December.16.2000 Juche 89


   * Greetings to President of Niger

   * Commemoration function held in Nigeria

   * Delegation of south side leaves

   * Joint communique on 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks

   * Kim Jong Suk's feats praised

   * Ethiopian President supports Korea's reunification

   * Women's meeting for earlier opening of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations

   * "Theory of principal enemy" denounced

   * Japan's intention to place SDF on war footing

   * S. Korean organizations call for repeal of SL

   * Halt to U.S. forces' firing exercise demanded

   * Abolition of SL in S. Korea called for

   * China will support Korean people's struggle

   * KCNA on sinister plot of Japanese reactionaries


Greetings to President of Niger

   Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- The south side's delegation headed by
Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu left here today after participating in the
fourth round of the inter-Korean ministerial talks.
    It was seen off at the airport by delegates of the north side to the


Commemoration function held in Nigeria

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- The fourth round of the north-south
ministerial talks, which opened in Pyongyang amid the expectation and
concern of the public at home and abroad, closed today.
    At the talks, both sides reviewed the work done for the implementation
of the historic north-south joint declaration and reached an agreement on
the proposals made from the viewpoints of reconciliation, cooperation, unity
and reunification.
    At the talks, heads of the delegations of the two sides signed the
agreements on the protection of investment between the two sides, on the
prevention of double taxation on the income between the two sides, on the
settlement of accounts between the two sides and on the procedures for the
settlement of disputes between the two sides which were reached at the
second working-level contact for north-south economic cooperation held on
Nov. 10.
    A joint communique on the 4th round of the north-south ministerial talks
was released at the talks.
    The communique says:
    The 4th round of the north-south ministerial talks was held in Pyongyang
from Dec. 12 to 16, Juche 89 (2000).
    At the talks the two sides reviewed the last six months' work for the
implementation of the historic north-south joint declaration and agreed as
follows after sharing the understanding that they are committed to
positively implement the joint declaration, greeting 2001:
    1. The north and the south agreed to form and operate a committee for
the promotion of north-south economic cooperation with a view to ensuring
the balanced development of national economy and co-prosperity.
    This committee will be made up of 5-7 members to be headed by
vice-minister-level official from each side and have its first round of
contact in Pyongyang around December 26, 2000. It will take up and solve
such practical matters arising in the immediate economic cooperation as
cooperation in the field of power industry, the issue of relinking railways
and roads, the construction of an industrial district in Kaesong and the
issue of pushing ahead with the project for the prevention of flood damage
in the area along the River Rimjin.
    2. The north and the south agreed to cooperate with each other in the
field of fisheries. As regards the proposal made by the north side to offer
part of its fishing ground in the east sea of Korea to the south side for a
certain period, those officials concerned of the authorities of the two
sides agreed to have a contact in the area of Mt. Kumgang at an early date
to discuss the matter.
    3. The north and the south agreed to recommend a contact between
Taekwon-do organizations of the two sides to discuss the exchange of
Taekwon-do demonstration teams.
    4. The north and the south agreed to conduct on an experiment basis the
work of confirming whereabouts of separated families and relatives and
exchange of correspondence. The work will involve a hundred persons from
each side in January and February, 2001 and about 300 persons from each side
will write to each other in march, 2001.
    5. The north and the south will exchange the third visiting groups of
separated families and relatives, 100 persons from each side, in late
February, 2001.
    6. The north side will send a team to tour Mt. Halla in March, 2001 and
an economic study team in the first half of 2001.
    7. The north and the south agreed to separately go through the
formalities for the effectuation of the agreements on the protection of
investment between the north and the south, on the prevention of double
taxation on the income between the two sides, on the settlement of accounts
between the two sides and on the procedures for the settlement of disputes
between the two sides, which were signed by the head of the delegation
(chief delegate) from each side and inform the other side of the results.
    8. The north and the south decided to open the fifth round of the
ministerial talks in March, 2001, and choose its venue through future


Delegation of south side leaves

   Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Tandja
Mamadou, President of Niger, on Dec. 13 on the occasion of the 42nd
anniversary of the proclamation of its republic.
    The message extended warm congratulations to the President, government
and people of Niger on the 42nd anniversary of the proclamation of the
republic and wished the President greater success in his work.
    It expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations
between the two countries would grow stronger.


Joint communique on 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks released

   Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- The Nigerian Group for the Study of
Kimjongilism held a symposium on December 8 on the occasion of the ninth
anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander
of the Korean People's Army and the 83rd birth anniversary of the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
    The chairman of the group said in his speech that Kim Jong Il is a
veteran and experienced political leader, outstanding military strategist
and iron-willed commander with clairvoyant wisdom and unusual leadership
    Kim Jong Il is firmly defending socialism and the destiny of the people
with his army-first politics and building a rich and powerful nation, the
chairman of the group said, and continued:
    Kim Jong Suk performed distinguished feats in the struggle for the
liberation of the country and the freedom and emancipation of the people.
    It is the greatest feat made by her for the country and the nation that
she brought up Kim Jong Il as the leader of the Korean people and opened up
a bright future for the ultimate victory of the socialist cause.
    Members of the group highly praised the exploits of Kim Jong Il in
leading the army and the brilliant life of Kim Jong Suk.
    A Nigerian paper on December 6 dedicated a special write-up to the same
    The paper in an article illustrated with a photo of Kim Jong Il said
that he is a veteran and experienced leader and outstanding military
strategist with a decades-long political career.
    It also elaborated on the immortal exploits of Kim Jong Suk.


Kim Jong Suk's feats praised

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- World progressive people highly praise
the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk for her immortal
    The Bangladesh newspaper Natun Bangla in an article captioned "Brilliant
life of Kim Jong Suk" said that what was important in her life and
activities was her loyalty to her leader and devotion to the country and the
    Dr. Gibri al Wahba, Egyptian writer and critic, noted in his statement
that the whole life of Kim Jong Suk was the life of a great revolutionary
dedicated to the country's liberation, the prosperity of the nation and the
happiness of the people and the life of a great fighter who valiantly pushed
her way through the thorny path of revolution with firm faith, great
enthusiasm, noble idea and bravery.
    The Indian newspaper Samachar post said that the life of Kim Jong Suk is
shining more brightly as she gave birth to the son of the nation, who would
carve out the future of Korea, and brought up him as an outstanding
successor to the revolutionary cause of Juche started by President Kim Il
    Raharibony Lorette, national chairman of the Workers and Peasants
Struggle Party of Madagascar, in a statement noted that Kim Jong Suk is a
brilliant model for the world progressive women in the struggle for the
people's freedom and happiness and the victory of socialism.
    Manik lal Shrestha, chairman of the Nepal-Korea Friendship Association,
said in his statement that short as the life of Kim Jong Suk was, she will
always remain shining in the annals of Juche for her contribution to the
country's liberation, the happiness of the Korean people and the world cause
of independence.


Ethiopian President supports Korea's reunification

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- We fully support the DPRK government's
stand to reunify the country peacefully by federal formula by the efforts of
the Korean nation, said Ethiopian President Negasso Gidada, when receiving
credentials from the DPRK Ambassador E.P. to that country.
    The President said:
    Under the wise leadership of the great Kim Jong Il Korea will be
reunified and become a prosperous and powerful nation before long.
    Ethiopia will as always extend invariable support to the Korean people
in their efforts for progress and reunification of the country.


Women's meeting for earlier opening of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations held

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- A women's meeting was held in Tokyo on
December 13 for an earlier opening of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations.
    Present at the meeting were Sumiko Shimizu, chairwoman of the Liaison
Society of Japanese Women for Solidarity with Korean Women, representatives
of local branches of the Society and Korean Women in Japan.
    Invited there were the delegation of the DPRK Measure Committee for
Demanding Compensation to "Comfort Women for the Army" and the Victims of
the Pacific War headed by vice-chairwoman Hong Son Ok of the Korean Society
for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and former "comfort women for
the army."
    Sumiko in her report expressed full support to the judgment made at the
women's international war crimes tribunal on Japan's military sexual slavery
held from Dec 8 to 12 in which it ruled that the emperor of Japan was
responsible for the war, and its government accountable for colonial
domination over Asian countries and for the issue of "comfort women".
    It is the Japanese government's duty for opening diplomatic relations
with the DPRK to own the responsibility for the colonial domination over
Korea, and Japan should liquidate its past crimes by making an apology and
compensation for them as an assailant, she added.
    She called on the women of the two countries to wage a more positive
joint struggle to strengthen friendship and solidarity between them for
reconciliation and unity between the north and the south of Korea and peace
in northeast Asia and open a new chapter of the history of Japan-DPRK
    The participants saw a video tape on which testimonies of former
"comfort women" are recorded.
    An appeal was adopted at the meeting urging the Japanese government to
admit its past crimes, make a sincere apology and compensation and work hard
for an earlier establishment of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations.


"Theory of principal enemy" denounced

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- The South Korean paper Hangyore
(internet) on December 12 carried an article titled "Branding the north as
the principal enemy anachronistic".
    The "Ministry of National Defence" is censured for issuing recently a
"white paper on national defence" in which it branded the north as the
"principal enemy" as before only to throw a obstacle in the way of
reconciliation between the south and the north at a time when exchange and
cooperation are under way between the south and the north as evidenced by
reunions of separated families and projects to relink Seoul-Sinuiju
railways, etc, the article said, and continued:
    The ministry has persistently defined the north as the "principal enemy"
since the publication of the white paper on national defense in 1995.
    No other countries in the world regard any specific state as a
"principal enemy" and use the term "principal enemy".
    So, the ministry's conception and definition of "principal enemy" are


Japan's intention to place SDF on war footing

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Japan's projected reorganization of the
system of the "Self-Defence Forces" (SDF) is aimed at perfecting the wartime
system and escalating its moves to emerge as a military power which only
precipitate its doom, says Minju Joson today in a signed commentary.
    In the period of "mid-term arms buildup plan" Japan seeks to drastically
reorganize the three services of the SDF and thus provide a military
guarantee for overseas invasion, the commentary observes, and goes on:
    It is an ulterior aim of the Japanese reactionaries to realize their
dream of "Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere" come what may by building
the SDF into the world's strongest aggression forces fully capable of
carrying out any war of overseas aggression and crack troops capable of
coping with any modern war as early as possible.
    Japan can enter into a war of aggression any time by mobilizing the
    The Japanese reactionaries should know that their reckless moves for war
of aggression are closely watched by the Korean people and the world
peaceloving people.
    If they keep increasing their military muscle to launch a war of
overseas aggression despite the unanimous protest and condemnation from the
international community, they will only meet the bitterest defeat and


S. Korean organizations call for repeal of SL

   Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- At least 100 members of the bar
association for democratic society and the "National Teachers' Association
for Democracy" launched a sit-in on December 12 demanding the repeal of the
"Security Law" and the creation of an effective human rights committee,
according to Seoul-based MBS.
    Charging that there has been no practical discussion on the bills on two
issues at the "National Assembly," the organizations demanded that the SL be
repealed and a human rights committee formed before the end of the year.


Halt to U.S. forces' firing exercise demanded

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- A civil organization in Chunchon city
in Kangwon Province, South Korea, and at least 30 students of Hanrim
University staged a protest demonstration on December 11 in front of a U.S.
forces unit in Kunhwa-dong, according to the South Korean paper Hangyore
    The protestors demanded a clarification of the truth behind the recent
daily deafening helicopter firing exercise in the air above the unit in the
center of the city that greatly disturbed its population.
    Meanwhile, a Chunchon city "assemblyman" and its inhabitants also
protested against similar drills on Dec. 6 and 8 and demanded that measures
be taken to stop them.


Abolition of SL in S. Korea called for

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- 15 veteran activists of the movement
for democracy in South Korea including Pak Yong Gil, wife of the late Rev.
Mun Ik Hwan, sent an urgent appeal to the South Korean chief executive on
December 13 calling for the abolition of the "Security Law," according to
Seoul-based CBS.
    They in the appeal said they note with great disappointment that the
issue of the revision and abolition of the SL has not yet been discussed at
the "National Assembly" at all and now is the time to put an end to the era
of the SL and it should be repealed without fail.


China will support Korean people's struggle

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- China will as always support the Korean
people's struggle, says Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the central
committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the People's
Republic of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission of the
PRC, when he met with DPRK ambassador to China Ju Chang Jun who paid a
farewell call on him on Dec. 15.
    He noted that the great leader Kim Il Sung and the respected Kim Jong Il
valued the traditional China-Korea friendship and visited China on several
    He said he was very pleased that great achievements have been made in
the efforts to achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea
and build socialism.


KCNA on sinister plot of Japanese reactionaries

    Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Leading Japanese newspapers on December
12 and 13 spotlighted news that the public security department of the
metropolitan police recently arrested officials of the General Association
of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and announced the results of
investigation on Dec. 12.
    They asserted that a former official of Chongryon and others, who had
been arrested on charge of the "insurance money scandal" in late November,
were engaged in somebody's espionage against South Korea and Japan.
    Japanese media's much talked "spy case" is nothing but a charade the
Japanese reactionaries dreamed up to deliberately aggravate the situation
and impair the international prestige of the DPRK.
    The Japanese reactionary conservative forces have persistently carried
on the anti-DPRK smear campaign, pursuant to the anachronistic policy
hostile to it. In recent years they fabricated fictitious "kidnapping case"
and "case of operative ship" in a bid to build up public opinion. They
described the DPRK's launch of a satellite as a missile launch to incite
among Japanese enmity towards the DPRK and Chongryon.
    Despite all these plots the international prestige of the DPRK has risen
higher than ever before and Chongryon, a dignified overseas citizens'
organization of the DPRK, has steadily grown stronger. This is an undeniable
hard reality.
    Much upset by this, the Japanese reactionary conservative forces and
reptile media fabricated another shocking "spy case" in a foolish attempt to
damage the international prestige of the DPRK and weaken the might of
Chongryon at any cost.
    Through this fabricated case they seek to achieve their sinister aim by
driving a wedge in the relations between the north and the south of Korea
which have witnessed a new positive change after the publication of the June
15 north-south joint declaration and blocking even the process of improving
of the DPRK-Japan relations.
    This only betrayed the political and moral vulgarity and shameless
nature of Japan as it clings to all sorts of gimmicks intended to deny and
hide its past crimes and evade its historical responsibility for them
instead of reflecting on and apologizing for them.
    If Japan truly wishes to settle all their crimes committed in the 20th
century and improve the DPRK-Japan relations to be trusted by the
international community, it should not resort to a trite anti-DPRK diatribe
but fully admit and repent of the past crimes committed against the Korean
people and thoroughly apologize and compensate for them, to begin with.



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