Hallo & Hello,

wir möchten Euch auf folgende Artikel hinweisen, die neu auf der Seite sind.
(Übrigens kommt da jeden Tag was hinzu, aber wir teilen es natürlich nicht jeden Tag
mit. Also selbst nachsehen)

we would like to inform you about the following new statements and essays (by the
way: We add stories every day without telling you... so you better surf to our side

Cuban Doctors remain in Guatemala

Ireland: Teacher need Solidarity

Black Radical Congress on Statement about Israel

Common statement of Communist Youth Organisation on DU

About Colin Powell. An Essay by J. Lacny

Report of Workers Conference of Italiens PRC


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BOYKOTT GMX: http://www.netz-antifa.org
Visit http://www.communards.de for information of struggles worldwide.
Post your events at http://metaevents.com/Communards/calendrome.cgi
Send information for mailings to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BOYKOTT GMX: http://www.netz-antifa.org

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