Extracts.             Thursday, December 14, 2000, updated at 10:32(GMT+8)

                       Premier Zhu Rongji on Economic Issues
                       Premier Zhu Rongji said next year China will cement
                       and extend its achievement in getting State-owned
                       enterprises (SOEs) out of difficulties and SOE
                       reform, and attach more importance to the status of
                       agriculture as the foundation of the national

                       During a recent inspection tour to east China, the
                       premier also urged to accelerate the improvement of
                       the social security system,and regulate the market
                       economy order in order to achieve faster economic
                       growth next year.

                       Zhu inspected rural financial reform, enterprise
                       reform and future development, social security
                       system, and market economy order in Jiangsu and
                       Zhejiang provinces from December 7 to 13.

                       He noted that as the economy takes a major turn for
                       the better, the adjustment of agricultural structure
                       could not meet the demand of the economic situation.
                       There has been a slow increase in farmers' income and
                       in some major grain-producing areas, farmers even
                       earned less.

                       He urged that the problems be solved immediately to
                       avoid negative impact on the stability and
                       development of China's rural areas, or even the
                       national economy.

                       He asked governments at all levels to vigorously push
                       ahead the readjustment of the agricultural and rural
                       economic structure; develop planting, breeding and
                       high-yield agriculture suited to local conditions;
                       try every means to extend the channels of raising
                       farmers' income; further reform the circulation
                       systems of agro-products; actively promote the rural
                       fee-to tax reform and fundamentally reduce the
                       burdens on farmers; and step up infrastructure
                       construction in agriculture and rural areas to
                       improve farmers' production and living conditions.

                       On the Rural Credit Cooperative (RCC), the premier
                       said that full play should be given to RCC's role as
                       the main force in rural finance and the bond linking
                       farmers. The RCC should adhere to its principle of
                       serving agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

                       The RCC reform has achieved some positive results and
                       quite a few problems are yet to be solved, Zhu said.

                       The premier hailed as a remarkable achievement that
                       China has basically realized its target to deepen the
                       SOE reform and pull most of the large- and
                       medium-sized SOEs out of difficulties within three

                       The SOEs, however, need to transform their management
                       mechanism, and raise their innovative capabilities,
                       competitiveness and profitability, Zhu said, adding
                       that there is still a long way to go for SOE reform
                       and development.

                       He encouraged large- and medium-sized SOEs to adopt a
                       shareholding system by getting themselves listed, a
                       move he said will help pool funds, transform
                       management mechanisms, and place the operation of the
                       SOEs under public supervision.

                       He said that every entrepreneur should have a
                       pioneering spirit and determination to blaze new
                       trails to make a success of their enterprise.

                       On the building of the social security system, the
                       premier said that it is a major issue that impacts on
                       China's reform, development and stability.

                       He promised that laid-off workers of SOEs and retired
                       workers will have their basic allowances and pension
                       distributed adequately and punctually. The central
                       government will make public information of allowance
                       and pension distribution of all administrative

                       China will gradually replace the basic allowances for
                       laid-off workers with unemployment insurance.
                       Northeast China's Liaoning Province and several other
                       provinces have been selected as the pilot places for
                       the reform.

                       Another important task for next year's economic work
                       is to regulate the market economic order, said the
                       premier. The central government is determined to
                       fight against tax fraud, smuggling, manufacturing or
                       selling of counterfeit and inferior quality
                       commodities, sleights of hands in bidding for
                       construction projects.

                       He asked local financial departments to provide
                       adequate funds for the police and other
                       law-enforcement departments to crack down on various
                       economic crimes and to safeguard an orderly market
                       economy and social stability.

                       Thursday, December 14, 2000, updated at 08:54(GMT+8)

                       Beijing Invites Public Discussion on Five-Year Plan

                       Beijing made public December 13 its draft for a
                       five-year plan (2001-2005), inviting public opinions
                       from its citizens.

                       According to the draft, Beijing expects an annual GDP
                       growth rate of 9 percent in the coming five years.
                       Its GDP is scheduled to reach 370 billion yuan
                       (calculated based on the price of 2000).

                       The local financial revenue will increase at an
                       average rate of 10 percent. The adjustment of the
                       economic structure will result in the service
                       industry making 60 percent of the whole.

                       Beijing plans to increase investment in high
                       technology to improve its innovative capability. By
                       the year 2005, the investment in research and
                       development (R&D) by the whole society is expected to
                       make up 5 percent of the GDP.

                       High-tech industries will account for 11 percent of
                       the municipality's GDP.

                       Beijing plans to offer over 1 million new jobs for
                       its people within five years. The registered urban
                       unemployment rate is scheduled to be under two
                       percent. A social security system will basically
                       benefit the whole capital city.

                       Half of the high school students will be able to go
                       to college five years later.

                       Beijing aims to see the disposable income of its
                       urban residents grow at an average rate of 6 percent
                       each year. The net income of farmers is also expected
                       to increase by 6 percent annually.

                       For housing, the average floor space per capita is to
                       reach 18 square meters. The average life expectancy
                       of Beijing residents will be 76.

                       Beijing, in its bid to hold the 2008 Olympic Games,
                       will improve its environment effectively. By the year
                       2005, the air quality in the downtown area will reach
                       the national criteria of class II, the best, but
                       second standard for evaluating air quality in China.

                       The urban sewage treatment rate will increase to 90
                       percent. The rate for the unharmful treatment of
                       house refuse will be 95 percent. The afforestation
                       rate will reach 47 percent.

                       The draft, after being revised according to public
                       opinions, will be submitted to the Municipal People's
                       Congress for examination and approval two months
                       later, said government sources.


China Welcomes Ethiopia-Eritrea Peace Accord China is pleased with and
welcomes the signing of a comprehensive peace agreement by Ethiopia and
Eritrea on Tuesday in Algiers, Algeria, said a Chinese Foreign Ministry

Spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue made the remark on Wednesday, December 13, when
asked to comment on the matter.

She said that thanks to the active mediation of parties concerned within
the international community, Ethiopia and Eritrea signed the peace
agreement on Tuesday in Algiers, ending a two-year border conflict and
hostility between the two neighboring countries.

"This will not only be conducive to the construction and development of
their respective countries, and will also benefit peace, stability,
security and development in the Horn of Africa and the continent as a
whole," Zhang said.

"We heartily rejoice at and welcome the development," she said.

China expresses appreciation for and congratulates the international
community, especially the Organization of African Unity (OAU), on their
unremitting efforts to peacefully settle the conflict over the past two
years, she said.

"We sincerely hope that with the help of OAU and the United Nations, the
two countries, in the spirit of reconciliation and mutual understanding and
compromise, will earnestly implement the accord, so as to seek a final and
peaceful settlement of their border dispute at an early date," she added.

China will, as always, join the international community to work to help the
two countries settle the territorial dispute and realize lasting peace,
Zhang said.

Peace Treaty Signed
Ethiopia and Eritrea formally ended their two-year war on Tuesday, December
12, signing a peace agreement that halts a conflict over a barren patch of
land that left tens of thousands dead.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki
signed the accord before a crowd of applauding diplomats, many of whom
participated in the peace process.

The signing, held at a government-owned resort outside the Algerian capital
of Algiers, was attended by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and US
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

US President Clinton, traveling in Ireland, sent his congratulations. "My
relief and happiness on this occasion mirrors the sadness I felt when I
witnessed two allies and friends embroiled in a tragic conflict," he said.

"To the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea, I say the hope and promise of this
day is yours," Albright told the gathering, adding, "May today"s peace last
long in your children"s future."


Castro Meets Chinese Foreign Trade Minister President of the State Council
of Cuba Fidel Castro Tuesday, December 12, met with Shi Guangsheng,
minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China.

At the meeting, Castro, who is also president of the Council of Ministers,
inquired in detail about the implementation of some projects for bilateral
trade and economic cooperation and spoke highly of the economic situation
in China, including the robust growth in its exports.

Shi is here for a regular meeting of the China-Cuba Mixed Committee on
trade and economic cooperation.

Shi briefed the Cuban leader on the discussions at the meeting of the mixed
committee and the progress in China's efforts to join the World Trade
Organization (WTO), and added that there was great promise for trade and
economic cooperation between the two countries on the basis of equality and
mutual benefit.

On the same day, Shi also met Vice President of the State Council Carlos Lage.


MOFTEC: US's Deduction of China's Textile Quota Violates Sino-US Textile
Agreement A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation (MOFTEC) made a statement on the US government's unilateral
deduction of the quota of China's textiles on December 12.

The spokesman said that the US government decided to unilaterally reduce
the quota of China's textiles on the grounds that enterprises of the
Chinese mainland delivered textile products in transit to the United
States, with the total money of goods involved amounting to about US$9
million. The US government's unilateral reduction of China's textile quota
without providing convincing evidence has grossly violated the Sino-US
Bilateral Textile Agreement.

The Chinese government has always conscientiously carried out the Sino-US
bilateral agreement and advocated that Sino-US bilateral trade be developed
on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and trade disputes be solved
in a pragmatic, understanding and cooperative attitude. The US government's
act of violating the Bilateral Textile Agreement is unacceptable to the
Chinese government.

We strongly demand that the US government reconsider its decision on
cutting back the quota, so as to avoid that the problem of illegal transit
of textiles affect Sino-US trade relations. If the US government insists on
its deduction decision, the Chinese government will reserve its right to
take further action.


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