>ML Update
>A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
>Vol.-3; No.-51; 27-12-2000
>Let the New Year Hasten the
>Total Rout of the Sangh Parivar
>If the end of 1999 had been marked by the IC-814 hijack episode, Y2K comes to
>an end with the stunning strike by a section of Kashmiri militants on the Lal
>Qila. While the NDA government's Kashmir and Pakistan policies alternate
>between cold war and hot pursuit, between the so-called soft and hard options
>ranging from Vajpayee's bus diplomacy through Kargil war to the latest gesture
>of ceasefire, it is evident that the NDA government remains as clueless
>regarding Kashmir as ever. Meanwhile, for all the hard/effective state
>rhetoric of Advani and other Sangh Parivar ideologues, Y2K will also be
>remembered for the humiliating spectacle of the Indian state being held to
>ransom by the sandalwood smuggler Veerappan.
>The saffron regime is, of course, trying hard to project an image of India's
>growing international stature with displays of strategic proximity to the US.
>Internally, the might of the Indian state is sought to be demonstrated through
>systematic persecution of the minorities and bulldozing of the sources of
>livelihood and other democratic rights of the weak, disadvantaged, toiling
>masses. The BJP is however desperate to camouflage its barbarity in the guise
>of benevolence. Having all along denounced the 'individual' cult in the
>Congress and all other personality-based parties, the BJP now projects the
>Prime Minister as a benevolent emperor, who celebrates his birthday by doling
>out welfare schemes for his hapless subjects like rural roads project (Rs.
>60,000 crore Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana), additional food subsidies (Rs.
>2,300 crore Antyodaya Anna Yojana) and literacy plans (Netaji Subhash
>Saksharta Mission).
>All these 'new clothes' are however only accentuating the emperor's nakedness.
>The BJP's pretension to be a party with a difference, its claim to liberate
>the society from terror, hunger and corruption, has all been exposed as a
>cruel and ugly fraud on the nation. Consequently, resentment runs high among
>vast sections of the society and in every corner of the country. Faced with
>all round exposure and resistance, and with Assembly elections round the
>corner, the BJP has returned to the magic wand of Ayodhya. The VHP and all
>other Sangh Parivar vandals are readying for yet another bloodbath.
>Vajpayee of course maintains that his government would abide by whatever the
>court says. The nation has once paid the price for misreading this deceptive
>legalism of the fascists. The history of the rise of the Sangh Parivar has
>been replete with instances of saffron transition from the parliamentary to
>the extra-parliamentary and vice versa, of combination of independent
>assertion with united front tactics. If once again the Sangh Parivar is
>indicating its readiness to hit the streets, the secular-democratic resistance
>must not lag behind. The RSS has remained banned for several years, often the
>saffron zealots have been banished to political wilderness. But the Sangh
>Parivar is yet to be handed over a decisive and comprehensive defeat.
>Let the new year hasten the process of a total rout of the saffron fascists.
>Let the nation take a lesson from its biggest enemy within. If the Sangh
>Parivar has been able to survive periods of isolation and partial defeat, it
>is because of the opposition's uncritical reliance on legalism, and
>confinement of popular resistance to narrow parliamentary confines. Beyond the
>parliamentary world of shadow-boxing and the routine noise of third front, let
>secular-democracy prevail over the fascists in the battle of the barricades.
>Let the first year of the new century be a year of more resolute resistance
>and more resounding victories.
>Party Launches
>"Lutera Bhagao, Krishi Bachao" Agitation
>Party has appealed to all secular democratic forces to thwart the heinous
>conspiracy of Sangh Parivar commanders like Vajpayee, Advani, Sudarshan,
>Laxman and Uma Bharati through their web of false and misleading statements
>and called for country-wide observance of December 31 as "Oust Saffron, Save
>the Nation" day by burning the effigies of Atal Bihari Vajpayee in every
>village and every nook and corner of the country.
>The extension of the ongoing economic reforms to the agricultural arena has
>landed the country into an unprecedented agrarian crisis. Even as the
>foodgrains rot in FCI godowns, millions of Indians languish in absolute
>poverty, malnutrition and even sheer starvation, and large sections of small
>farmers are being forced into distress sale, the government is effectively
>subsiding the nexus of traders and millers or the foreign consumer. Against
>this backdrop CPI(ML) will spearhead a "Lutera Bhagao, Krishi Bachao" (Oust
>the Looters, Save Agriculture) campaign with a view to forging a militant
>solidarity of the agrarian labourers and deprived farmers. The Party will
>press for large-scale introduction of "food for work" programme to reduce the
>pressure on FCI. An effective procurement system can only survive on the basis
>of an expanded public distribution system and hence to save Indian agriculture
>from the clutches of the MNCs and the nexus of private traders, hoarders and
>other middlemen, the movement must address the question of vacating FCI
>godowns and increasing the PDS offtake on a priority basis.
>2nd Death Anniversary of Com. VM Observed (Late News)
>A seminar was held in Bhilai on "Movement against Privatisation and Role of
>Left". President of Madhya Pradesh Bank Employees Association Com. Rajan
>Tumare, Prof. Som Goswami from Raipur, Loktrantic Samajwadi Party distt.
>president Shyam Manohar Singh and Jagnarayan Chaudhry from AICCTU also
>adressed the seminar. Com. Rajaram released "Chattishgargh Maley Samachar",
>the organ of CPI(ML), Chattishgarh.
>In Bangalore, an activist meeting was called in Peenya on 17 Dec. in the
>memory of Comrade VM. Around 30 people participated. Com. Gopal spoke on "How
>did our party evolve?". In the afternoon, a discussion on our approach to
>globalisation based on Liberation articles etc was also held. On 18th, another
>meeting was held in Mysore in which Com. Lakshmi Narayanan, Com. Rati and Com.
>Puttaiah of 'Red Flag' also spoke.
>A memorial meeting was organised at State Party office in Guwahati on 18 Dec.
>Memorial meetings were organised at Nagaon, Sonitpur, Jorhat, Dibrugarh,
>Tinsukia and Barpeta. Karbi Anglong Party Committee organised a large memorial
>meeting at Diphu.
>PWG : B-Team of Ranvirs
>After returning from Brahmachak of Jahanabad, where four Party supporter
>comrades Sudhir Paswan, Subedar paswan, Ajay Paswan and Akhilesh Paswan were
>killed by PWG gang on 18 Dec., an investigation team led by Party PB member
>Com. Ram Naresh Ram and comprising Com. Satyadev Ram, MLA, Dr. Ramadhar Singh,
>State Secy. of Kisan Sabha and Shah Chand of Inquilabi Muslim Conference, said
>that the massacre of dalits was executed under police supervision. PWG has
>effectively become B-team of Ranvir Sena in Jahanabad. The team demanded
>immediate arrest of the culprits, 5 lakh compensation to the families of the
>deceased and job to their dependents.
>Party Statement on Govt. Anti-people Measures
>The NDA goernment's move to reduce the government share in the equity of
>nationalised banks from 51% to 33% is a clear step towards privatisation of
>the banking sector. Nationalised banks in India have been systematically
>looted by Indian monopoly houses and foreign MNCs in collusion with ruling
>parties, with bad debts now amounting to as high as Rs.58,000 crore. Instead
>of penalising those defaulters the government is stabbing the banking industry
>in the back by rewarding the same private sector with 67% equity share of the
>banks. Party congratulates the bank employees on their successful and united
>countrywide strike and appeals to all sections of the working class and
>democratic forces to foil the rulers' bid to break this financial backbone of
>our national economy.
>The NDA government is toying with the idea of subverting the V Schedule of the
>Constitution so as to denotify tribal land and enable foreign mining companies
>and hotel chains to acquire vast tracts of tribal land for a song and displace
>large sections of our tribal population. CPI(ML) warns the NDA government
>against any such move which will be resisted tooth and nail by the Party and
>other forces of tribal autonomy movement in the country.
>Initiatives in Karnataka
>A 'Discussion Forum' was organised jointly by Dalit Sangarsh Samiti (DSS) and
>RYAat Harappanahalli
>taluk of Davanagere district on 17 Oct. Dr. DM Puttaiah and Gopal delivered
>speeches on Dalits and Globalisation, Dalits and the left movement and the
>path of dalit movement in Karnataka. Com. Ramappa moderated the discussion
>while Manjunatha presided over the meeting.
>As a part of 'Strengthen the Party' campaign, a signature campaign was
>conducted in various localities. Main issues were petroleum price hike,
>demanding construction of a 'workers city' in contrast to the state
>government's plan of a satellite city, minimum wage Rs.3500, free supply of
>drinking water to all the people contrary to the govt's plan of inviting MNCs
>to the water supply sector etc. apart from other issues of local concern. As a
>culmination of the signature campaign, a memorandum was submitted to the
>Chairman of the local municipal corporation by the party activists on 20
>Party Opposes Electricity Bill
>Party strongly opposes the proposed Electricity Bill, 2000 aimed at handing
>over the power sector to foreign companies. If the Maharashtra experience with
>Enron is any guide, power sector reforms will sound the death-knell for the
>ordinary consumer and especially the crucial agriculture sector.
>Convention on Closed & Sick Industrics
>A convention on closed and sick Industries was organised by AICCTU on 14 Dec.
>at Moulali Youth Center, Calcutta. It was addressed by Com. Chittabrata
>Mazumdar of CITU, Gurudas Dasgupta of AITUC, Sunil Sengupta of UTUC, Shankar
>Saha of UTUC(L.S.), Ajit Pandey, a leftist MLA and Basudev Bose of AICCTU. An
>approach paper placed by Com. Atanu Chakraborty before the convention demanded
>(a) withdrawal of new economic and industrial policy persued by Central Govt.;
>(b) convening a special session of W.B. Assembly to deal with the problems of
>closed and sick industries; (c) taking legal steps against the millowners, who
>are not paying minimum wages to the workers; (d) giving punishment to the
>owners, who are appropriating the funds due to P.F, E.S.I and Gratuity; and
>(e) immediete tri-partite agreement in jute industries.
>Barring Com. Chittabrata Muzumdar, all other speakers supported the AICCTU
>demands elaborated by Com Basudev Bose in the convention.
>Victory in P.F. Trustee Board Election
>In Mahadeo Jute Mill, Howrah, AICCTU affiliated union won majority of seats in
>the P.F. Trustee Board election held on 15 Dec. This is the first victory in
>W.B. in the election of P.F. Trustee Board in jute industries. Last time the
>Board was run by CITU and INTUC delegates. During the strike last March, both
>CITU and INTUC had withdrawn from struggle midway in the interest of the
>owners. The election marks an indication of general isolation of CITU and
>INTUC from the workers.
>March to Assembly in WB
>RYA organised a 'Mahakaran (Assembly) March' on 13 Dec. to present its 12
>point demand charter to the new Chief Minister of W.B. It includes publishing
>a white paper on employment generation during the 24 years rule of L.F.Govt.,
>providing employment or monthly allowance of Rs.1000 to the unemployed, making
>the self employment scheme viable, etc. More than 250 RYA activists led by
>Joyatu Deshmukh started the march from college square and courted arrest at
>Rani Rasmoni Road, when police blocked their advance.
>Convention on Women Reservation Bill
>On 21 Dec., WB unit of AIPWA organised a convention at BMPEU hall, Calcutta,
>demanding the Women Reservation Bill be adopted by Parliament. Women's
>organisation  leaders Com. Rekha Goswami from CPI(M), Aparajita Gopi from FB,
>Gita Sengupta from RSP, and Shefali Bhattacharya from CPI addressed the
>convention. Com. Shukla Sen spoke on behalf of AIPWA. Presided over by Com.
>Gita Das, the convention univocally condemned the BJP Govt. for dilly-dallying
>with regard to the Bill and called for an effective movement to compel the
>Govt. to adopt the Bill in the next session.
>Party Workshop at Arrah
>A district-level workshop was organised at Arrah in Bhojpur district of Bihar
>on 24 Dec. to discuss new initiatives to be taken following the conclusion of
>'Strengthen the Party' campaign. It was held at Nagri Pracharni Hall. In the
>context of successes achieved in breaking the stagnation and overcoming
>pessimism during the campaign, it was resolved to forcefully intervene in
>panchayat elections and launch agitation on the issues of crisis in
>agriculture. In his speech Com. Ramjatan Sharma, State Party Secy. elaborated
>the two issues and exhorted the cadres to march ahead towards materialising
>the new prospects. Com. Ram Naresh Ram, PB member appealed to the cadres to
>live up to the legacy of Bhojpur and set an example before the whole country.
>Land Struggle in Raiganj
>On 21 Nov. peasants under Party leadership captured 16 bighas of land in
>Soharai village of Raiganj PS in
>North Dinajpur district of West Bengal. The land was under possession of a
>rich and influential landowner who also happens to be millowner and trader.
>Following a number of meetings, torchlight processions, peasants finally
>occupied the the land, tilled it using tractor and planted seeds on it. When
>on 2 Dec. the landlord's goons tried to seize back the land forcibly, they
>were chased away by peasants.
>Same day peasants recovered 1.25 bighas of land from possession of a CPI(M)
>supported rogue.
>National Youth Conference at Varanasi
>Revolutionary Youth Association held its 2nd conference at Shaheed Subhash
>Mukherjee (Nagar Nigam) Hall in Vinod Mishra Nagar (Varanasi) on 23-24
>December. On 23 Dec. a youth rally was brought out which was led by Com.
>Rajaram Singh, President and Lal Bahadur, Gen. Secy. of RYA, and other
>leaders. Com. Akhilendra Pratap Singh, Secy. of UP State Committee also
>attended the rally and inaugurated the conference. The conference resolved to
>launch a popular movement against saffron rulers' conspiracy to sell out
>country at the hands of imperialists.
>Chattisgarh Diary
>One day dharna was held in front of Vidhan Sabha in Raipur on 19 Dec., on 7
>point demand by CPI(ML), CPI(M) and Loktrantic Samajwadi Party(LSP). Immediate
>drought rehief was the main demand. Com Rajaram, CCM was also present at the
>A convention on contract labour was held on 19 Dec. at Joratarai Dundera, a
>contract labour area in Bhilai. Good numbers of contract labourers from Bhilai
>Steel Plant attended the convention. The convention was addressed by Com.
>Swapan Mukharjee, Gen. Secy. of AICCTU, Jagnarayan Chaudhry, local  AICCTU
>leader, Shiv Kumar from Janwadi Mazdur Ekta Kendra and Bijendra Tiwari from
>CSW. Com Ashok Miri, an AICCTU leader, presided over the convention.
>Meeting of Nagrik Sabha
>Mandawali Nagrik Sabha held its meeting on 24 Dec. and decided to hold "Vikas
>Sammelan" (development conference) on 25 Feb. next year. In the course of
>preparation locality meetings from 1-12 Jan., street corner meetings from
>15-18 Jan. and development meetings on 4 and 11 in Chandra Vihar and West
>Vinod Nagar will be held and membership campaign will be launched.
>Black Day Observed
>On 6 December, in North Dinajpur of West Bengal the District RYA  held a
>meeting and observing Black Day, brought out an anti-communal march under the
>leadership of Taslim Ali, secretary of RYA.
>Party Decries Killing of Hindi-Speaking People in Assam by 'Extremists'
>Assam State Party Committee and AIPWA jointly took out a procession on 15 Dec.
>in Guwahati to protest recent killings of Hindi-speaking people in Assam.
>Participants came from Nagaon, Jorhat, Dibrugarh and Tinsukia. The mass
>meeting was presided over by Com. Naren Bora, SCMof CPI(ML) and addressed by
>Com. Pankaj Das, SCM, Kanaklata Dutta, state AIPWA Secy., Bolindra Saikia,
>state AISA secy., Prasun Chatterjee, state AICCTU vice president.
>On 9 Dec. Tinsukia District Committee of Party organised a representative
>meeting of Hindi-speaking people. Com. Brij Pradhan presided over the meeting.
>Party State Secy. Rubul Sarma and Tinsukia District Secy. Subhash Sen
>criticised the role of Hindu Yuva Chhatra Parishad, a youth wing of saffron
>brigade and appealed to Hindi-speaking people not to join communal forces. An
>organisation named Janwadi Hindibhashi Manch was also launched, which will
>work with CPI(ML) against communal forces. On 11 Dec., Tinsukia DC of Party,
>RYA, AIPWA, Jan Sanskriti Parishad, Janwadi Hindibhashi Manch, United Platform
>of Motor Transport Workers called a 10-hour bandh against the killings which
>was a grand success.
>On 15 Dec., a citizen's meet was organised by CPI(ML) at Pathsala town of
>Barpeta district. An artists' protest programme was organised by Jan Sanskriti
>Parishad and Study Forum in Guwahati where prominent artists including Dilip
>Sarma, Sudakshina Sarma, Pranbiram Barua, Malabika Bora, Nibedita Sarma,
>Jimani Chaudhry, Khagen Mahanta, Loknath Goswami, noted dramatist Mahendra
>Barthakur and noted poet Samir Tanti were present. Protest songs were recited
>and recent killings were condemned in the meeting.
>Vamik Jaunpuri Remembered
>On the occasion of 2nd death anniversary of noted poet Vamik Jaunpuri, Jan
>Sanskriti Manch organised a cultural seminar on 22 Novemebr at Jaunpur.
>Addressing the seminar Uday Yadav, executive member of Jan Sanskriti Manch and
>organiser of Dasta,Varanasi, said that Vamik was an uncompromising struggling
>personality who put forth an ideal before the writers of the new generation
>and his dream of revolution has now become the dream of a whole new
>generation. Dasta and Jaunpur unit of JSM presented poems and songs of Vamik.
>Posters carrying poems of Vamik were also displayed. In the morning, flowers
>were offered at the grave of Vamik Jaunpuri. Vote of thanks was given by Ajay
>Kumar, vice president of JSM.
>General Strike in Uruguay
>A 24-hour general strike in Uruguay on Dec. 6 had wide support from public
>workers, bank workers, teachers,
>health workers and industrial workers. The strike was called by the country's
>only labor federation, the Inter-Union Workers Plenary-National Workers
>Convention (PIT-CNT), to demand more jobs and a more equitable budget, and to
>protest the neo-liberal economic plan being imposed by the the ruling
>coalition. Strikers demanded dignified wages, collective bargaining, respect
>for union freedom, and the rejection of privatization. It was the second
>general strike since President Jorge Luis Batlle Ibanez assumed office on
>Mar.ch 1, 2000.


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