks are a wanton encroachment on the sovereignty of the Korean
nation and a concentric
expression of Japan's ambition for aggression and expansion against Korea.
    We cannot repress surging national indignation at his criminal
utterances about dominium over Tok
Islet, an inalienable territory of Korea.
    The similar remarks had been made by Japanese reactionaries several
times in the past, but he was
the first Japanese chief executive who openly alleged that Tok Islet is a
Japanese territory.
    We cannot but take a serious view of his allegation because it proves
that Japan takes the
"dominium" over Tok Islet as its policy.
    Needless to say, Tok Islet is our territory and nobody can encroach
upon the islet.
    It has been historically and legally confirmed that Tok Islet is a
territory proper to Korea. Tok Islet
is our territory from the viewpoint of the international law.
    Several maps show that Tok Islet is a Korean island that nobody can
deny it. The nation's
sovereignty over Tok Islet and its territorial waters is inviolable.
    Nevertheless, the Japanese chief executive alleged that Tok Islet is
definitely a territory proper to
Japan in view of "historical facts" and the "international law." This is a
completely absurd and
brigandish logic which reverses black and white.
    His allegation reveals the sinister political intention of Japan to
intensify the moves for reinvasion of
Korea and revive its old position as military occupationist.
    The Japanese reactionaries should know that their moves for reinvasion
would lead them to
self-destruction, and give up their ambition for territorial expansion.

Principle of independence is essential for national reunification

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- The principle of independence is a
basic guarantee and
milestone which enable the Korean nation to overcome obstacles and
difficulties in the way of
reunification by itself and reunify the country in a peaceful way on the
principle of great national unity,
says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    The principle of national independence is the basic principle of
national reunification based on a
scientific analysis of the essence and character of this issue and the
driving force of national
    The issue of Korea's reunification is, in essence, the issue of
relinking the artificially severed blood
ties of the nation, achieving national unity and establishing national
sovereignty on a nation-wide scale.
    This issue should be solved by the Korean nation itself according to
the independent will and
demand of the nation because it is an issue of the Korean nation and an
issue pertaining to the
sovereignty of the nation.
    No foreign forces are entitled to meddle in the reunification issue
pertaining to the nation's right to
self-determination and only the Korean people have the right to settle it
by themselves.
    The Korean nation is the very one who is responsible for national
    The Korean nation should fully discharge its responsibility and role in
its struggle for national
    The principle of national independence is based on the talents of the
Korean nation capable of
settling the issue with their own strength and wisdom and its fixed will to
solve the issue by itself.
    To reunify the country on the principle of independence, it is
necessary to build up the driving force
of national reunification, equip all the members of the nation with
consciousness of national
independence and resolutely reject flunkeyism and the idea of depending on
outside forces.
    The historic Pyongyang meeting and the north-south summit talks and the
publication of the
north-south joint declaration in June last, the first of their kinds in the
nation's history of division, were
a fruition of the independent stand to solve the issue of national
reunification by the strength of the
nation itself.
    If the north and the south implement the joint declaration in the
spirit of national independence and
with independent stand, a broad road of national reunification will be opened.

S. Koreans slash at Japanese PM's blast

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- South Korean citizens' organizations
are strongly
denouncing with the national indignation Japanese Prime Minister Mori for
his aggressive remarks over
Tok Islet, according to Yonhap News of South Korea.
    Mori contended that Tok Islet belongs to Japan. The Fellowship Society
of Tok Islet condemned his
remarks as an expression of Japan's militarism and declared that it would
strongly react to it in solidarity
with all the organizations related to the islet.
    The Tok Islet-defending Corps, in a statement, denounced the blast of
Mori and urged the Japanese
government to apologize for it.
    Meanwhile, the measure council for "volunteers'" issue said that it
"expresses with all the people
indignation at the remarks made by the Japanese chief executive without any
repentance of the past."
And it held that the "government" should pursue an independent diplomatic
policy" to cope with the Tok
Islet and "volunteers'" issues and Japan's distortion of history.

Inter-Korean summit talks highly praised

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Heads of the delegations of different
countries, addressing
the plenary meeting of the 55th session of the UN General Assembly held
from Sept. 14 to 22, referred
to the achievements of the north-south summit.
    The Lao Foreign Minister, welcoming the results of the north-south
summit held in Pyongyang in
June, said that the summit laid an important foundation to realize the
desire of the Korean people for
peaceful reunification and solve the issue of the Korean peninsula through
negotiations and would
contribute to realizing peace, security and cooperation in this region.
    The Syrian Foreign Minister hailed the summit and expressed a hope that
an atmosphere of
reconciliation between the north and the south would contribute to
realizing the Korean people's desire
for achieving national reunification in a peaceful way.
    The Cambodian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
said that the summit was
an important event in the development of the inter-Korean relations and
would greatly contribute to
achieving peace and security in the Korean peninsula and the world by
peacefully reunifying Korea.
    The Madagascan Foreign Minister also hailed the historic Pyongyang
meeting and the north-south
joint declaration.
    He, saying that he was deeply moved by the meeting of those families
and relatives separated for
over a half century and the joint participation of athletes from the north
and the south in the opening
ceremony of the 27th Olympic games, noted that this reflects the desire for
    The heads of the delegations from Sweden, Romania, Thailand, Mali,
India, Fiji, Gambia,
Mongolia, Cyprus and Nicaragua welcomed the achievements of the north-south
summit, which they
said would contribute to peace and security in the Korean peninsula,
northeast Asia and, furthermore,
the rest of the world and open a bright prospect of Korea's reunification.

Kim Jong Il praised by Russian

    Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- Sazhi Umalatova, chairwoman of the
Party for Peace and
Unity of Russia, published an article titled "the Red Flag Follows the
Great Man".
    She said in the article that the dignity of the red flag is displayed
and its future is guaranteed under
the leadership of the great Marshal Kim Jong Il, who loves the red flag
before anything else.
    Seeing the red flag invariably fluttering in Korea, she newly kept in
her mind the truth that the red
flag follows the great man, the article said, and went on:
    In the battle of defending the red flag, a battle in which it is more
difficult to defend it than to raise,
the DPRK is always emerging victorious thanks to Kim Jong Il with noble
revolutionary obligation and
iron will to invariably uphold the red flag associated with President Kim
Il Sung's whole life.
    The red flag of Korea represents the iron faith and will of Kim Jong
Il. With this faith and will, a
new history of the eternal red flag is proudly being made in Korea.
    Defending the red flag means confrontation in ideological and military
fields. This is his steadfast
position toward the issue of defending the red flag, and the red flag of
Korea is an invincible and
ever-victorious banner which is defended with the might of arms of revolution.
    This red flag defended by him is called Kim Jong Il's red flag because
he always works together
with it. As long as Kim Jong Il's red flag remains, the 21st century will
be a "century free from

For Spanish-speaking people

asamblea general de onu elogia exito de conversaciones de nivel supremo

    pyongyang, 29 de septiembre (atcc) -- al hacer uso de la palabra en la
sesion plenaria del 55 periodo
de sesiones de la asamblea general de la onu efectuada del 14 al 22 del
actual los jefes de delegaciones de
varios paises se refirieron a los exitos de las conversaciones a nivel
supremo norte-sur de corea.
    el canciller laosiano dijo que saludaba el resultado de las
conversaciones a nivel supremo norte-sur
de corea efectuadas en pyongyang en junio pasado y anadio que las
conversaciones echaron una
importante base para lograr el anhelo de la reunificacion pacifica del
pueblo coreano y resolver el
problema de la peninsula coreana a traves de las negociaciones y
contribuiran a realizar la paz, la
seguridad y la cooperacion en esta region.
    el canciller sirio dijo que saludaba dichas conversaciones y expreso la
esperanza de que la atmosfera
de reconciliacion entre el norte y el sur contribuyera a lograr la
aspiracion del pueblo coreano a la
reunificacion pacifica del pais.
    el ministro de las relaciones exteriores y colaboracion internacional
de cambodia dijo que las
conversaciones arriba mencionadas constituyen importante evento en el
desarrollo de las relaciones entre
el norte y el sur y contribuiran grandemente a la reunificacion pacifica de
corea y a la preservacion de la
paz y seguridad de la peninsula coreana y el resto del mundo.
    el canciller malgache dijo que saludaba el historico encuentro de
pyongyang y la declaracion
conjunta norte-sur.
    senalo que eran muy emocionantes el encuentro de los familiares y
parientes separados durante mas
de medio siglo y la entrada comun de los deportistas del norte y el sur en
la ceremonia de apertura de los
27 juegos olimpicos y anadio que esto es un reflejo de la aspiracion a la
    los jefes de las delegaciones de suecia, rumania, tailandia, mali,
india, fiji, gambia, mongolia,
chipre y nicaragua saludaron el exito de estas conversaciones y enfatizaron
que esto contribuira a la paz
y la seguridad de la peninsula coreana, el noreste asiatico y el resto del
mundo y dejara abierta una
radiante perspectiva para la reunificacion de corea.

primera jornada de tercera ronda de conversaciones a nivel de ministro

    pyongyang, 29 de septiembre (atcc) -- la tercera ronda de
conversaciones a nivel de ministro
norte-sur de corea tuvo lugar ayer en la isla jeju en medio del creciente
interes del pais y el extranjero en
la ejecucion de la declaracion conjunta norte-sur de corea.
    en las conversaciones jon kum jin, consejero responsable del consejo de
ministros de la republica
popular democratica de corea quien encabeza la delegacion de nuestra parte
pronuncio un discurso de
    el jefe de la delegacion subrayo que despues del historico encuentro de
pyongyang las relaciones
norte-sur entran seguramente en un importante periodo de viraje historico
en que nuestra nacion
soluciona de modo independiente todos sus asuntos con las fuerzas unidas y
se refirio a los eventos
emocionantes sucedidos durante mas de 100 dias que datan de la publicacion
de la declaracion conjunta
    podemos decir con orgullo que todos estos eventos son brillante fruto
de la decision y voluntad de
los lideres de ambas partes que comparten el proposito patriotico, dijo el.
    nuestra nacion considera seguramente la declaracion conjunta norte-sur
como el mas justo jalon que
compromete la reunificacion y prosperidad nacional, dijo el y anadio que la
reconciliacion, colaboracion
y unidad son la corriente indetenible de la historia nacional.
    el subrayo la posicion de nuestra parte de impulsar con lealtad la
cooperacion en los asuntos que se
presentan actualmente entre el norte y el sur y senalo la necesidad de
cumplir su mision al promover la
comprension mutua y cooperacion en acato al sublime espiritu de la
declaracion conjunta norte-sur de
unir la fuerza de nuestra nacion.
    le siguio en hacer uso de la palabra el ministro de reunificacion pak
jae gyu quien es delegado jefe
de la parte sur.
    el se refirio a los eventos acontecidos despues de la publicacion de la
declaracion conjunta norte-sur
y manifesto la disposicion de seguir acelerando los asuntos de actualidad.
    en las conversaciones se presentaron proyectos para promover
activamente de acuerdo con los
planes los asuntos que se llevan a la practica o se ejecutaran en el futuro
y se intercambiaron criterios de
ambas partes del respecto.

kim jong il recibe presente de presidente de hyundai asan de sudcorea

   pyongyang, 29 de septiembre (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il
recibio presente de jong mong
hon, presidente de hyundai asan de sudcorea.
    el presidente jong mong hon lo entrego el dia 28 a kim yong sun,
presidente del comite coreano por
la paz de asia y el pacifico.


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