TODAY'S NEWS (December.13.2000 Juche 89)


   * Greetings to congress of Communist Party of Greece

   * DPRK ambassador to China appointed

   * Kim Jong Il praised

   * South side's delegation to north-south ministerial talks feted

   * Japan's revised "agreement on mobilization for public security"

   * Historical dictionary to be reprinted

   * Protest of Koreans in Tokyo

   * Measure committee for reinstatement and home visit formed

   * Mounting anti-U.S. feelings in S. Korea

   * Denunciation of Japan's crimes called for in S. Korea

   * U.S. refuses to apologize for massacre of S. Koreans

   * 2nd meeting of young Koreans in China

   * Removal of concrete wall called for

   * U.S. accused of derailing negotiations

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * "movilizacion de seguridad" es salida a ultramar

Greetings to congress of Communist Party of Greece

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Worker's
Party of Korea today sent
a message of greetings to the 16th congress of the Communist Party of Greece.
    The message extended warm congratulations to the congress and a
comradely salute to all members of the
    It wished the Communist Party of Greece great success in its congress,
expressing the belief that the
good friendly and cooperative relations between the two parties would grow
stronger and develop in the joint
struggle for independence and socialism against imperialism.

DPRK ambassador to China appointed

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Choe Jin Su was appointed as Korean
Ambassador E.P. to China,
according to a decree of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly.

Kim Jong Il praised

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Political figures of different
countries are highly praising the great
Kim Jong Il as the leader of the world revolution.
    Serei Kosal, deputy general secretary of the Funcinpec Party of
Cambodia, said that Kim Jong Il has
confidently pushed ahead with the grand march to let the Korean people
become Kim Il Sung's nation, the
most proud one in the world, and build a reunified, prosperous and powerful
nation with the most seasoned
leadership in human history.
    Chaivat Sinsuwong, head of the delegation of the Palang Dharma Party of
Thailand, said that it is thanks
to the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il that the DPRK has firmly defended and
consolidated socialism despite
rigorous trials.
    Kim Jong Il has protected the destiny of socialism emerging from all
difficulties and ordeals of history
and he is the great sun of humankind, he stressed.
    Ivan Rodriguez, chairman of the central committee of the Dominican
Worker's Party, said: The DPRK
has firmly defended the national sovereignty and steered the struggle for
global independence under the
leadership of Kim Jong Il. This reality is a source of great strength and
encouragement for humankind.
    Kim Jong Il is a veteran statesman in the present times, who is
advancing the human cause of
independence, the cause of socialism, with rare wisdom, outstanding
strategy and matchless grit and the great
sun who will glorify the 21st century.

South side's delegation to north-south ministerial talks feted

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the
Pyongyang City People's
Committee, hosted a reception at the People's Palace of Culture on Tuesday
in honor of a south side's
delegation to the 4th round of the north-south ministerial talks.
    He in a speech at the reception said that the talks will become more
meaningful as they are resumed in
Pyongyang half a year since the historic Pyongyang meeting and the adoption
of the north-south joint
declaration last June and at the turn of the century.
    He underscored the need for the north and the south to pool strength
and make joint efforts to put an end
to the disgraceful history of distrust and confrontation in the 20th
century, which is drawing to its end, and
make the upcoming 21st century a glorious century that will witness
national reunification and the prosperity
of a reunified country.
    Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu who is chief delegate of the south
side's delegation in his speech said
that he set store by the June 15 joint declaration and reclarified his
fixed will to successfully implement it and
bring about south-north relations of peace, reconciliation and cooperation.
    Kang Nung Su, Minister of Culture, Kim Su Hak, Minister of Public
Health, Jon Kum Jin, senior
councilor of the cabinet of the DPRK who is heading the north side's
delegation to the talks, An Kyong Ho,
director of the secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification
of the Fatherland, officials
concerned and delegates of the north side to the talks were present there.

Japan's revised "agreement on mobilization for public security" assailed

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The Japanese Defence Agency and the
National Public Safety
Commission sought a more sinister aim in revising the "agreement on
mobilization for public security," as
this means nothing but the other side of "overseas aggression," observes
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
    The Japanese reactionaries are ascribing the revision of the agreement
to an "intrusion of an unidentified
ship" and "missile threat," sheer fictions dreamed up to slander the DPRK,
the commentary says, and goes
    It has already been brought to light that the story about an "intrusion
of an unidentified ship" spread by
the Japanese reactionaries was a drama of their own making. It is only the
Japanese reactionaries who still
insist that the DPRK's launch of a satellite was a missile launch. "spy
infiltration" and "attack of guerrillas"
are nothing but fictions fabricated by them as they pleased.
    This diatribe launched by them is aimed to find an excuse to step up
the moves to become a military
power and strengthen the posture for overseas aggression.
    Recalling that the Japanese reactionaries revised this agreement with
Korea, the first target of their
overseas aggression, in mind, the commentary notes: The DPRK is closely
following their maneuvers for
reinvasion as they are daily escalating and going beyond the danger line.

Historical dictionary to be reprinted

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The first volume of the historical
dictionary (second edition) was
recently published in two parts at the Science and Encyclopedia Press Group.
    After the first edition was published in two volumes in 1971, the press
group published the Complete
History of Korea (34 volumes and two chronological tables) and the Partial
History of Korea (60 volumes)
on the basis of the results gained in studying history. The Korean
historical science was supplemented by
new details through an extensive study on the history of ancient Korea, the
first state of Korea, and
remarkable successes were made in studying foreign history. It urgently
needed the enlargement and revision
of the historical dictionary. In this way the three volumes of historical
dictionary will be published.
    Its first volume will deal with the historical facts from the primitive
history of Korea to the modern age,
the second volume with the contemporary history and the third volume with
the foreign history.
    Every volume is divided into two parts, and these three volumes will be
published soon.

Protest of Koreans in Tokyo

    Tokyo, December 11 (KNS-KCNA)-- Members of the Federation of South
Koreans in Japan for
Democracy and Unification (Hanthongryon) made a protest in front of the
South Korean embassy in Tokyo
on December 8, shouting slogans reading:
    "Ensure reinstatement of Hanthongryon's members and their free travel,"
"Abolish the 'Security Law'"
and "Implement the June 15 joint declaration."
    They applied to the South Korean embassy for their passports in order
to participate in the inaugural
meeting of the measure committee for the reinstatement of Hanthongryon's
members and their trips to South
Korea in Seoul on Dec. 6, but the authorities turned down their application.
    In a written request to the South Korean ambassador they said it is
unacceptable that the embassy refused
to issue passports only to the members of Hanthongryon. They demanded that
defining Hanthongryon as an
"anti-state organization" be cancelled, Hanthongryon's members reinstated
and measures taken for visits to
South Korea.

Measure committee for reinstatement and home visit formed

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- A measure committee for the
reinstatement and home visit of
members of the Federation of South Koreans in Japan for Democracy and
Unification (Hanthongryon) was
formed in Seoul on December 6, according to the South Korean newspaper
Hangyore (internet).
    The committee in its inaugural declaration said that members of
Hanthongryon are not yet allowed to visit
home and demanded the South Korean authorities repeal the provision that
brands Hanthongryon as an
"anti-state organization" and ensure their free visit to South Korea.
    The committee declared that it would demand a legal action for the
withdrawal of the refusal to issue
passports to Hanthongryon's members and request the "National Assembly" to
adopt a resolution calling for
the reinstatement and free travel of members of Hanthongryon and move to
enable members of Hanthongryon
to participate in events to be held by major South Korean civil organizations.

Mounting anti-U.S. feelings in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The New York Times on December 8 said
that anti-U.S. feelings
are mounting in South Korea due to the U.S. attitude towards massacres of
Koreans in 1950.
    Referring to the mass killings by GIs in Rogun-ri, the paper said it
has been disclosed that they killed
many refugees in three days in the summer of 1950, right after the outbreak
of the Korean War.
    It said that anti-U.S. feelings have recently mounted in South Korea
where many people are now raising
questions about the necessity of U.S. troops' continued presence in the
Korean peninsula.
    The paper said that when talks were held between the U.S. and South
Korea in Seoul, survivors of
Rogun-ri mass killings and over 200 members of civil organizations held a
rally and shouted "Yankee, go
home ", holding anti-U.S. slogan placards.

Denunciation of Japan's crimes called for in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The South Korean newspaper Hangyore
(internet) on December 9
called on the people to be strong in condemning Japan's crimes including
the issue of "comfort women for
the army" and urged the government to alter its passive attitude towards
the settlement of Japan's past crimes.

    The women's international war crimes tribunal on Japan's military
sexual slavery is open in Japan as the
Japanese government has refused to repent of such inhuman deeds though half
a century has passed, the
paper said, and continued:
    Japan is trying to tone down the public opinion with a trifling amount
of money by establishing "peace
fund for Asian women" in order to deny the government and army involvement
in the recruitment of "comfort
women" and evade its responsibility for it.

U.S. refuses to apologize for massacre of S. Koreans

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- A Japanese paper dated December 8
referred to the fact that the
U.S. is refusing to apologize for GIs' mass killings of South Koreans
during the Korean War.
    The meeting of the South Korea-U.S. "joint measure committee for
Rogun-ri incident," which was held
in Seoul recently to work out a report on the investigation into mass
killings in Rogun-ri, came to an end
without any solution to the issue, the paper said, and continued:
    The U.S. side acknowledged the shootings of South Koreans but did not
withdraw its assertion that
there had been no evidence to prove that orders to open fire were given. It
also turned down the survivors'
testimonies to the strafing by U.S. planes, saying there is no evidence.
    Distrust in the U.S. side is growing because of its insincere attitude,
it said, adding that the South
Korean "National Assembly" adopted a resolution demanding the U.S.
government to make a clear probe into
the incident on the basis of objectivism.

2nd meeting of young Koreans in China

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The second meeting of the Federation
of Young Koreans in China
was held on December 8.
    Present at the meeting were representatives from organizations of
different levels, chairman Yang Yong
Dong of the Federation of Korean Nationals in China, the DPRK consul
general in Shenyang and others.
    Introduced at the meeting were a silk banner and a congratulatory
message from the north headquarters of
the national alliance of youth and students for the country's reunification
and congratulatory messages from
the federation of Korean nationals in China and affiliated organizations
and overseas Korean youth
    The meeting reviewed the achievements made in consolidating the
organization and awakening young
people to consciousness and patriotism and in the struggle for the building
of a powerful country and
reunification and referred to the tasks of the organization.
    A resolution was adopted, rules were revised and supplemented and a new
leadership organ was elected
at the meeting.
    A letter to the great leader Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

Removal of concrete wall called for

   Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The world public is now strongly
calling for the dismantlement of
the concrete wall which divides the Korean nation, the only one in the world.
    The concrete wall, a giant structure built in more than 240 km-long
section south of the Military
Demarcation Line on the Korean peninsula, 5-8 metres high, 10-19 metres
wide down and 3-7 metres wide
up, cuts off 8 counties and 122 villages, three major railways, three
highways and more than 220 medium
and small roads.
    The Mexican paper Combatiente said 50-odd-year-long history of Korean
division proves that there has
never been a "threat" from the north on the Korean peninsula. The strange
existence of the concrete wall is a
challenge and debasement upon human justice and conscience, the paper said,
    It is a shame to the planet.
    The Indian Weekly Public News said that the concrete wall is, in fact,
a product of the U.S. "two Koreas
    The Iran News noted that all the Koreans in the north, the south and
abroad, longing for national
reunification, are strongly demanding the removal of the cursed concrete
wall which is artificially dividing the
Korean nation.
    The Tanzania-DPRK Friendship Association and the Tanzanian National
Coordinating Committee of the
Juche idea Study Groups in a joint statement asserted that the U.S., the
very one which bisected Korea, is to
blame for keeping the concrete wall and should give an ear to the just
demand of all the Korean people and the
world peace-loving people for the immediate removal of the wall.

U.S. accused of derailing negotiations

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- At least 30 members of the people's
movement for the revision of
the unequal "Status of Forces Agreement (SFA)" held a rally in front of the
headquarters of the U.S. 8th
Army in Ryongsan, Seoul, on December 8 to denounce the United States and
the South Korean authorities
for derailing the negotiations for the revision of the SFA, according to
the South Korean newspaper
Choong-ang Daily (internet).
    The organization in a statement denounced the United States for turning
down the just demand of the
South Korean people for the total revision of the SFA at the recent
negotiations, only talking about reciprocity
without making any apology for GI crimes.

For Spanish-speaking people

"movilizacion de seguridad" es salida a ultramar

    pyongyang, 13 de diciembre (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario individual de hoy al
revelar la siniestra intencion con que la agencia de defensa del japon y el
comite estatal de seguridad
rectificaron el "convenio de movilizacion de seguridad" estigmatiza que la
"movilizacion de seguridad" es
precisamente la salida al ultramar.
    el comentario continua:
    los reaccionarios japoneses enmendaron dicho convenio pretextando "caso
de intrusion de barco no
identificado" es intriga anti-rpdc y la "amenaza de misil" que son intrigas
    ya es conocido por todos que el caso en cuestion es la invencion de los
reaccionarios japoneses. estos
insisten hasta la fecha en que el lanzamiento de satelite espacial por la
rpdc es el "lanzamiento de misil" y
fraguan los terminos "penetracion de espias" y "ataque de los guerrilleros".
    lo hacen para dar mas espuelas a su maquinacion encaminada a comvertir
su pais en una potencia militar
y procurar un pretexto para disponer la postura de salida al ultramar.
    ellos rectificaron dicho convenio tomando a corea por primer objeto de
su salida al ultramar.
    la rpdc vigila con agudeza las maquinaciones de nueva agresion de los
reaccionarios japoneses, que se
tornan mas graves rebasando el limite de peligro.


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