>Dear comrades and friends,
>This is a draft text of a protest letter in
>support of the political prisioners
>in Turkey. Because of the urgency of the
>matter we need to act very fast. If you
>like to be included in the list of
>signatures let me know on or off-list
>as soon as possible.
>If you would like to send your own
>protest messages you can use these
>FAX numbers:
>Staatspräsident Sezer, Türkei: Fax: 0090 312 427 13 30
>Ministerpräsident Bülent Ecevit: Fax: 0090 312 417 04 76
>Justizminister Hikmet Türk: Fax: 0090 312 418 5667,
>Innenminister Sadettin Tantan: Fax: 0090 312 418 1795
>Generaldirektor der Haftanstalten Ali Suat Ertosun:
>  Fax:  0090  312 414 63 01,
>  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For communision
>Sven Buttler, Marxist-Leninist List
>Protest letter
>We are very concerned about the recent massacres
>carried out by police forces in prisons all over
>Turkey. The prisioners that have been under
>attack for several days now embarked upon a
>hungerstrike in order to protest the inhuman
>conditions in Turkish prisions.
>The Turkish authorities want to silence the
>prisioners and indeed the whole Turkish
>people to uphold the cheap pretence of being
>a democratic state. We condemn the recent
>undemocratic and coward actions against the
>prisoners and demand an immediate moratorium
>of attacks.
>Stop the fascist attacks!
>For a democratic and free Turkey!
>Signatures so far:
>International relations
>Communist Party  of India (Marxist_Leninist)
>Sven Buttler, Germany
>Alan Dover, New Zealand
>Charles F. Moreira
>Javad Eskandarpour, USA
>Per Rasmussen, Denmark


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