>        WW News Service Digest #203
> 1) Election Battle Exposes Fraudulent System
> 2) Oklahoma's Death-Row Double Standard
> 3) Turkish Repression Made in USA
> 4) Racist Attack on Voting Rights Looms Large
> 5) Solidarity Delegation Meets with FARC L:eader
> 6) Thousands March in NYC for Mumia & Peltier

>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 21, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Fred Goldstein
>The accidental deadlock between George W. Bush and Al Gore
>has brought to the surface the ugly underside of capitalist
>election politics. It should be a good beginning lesson to
>the masses of people about how fraudulent the whole process
>To begin with, Bush lost the popular vote by 300,000 and won
>the presidency.
>Second, he won the vote in Florida, and perhaps elsewhere,
>by a racist Republican conspiracy to exclude thousands and
>thousands of votes by African Americans. This conspiracy
>also affected Jewish voters and other poor and working-class
>voters who lived in heavily Black districts in Florida.
>Third, he won by the timely intervention of a one-vote
>reactionary majority of a reactionary institution, the U.S.
>Supreme Court.
>Fourth, the saintly high court, which is supposed to be
>above getting involved in partisan capitalist politics, was
>rolling around in the political mud fighting a tooth-and-
>nail partisan battle.
>Fifth, the people just found out that state legislatures
>have the power to override any popular vote by simply
>choosing their own electors to the Electoral College.
>These are only some of the more glaring surface problems
>that appeared. While various pundits were describing the
>struggle as a battle over great legal principles or precepts
>of democracy, the real character of the struggle was
>described by Business Week in its Dec. 11 issue.
>"Let's be honest here," wrote this mouthpiece of big
>business. "The dispute over whether George W. Bush or Al
>Gore won Florida, and thus the presidency, is not about
>great Constitutional issues. It's not about federalism, or
>the separation of powers between the courts and the
>legislatures, or even a correct reading of the Florida
>Election code. At this late state of the game, it's about
>just one thing: who can best manipulate the levers of power
>to win...And once again, wrapped up in this naked power
>struggle is the U.S. Supreme Court.
>"Gore is at a great disadvantage in this," continued
>Business Week. "He has the support of some local election
>officials and a few Florida judges. But Bush has hooks
>everywhere. He has Florida Secretary of State Katherine
>Harris, who certified his election two weeks ago and who
>just happened to be his state campaign co-chairman. He has
>his brother, the governor of Florida, to certify a slate of
>Bush electors... He has both houses of the Florida
>legislature and the U.S. House of Representatives...And, it
>seems, he has five justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, all
>of whom were either appointed by his daddy or by Ronald
>Reagan, his daddy's old boss."
>So much for all the legal niceties. Justice Antonin Scalia
>and his grouping stopped the recount ordered by the Florida
>Supreme Court on the grounds of "irreparable harm" to Bush.
>Losing the vote by counting is "irreparable harm" to be
>sure. But then again elections do involve counting votes and
>winners and losers.
>Both sides of the court agonized over "equal protection
>under the law" and "due process" without ever bringing up
>the publicly known and thoroughly documented massive
>disqualification of voters in African American precincts.
>This has been a non-subject in the court proceedings, in the
>campaigns of both Bush and Gore and in the mainstream
>capitalist media.
>The Gore forces rallied under the slogans "count every vote"
>and "every vote should count." But they steadfastly refused
>to challenge the disenfranchisement of voters in majority
>Black districts, whose ballots were rejected at a rate of
>one in five, compared to voters in majority white districts
>whose ballots were rejected at a rate of one in 14. This is
>prima facie evidence of discrimination on a massive scale.
>To the Gore forces, as part of the ruling-class
>establishment, the prospect of opening up a struggle against
>racism was worse than the prospect of losing the election.
>It is pure hypocrisy for the Bush forces to talk about
>"equal protection under the law" when this racist governor
>of Texas has sent people to death whose lawyers slept
>through their trials; who executed Shaka Sankofa (Gary
>Graham), whose innocence was virtually proven on television
>and in the print media; and whose brother outlawed
>affirmative action in Florida.
>Nor did Clinton and Gore care much for the "due process" or
>"equal protection under the law" of millions of women and
>children, the majority African American and Latina, who were
>driven off welfare while hundreds of billions of dollars
>were doled out in corporate welfare to the rich. And the
>hundreds of thousands of African American youths rounded up
>under Clinton and Gore's so-called "war on drugs" got racial
>profiling instead of "due process."
>This entire process should show that the elections and the
>law are both capitalist institutions that can be manipulated
>at will by the big-business candidates. They are both
>saturated with lies and hypocrisy meant to deceive the
>To be sure, reactionary Bush stole the election. But he
>stole the election from slightly less reactionary Gore, who
>is also an enemy of the workers and oppressed. He stole the
>vote by the massive disqualification of mainly African
>American voters in Florida. And there is justifiable rage
>and discontent over this racist disenfranchisement, not just
>in Florida but all across the country; and not just in the
>Black community but in the entire progressive and
>revolutionary movement. There can be absolutely no tolerance
>for racist discrimination at the polls.
>But it must also be clear that Bush and Gore were fighting
>over votes that each could use for the purpose of becoming
>the oppressor of the people for four years. Both have a
>proven track record on that score and both belong to parties
>under the domination of big business which have been
>enforcing exploitation, racism and war for well over a
>In the coming the period, the only road to progress will be
>to open up a militant mass struggle against the Bush
>administration, while retaining complete independence and
>following a program that is irreconcilably opposed to the
>Democratic Party leadership. This leadership has
>dramatically shown its fundamental subservience to the
>racist ruling class, not only in the last eight years, but
>also in the past weeks of this post-election struggle.
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
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>Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 21:22:47 -0500
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
>Subject: [WW]  Oklahoma's Death-Row Double Standard
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 21, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Elijah Crane
>Wanda Jean Allen, an African American lesbian, is scheduled
>to be executed in Oklahoma on Jan. 11, 2001, for the
>shooting death of Gloria Leathers, her partner of more than
>two years. Allen's appeals are exhausted and her last hope
>is a recommendation from the state Pardon and Parole Board
>to Gov. Frank Keating.
>Allen and Leathers met in prison when Allen was doing time
>for a previous alleged manslaughter. The system was already
>against them. Their relationship was violent. Many police
>reports had been made throughout their time together
>attesting to this fact.
>On Dec. 1, 1988, the two women had an argument over a
>welfare check at a grocery store. Leathers threatened to
>leave the relationship. Leathers, accompanied by her mother
>and the Oklahoma City Police, went to the couple's apartment
>to collect her property. The women argued and the cops left
>to deal with something that was apparently more urgent than
>a lesbian domestic dispute.
>According to Allen, Leathers beat her with a rake once the
>cops were gone. Photos taken five days after the incident
>show marks on Allen's face, supporting her allegation.
>Leathers fled the scene and went to the police station to
>file a complaint against Allen over a property dispute.
>Allen followed her there, they argued and then Allen shot
>Leathers. Four days later, Leathers died.
>Allen's supporters say the racist, anti-gay cops concocted a
>story to refute her accusation of assault by Leathers,
>negating her claim of self-defense. The cops and the court
>claimed the killing was premeditated.
>In an unusual ruling for a domestic violence case, Allen was
>convicted of first-degree murder, a capital offense, making
>her eligible for a death sentence by U.S. standards.
>"There are people killed all the time when there are spousal
>problems in a relationship," said Joann Bell of the Oklahoma
>American Civil Liberties Union, "and usually that is never
>the basis for a capital [murder] case."
>Bell also explained, "In these parts you can get someone
>convicted quicker if they are gay or lesbian than if they're
>heterosexual, because everything is Bible-based." (New York
>Blade, Dec. 8)
>Allen's original lawyer was not able to admit into evidence
>that she had an IQ of 69 at age 15 and suffers neurological
>Steve Presson, one of two attorneys handling Allen's appeal,
>told the Tulsa World: "In this case, the state district
>court forced her to be represented by an attorney not being
>paid and then forced the attorney to trial without giving
>him the tools--no experts, doctors or investigators. No one
>discovered she was [mentally disabled] until the trial and
>appeals were over. By that time, it is too late."
>The U.S. Supreme Court refused to review the case. Allen's
>only hope is if the state Pardon and Parole Board recommends
>that Gov. Frank Keating commute her sentence. The Board is
>scheduled to meet and hear Allen's case on Dec. 15. Allen
>will speak in front of the board along with her attorneys,
>Presson and Robert Jackson.
>However, the Pardon and Parole Board can only make the
>recommendation; the governor has the final word.
>Governor Death himself, George W. Bush, is considering
>Keating for the position of U.S. attorney should he be named
>president. Bush has sent more than 145 people to the death
>chamber in Texas, tipping the odds of Keating granting a
>pardon far out of Allenfavor if he is to win the affection
>of executioner Bush. Under Keating's watch, 27 people have
>been executed in Oklahoma since 1994.
>Many national lesbian, gay, bi and trans organizations, as
>well as anti-death penalty forces, have rallied in support
>of Allen. The fact remains that she wound up on death row
>because she is poor, Black, a lesbian, and mentally
>Had she been involved in a heated struggle with her abusive
>husband over their stocks and bonds or summer cottage
>instead of with her lesbian lover over a welfare check when
>she pulled the trigger, she would never have seen a death-
>row cell.
>When the ruling class is left to determine the fate of the
>oppressed and the working class, the prisons will always be
>filled with the poorest of the poor and the most oppressed.
>The way to liberation is through a unified mass movement.
>That's why anti-racist and anti-death penalty forces will be
>standing shoulder to shoulder with lesbian, gay, bi and
>trans activists in Washington on Jan. 20 to tell the next
>president to end the racist death penalty once and for all.
>Organizers are also asking that people call Keating and tell
>him not to murder Wanda Allen. The number is 405-521-2342
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
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>Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 21:22:47 -0500
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
>Subject: [WW]  Turkish Repression Made in USA
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 21, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Cemile Cakir and Frank Neisser
>Some 1,000 political prisoners in Turkey have been on a
>hunger strike since Oct. 20. About 300 of them are committed
>to hunger strike until death if their just demands are not
>The Turkish government wants to put them in individual cells
>because officials think that, once isolated, they would no
>longer be able to resist the government.
>Members of three leftist groups in Turkey started this
>hunger strike. Imprisoned members of the Revolutionary
>People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C), the Communist
>Party of Turkey-Marxist-Leninist (TKP-ML) and the Communist
>Workers Party of Turkey (TKIP) have called for the death
>These groups were followed by other organizations with
>political prisoners, including the Kurdish Workers Party
>(PKK). And the action has spread outside the prisons.
>Some relatives of political prisoners and members of TAYAD--
>Solidarity Association of the Prisoners' Family--have been
>on hunger strike since Nov. 13. And some writers are on
>hunger strike to support them.
>Every day there have been demonstrations in support of the
>hunger strikers, not only in big cities in Turkey but all
>over Europe. Lawyers in their judicial robes marched 500-
>strong in support of the prisoners.
>Before this hunger strike started the relatives of political
>prisoners, along with members of socialist and human rights
>organizations, held a lot of demonstrations outside the
>prisons. Every Saturday they demonstrated against this
>prison system and in support of the political prisoners.
>And every Saturday the police would beat and arrest them.


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