TODAY'S NEWS (December.05.2000 Juche 89)


   * 2nd round of inter-Korean military working-level talks held

   * Symposium on anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander

   * Japan urged to redress its past

   * Lao President refers to friendly relations with DPRK

   * "Day of world solidarity with Palestinian people" observed

   * Scientific and technological achievements in DPRK

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * vocero de comite de medidas para resarcimiento de danos de inundaciones

2nd round of inter-Korean military working-level talks held

   Panmunjom, December 5 (KCNA) -- The second round of the inter-Korean
military working-level talks
was held in the south side's portion of Panmunjom today.
    Present at the talks were the north side's military working delegation
headed by senior colonel Yu Yong
Chol and the south side's military working delegation led by brigadier
general Kim Kyong Dok.
    Yu Yong Chol clarified the view and stand of the north side on the
technical issues of putting some
portions of the demilitarized zone along the Military Demarcation Line,
through which Sinuiju-Seoul railways
and Kaesong-Munsan road will pass, under the control of the north and the
south as well as the issue of
militarily guaranteeing the project there. And he handed the south side
draft agreement of the north side on
this matter.
    Then he said if the delegates of the two sides fail to should discharge
their responsibilities for this work
intended to make a breakthrough in the history of division spanning half a
century and relink the blood ties of
the nation, they will bring only disappointment to the people at home and
abroad who follow the talks with
great expectation.
    Both sides should take a sincere and open-hearted attitude toward the
talks to produce an agreement
conducive to the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration, he said.
    The two sides had discussion on the draft agreement set forth by the
north side and agreed to continue the
negotiations for preserving their common points and narrowing down their
    They agreed to hold the next round of the talks in the north side's
portion of Panmunjom in the latter part
of December.

Symposium on anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander

    Pyongyang, December 5 (KCNA) -- The Juche Idea Study Society of India
held a symposium titled
"Kim Jong Il, statesman of general type" on Dec. 2 under the sponsorship of
the Asian regional Institute of
the Juche Idea on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the election of
the great leader Kim Jong Il as
Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army (KPA).
    Referring to Kim Jong Il's military foresight, speakers at the
symposium said that he is so far-sighted as
to clarify with his profound knowledge of military affairs all the problems
arising in the building of the
revolutionary armed forces at present and is possessed of such unique
intelligence as settling all the military
problems creatively and handling all the situation according to circumstances.
    Today the KPA is demonstrating its might as an army strong in ideology
and faith. This is a precious
fruition of foresight of Kim Jong Il who saw to it that political and
ideological education has been intensified
among soldiers.
    A congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the symposium.

Japan urged to redress its past

    Pyongyang, December 5 (KCNA) -- A Japanese magazine Sekaishuho recently
published an article
saying that such hideous crimes as kidnapping and drafting Koreans for
slave labour committed by the
Japanese imperialists in Korea in the past were openly sponsored by the
Japanese government.
    In this regard Minju Joson today in a signed commentary says that this
is one more evidence proving that
those crimes were something unprecedented orchestrated and put into
practice by the Japanese government.
    Noting that the Japanese government is shameless enough to deny this
stark fact, the commentary goes
    Japan has turned its face away from the issue of redressing its
crime-woven past and employed every
possible means and method to evade the responsibility for it.
    It is a gross miscalculation for the Japanese government to try to
settle this issue by paying a petty
amount of money to victims.
    The Japanese government should abandon its wrong attitude and opt for
redressing Japan's past crimes,
though belatedly.
    Only by doing so, can Japan regain confidence from the international
community, become its full-fledged
member in the new century and normalize its relations with the DPRK.
    The world will closely follow Japan's future attitude.

Lao President refers to friendly relations with DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 5 (KCNA) -- Khamtay Siphandone, President of the
Lao People's Democratic
Republic and chairman of the central committee of the Lao People's
Revolutionary Party, when receiving
credentials from the new DPRK Ambassador E. P. to Laos on Nov. 30, stressed
the need to boost the
friendly relations between Laos and the DPRK.
    The President said that the friendly and cooperative relations between
the parties, governments and
peoples of the two countries are strategic and comradely ones which were
provided by Kaysone Phomvihane
and President Kim Il Sung, the great leader of the Korean people, and these
ties are now growing stronger.
    He continued:
    We will make every possible effort to boost the traditional cooperative
relations between the two parties,
states and peoples in all fields and bring them into bloom in the future,
too. We rejoice at and highly
appreciate the great successes the fraternal Korean people under the wise
guidance of the great leader Kim
Jong Il have made in socialist construction and in the struggle for the
peaceful reunification of the country by
frustrating the imperialists' moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and
overcoming repeated natural disasters.
    We are sure that the Korean people will register greater success in
their efforts to build a powerful
socialist nation and achieve the peaceful reunification of the country.

"Day of world solidarity with Palestinian people" observed

    Pyongyang, December 5 (KCNA) -- A solidarity meeting was held here
yesterday on the occasion of
"the day of world solidarity with the Palestinian people."
    Ryom Sun Gil, chairman of the central committee of the General
Federation of Trade Unions of Korea
who is concurrently chairman of the DPRK-Palestine Friendship and
Solidarity Committee, in his speech said
the Korean people, who regard the cause of the Palestinian people as their
own, sincerely hope that they
would completely regain their legitimate national rights at an early date,
firmly united around the Palestine
Liberation Organization and the Palestinian National Authority headed by
Yasser Arafat. They will invariably
stand by the side of the fighting Palestinian people until the national
flag of Palestine flutters in the sky above
Kuds, he added.
    He, in the name of the participants in the meeting and the
DPRK-Palestine Friendship and Solidarity
Committee, strongly denounced the Israeli aggressors for their inhuman and
brutal suppression.
    The Korean people will as ever make positive efforts to further deepen
the long-standing relations of
friendship and strengthen the militant solidarity with the Palestinian
people, he said.
    Shaher Mohammed Abdlah, Palestinian ambassador here, said in his speech
that the friendly Korean
people have always extended comradely solidarity and full support to the
Palestinian people in the struggle to
take back their legitimate rights.
    The Palestine-DPRK friendship was provided by the great President Kim
Il Sung and President Yasser
Arafat and is now being further strengthened and developed under the care
of the great leader Kim Jong Il, he
    Saying that all the achievements made in Korea after the historic
Pyongyang meeting are the fruition of
Kim Jong Il's army-first politics, he expressed the belief that under his
leadership the Korean people would
certainly reunify the country.

Scientific and technological achievements in DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 5 (KCNA) -- Korean scientists solved more than
hundred significant scientific
and technological problems this year.
    More than 60 scientific and technological achievements including the
technology of applying satellite-fed
information, the technology of mass-producing human somatotropin from
microorganism by a genetic
engineering method, the development of software, the technology of
manufacturing integrated circuit were
praised as something of world standard.
    New valuable research achievements were made in the fields of
electronics, mechanical engineering, cell
and genetic engineering including the manufacture of a sensor device
capable of measuring the surface
temperature of a revolving furnace, a kidney stone crusher. This opened a
bright prospect of metal industry,
public health and biological engineering.
    A national scientific and technological festival held in May last
introduced more than 500 valuable
scientific and technological research achievements made in power, mining
and metal industries, railway
transport, telecommunications, agriculture, fish breeding and other fields.
    Among them a remote-controlled device for alternating power supply, the
development of a rectangular
cylindrical head of chisel, a numerical control pentahedral processing
lathe and an electronic optical
instrument of a scanning electron microscope, etc, were highly appreciated
for their great practical
    There are in the DPRK not only system to solve scientific and
technological problems urgent in
production but a system to find solutions to those under long-term
comprehensive plans.
    April 15 technical innovation shock brigades are active at factories
and enterprises across the country.
    They introduced over 85,900 technical innovation proposals and new
technology into production this
    Over 11,000 products of 3,500 varieties were presented to a recent
national invention and new
technology exhibition by shock brigades in cooperation with scientists and
    The DPRK singled out science and technology as one of the three pillars
for building a powerful nation
and is channeling its efforts into their development though it is hard
pressed for everything.

For Spanish-speaking people

vocero de comite de medidas para resarcimiento de danos de inundaciones

    pyongyang, 5 de diciembre (atcc) -- recientemente la onu ha publicado
un llamamiento conjunto de
ofrecer el ano proximo ayuda humanitaria a la rpdc y otros varios paises
del mundo.
    en el documento la onu senala que tambien el ano que viene se debe
continuar la ayuda a la rpdc en los
alimentos por lo principal, la rehabilitacion agricola, la salud publica y
otras varias esferas porque este ano la
produccion alimentaria de este pais se ha reducido en gran medida en
comparacion con el ano pasado a
consecuencia de la sequia, tifon, etc. y exhorta a brindarle asistencia por
valor de 390 millones de dolares mas
o menos incluyendo 810 mil toneladas de viveres.
    en relacion con este documento de la onu el vocero del comite de
medidas para resarcimiento de danos de
inundaciones de la rpdc hizo publica ayer una declaracion oral en la cual
senala que el llamamiento de la onu
constituye una expresion de la atencion y la buena voluntad de la sociedad
internacional de seguir brindando
ayuda a la rpdc que padece de escasez alimentaria y otras dificultades
temporales a consecuencia de
calamidades naturales repetidas en los ultimos anos.
    la ayuda y el apoyo de la onu y la sociedad internacional dan estimulo
al pueblo coreano en sus esfuerzos
por resarcir cuanto antes las consecuencias de los estragos naturales y
preparar la vida estable, recalca el
    la rpdc seguira fortaleciendo su cooperacion con el pma, unicef, oms y
otras organizaciones de la onu y
las no gubernamentales, asi como con varios paises donadores que brindan
ayuda humanitaria al pueblo
coreano, subraya el vocero.


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