TODAY'S NEWS (December.16.2001 Juche 90)



Japanese authorities' suppression of Chongryon condemned abroad

Chongryon's struggle supported abroad

Rodong Sinmun warns U.S. against reckless provocation

Rodong Sinmun on June 15 north-south joint declaration

Anniversary of opening of DPRK-Britain diplomatic ties marked

U.S. announces withdrawal from ABM treaty

For Spanish-speaking people


artimana para crear inquietud interna y externa, comentario de atcc

declaracion de consejo de religiosos de corea

militaristas japoneses deben actuar con prudencia


Japanese authorities' suppression of Chongryon condemned abroad
     Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Organizations of different countries
issued statements denouncing the Japanese authorities for their crackdown
upon the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon). The
Russian Association for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK
and the Eastern Europe Center for Support and Solidarity with the DPRK in a
joint statement on Dec. 10 expressed resentment at the Japanese authorities
for their search of the central and local headquarters of Chongryon with the
mobilization of police, an outrage unprecedented in history.
    The Italian Committee for Reunification and Peace of Korea in a
statement on Dec. 7 condemned such campaign of search and arrest as an
illegal act and urged the Japanese authorities to stop at once their
suppression of Chongryon.
    The Arab Art, Culture and Information Association of Egypt in a
statement on Dec. 9 said that the unwarranted suppression of Chongryon is a
concentrated expression of the Japanese authorities' hostile policy toward
the DPRK, and urged them to apologize for it and immediately release the
unwarrantedly arrested Korean residents.


Chongryon's struggle supported abroad
     Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Martin Lotscher, chairman of the Swiss
Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, and Abdi Kedir Mohamed,
general director of the Ethiopian International Taekwon-do Body Building
Club, on Dec. 8 sent letters of solidarity to the central headquarters of
the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), denouncing
the Japanese authorities' crackdown on it. They in their letters condemned
the Japanese reactionaries' brutal and fascist outrage against Chongryon
with surging indignation and wrath and expressed full support and solidarity
with Chongryon in the struggle to protect its democratic national rights.


Rodong Sinmun warns U.S. against reckless provocation
     Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) - Now that the United States is provoking
the DPRK under an unreasonable pretext in pursuance of expansion of the
"anti-terror war," the DPRK cannot but make preparations to counter it, says
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. Some days ago, a spokesman for
the U.S. department of state said North Korea's proliferation of missiles is
worrisome and the development and export of ballistic missiles as well as
nuclear inspection should be discussed in the DPRK-U.S. dialogue, the
commentary says, and goes on:
    The U.S. is going to use the dialogue with the DPRK as a lever of
pressure and an opportunity to find a pretext for military provocation.
    There is neither condition nor need for the DPRK to accept the "nuclear
    The U.S. itself already admitted it through "verification."
    The same is the case with the "missile issue."
    The DPRK development of missiles is for a self-defensive purpose and,
accordingly, it leaves no room for doubt and it is out of question.
    If the DPRK is called a "rogue state" for production of missiles as
defensive means, the U.S., which has stored up different kinds and sizes of
missiles and nuclear weapons, should be termed the biggest aggression state
and war force of the world.
    The U.S. intends to escalate pressure on the DPRK and unleash a war when
an opportunity presents itself.
    It regards "anti-terrorism" as a good pretext.
    The U.S. bellicose forces are hatching up plots and operation plans to
attack the DPRK under the pretext of "control over the proliferation of
mass-destruction weapons" and "anti-terrorism."
    We have nothing to make a concession to the U.S. demand and no place to
take a step back. 
    It is the revolutionary position and principle of the DPRK to oppose
war, safeguard peace and defend sovereignty.
    Our consciousness of war is the spirit of fighting to win victory and
make a short shrift of those who ignite a war against us.


Rodong Sinmun on June 15 north-south joint declaration
     Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Defending the June 15 North-South
Joint Declaration is the only way for our fellow countrymen to survive and
achieve national reunification. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed
    The historic joint declaration is a precious gain attained by our nation
in the struggle for independent reunification, the article notes, and goes
    The joint declaration makes it clear to reunify the country by the
concerted efforts of the Korean nation independently without any outside
interference, confirm the way of reunification by federal formula, solve
humanitarian issues between the north and the south, ensure a fairly
balanced development of the national economy and activate cooperation and
exchange in various domains. That is why the declaration serves as a
milestone of national reunification.
    Our fellow countrymen should hold higher the banner of national
    The basic spirit of the declaration is national independence.
    All the fellow countrymen in the north, south and overseas should
resolutely shatter the U.S. imperialists' anti-national, anti-reunification
and war provocation moves and check and frustrate the moves of the
anti-reunification forces for "cooperation" with foreign forces under the
uplifted banner of national independence.
    All the Koreans should firmly unite as one under the banner of the joint
    The interests of classes and strata of our nation are different. But
this can not be set above the issue of the country's reunification
concerning the life and death of the nation.
    All the Koreans in the north, south and overseas should firmly unite
under the banner of the joint declaration and vigorously struggle to achieve
the independent and peaceful reunification of the country.


Anniversary of opening of DPRK-Britain diplomatic ties marked
     Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Events took place in Pyongyang and
London to commemorate the first anniversary of the establishment of the
diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Britain. On this occasion, the
DPRK Foreign Ministry and the British embassy here hosted receptions
respectively on Dec. 11 and 12.
    Present there were vice-minister of foreign affairs Kim Yong Il,
vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign
Countries Jon Yong Jin and officials concerned. Also on hand were charge
d'affaires James Edward Hoare and officials of the British embassy here,
diplomatic envoys of different countries, and british guests staying in the
dprk for cooperation with it.
    At the receptions, speakers referred to the signal progress made in the
relations between the two countries in the last one year after the
establishment of their diplomatic ties.
    Meanwhile, a ceremony was held at the British museum in London on
November 23 to open "Day for the Study of the Democratic People's Republic
of Korea." 
    Attending the ceremony were permanent under-secretary of the British
foreign and commonwealth office John Kerr, charge d'affaires of the British
embassy in the DPRK James Edward Hoare and other political and public
figures of Britain.
    Also present were a delegation of the DPRK Ministry of Culture led by
Han Chang Gyu, curator of the Korean art gallery, and staff members of the
DPRK mission at the international maritime organization in London.
    John Kerr in his speech said that the opening of the bilateral
diplomatic ties in December last year was an event conducive to the
friendship between the two peoples and to peace and security of the Korean
peninsula. The British government will continue to strive for the
development of the bilateral friendly relations and peace and security of
the Korean peninsula, he added.
    The participants appreciated modern fine art pieces of the DPRK
displayed at its wing of the British museum to mark the anniversary.


U.S. announces withdrawal from ABM treaty
     Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- U.S. President Bush officially
announced Thursday that the U.S. will unilaterally withdraw from the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM), according to a report. Bush in a speech
at the white house said "Today I have given formal notice to Russia that the
U.S. is withdrawing from the treaty."
    Foreign media reported that the U.S. withdrawal of the ABM would enable
it to conduct tests outlawed by the pact and accelerate its efforts to
deploy missile defense shields.
    The U.S. announcement of its unilateral withdrawal from the treaty is
arousing great apprehensions from the international community.


For Spanish-speaking people

artimana para crear inquietud interna y externa, comentario de atcc
     pyongyang, 15 de diciembre (atcc) -- recientemente, la agencia de
policia del japon, en un documento impreso el ano 2001 bajo titulares de
"evocacion y perspectiva de la seguridad", senalo en el sentido de que "hay
que vigilar la tendencia" de la rpdc. esta es una artimana criminal del
japon que luego de allanar la via legitima para la operacion militar en el
ultramar de sus "fuerzas de autodefensa" so pretexto de la "guerra contra el
terrorismo" de ee.uu., trata de impulsar de modo abierto preparativos de
nueva agresion a la region de asia-pacifico, especialmente a corea y de
crear intencionalmente la inquietud interna y externa acusando a la rpdc.
    "sankei shimbun", periodico venal representativo de las fuerzas
conservadoras ultraderechistas del japon, al citar el contenido del
documento de la agencia de policia, senalo que la rpdc sigue suscitando la
preocupacion internacional, asi por el estilo. esto significa que este
rotativo se adhiere abiertamente a las maniobras de agresion al ultramar y
de hostilidad a la rpdc de los reaccionarios japoneses.
    ahora, el japon en lo externo despacha al oceano indico sus equipos
militares y efectivos en cumplimiento de la operacion militar en el ultramar
de sus "fuerzas de autodefensa" y en lo interno toma el camino de
fascistizacion militarista desatando una campana sin precedente contra la
chongryon pretextando la "evasion de investigacion" de la asociacion de
credito de tokio del banco de coreanos, etc.
    nadie puede negar que el japon en allivez podra juntarse a alguna
operacion militar aventurera a rotulo de seguridad internacional y nacional.
    los reaccionarioa japoneses pretenden utilizar la rpdc como un escudo
para mitigar la preocupacion y condenacion internacionales a la tendencia de
su pais a la neofascistizacion.
    en cada oportunidad que se le ofrece el japon habla del "secuestro de
los japoneses" y del problema de "armas nucleares" de la rpdc para
justificar sus maquinaciones de hostilidad a esta.
    la rpdc mantiene la invariable posicion de principios de oponerse al
terrorismo en todas sus formas y el apoyo al respecto y la sociedad
internacional reconoce que la rpdc no "amenaza" a nadie ni ejerce influencia
negativa sobre la seguridad de otro pais.
    el japon debe reflexionar de las consecuencias que emanen de sus
recrudescentes maquinaciones de hostilidad a la rpdc y actuar con prudencia.


declaracion de consejo de religiosos de corea
     pyongyang, 15 de diciembre (atcc) -- el vecero del consejo de
religiosos de corea publico hoy una declaracion que senala: algunas
organizaciones religiosas de sudcorea destruyeron despiadadamente decenas de
figuras de tangun al negar el fundador de la nacion. esto es la negacion a
la nacion coreana y un imperdonable desafio y un acto criminal a los
coreanos que aprecian su historia y tradiciones nacionales.
    a traves de dichos actos locos la "federacion de cristianos", el"consejo
de evangelismo", el"foro de sacerdotes" y el "consejo de lideres
cristianos", de surcorea demuestran claramente por si mismos que son
organizaciones seudo-religiosas convertidas en servidores y prostitutas
politicas de las fuerzas conservadoras anti-reunificacion y anti-rpdc.
    son viles actos que pueden perpetrar solo judas por quien alevosamente
jesus fue vendido a los judios.
    el crc condena severamente, en nombre de todos los religiosos de la
parte norte de la republica, tales actos calificandolos de crimen
anti-nacion y anti-reunificacion.
    expresa la esperanza de que todos los religiosos sudcoreanos y sus
organizaciones que aman la nacion y aspiran a la reconcilacion y la unidad
de esta se levanten activamente en la lucha de denuncia a las fuerzas
conservadoras derechistas que se ocupan de tales actos anti-nacion y
anti-reunificacion sin tomar en consideracion al fundador de la nacion.


militaristas japoneses deben actuar con prudencia
     pyongyang, 15 de diciembre (atcc) -- el comite de medidas de
indemnizacion a las "consoladoras de las tropas" y victimas de la guerra del
pacifico denuncia categoricamente las maquinaciones intrigantes de las
autoridades japonesas contra la rpdc y atrocidades de las autoridades de
investigacion del japon contra la chongryon calificandolas de la represion
politica encaminada a danar la imagen exterior de la digna rpdc y suprimir
de modo planificado a esta organizacion de los ciudadanos de la rpdc en el
ultramar, senala asi la declaracion fechada 15 del comite y continua: los
reaccionarios japoneses durante su ocupacion ilegal de mas de 40 anos sobre
corea secuestraron a millones y cientos de miles de hombres y mujeres
coreanos y los lanzaron como carne de cannon de guerra de agresion y
esclavas sexuales y se apoderaron de muchas reliquias culturales de valor y
recursos materiales. pero hasta ahora eluden la disculpa e indemnizacion por
este particular y aun peor, luego de definir la chongryon como objeto de
aplicacion de la "ley de prevencion de actividades subversivas" perpetran
todas las maquinaciones de represion y discriminacion nacional a los
coreanos residentes en el japon.
    tales maquinaciones contra la rpdc y la chongryon suscitan vehemente
indignacion nacional del pueblo coreano.
    las autoridades japonesas deben poner de inmediato fin a su represion
fascista contra la chongryon, poner ahora mismo en libertad a los coreanos
injustamente detenidos y pedir disculpa a la nacion coreana.
    las autoridades japonesas deben estimar justamente la voluntad del
pueblo coreano, poseedor del firme espiritu de independencia y actuar con

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