TODAY'S NEWS (December.13.2001 Juche 90)



Friendship gathering

Japanese authorities' suppression of Chongryon flailed

Adoption of "Law on U.N. PKO" in Japan under fire

Senior officials of DPRK visit Ranam Coal Mining Machine Complex

Return of U.S. military base urged in S. Korea

Japanese authorities' suppression of Chongryon condemned abroad

Japanese authorities hit for their crime

For Spanish-speaking people


movimiento peligroso de japon

acto conmemorativo en rusia

ajdc denuncia a autoridades japonesas


Friendship gathering
     Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- A friendship gathering was held by
Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Karlov at his embassy yesterday with
the approach of the new year, Juche 91 (2002). Invited were vice marshal of
the Korean People's Army Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces,
KPA colonel generals Kim Yun Sim and O Kum Chol and generals and officers of
the KPA.
    Present were members of the Russian embassy.
    Speeches were made there.
    The participants deepened friendship, underscoring the need to boost
friendly relations between the two countries.


Japanese authorities' suppression of Chongryon flailed
     Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Organizations of Koreans overseas
denounced the Japanese authorities for their crackdown upon the General
Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon). The central
association of Korean Nationals in Russia in a statement said that the
Japanese authorities' repressive action against Chongryon was an
indisputable crime and political suppression and a hostile act against the
dignified DPRK. 
    The association once again warned Japan that if it persists in the
suppression of Chongryon despite the repeated demands of the DPRK, Chongryon
and all the overseas compatriots, it will have to bear full responsibility
for it. 
    The national association of Koreans in Australia in a statement strongly
demanded the Japanese investigation authorities immediately stop the
political suppression of Chongryon and the Korean bank and apologize for it
and unconditionally release all those arrested.


Adoption of "Law on U.N. PKO" in Japan under fire
     Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary terms the recent adoption of the "U.N. Peace-Keeping Operation
Law" at the session of the Japanese House of Councilors a very dangerous and
disturbing development. The commentary says:
    Japan has not yet shaken off the ill-fame of an "enemy state." For the
Japanese Self-Defence Forces (SDF) to operate as part of the "U.N.
Peace-Keeping Forces" cannot but be an insult to peace and mockery of
    The law allows the SDF to carry out military operation against any war-
and conflict-torn part of the world.
    Through the adoption of the law Japan seeks to attain two goals.
    One is to lay a legal groundwork for militarily guaranteeing Japan's
realization of its ambition to become a political power.
    The other is to legally launch overseas aggression under the signboard
of "U.N. Peace-Keeping Forces."
    The DPRK is now being made the next target of the U.S. "anti-terrorism
    Once an unforeseen situation is created on the Korean peninsula by the
U.S., Japan will inevitably join it under the pretext of "supporting its
    But it is foolish of Japan keen on overseas aggression to try to deceive
the world with the signboard of "peace."
    If Japan unleashes a war of aggression against others, it will face a
hundred times severer retaliatory blows.


Senior officials of DPRK visit Ranam Coal Mining Machine Complex
     Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, Yang Hyong Sop, Choe
Yong Rim and other senior officials of the commissions and ministries of the
cabinet, national institutions and industrial complexes visited the Ranam
Coal Mining Machine Complex, the nation's leading modern centre for the
production of mining equipment, in North Hamgyong Province. The workers
there have manufactured varieties of cutting tools on their own efforts in
the spirit of devotedly implementing leader Kim Jong Il's instructions, thus
supplying modern mining equipment in good time.
    He was greatly satisfied to learn that the officials and workers of the
complex successfully manufactured a new type machine in the shortest span of
time and encouraged them to perform new exploits.
    Looking round the electric hearth in the steel casting shop, and a 2,000
ton press and a 3 ton hammer at work in the forging shop, the visitors
expressed belief that a prosperous and powerful nation of Juche is sure to
be built. 
    They resolved to learn from the officials of Ranam and become officials
of high caliber and practical ability capable of successfully realizing Kim
Jong Il's will and intention.


Return of U.S. military base urged in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Council for National
Reconciliation, independence and unification reportedly issued a statement
on Dec. 10, denouncing the U.S. troops for pushing forward their illegal
building of apartment houses in a base in Seoul instead of returning the
base. Building large apartment houses in the Ryongsan base of the U.S.
troops is a mockery of and perfidy to all the people as well as the Seoul
citizens who have demanded the total return of the base, and it proves that
they have no intention to return the base, the statement said, and went on:
    It was disclosed that the U.S. had delayed the promised return of the
base from day to day, claiming for excessive expenses for transfer of the
base in an attempt to evade the return of the base.
    The statement urged the U.S. troops' side to make an open apology to the
people in the south and immediately stop pushing forward the construction of
apartment houses. 


Japanese authorities' suppression of Chongryon condemned abroad
     Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The Japanese authorities' crackdown on
the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) was
criticized in different countries. The Workers' Party of Turkey in a
statement on Dec. 7 said the Japanese reactionaries' search of the central
and local headquarters of Chongryon is a wanton violation of justice,
democracy, human rights and international law.
    The statement urged the Japanese reactionaries to face up to the
reality, behave with discretion and immediately stop their hostile moves
toward the DPRK and Chongryon.
    M.M. Verma, director of the Indian Centre for the U.N. Studies, in a
statement on dec. 6 said that as the issue of Koreans in Japan is a product
of Japanese imperialists' occupation of Korea, the Japanese authorities
should ensure their sovereignty and dignity.
    In a statement on Dec. 5 Otete Gaston Mboyo, chairman of the Democratic
Congo-Korea Friendship Association, urged the Japanese authorities to stop
the suppression of Chongryon at once, set free those arrested and halt their
hostile action against the DPRK and Chongryon.


Japanese authorities hit for their crime
     Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- The Korean Democratic Lawyers
Association (KDLA) today issued a statement. The statement says:
    The search of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan
(Chongryon) by Japan, styling itself a "law-abiding state," without any
legal ground was an illegal act of ignoring the national rights of Chongryon
and compatriots in Japan and legal procedures and a despicable political
    As Chongryon and Koreans in Japan exercise the internationally
recognized rights as citizens of the DPRK, the Japanese authorities are
under the obligation to respect their status as such and treat them by law.
    Calling attention to the fact that the DPRK has already declared that it
will protect the national rights and internationally recognized legitimate
rights of Koreans in Japan as citizens of the DPRK and determinedly deal
with the slightest violation of them, considering it to be an infringement
upon the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK, the statement says:
    Bitterly condemning the Japanese authorities for their search as an
insult to the dignified DPRK, a violation of the legal rights of Chongryon
and the Koreans in Japan and an unethical crime going against the
international law and practice, the KDLA in the name of law and justice
demands the Japanese authorities admit the illegal search, release all the
arrested Koreans and immediately stop their suppression of Chongryon and the
Koreans in Japan, make an official apology to Chongryon and the Koreans in
Japan for the suppression and compensate for the material loss inflicted
upon them and punish those responsible for the crime and take thorough-going
measures to prevent the recurrence of such crime.
    If the Japanese authorities persist in a plot against the DPRK and
Chongryon, ignoring the just demand of ours, they will meet a more stern
judgment by the Korean people and the world justice and conscience.


For Spanish-speaking people

movimiento peligroso de japon
     pyongyang, 13 de diciembre (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario individual de hoy senala que es la muy peligrosa y grave
evolucion de la situacion la aprobacion de la "ley de cooperacion con las
actividades de la onu por el mantenimiento de la paz" en la reciente reunion
principal de la camara de consejeros del japon. el comentario senala en
    el japon que no se quito la mala reputacion del "pais enemigo" trata de
ponerse la gorra de las "fuerzas de la onu por el mantenimiento de la paz",
lo cual es un insulto a la paz y una burla a la humanidad.
    en virtud de esta ley las "fuerzas de autodefensa" del japon pueden
dirigir sus armas a cualquier region del mundo donde ocurran la guerra y el
    en la aprobacion de la ley en cuestion el japon pretende lograr en
lineas generales dos finalidades.
    la primera es de echar la base juridica para apoyar militarmente su
ambicion de convertirse en la potencia politica y la segunda es de emprender
legalmente el camino de su agresion al ultramar con el rotulo de las
"fuerzas de la onu por el mantenimiento de la paz".
    la punta de lanza de la "guerra contra el terrorismo" de ee.uu. se
dirige a corea. 
    en el caso de que se produzca un inesperado incidente en la peninsula
coreana por ee.uu. el japon podra salir inevitablemente a esta so pretexto
de "apoyo a ee.uu.".
    pero, es absurda la intencion del japon de enganar al mundo con el
rotulo de la "paz".
    si este pais agrede a otro pais, sufrira un golpe mil veces mayor.


acto conmemorativo en rusia
     pyongyang, 13 de diciembre (atcc) -- tuvo lugar el dia primero en moscu
el acto conmemorativo del decimo aniversario de la eleccion del dirigente
kim jong il como comandante supremo del ejercito popular de corea bajo
auspcios del partido por la paz y unidad de rusia. la presidenta de esta
agrupacion politica s. umalatova senalo en su informe que el general kim
jong il indico claramente el camino para defender y llevar adelante la causa
socialista del mundo con la bandera del socialismo en alto.
    el epc -dijo- se ha convertido en un poderoso ejercito de talla mundial
mas superior en lo politico e ideologico y en la tecnica militar y dispuesto
de modernos medios de ofensiva y defensiva.
    ee.uu., autotitulandose de la unica superpotencia, actua arbitrariamente
en distintos lugares del mundo, pero no se atreve a tocar la rpdc porque su
pueblo y ejercito guiados por la politica de priorizacion militar del
general kim jong il estan unidos firmemente en torno suyo, subrayo ella.
    el vicepresidente de este partido ivan shashbiashbili dijo que el
camarada kim jong il, comandante supremo del epc, durante estos 10 anos al
convertir el epc en un poderoso ejercito de talla mundial demostro su rasgo
innato de genial comandante y estratega militar.


ajdc denuncia a autoridades japonesas
     pyongyang, 13 de diciembre (atcc) -- la asociacion de juristas
democraticos de corea en la declaracion fechada 13 senala en particular: el
registro forzoso sobre la chongryon perpetrado por el japon que se
autodenomia "estado constitucional" es una vil represion politica y un acto
que ignora esta organizacion, los derechos nacionales de coreanos residentes
en el japon y el procedimiento juridico.
    la chongryon y los coreanos residentes en el japon ejercen la ciudadania
de la rpdc internacionalmente reconocida. por lo tanto las autoridades
japonesas deben respetar la posicion de ellos y protegerlos por la ley.
    la rpdc manifesto solemnemente al interior y el exterior la
determinacion de defender los derechos nacionales de los coreanos residentes
en el japon y sus derechos legitimos internacionalmente reconocidos y de
hacer frente categoricamente a los elementos que los atenten, aunque sea en
lo minimo, considerandolos como un insulto a la dignidad y la soberania de
la rpdc. 
    la ajdc denuncia categoricamente el presente registro forzoso de las
autoridades japonesas de insulto a la digna rpdc y de desprecio a los
derechos legitimos de la chongryon y los ciudadanos coreanos residentes en
el japon calificandolo de un crimen antietico que desafia al derecho y
costumbres internacionales y exige a nombre de la lay y la justicia como
    1.las autoridades japonesas deben reconocer la ilegalidad del presente
registro forzoso, poner en libertad a todos los coreanos detenidos y poner
de inmediato fin a su represion contra la chongryon y los ciudadanos
coreanos residentes en el japon.
    2.deben pedir disculpa oficial a la chongryon y los ciudadanos coreanos
residentes en el japon por el presente incidente y hacer indemnizacion por
las perdidas materiales acarreadas a ellos.
    3.deben castigar a los responsables del presente caso y tomar estrictas
medidas para que no se repita este caso.
    si las autoridades japonesas al ignorar nuestra justa demanda recurren
de continuo a la intriga de hostilidad a la rpdc y la chongryon, no podran
evitar la mas severa sentencia del pueblo coreano, de la justicia y la
conciencia del mundo.

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