TODAY'S NEWS (January.14.2001 Juche 90)



Implementation of north-south joint declaration called for

Indian President on relations with DPRK

All youth in S. Korea and overseas urged to come out in movement for

U.S. forces' occupation of cultivated land protested

Political ability of Kim Jong Il praised

Korea's reunification supported

Japanese chief executive's remark under fire

For Spanish-speaking people


vocero de ministerio de industria pesquera declara

modernas plantas avicolas

rpdc: nevada y frio intensos

Implementation of north-south joint declaration called for
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- An important and principled issue
arising in bringing about a decisive advance in the drive to push forward
the cause of Korea's reunification this year is to implement the June 15
north-south joint declaration to the letter, says Rodong Sinmun today in a
signed article. It goes on:
    The declaration is a proclamation of independence, peaceful
reunification and great national unity anchored on the three principles of
national reunification and a landmark of reunification in the new century.
    Reunification will come only when the Korean nation implements the
north-south joint declaration to the letter.
    The principle of national independence is a fundamental one for solving
the issue of reunification.
    No issue related to the reunification of the country can be solved in
conformity with the demand and interests of the Korean nation, away from the
principle of national independence.
    It is the only way of achieving reunification to solve the issue of
reunification independently by the Korean nation's efforts the north-south
joint declaration can be honoured and the reunification be achieved only
when the Korean nation relies on its own efforts, not depending on foreign
forces, and steadfastly maintains the stand of cooperating with fellow
countrymen, not seeking cooperation with foreign forces.
    In order to reunify the country on the principle of national
independence, all members of the nation should equip themselves firmly with
the consciousness of its independence, reject flunkeyism and dependence on
foreign forces and struggle against foreign domination and interference.
    If the Korean nation is to achieve its independent reunification it
should have common ways and aim for reunification. Only then can the whole
nation pool their strength and wisdom.
    The north and the south should establish a reunified state by federal
formula reflecting the will and demand of all compatriots on the basis of
recognizing and tolerating the existing two systems and on the principle of
shelving differences and widely accepting the demand and common denominators
of the nation, without allowing each other's interests to be infringed.
    The thorough implementation of the declaration would guarantee the
independent reunification of the nation.
    We will make all efforts to implement the declaration to the letter to
accelerate the reunification of the country.


Indian President on relations with DPRK
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- Indian President K. R. Narayanan, when
receiving credentials from new DPRK ambassador to his country Jang Kwang Son
on Tuesday, expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations
between India and the DPRK would further strengthen and develop. India and
the DPRK have traditional relationship of friendship, he noted, and said:
The two peoples established ties in the common struggle against colonialism
and imperialism and are working together for social justice.
    Hailing the successful inter-Korean summit held in Pyongyang last year,
he said India hopes that Korea's reunification will be realized through
peaceful negotiations.


All youth in S. Korea and overseas urged to come out in movement for
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- Ri Il Hwan, first secretary of the
central committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, in a statement
on Jan. 13 expressed full support to the proposals set forth at the 2001
meeting for the independent reunification of the Korean nation, hailing it
as a significant meeting to promote reunification as it fully reflected the
desire and wishes of the Korean youth and students. The Korean youth and
students will uphold the north-south joint declaration as a reunification
programme common to the nation and a patriotic banner and devote all their
youthful energies and enthusiasm to the noble work for its implementation,
he noted, and continued:
    We will firmly join hands with all youth and students in South Korea and
overseas who support the north-south joint declaration, irrespective of
their affiliation and ism, merge our voice with their movement for
reunification and take joint actions with them.
    He expressed the firm belief that the Korean youth and students at home
and abroad would turn out more vigorously in the patriotic movement for
implementing the historic joint declaration by the concerted efforts of the


U.S. forces' occupation of cultivated land protested
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- Farmers of over 400 families in
Jindong-myon, Phaju, Kyonggi Province, are protesting against U.S. forces'
occupation of their farmland, according to the South Korean newspaper
Hangyore. They charged that the U.S. forces have requisitioned 2.15 million
phyong of farmland as its firing range for 27 years and put up wire
entanglements and a barricade around the area last year to keep peasants off
it and make a mess of their farming.
    They lodged a protest with the 8th U.S. army firing range controlling
office and the U.S. engineering brigade and demanded the wire entanglements
and barricade be dismantled and their land returned at once.


Political ability of Kim Jong Il praised
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- Vladimir Markov, secretary of the
central committee of the All-Russia Communists Union Party, and Yuri
Izjumov, editor-in-chief of the Russian newspaper Glasnosti, were
interviewed by KCNA in Moscow on Jan. 8 as regards the joint New Year
editorial of the DPRK newspapers Rodong Sinmun, Josoninmingun and
Chongnyonjonwi. They said that last year was a proud year for the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea in which its dignity and honour were demonstrated
to the world. 
    They continued:
    The hardline and principled struggle of the DPRK firmly defending the
banner of independence foiled the imperialists' moves to isolate and stifle
it. And it has become the mainstream of the times to establish and develop
goodwill and friendly relations with Korea.
    Noting that the political ability of leader Kim Jong Il startled the
whole world, they said that the progressive people of the world are highly
praising him as a lodestar of the 21st century.


Korea's reunification supported
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- I, on behalf of the Guinean women,
express firm support and solidarity with all the Korean people, the Korean
women in particular, in their just struggle to reunify the country by
implementing the historic north-south joint declaration at an early date.
Hadja Kouta Guiralde, chairwoman of the national women's federation of the
Guinean Party for Unity and Progress, said this in her statement issued on
January 5 in support of principled issues of Korea's reunification dealt
with in the joint New Year editorial of the DPRK newspapers Rodong Sinmun,
Josoninmingun and Chongnyonjonwi.
    On the same day Labiatou Sera Diallo, general secretary of the National
Confederation of Guinean workers, in a statement noted it was thanks to the
idea of the great national unity and courageous decision of leader Kim Jong
Il that the historic north-south summit was arranged and the north-south
joint declaration published last year.


Japanese chief executive's remark under fire
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- The Japanese prime minister in a recent
press interview said that Japan would take a more active part in "world
peace-keeping activities" in the 21st century to play "a role befitting it."
In this regard Rodong Sinmun today says in a signed commentary:
    Japan saw the 20th century out without shaking off the ill-fame of
"enemy state" as it refused to repent of such crimes as disturbing the world
peace. it was ridiculous, indeed, for the Japanese chief executive to talk
about "world peace-keeping" from the outset of the year.
    Through his remark he betrayed Japan's intention to play a military role
commensurate with its national potentials as an economic power.
    To be more exact, it seeks lifting of restrictions imposed upon the
Japanese "Self-Defence Forces" (SDF) participating in the U.N. peace-keeping
activities to limit its actions to the present non-military activities in
the rear so that it may use weapons and bear the brunt of combat operations.
    Lurking behind it is a dangerous attempt to pave the way for the "SDF"
to escalate legitimate and aggressive military operations worldwide under
the cloak of "peace keeping".
    It is a mockery of the world people for Japan to try to cover up this
intention under that cloak and pay lip-service to "world peace".
    If Japan is really willing to contribute to world peace, it should
redeem its past mentally and politically. an urgent task facing Japan now is
to redress its past.


For Spanish-speaking people

vocero de ministerio de industria pesquera declara
     pyongyang, 13 de enero (atcc) -- el vocero del ministerio de la
industria pesquera de la republica popular democratica de corea hizo publica
hoy una declaracion oral proponiendo de nuevo a la parte sur sostener pronto
el contacto de los expertos de pesca norte-sur acordado por ambas partes
para entablarlo en la zona del monte kumgang. luego de expresar la esperanza
de que la parte sur responda activamente a esta propuesta y brinde
cooperacion a esta el vocero dijo:
    en la cuarta ronda de conversaciones a nivel de ministro norte-sur
efectuada a finales del ano pasado en pyongyang nuestra parte adelanto la
proposicion de ofrecer a la parte sur una parte de la pesqueria de la parte
norte en el mar este de corea.
    en el "acto del ano 2001 para abrir la puerta de la reunificacion con
las fuerzas propias de la nacion" efectuado el pasado dia 10 en pyongyang se
manifesto la esperanza de que la propuesta sincera de la parte norte llegara
cuanto antes a los pescadores de la parte sur.
    esto partio de la concepcion de autenticos hermanos y compatriotas segun
la cual para lograr la coprosperidad nacional no se debe distinguir el norte
y el sur ni anteponer los intereses economicos.
    el problema de la cooperacion norte-sur en la esfera de la industria
pesquera se presento ya a principios de la decada de los 70 por iniciativa
de la parte norte. 
    despues, en varias ocasiones la parte norte se esforzo activamente por
llevarlo a efecto. 
    reconocemos que la labor de cooperacion de pesca norte-sur debe
realizarse sin demora en la nueva circunstancia de hoy en que se ha puesto
en el orden del dia el problema de la cooperacion economica a resueltas del
historico encuentro de pyongyang de los maximos dirigentes de ambas partes y
de la aprobacion de la declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio para
promover el desarrollo equilibrado de la economia nacional y la cooperacion
y el intercambio en la esfera economica.


modernas plantas avicolas
     pyongyang, 13 de enero (atcc) -- se reconstruiran a la moderna las
plantas avicolas de mangyongdae, sopho, ryongsong, sungho y hadang de esta
capital. los planes de las obras preven eliminar con audacia los equipos y
edificios caducos y transformarlos.
    una vez terminadas las obras todos los procesos productivos de estas
grandes granjas avicolas se controlaran por computadoras.
    seran establecidos ordenadamente las bases de aseguramiento y sistemas
de suministro de piensos y nuevas bases de elaboracion de pienso combinado.
    se introduciran las nuevas variedades que permitan rebajar la norma de
consumo de pienso y elevar la productividad de huevos.
    estas granjas avicolas contribuiran a mejorar la vida alimentaria de los


rpdc: nevada y frio intensos
     pyongyang, 13 de enero (atcc) -- en corea desde finales del ano pasado
continuan la nevada y el frio intensos.. en todas las regiones del pais
hasta el dia 10 cayo la nieve de mas de 4-5 veces mayores que los anos
    particularmente en la region de la provincia de kangwon la cantidad de
nieve caida llego a 130-150 cm y en la provincia de hwanghae del sur a 85
    esta mayor cantidad de nevada se ha registrado por primera vez a partir
de 1994. 
    en pyongyang y la provincia de phyong-an del sur ayer la temperatura
minima fue de 27-30 grados bajo cero, es decir 14-16 grados menos que los
anos ordinarios. 
    en las provincias de ryanggang y jagang y otras regiones internas
septentrionales la temperatura es de 30- 37 grados bajo cero.
    varios dominios de la economia nacional padecen de las consecuencias de
la nevada y el frio intensos.
    en algunas regiones de las provincias de kangwon y hwanghae del sur
ocurrieron aludes de nieve que paralizaron el transito y las redes de
    se preve que en el futuro sigan la nevada intensa y el frio glacial en
todas las regiones del pais.

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