TODAY'S NEWS (December.17.2000 Juche 89)


   * New feature film produced

   * Seminars held in Tanzania and Ethiopia

   * Pyongyang declaration's vitality increases

   * Japan's claim to Tok Islet rejected

   * Punishment of Japan's war criminals called for

   * Repeal of SL demanded

   * Japan urged to drop its bid to sit on UNSC

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * farsa de intriga de fuerzas conservadoras de japon

   * exhibicion de fotos y proyeccion filmica

New feature film produced

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Some days ago the April 25 Film Studio
of the Korean People's
Army produced part 4 (Choe Hyon) of the multi-part feature film "the Nation
and Destiny" part 53.
    The film depicts the heroic battles fought by Choe Hyon and KPA
servicemen behind the enemy lines to
protect the safety of the supreme headquarters after it went over to a
counterattack from the entire front line
under the preeminent operation plan of the President Kim Il Sung during the
Fatherland Liberation War (June
1950-july 1953).
    It truthfully represents the indomitable fighting spirit of the first
and second generations of the revolution
who devotedly defended the party and the leader and stresses that comradely
love and the sense of obligation
centered on the leader serves as a source of inexhaustible strength of the
revolutionary armed forces.
    A preview of the film took place at the People's Palace of Culture
    Senior party and state officials and other cadres and Pyongyangites saw
the film.

Seminars held in Tanzania and Ethiopia

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Seminars were held by the Tanzanian
National Coordinating
Committee of the Juche Idea Study Groups and the Addis Ababa Group for the
Study of the Juche Idea of
Ethiopia on December 8 and 9 separately to mark the 9th anniversary of the
great leader Kim Jong Il's
election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the 83rd
birth anniversary of the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
    The chief of the Addis Ababa Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of
Ethiopia in his speech said that
world politicians are now praising him as a general type statesman. He went on:
    The DPRK considers the military affair as the most important state
affair and gives top priority to
strengthening the army. This politics is the political mode which can be
created only by Kim Jong Il, general
type statesman.
    Only victory and glory are always in store for the Korean people guided
by Kim Jong Il, general type
politician with literary and military accomplishments.
    The secretary general of the Tanzanian National Coordinating Committee
of the Juche Idea Study Groups
in his speech said: The world records many heroines, but no great woman
performed such great exploits as
Kim Jong Suk did.
    What occupies the most important place in her history of revolutionary
struggle and her feats was that she
ensured President Kim Il Sung's safety and brought about the future of
modern Korea by giving a steady
continuity to the revolutionary cause of Juche.

Pyongyang declaration's vitality increases

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang declaration "Let us
defend and advance the cause
of socialism" has gives a strong impetus to progressive parties and people
around the world in their struggle
for socialism with great attraction.
    The Pyongyang declaration was adopted by leaders and representatives of
progressive parties including
communist parties and workers' parties of many countries in April Juche 81
(1992). This declaration
represented the resolution of the communist parties and workers' parties to
fight it out for the future of
humankind with firm confidence in the cause of socialism.
    No sooner had the declaration been published than over 150 media of
more than 60 countries gave wide
publicity to it.
    The number of political parties which signed the declaration at the
time of its adoption was 70 and it
reached 170 one year after its adoption. 251 political parties have signed
it up to this date.
    The progressive parties including communist parties and workers'
parties of various countries took the
Pyongyang declaration as the charter of socialism and their action program
and are working hard to put it into
    The political parties of various countries including Russia and Romania
keep pace with each other in the
movement for rebuilding socialism, boosting their relations on the basis of
the declaration.
    Many progressive parties including the Communist Party of the Russian
Federation, the Norwegian
Communist Party and the New Communist Party of Great Britain sent their
delegations to the DPRK to learn
from experience in its party building and socialist construction.
    A gathering of officials of progressive parties from more than 20
countries took place in Moscow to mark
the fifth anniversary of the publication of the declaration. It adopted a
statement "let us advance under the
uplifted banner of the Pyongyang declaration."
    All this shows that the Pyongyang declaration proves more valid as days
go by.

Japan's claim to Tok Islet rejected

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- High-ranking officials of the Japanese
political circles claimed that
Tok Islet belongs to Japan and the Japanese reactionaries staged even an
exercise called "operation to take
back Tok Islet" which they described as a "special islet" by mobilizing the
three services of the "Self-Defence
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary condemns this as an
undisguised infringement upon the
sovereignty of the DPRK and a military provocation to it.
    It says: Historically Tok Islet belongs to Korea. This was recognized
by the world and even Japan is
aware of this fact Tok Islet will always remain part of the territory of
Korea and no one has the right to
interfere in this issue.
    The exercise staged by the Japanese reactionaries was intended to use
this as a pretext to commit a
military provocation to the DPRK and launch their reconquest of Korea.
    The Japanese reactionaries' claim to Tok Islet goes to prove that the
Korean peninsula is made the first
target of their overseas aggression and they leave no stone unturned to put
it into practice.
    The people are greatly angered by the Japanese reactionaries who are
keen on the moves to occupy Tok
Islet, with the far-fetched assertion that it belongs to Japan.
    The Korean people and the people's army, their hearts burning with
bitter grudge against Japanese
militarism, will mete out a merciless punishment to the Japanese
reactionaries, if they invade even an inch of
Korea's territory.

Punishment of Japan's war criminals called for

   Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Seoul-based "Radio No. 1" said various
kinds of records and
documents produced at the recent second women's international war crimes
tribunal on Japan's military
sexual slavery held in Japan brought to light the fact that the Japanese
imperial army took away women of its
neighboring countries and regions and forced them into sexual slavery
before and during the world war two.
    Noting that the tribunal indicted three persons including former
Japanese Emperor Hirohito and ex-Prime
Minister Tojo for war crimes and demanded Japan own state responsibility,
it held that Japan should
apologize and compensate for them as the operation of "comfort stations"
was a blatant violation of the
international law.
    Japan should know that the war criminals should be punished and sexual
abuse against women, in
particular, is a war crime which should be called into question from a
legal point of view even after the lapse
of many years, it added.

Repeal of SL demanded

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The people's solidarity for the
abolition of the security law at a
press conference held in Seoul on December 12 demanded the law be repealed
at the "national assembly
session," according to MBC of South Korea.
    The organization charged that issue of abolishing the security law is
not discussed at the "national
assembly session" despite the fact that it is an evil one that violates
human rights and there is no justification
for it to exist in the prevailing atmosphere of reconciliation between the
north and the south.
    Noting that even the amendment to the SL submitted to the "National
Assembly" retains a particularly
poisonous article of the law "charge of forming organization profiting the
enemy," the organization dismissed
this as a doubtful behavior to save face.

Japan urged to drop its bid to sit on UNSC

    Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) - Japan should do something to be trusted
by the international
community and qualified to become a permanent member of the UN Security
Council before making any bid
for it, says Rodong Sinmun here today in a signed article.
    This is the conclusion made by the article recalling that Japan's bid
for permanent membership was
dismissed as a delusion at the UN General Assembly this year.
    The article cites facts to prove that Japan can never sit on the sc due
to Japan's over self-satisfaction and
hasty conclusion made by the Japanese authorities that Japan is supported
by the world, failing to see through
other's true intention.
    They were too foolish to think that Japan is fully qualified for the
permanent membership and garnered
support necessary for it through several years of lobbying. That was why
Japan has behaved as if it had
already become a permanent member. But this issue was not placed on the
agenda of the UN General
Assembly this year, much less voting on that issue.
    Japan expected that there would be no difficulty for it to get support
from the five permanent members of
the sc but it was a wrong analysis of the balance of forces and misjudgment
of the situation made on the basis
of subjectivism.
    China has taken a negative approach to Japan's bid for permanent
membership. The United States has
dropped a check bar on Japan's moves to become a political and military
power as it may emerge as its rival.
Italy is also poised to contain Japan.
    The article recalls the public opinion that Japan was foolish to count
"votes" at the UN.

For Spanish-speaking people

farsa de intriga de fuerzas conservadoras de japon

   pyongyang, 16 de diciembre (atcc) -- los periodicos principales del
japon los dias 12 y 13 desataron gran
campana informativa segun la cual recientemente el departamento de
seguridad de la prefectura de la policia
metropolitana arresto a los funcionarios de la chongryon (asociacion
general de coreanos residentes en el
japon) e hizo publicos el dia 12 datos de indagacion sobre el particular.
    segun su contenido, un ex-funcionario de la chongryon y otros
arrestados en la segunda quincena del
mes pasado por el "caso de fraude de suma asegurada" sirvieron de "espias"
a alguien contra surcorea y el
    este "incidente" que la prensa japonesa divulga tan ruidosamente a la
vez calificandolo de "caso de
espias" no pasa de ser una farsa intrigante que de hecho fraguaron los
reaccionarios japoneses con el fin de
exacerbar intencionalmente la situacion y desprestigiar la autoridad
exterior de la rpdc.
    las fuerzas conservadoras reaccionarias del japon partiendo de su
anacronica politica de hostilidad a la
rpdc recurrieron sin cesar a las maquinaciones intrigantes dirigidas a
socavarla. tambien en los ultimos anos
han inventado absurdos casos intrigantes como "caso de secuestro" y "caso
de barco de trabajo clandestino" a
fin de suscitar la opinion publica y al calificar el lanzamiento del
satelite espacial de la rpdc de "lanzamiento de
misil" inculcaron a los japoneses la hostilidad a la rpdc y la chongryon.
    pese a todas estas maquinaciones intrigantes la realidad historica
prueba irrefutablemente que se consolida
aun mas la indestructible autoridad exterior de la rpdc y no cesa de
fortalecerse el poderio de la chongryon que
es la prestigiosa organizacion de ciudadanos en ultramar de la rpdc.
    perplejas ante eso las fuerzas conservadoras reaccionarias y los medios
de prensa venales del japon
volvieron a inventar este sensacional "caso de espias" en un eslabon de sus
insensatas maquinaciones
encaminadas a danar y debilitar la autoridad exterior de la rpdc y el
poderio de la chongryon".
    lo inventaron con la malsana finalidad de meter cunas en las relaciones
norte-sur de corea que dan nuevo
cambio positivo despues de publicada la declaracion conjunta de estas ambas
partes del 15 de junio y frenar la
mejora de las relaciones rpdc-japon.
    a traves de este caso los reaccionarios japoneses volvieron a poner al
desnudo a la faz del mundo la
bajeza politica y moral y la desverguenza de su pais que recurre a toda
clase de maquiavelismo para negar y
ocultar sus crimenes del pasado y librarse de su responsabilidad historica
por estos en vez de reflexionar y
pedir disculpa por ellos.
    si de veras, el japon se propone liquidar por completo su historia
llena de crimenes cometidos en el siglo
20, mejorar sus relaciones con la rpdc y recibir el reconocimiento de la
sociedad internacional no debe recurrir
a sus rutinarias maquinaciones de intriga contra la rpdc sino reconocer y
reflexionar claramente de sus
crimenes cometidos en el pasado contra el pueblo coreano y pedir disculpa y
hacer indemnizacion cabalmente
por estos crimenes.

exhibicion de fotos y proyeccion filmica

    pyongyang, 16 de diciembre (atcc) -- con motivo del 9 aniversario de la
eleccion del gran dirigente kim
jong il como comandante supremo del ejercito popular de corea y del 83
aniversario del nacimiento de la
camarada kim jong suk, gran combatiente revolucionaria comunista el
ministerio de comercio exterior ofrecio
el dia 14 exhibicion de fotos y proyeccion filmica.
    estuvieron invitados funcionarios encargados de asuntos economicos y
comerciales de las embajadas de
varios paises en corea.
    los participantes vieron las fotos alusivas a las dinamicas actividades
exteriores que despliega el dirigente
kim jong il al preparar una coyuntura trascendental para la reunificacion
de la patria y la victoria final de la
revolucion coreana y las que demuestran los aspectos orgullosos de lucha
del pueblo coreano que celebro el
55 aniversario de la fundacion del partido del trabajo de corea como un
gran festival de los triunfadores.
    presenciaron un documental que relata la direccion sobre el terreno del
dirigente kim jong il a los antiguos
lugares de combate revolucionario de la zona del monte paektu.


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