                       Wednesday, December 06, 2000, updated at 09:39(GMT+8)

                       UN Security Council Divided Over New Iraq
                       Oil-for-Food Plan

                       The 15 members of the United Nations Security Council
                       have been divided over a draft resolution that would
                       extend for another period of six months the
                       oil-for-food program for Iraq, a UN diplomat said
                       Tuesday, December 5.

                       Negotiations on the draft are expected to continue
                       until the last minute of the current phase of the
                       humanitarian program expires at midnight, the
                       diplomat said.

                       According to the diplomat, the draft resolution
                       contains a " cash component" of about US$525 million
                       over the next six months.

                       Iraq wants the funds for the cost of production and
                       transportation of oil which is opposed by the United
                       States and Britain which insist that the "cash
                       component" come under UN supervision and be used for
                       humanitarian supplies, not just oil- related costs.
                       Other members of the Security Council such as China,
                       France and Russia shared the same view with Iraq.

                       The diplomat said another issue of contention is
                       whether Iraq can use some of its oil revenues, now
                       deposited in a UN escrow account, to pay the 15
                       million dollars arrears it owes the United Nations.
                       The United States and Britain opposed the move.

                       The draft resolution asks the UN Secretary-General to
                       report to the council by March 31, 2001 "all forms of
                       smuggling" of oil by Iraq and the "potential for
                       manipulation of oil contracts," a US-British proposal
                       that Russia and China strongly opposed, the diplomat

                       It also asks the U.N. chief to report on the
                       feasibility of Iraq's opening a pipeline to Syria,
                       but the United States and Britain want to make sure
                       that any revenues go into the oil-for-food program,
                       the diplomat added.

                       The current phase of the oil-for-food program expires
                       at midnight of December 5.

                       The oil-for-food program, which began in late 1996,
                       allows Iraq to sell oil under UN supervision to buy
                       food, medicine, oil spare parts and a host of other
                       goods in an effort to ease the impact of the UN

                       The United Nations imposed stringent sanctions on
                       Iraq after its invasion of Kuwait in 1990. The
                       sanctions cannot be lifted until Iraq is clarified to
                       be free from weapons of mass destruction.

                       Iraq halted oil exports Friday after it failed to get
                       an agreement on the pricing formula of oil exports
                       for December. The United Nations Sanctions Committee
                       on Iraq last week rejected Iraq 's proposed pricing
                       formula, saying that it did not reflect a fair market

                       Iraq had proposed the lower prices to compensate
                       buyers of its oil for a surcharge of 50 US cents a
                       barrel and wanted the funds paid directly into its
                       account not controlled by the United Nations.

                       Iraq Earns US$452 Million in Weekly Oil Revunue

                       Iraq exported 16.4 million barrels of oil, earning
                       US$452 million under the oil-for-food program in the
                       week leading up to December 1, the United Nations
                       Office of the Iraq Program reported Tuesday, December

                       The office which administers the UN humanitarian
                       program said that since the start of the program in
                       December 1996, Iraq has exported over 2,207 million
                       barrels of oil, raising the estimated total revenue
                       to more than US$38.7 billion.

                       The total value of contracts placed on hold by the
                       United Nations sanctions committee on Iraq as of
                       December 1 stood at almost 2.5 billion dollars,
                       representing 14.9 percent of all circulated
                       contracts, the office said.

                       During the week, 33 contracts worth 115 million
                       dollars were released from hold by the committee,
                       however, 46 new contracts worth 184.4 million dollars
                       were placed on hold, the office added.

                       Wednesday, December 06, 2000, updated at 10:00(GMT+8)

                       First Military Hot Line to be Set up Between ROK and

                       DPRK and ROK came to a tentative agreement Tuesday to
                       set up a military telephone hot line in the event of
                       an unintentional military clash and the need to
                       evacuate casualties in the Demilitarized Zone, where
                       the two countries will be reconnecting a railway, a
                       Defense Ministry official said in Seoul.

                       If approved, it will be the first military hot line
                       between the two countries.

                       The draft agreement was reached at a meeting between
                       military officers from both sides to discuss the
                       reconnection of the cross-border railway.

                       A final agreement on the hot line is likely to be
                       reached in the third round of talks.

                       This meeting has been temporarily set for Dec. 21 in
                       the northern side of the border village of Panmunjom.


China, Armenia Issue Joint Communique
China and Armenia have agreed to further develop bilateral and
multi-lateral cooperation and called for a just and reasonable new
international political and economic order.

According to a joint communique issued by the governments of the two
countries Tuesday, December 5, the two sides agreed that the continued
growth of friendly relations of cooperation between the two countries,
based on the principles set forth in a joint communique on the foundation
of friendly bilateral relations on May 5, 1996, is in the fundamental
interests of the two peoples.

Both sides believe that a profound change is taking place in the world,
reflecting the trend of diversity and the characteristics of economic
globalization, strengthening inter-dependence of the interests of all

They reiterate that every country, big or small, strong or weak, rich or
poor, has the right to determine its own destiny, and enjoys an equal right
in the discussion and settlement of international issues.

Both sides believe that global political multi-polarity reflects the needs
and trends of the times, is conducive to establishing a just and reasonable
new international political and economic order, benefits world peace and
stability, and conforms to the aspirations of the vast majority of
countries and peoples.

They stress the importance of exchanging views on international and
regional issues of common concern, and expressed the

China and Armenia will work for the establishment of a just and reasonable
new international political and economic order based on the purpose and
principles of the United Nations Charter and other widely recognized norms
governing international relations, the communique says.

Both sides speak highly of the fruitful cooperation between the two
countries in political, economic, trade, scientific, technological,
cultural and other areas since the forging of diplomatic ties on April 6,

Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Markarian is in China for a five-day
working visit at the invitation of Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji.

During the visit, Chinese President Jiang Zemin met with Markarian, and
Premier Zhu held talks with Markarian. Leaders of the two countries had
in-depth exchanges of views on how to strengthen Sino-Armenian relations
and international and regional issues of common concern in an earnest,
cordial and down-to-earth manner in the spirit of mutual respect.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the visit, and
believed that the visit will promote the development of friendly relations
of cooperation between the two countries, according to the communique.

During the visit, the two countries signed an accord on educational
cooperation. In addition to Beijing, Markarian will travel to Shanghai. The
two sides will maintain contact at all levels, especially among senior
officials, and will expand friendly cooperation in all fields, so as to
promote Sino-Armenian relations to a new level, the communique says.

Both sides agreed that the two countries have good prospects in economic
and trade cooperation, and are ready to further the cooperation on the
basis of equality and mutual benefit. They will support and encourage
relevant departments, enterprises and localities of the two countries to
conduct direct exchanges and cooperation, and give full play to the role of
the China-Armenia mixed committee on economic and trade in the two
countries' economic and trade cooperation, the communique says.

The two sides will expand bilateral cooperation in science, culture,
education, public health, press, and sports, according to the communique.

Armenia reaffirmed its adherence to its One-China stand, and recognizes
that the People's Republic of China (PRC) is the sole legitimate government
representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of
China. Armenia will not establish any official contact with Taiwan, the
communique says.

China supports Armenia's efforts to safeguard national independence and
develop economy, and wishes to see Armenia maintains political stability
and economic growth.

Armenia reiterates its wish to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh issue through
peaceful negotiations. China supports the meeting between the leaders of
Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the efforts by the international community to
settle this issue peacefully, and hopes that the conflict could be settled
in a just and reasonable way within the current framework for negotiation
and in line with relevant international principles and norms, according to
the communique.

The maintenance and development of friendly cooperation between China and
Armenia is not directed against any third country, and will not harm its
interests, the communique says.

Markarian invited Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji to visit Armenia at his
convenience, and Premier Zhu accepted the invitation, according to the


China Calls for Solution to Iraqi Issue
China has appealed to relevant world parties to break the deadlock and work
out a solution for the Iraqi issue, Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman
Zhang Qiyue said Tuesday, December 5.

Zhang said Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan recently wrote letters to
his counterparts in the United States, Russia, France and Britain, which
are permanent members of the UN Security Council, and to the UN
Secretary-General, respectively, expressing concerns about the current
humanitarian situation in Iraq.

In the letters, Tang briefed the group on the recent visit by Iraqi Deputy
Prime Minister Tarik Aziz to China, Zhang said when answering a question
raised by reporters at a regular press conference.

The letters also said China supports efforts by UN Secretary-General to
break the deadlock in the Iraqi problem and "appeals to all parties
involved to display political will and find ways to break the deadlock in
the Iraqi problem," she said.

Aziz was invited to visit China from November 26 to 28. Chinese President
Jiang Zemin, Vice Premier Qian Qichen and Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan met
with Aziz and exchanged views with him on the Iraqi situation.


Russian PM Kasyanov Meets Li Lanqing on Bilateral Cooperation

Russian PM Kasyanov Meets Li Lanqing on Bilateral Cooperation

Russian Premier Mikhail Kasyanov and Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing
discussed bilateral cooperation in the spheres of science, education,
culture, health and sports in Moscow Monday, December 4.

Li, who arrived here Sunday for a 10-day official visit, said his trip is
aimed to fulfill the agreements reached by the premiers of the two
countries during their regular meeting in Beijing earlier this year.

He said that during his visit, he will co-chair with Russian Deputy Premier
Valentina Matviyenko the first session of the China-Russia Cooperation
Committee on Education, Culture, Health and Sports and the sides will sign
a series of documents as concrete steps to boost bilateral cooperation.

Conveying Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji's best regards to Kasyanov, Li said
Sino-Chinese ties have developed very well in these years and have been
advanced to a highest level.

The close cooperation between Beijing and Moscow in the political,
economic, scientific and technical aspects and on major international
issues is of great significance and very effective, he said.

To promote the Chinese-Russian strategic partnership of cooperation,
established by the state heads of the two countries, not only conforms to
the fundamental interests of both countries' people, but also benefits
regional peace and stability and the world at large, stressed the Chinese
vice premier.

Warmly welcoming Li and his delegation, Kasyanov said that during his visit
to Beijing in November, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji and he had an in-depth
exchange of views on further strengthening the bilateral strategic
partnership of cooperation, oriented toward the new century.

"We should expand both bilateral political ties and cooperation in science,
education, culture, health, sports and various other fields," Kasyanov

He expressed the belief that the first session of the Russia-China
Cooperation Committee on Education, Culture, Health and Sports, scheduled
for Tuesday, will be successful and be very important for the two nations
to push forward the strategic partnership of cooperation.

The two leaders also discussed the measures to enhance the cooperation in
science, education, culture, health and sports.

Among those who attended Monday's meeting in the White House, the Russian
government house building, were Vice Chairman of China's State Development
Planning Committee Liu Jiang, Chinese Ambassador Wu Tao and Russian Deputy
Prime Minister Valentina Matviyenko.

Visit to Promote Partnership
Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing said that he would have an in-depth
exchange of views with Russian Leaders on bilateral cooperation in Moscow
Sunday, December 3.

In an arrival statement Sunday afternoon, the Chinese vice premier said
that his ten-day official visit to Russia would focus on discussing
bilateral cooperation in science, technology, education, culture, public
health and sport.

He also said the two sides would set up the China-Russia Cooperation
Committee on Education, Culture, Health and Sport as a concrete step
forward and would hold the first session of the committee during his visit.

He expressed the belief that to promote the Sino-Russian strategic
partnership of cooperation not only conforms to the fundamental interests
of people of both countries, but also benefits regional peace and stability
and the world at large.


Taiwan Authorities Put Mainland Reporters' Activities Under Strict
Surveillance Taiwan authorities recently declared that journalists from the
mainland are allowed to carry out news covering in appointed spots in

However, they simultaneously ordered the various organizations to closely
watch and record every move of the mainland journalists and report it to
the two competent departments--the "Information Bureau" and "Mainland
Affairs Council" for the record.

Besides, the "Department in Charge of Legislative Affairs" also ordered by
letters various departments to pay close attention to mainland
correspondents to see whether they have "abnormal conducts" when covering
their units and, if things like this occur, they should report to the
higher authorities or immediately stop the news covering.

According to a Taiwan media report, on November 27, Taiwan "Information
Bureau" and "Mainland Affairs Council" specially convened a meeting of the
information liaison personnel of the secretariat and various affiliated
government departments, telling them the need to adhere to policies and
abide by various other related matters.

The five-point content clearly stipulated that when being interviewed by
mainland reporters, it is the spokesman or an authorized person that can
speak on behalf of the authorities. Except for open press conference and
approved exclusive interview, public servants are absolutely forbidden to
have private talks or consultation with mainland correspondents.

Taiwan Urged to Ease Restrictions on Mainland Reporters An official from
the All-China Journalists Association (ACJA) urged Taiwan Authorities
November 17 to remove its irrational restrictions on visiting mainland

On November 10, Taiwan authorities published a regulation on residential
correspondents from the mainland, which contains a number of restrictions
causing inconvenience to mainland reporters. The restrictions are concerned
with applications, registration, certificate-acquirement and reporting,
according to the official, who had an exclusive interview with Xinhua.

The official said that the mainland began allowing Taiwan media to send
reporters to the mainland four years ago and so far, correspondents from
seven Taiwan-based media organs are staying in the mainland, on an
incessant and rotating basis. However, to this day, no mainland news organ
has been able to send correspondents to Taiwan on the same basis, he added.


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