>President Tran Duc Luong welcomed in Beijing
>President Tran Duc Luong and his entourage arrived in Beijing on December 25
>morning, beginning an official friendly visit to China.
>The visit is being made at the invitation of the Chinese president, Jiang
>President Luong was given a red carpet welcome at the People’s Great Hall in
>Beijing and received by President Jiang Zemin who invited him to review the
>Guard of Honour.
>The Chinese president then introduced his guest to Deputy Prime Minister Qian
>Qichen, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and other Chinese senior officials at
>the welcoming ceremony.
>President holds talks with Chinese leader
>Talks held between Vietnamese and Chinese delegations.
>Vietnam's President, Tran Duc Luong, held talks with China's President, Jiang
>Zemin, in Beijng on December 25.
>President Tran Duc Luong, who is leading a high-ranking delegation on an
>official five-day visit to China, had his private meeting with Jiang Zemin
>soon after arrival.
>In the friendly, sincere and frank atmosphere, the two Presidents briefed each
>other about the socio-economic development of their countries, and discussed
>at length ways to deepen the friendship and comprehensive co-operation between
>them to a new height of development in the 21st century.
>President Jiang Zemin welcomed President Tran Duc Luong's official visit to
>China on behalf of the Chinese Party, State and people, saying it was of
>significant importance as it would help boost friendship and all-round
>co-operation between the two countries.
>In reply, President Tran Duc Luong thanked the Chinese Party and State leaders
>and people for their warm and friendly welcome.
>He expressed his delight at visiting a beautiful country, where he had seen
>with his own eyes the great achievements recorded by the Chinese people since
>the People's Republic of China was founded 50 years ago, particularly in the
>20 years of pursuing the policy of reform and openness.
>He wished to see the Chinese people, led by the Communist Party of China (CPC)
>and with President Jiang Zemin playing the core role, successfully complete
>resolutions mapped out at the CPC's 15th congress, and in so doing, continue
>to win greater victories in the cause of economic development that would help
>raise the international role and prestige of China and take great China into
>the 21st century.
>President Jiang said that he appreciated the major achievements recorded by
>the Vietnamese people through Doi Moi, Renovation, industrialisation and
>modernisation to realise the goal of "a wealthy people, a strong nation, a
>fair and civilised society" under socialist-oriented line.
>He wished to see the Vietnamese people, led by the Communist Party of Vietnam
>(CPV), obtain further major achievements in welcome of the new millennium and
>the forthcoming CPV 9th congress.
>The two Presidents noted with satisfaction the strong and deeper development
>of neighbourly friendship and comprehensive co-operation between their two
>countries, particularly after the historic meeting between CPV General
>Secretary Le Kha Phieu and CPC General Secretary Jiang Zemin in Beijing in
>February 1999.
>The signing of the joint statement setting the framework for all-round
>Sino-Vietnam co-operation was the materialisation of the motto "neighbourly
>friendship, comprehensive co-operation, long-lasting stability and
>future-oriented thinking" that was creating a driving force taking the
>friendly and co-operative bilateral ties to a new height.
>Presidents Luong and Jiang agreed that the signing of the Border Treaty
>between their countries last December and the Agreement on the Demarcation of
>the Territorial Waters, Exclusive Economic Zones and Continental Shelves in
>the Bac Bo (Tonkin) Gulf confirmed during President Luong's visit to Beijing
>would help create pre-conditions for the making both the land and Gulf borders
>into borders of peace, friendship and long-lasting stability.
>This would in turn strengthen mutual trust and understanding, facilitate the
>development of each country and make an important contribution to the cause
>for peace, co-operation and development in the region and the world.
>The two Presidents lauded the new, encouraging steps between the two countries
>in the development of economic and commercial relations and shared the same
>important views about detailed orientations for further promoting economic,
>commercial and investment co-operation commensurate with the aspirations and
>potentials of both peoples.
>They reaffirmed continued encouragement and assistance to localities, sectors
>and the commerce of their countries to accelerate co-operation and joint
>ventures, particularly in economy, trade, science-technology, tourism, culture
>and education.
>The two Presidents reaffirmed the policy to accelerate the trend for peace,
>co-operation and development in Southeast Asia, the Asia-Pacific and other
>parts of the world.
>President Luong renewed his invitation made in 2000 to Mr Jiang to visit
>Vietnam at a convenient time and the invitation was accepted with pleasure.
>Mr Jiang asked President Luong to convey his warm greetings and wishes of good
>health to other Vietnamese leaders. (VNA)
>Vietnam, China sign joint statement
>FM Nguyen Dy Nien and his Chinese counterpart Tang Jiaxuan
>sign Tonkin Gulf Demarcation Agreement.
>Vietnam and China signed a joint statement for comprehensive co-operation in
>the new century in Beijing on December 25.
>Signatories were Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien for Vietnam and Foreign
>Minister Tang Jiaxuan for the China.
>The joint statement, signed during the five-day visit to China by Vietnam's
>President Tran Duc Luong, says:
>The signatories reaffirm that they will follow the five principles for
>peaceful co-existence based on the United Nations Charter and the principles
>for international relations which have been mutually recognised, to boost
>comprehensive bilateral development.
>The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the Communist Party of China, CPC,
>will continue to develop their friendship and co-operation based on the
>principles of independence, sovereignty, equality, mutual respect and
>non-interference in each other's internal affairs.
>To effectively realise the guiding motto "Neighbourly friendship,
>comprehensive co-operation, long-term stability and future-oriented thinking
>and so as to develop the bilateral relationship to a new height in the 21st
>century, Vietnam and China have agreed to strengthen and broaden their
>co-operation in many fields.
>They have agreed that the signing of "the Treaty on the Land Border between
>the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) and the People's Republic of China"
>(PRC), "the Agreement on the Demarcation of the Territorial Waters, Exclusive
>Economic Zones and Continental Shelves in the Bac Bo (Tokin) Gulf between the
>SRV and the PRC", and "the Agreement on Fishing Co-operation in the Bac Bo
>Gulf between the SRV and the PRC" have historic meaning as they will help
>boost the neighbourly friendship and comprehensive co-operation between the
>two nations .
>Vietnam and China reaffirmed that they would continue with the existing
>mechanism for sea-related issues, insisting on peaceful negotiation that seek
>a basic and long-lasting solution acceptable to both.
>In the spirit of "settling the easy first and the difficult later", both
>should actively discuss possible co-operation in such areas as the
>preservation of maritime environment, hydro-meteorology and natural disaster
>Simultaneously they should not take any action that could widen disputes, nor
>should they use or threaten to use force. Both should discuss immediately and
>resolve properly in a calm and constructive manner any disputes that might
>happen so as to prevent such disputes from causing a negative impact on the
>normal development of bilateral ties.
>Both reiterated their common view as defined in the joint Vietnam-China
>communiques of November 10, 1991; November 22, 1994; and December 2, 1995 and
>the February 27, 1999 joint Vietnam-China statement.
>Vietnam affirms its policy of one China and recognises that the Government of
>the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government of all China.
>Taiwan is an inseparable part of China.
>Vietnam has established non-governmental economic and commercial relations
>only with Taiwan and has not developed government relations with Taiwan. China
>welcomed Vietnam's stand. It affirmed that the Taiwan issue is entirely an
>internal affair of China and China strongly opposes governmental relations
>with Taiwan in any form by those countries that have established diplomatic
>relations with China. (VNA)
>Vietnam, China sign co-operation agreements
>Signing agreement between Vietnam News Agency
>and China Xinhua News Agency.
>A joint statement and four agreements for co-operation between Vietnam and
>China were signed in Beijing on December 25.
>The joint statement set the framework for comprehensive co-operation between
>the two countries in the new century. The agreements were: the Agreement on
>the Demarcation of the Territorial Waters, Exclusive Economic Zones and
>Continental Shelves of the Bac Bo (Tonkin) Gulf by Vietnam's Foreign Minister,
>Nguyen Dy Nien, and his Chinese counterpart, Tang Jiaxuan; the Agreement for
>Fishing Co-operation in the Bac Bo Gulf, signed by Vietnam's Minister of
>Fisheries, Ta Quang Ngoc, and Chinese Minister of Agriculture, Chen Yaobang;
>the Agreement for Co-operation in the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful
>Purposes, signed by Vietnam's Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and
>Environment, Hoang Van Huay, and China's Deputy Minister of Science and
>Technology Ma Congde; and the Agreement for Co-operation between the Vietnam
>News Agency and China Xinhua News Agency signed by General Directors of both
>agencies, Ho Tien Nghi and Tian Tongming.
>President Tran Duc Luong and President Jiang Zemin witnessed the signings
>which took place during President Tran Duc Luong's first day in Beijing as
>part of a five-day official visit.
>In the evening, President Jiang Zemin gave a banquet in honour of President
>Tran Duc Luong and his entourage at the Great Hall of the People in the
>Chinese capital. (VNA)


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