>On strike day the Senate was to begin discussion on five-year budget proposal
>which has come under harsh criticism by the Intersocial, an alliance of labor
>and community organizations. On Dec. 5, a day before the strike, the
>Intersocial organized a huge march "for the unity of the social organizations,
>against unemployment, and for a fair budget." The march and strike are part of
>a broad mobilization organized by the Intersocial and scheduled to continue
>over the following two weeks. A day after the general strike, on Dec. 7,
>Uruguay's air traffic controllers staged their own 24-hour sitdown strike,
>bringing all international flights to a halt. Association of Air Transit
>Controllers (ACTA) is planning other measures beginning Dec. 15, including a
>work slowdown that will delay flights.
>Greek Strike Against Labour Reforms
>Greek urban and sea transport ground to a halt on 21 December and air and rail
>schedules were cut back to minimum as transport workers and civil servants
>walked out to protest against labour reforms. Thousands of protesting workers
>marched through Athens to parliament, where a controversial labour law was
>being debated, shouting anti-government slogans.
>The General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), Greece's largest labour
>grouping, and its public sector sister organisation staged the 24-hour action,
>which also affected ministries, banks and the press. The law being considered
>by Parliament this week includes reforms such as easier group dismissals by
>corporations and flexible working hours, and falls short of satisfying labour
>demands for a 35-hour week without a reduction in pay. Labour unions are also
>pressing for retirement after 35 years of work, instead of at 65 years of age
>currently. The socialist government has a majority in Parliament and is sure
>to pass the bill, which it says aims at modernising the Greek labour market
>and boosting employment.


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