National Assembly's 10th session closes

The 10th National Assembly closed its month-long session on December 25.

During the session, the National Assembly discussed and assessed the
implementation of socio-economic tasks and the State budget in 2001 and in
the 1996-2000 period; passed a resolution on 2002 plan, a resolution on the
five-year (2001-2005) plan, a resolution on estimation of the State budget
for 2002, a resolution approving the balance of payment in 2000, and a
resolution on ratification of the Vietnam-US Bilateral Trade Agreement.

The National Assembly also adopted a resolution on amendments and
supplements to some articles of the 1992 Constitution, the Law on National
Assembly's Organisation (revised), the Law on Government Organisation
(revised), and the Law on Amendments and Supplements to some articles of the
Law on Elections of National Assembly Deputies. A resolution on law and
ordinance building programme in 2002 and a resolution on shortening the
tenure of the National Assembly, 10th legislature, was also approved at the

In addition to the accomplishments, the National Assembly also pointed out
weaknesses in the implementation of the 2001 socio-economic development
tasks and the five-year (1996-2000) plan. These include failure to achieve
planned economic targets, low quality of growth as well as low efficiency
and competitive edge of Vietnam's economy, slow economic restructuring, and
poor performance in attracting domestic and foreign human resources, failing
to meet the demand of the new situation. In the meantime, fundamental
changes have not been seen in solving social and cultural negative

The National Assembly also passed a resolution on the 2002 tasks with an
overall target of "continuing to maintain a high and sustainable economic
growth rate and raise the economy's competitive edge."

The National Assembly also agreed on tasks and measures as stated in the
Government's report, and at the same time it has emphasised a number of
tasks and measures to be prioritised in order to effectively carry out all
objectives set in the Resolution on the 2002 tasks.

The NA heard Deputy Prime Ministers presenting Government reports and
answering voters' questions on issues of common concern. Several Ministers,
the Chief Judge of the Supreme People's Court and the Director of the
Supreme People's Procuracy reported on the settlement of voters' petitions
and answered NA deputies' queries.

During hearing sessions, a number of urgent issues namely measures to
support farmers to market their products and to speed up the fight against
hunger and poverty, the import of motorbike spare parts, the rising number
of traffic accidents, tax collection losses, and negative phenomena in
refunding value-added-tax payments to businesses were touched upon. NA
deputies also raised questions on inspection and management of State budget
spendings, legal proceedings, and settlement of citizen's petitions.

The National Assembly asked Government and relevant agencies to carry out
effective measures to address the above-said issues to ensure a strict
observance of laws and NA resolutions.

The NA also agreed to shorten the term of the tenth NA legislature by two
months and organise the elections of the next NA legislature on Sunday, May
19, 2002, to avoid possible adverse weather conditions. (VNA)


Party delegation visits Laos

Chairman Khamtay Siphandone of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP)
appreciated co-operation between the External Relations Commissions of the
LPRP and the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).

Chairman Khamtay Siphandone, who is also State President, made the remark at
a reception to the visiting delegation of the CPV's External Relations
Commission this afternoon, December 25.

The Vietnamese party delegation, led by Director Nguyen Van Son, started the
six-day visit to Laos on December 24.

Director Son briefted the Lao Chairman on the results of the working session
between his delegation and the Lao counterpart.

At the working session, the two sides exchanged views on the two
commissions' co-operation in promoting friendship, solidarity, and
comprehensive co-operation between the two Parties and people. They also
compared notes on regional and international issues of mutual concern.

The delegation will make a fact-finding tour of socio-economic
establishments in Vientiane and other localities. (VNA)


Deputy PM urges fiercer fight against social evils

Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem has asked Ho Chi Minh City to take
concerted efforts and be determined to eradicate social evils.

He told the city's authorities on December 25 that the city should encourage
the entire people to participate in the fight against crimes, drug
addiction, prostitution, and HIV/AIDS.

The Deputy PM, who is also Chairman of the National Committee for Prevention
of AIDS, Drug Abuse and Prostitution, spoke highly of the city's experience
and effective models in fighting social evils, particularly its recent
crack-down on crime. He said the campaign was of great significance, gaining
people's confidence and creating all-people strength for the social evil
fight in the coming time.

Ho Chi Minh City's criminal crimes reduced 8.54% this year. Its
detoxification centres received more than 7,700 drug addicts for treatment
in 2001 and plans to help 17,000 drug addicts quit their habits by the end
of 2002.

The city's police put an end to 164 prostitution dens, arresting 196
prostitution broker individuals and organisations. (VNA)


Snow falls in Bac Can

The temperature was down to the low level of the year in many areas of Bac
Can in the night of December and the early morning of the next day.

In the December 25 morning, the temperature was 2.4 Celsius degree in its
township, 3.3 Celsius degree in Ba Be district and below 0.1 Celsius degrees
in Ngan Son district (the first below zero temperature of the year). 

There are hoar-frost in many places and ice in mountainous areas. In
addition, snow has fallen in Thuong Giao commune, Ba Be district and Binh
Van commune, Cho Moi district.

It is forecast that in the next few days, it will be freezing cold and there
will be ice and hoar-frost, which will affect crops and animals.


Price index rise puts an end to deflation

The consumer price index has recorded its biggest month-on-month increase in
2001 in December - a paltry one percent.

But this has brought an end to the deflation that has been persisting since
April, although annual inflation is still a negligible 0.8%, as against the
planned five percent.

Economists have laid the blame for the continuing price decrease on a
decline in the purchasing power of farmers - who comprise 80% of the
population - due to the relentlessly falling farm prices.

In December, food prices went up 5.9% month-on-month, a substantial jump
compared to the nine other categories. This has not only increased the CPI
but also boosted incomes for farmers.

Pharmaceuticals, education, entertainment, and other services came second
rising 0.2%. Clothing, hat, and footwear, followed with a 0.1% increase.

There were no changes to the prices of construction materials and household
appliances, while other categories all fell.

Compared to a year earlier, food prices rose six percent, and other goods
and services rose around 1%.

In December gold hardened 0.4% month on month, and five percent year on
year. But the US dollar lagged behind, rising 0.3% and 3.8%, respectively.

A city-wise break-up for December saw the CPI rising one percent in Hanoi,
0.5% in Ho Chi Minh City, and two percent in Hai Phong City. (VNA)

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