TODAY'S NEWS (January.14.2002 Juche 91)



Dangerous attempt for missile attack under fire

Sustained efforts made to develop railway transport

It school set up

Preparations for gymnastic and artistic performance brisk

Enlarged plenary meeting of DPRK cabinet held

Historic site in Komunmoru

"Great Korean Encyclopedia" vols. 30 compiled in DPRK

KCNA on false rumor

For Spanish-speaking people


"diccionario enciclopedico de corea" de 30 tomos

escuela de tecnica de informatica

peligroso intento de ataque de misiles de ee.uu.


Dangerous attempt for missile attack under fire
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- The United States set up an
organisation in charge of the establishment of the Missile Defense System in
South Korea and decided to deliver a lot of uptodate missiles targeted
against the DPRK to South Korea. Rodong Sinmun today describes this as a
dangerous provocation to escalate tensions and unleash a war.
    The news analyst says:
    The U.S. military moves are dangerous war preparations driving the tense
situation on the Korean peninsula to the extreme pitch of tension.
    The DPRK cannot remain a passive on-looker to the U.S. moves to make a
missile assault on the DPRK and realize its hegemony.
    Independence and socialism are the life and soul and future of the DPRK.
    The DPRK will make every possible effort for the preservation of peace,
socialism and sovereignty.
    There will be neither concession nor compromise in this respect. It is
ready to fight a life-and-death battle.
    Availing itself of this opportunity, the DPRK warns the South Korean
authorities that if they follow the U.S. missile strategy against the
northern half of Korea, it will give rise to a very complicated and grave
situation and endanger the future of the nation.
    It is a big mistake for the U.S. to set up missile attack networks on
the plea of the "missile threat" from the DPRK and attain its sinister
strategic aim. It will only put the U.S. in a serious danger.


Sustained efforts made to develop railway transport
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- Big sustained efforts have been made to
develop the railway transport in the DPRK under the slogan "transport means
a production." The economic situation of the country remained very difficult
in recent years due to vicious moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK of those
who are displeased with its independent development and several years of
serious natural disasters.
    Railways of the country were switched over to electric tractions but
their normal transport is hamstrung by an acute shortage of electricity.
    An abnormal production performance in the related fields made it
impossible to supply an adequate amount of materials for the production,
repair and maintenance of electric locomotives, passenger trains and wagons.
    Now ever deeper state concern is shown for the development of railway
transport because it was singled out as an important field on which efforts
should be focussed in the economic construction in order to build a powerful
nation in the new century. A dynamic drive has been underway to convert all
railways of the country into horizontal ones. As a result, over 73 per cent
of them have been improved as such taking the country as a whole.
    The July 6 Railway Factory has technical foundations and processes for
massproducing cast-railway wheels while the Kim Jong Thae Electric
Locomotive Plant is accelerating preparations for the mass production of
high capacity locomotives and passenger coaches.
    The recently produced passenger coaches attract the attention of
travellers as they are equipped with all amenities for them.
    There remain not a few problems to be solved in the field of the railway
transport. but the whole country is helping this domain.


It school set up
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- A new school of information technology
(it) was set up at the academy of sciences in the DPRK. The purpose of this
school is to train it personnel. A program school and a school for training
IC (Integrated Circuit) skilled workers run by institutes of information
technology under the academy in the past will operate as its parent body.
    It has various faculties such as program, digital control and precision
machine and admits graduates of senior middle schools who have a particular
penchant for engineering.
    Its teaching staff will include prominent scientists and technicians at
the institutes of mathematics, physics, etc. under the academy.
    Great importance will be attached to practice. Schoolers will undergo
training at different institutes under the academy after classes.


Preparations for gymnastic and artistic performance brisk
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- An interest in the grand mass gymnastic
and artistic performance "Arirang" is growing deeper with each passing day.
Based on the folk song "Arirang," the performance will represent national
emotion and spirit handed down through the history of Korea. The performance
now in the making as a world masterpiece will be given by 100,000 youth and
    "Let's go to Pyongyang" seems to be common words to be exchanged among
the world people. 
    There is also a newly created poster "Welcome to Pyongyang" reflecting
the world people's ever-growing desire to see this extravaganza.
    The poster successfully reflects the thematic content of the
    Under the title of the performance "Arirang" the poster depicts dancers.
    The venue of performance and its national style are clearly explained in
the poster. 
    "Arirang" will be opened at the 150,000-seat May Day Stadium in coming
    Now the attention of the world is focussed on Pyongyang which will open
a new phase of human culture and art.


Enlarged plenary meeting of DPRK cabinet held
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- An enlarged plenary meeting of the DPRK
cabinet was held recently. The meeting reviewed the fulfilment of last
year's national economic plan and discussed measures for carrying out the
militant tasks set forth in the joint editorial this year.
    According to it, a productive surge began in all fields of the economy
through vigorous drive to decorate the first year of the new century with
great achievements and production bases based on modern technology were
built in different parts of the country last year.
    The general task for this year is to accelerate the general onward march
with viewpoints that our leader, ideology, army and political system are
most valuable in order to glorify this year that greets the 90th birthday of
President Kim Il Sung as a year of a new surge in the building of a powerful
    The meeting discussed the issues of making a breakthrough for economic
surge in electric power, coal and metal industries and railway transport,
the main fronts of the economic construction, while directing sustained big
efforts to boosting the mining industry. It stressed the need to
preferentially solve such problems related to the people's living as
increasing agricultural output and the production of mass consumer goods and
improving city administration.
    It also called for paying a nationwide attention to the development of
science, technology and education and set forth detailed tasks facing all
fields of the national economy.
    Present at the meeting were premier Hong Song Nam and other members of
the cabinet. 


Historic site in Komunmoru
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- The historic site in Komunmoru, Sangwon
county in Pyongyang has relics in a cave, which belongs to the early
paleolithic era one million years ago. The cave, which is about 30m long,
about 2.5m wide and 2m high, was discovered and surveyed in Juche 50s
    Found in the site were stone implements used by paleolithic men and
scores of kinds of fossilized animal bones.
    The stone implements included stone hatchets, trapezoid tools, edged
chisels and pieces of tools.
    29 kinds of animal fossils were found there.
    Among them, 17 kinds of relics including the Sangwon horse, buffalo and
monkey are now extinct, and the rest fossils believed to belong to the
paleozoic era were found in the country for the first time.
    Those relics prove that human beings lived in Korea already in the early
period of human life.


"Great Korean Encyclopedia" vols. 30 compiled in DPRK
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- Compilation of "Great Korean
Encyclopedia" vols. 30 has been completed in the DPRK as the most valuable
national treasure. Edited in the encyclopedia are history, culture, nature,
geography, customs, legends, biographical names and latest scientific and
technological materials of Korea and other countries.
    It contains political, economic, cultural, military and all other fields
and glosses over 100,000 lemmas in Korean alphabetical order.
    Compiled in it are at least 25,000 visual aids and photos and more than
5,200 biographical names.
    Each volume has more than 650 pages on an average.
    For the convenience of the readers, an index is given in the last vol.
    The science and encyclopedia press and the Korean Computer Center are
now working out a computer program for the encyclopedia.
    The compilation of the encyclopedia in the DPRK has begun from Juche 53
    The compiling group has edited and published a "Complete Encyclopedia"
(a set of three volumes), "Encyclopedia" (the first edition of 30 volumes)
and "Complete Encyclopedia" (6 volumes).


KCNA on false rumor
     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- Recently some media of the United
States and the west are spreading a rumor that a new joint statement will be
adopted between the U.S. and China, which will also contain an article on
the Korean issue. We do not care about whether a joint statement clarifying
the stand of the two countries about issues arising in their relations will
be adopted or not because it is a normal diplomatic usage. But we can
neither overlook nor tolerate the disturbing rumor that the China-U.S. joint
statement will include the Korean issue.
    The above-said rumor can be spread only by those who do not know well
about the DPRK. 
    It regards sovereignty as the life and soul and takes independence as
its first principle in foreign relations.
    Some media of the U.S. and the west are floating this kind of rumor in a
bid to create impression that foreign forces are "responsible" for the
Korean issue. But this will bring them to nowhere.
    Since the foundation of the DPRK, its army and people have never left
its issue to any foreign forces nor has it allowed anyone to encroach upon
its national dignity and sovereignty.
    We will consider foreign forces' discussion of the Korean issue behind
us to be included in their joint statement as an encroachment upon our
sovereignty and will never tolerate it.
    Some media of the U.S. and the west are well advised to face up to such
reality and remain true to the ethics of the media whose life and soul are
objectivity, impartiality, accuracy and truth.


For Spanish-speaking people

"diccionario enciclopedico de corea" de 30 tomos
     pyongyang, 14 de enero (atcc) -- corea redacto "diccionario
enciclopedico de corea" de 30 tomos en total que es tesoro nacional. el
libro redacta las historias, culturas, naturalezas, geografias, costumbres,
leyendas, personas, adelantos de ciencia y tecnica, etc. de corea y de
varios paises del mundo.
    sintetiza la politica, economia, cultura, asuntos militares y otros
dominios y los divide en mas de 100 mil articulos y los arregla segun el
orden alfabetico coreano.
    registra mas de 25 mil materiales graficos y fotos y los datos de mas de
5 200 personas. 
    un tomo tiene mas de 650 paginas en promedio.
    no se dio el indice a cada tomo sino al ultimo tomo 30 para las
comodidades de lectores.
    hoy en dia, la editorial de ciencias y enciclopedias y el centro de
computacion de corea realizan la labor para hacer del "diccionario
enciclopedico de corea" la publicacion electronica.
    en corea la redaccion del diccionario enciclopedico se ha venido
realizando desde del 53 (1964) de la era juche.
    la colectividad de redaccion edito hasta aora la "enciclopedia"
(primera, segunda y tercera partes), el "diccionario enciclopedico" (primera
edicion 1-30 tomos) y la "enciclopedia"(1-6 tomos).


escuela de tecnica de informatica
     pyongyang, 14 de enero (atcc) -- se creo la escuela de tecnica de
informatica en la academia de ciencias de corea. la escuela proviene de la
escuela de programa y la escuela de obreros calificados de circuito
integrado administadas por los institutos del sector de la informatica de la
academia de ciencias.
    en las secciones de programa, control numerico, maquina de precision,
etc. del centro docente se matricularan los graduados de escuela secundaria
integral con especial aficion tecnologica.
    los alumnos recibiran clase de los cientificos y tecnicos afamados de
los institutos de matematica y fisica de la academia de ciencias y en horas
extraescolares se practicaran en los institutos por especialidades de la
academia de ciencias.


peligroso intento de ataque de misiles de ee.uu.
     pyongyang, 14 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario de hoy se refiere al hecho de que ee.uu. fundo en sudcorea un
aparato encargado del asunto para el establecimiento del sistema antimisiles
y decidio entregar a esta parte de corea una gran cantidad de misiles de
punta que se esgrimiran a norcorea y lo califica de un acto enderezado a
agravar la tension y a desatar una guerra. el comentario senala que el
movimiento militar de ee.uu. constituye una peligrosa aventura para
exacerbar al extremo la situacion de la peninsula coreana y continua:
    la rpdc no podra estar jamas con brazos cruzados ante las maquinaciones
de ee.uu. tendentes a tomarla por blanco de su ataque de misil e inmolarla
para realizar su heguemonia.
    la independencia y el socialismo son nuestra vida y futuro.
    haremos todos nuestros esfuerzos por la defensa de la paz, el socialismo
y la soberania. 
    para este fin no habra ninguna concesion ni conciliacion sino la lucha a
vida o muerte. 
    aprovechamos la oportunidad para advertir a las autoridades militares de
sudcorea. si estas se incorporan a la estrategia de misil de ee.uu contra
norcorea se tornara mas compleja y grave la situacion y mas tenebroso el
futuro de la nacion. ee.uu. se equivoca grandemente al tratar de formar la
red de ataque de misiles pretextando la "amenaza de misiles" de norcorea y
de lograr su malsana finalidad estrategica. tal metodo traera solo un gran
peligro a ee.uu. 

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