January.27.2001 Juche 90



Greetings to Australian General Governor

Mathematical contest of senior middle schoolers held

Appeal of 2001 meeting hailed

Rodong Sinmun on master key of national reunification

Redress for Japan's crimes urged

Korean people's cause of reunification supported

Solidarity meeting held in Italy

Greetings to Indian President

Greetings to Australian General Governor
     Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings
to William Deane, General Governor of the Commonwealth of Australia, on
Friday on the occasion of the 125th Independence Day of Australia. In the
message Kim extended warm congratulations to the general governor and,
through him, to the Australian government and people on the Independence
    After the reopening of diplomatic relations the friendly and cooperative
relations between the two countries are developing on good terms in the
interests of the two peoples, the message noted, and said:
    Satisfied with this, I express belief that the bilateral relations will
grow stronger and develop.
    Meanwhile, premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam sent greetings to
his Australian counterpart John Howard and DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam
Sun to his Australian counterpart Alexander Downer.


Mathematical contest of senior middle schoolers held
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The ninth national mathematical contest
of third- and fourth-year senior middle schoolers including students of
senior middle schools no. 1 was held here from January 21 to 25.
Participating in the contest divided into six categories were over 400
excellent students from senior middle schools across the country.
    Students from East Pyongyang Senior Middle School no. 1, Pyongyang
Ryongwang Senior Middle School and several other schools fully displayed
their talents and abilities at the contest.


Appeal of 2001 meeting hailed
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The International United Confederation
of Koreans and the regional headquarters of the commonwealth of independent
states under the national alliance for the country's reunification released
a statement on January 15 in support of the appeal to the 70 million fellow
countrymen made at the 2001 meeting for the independent reunification of the
Korean nation. The statement described the publication of the appeal as a
practical step for meeting the cherished desire of the entire nation.
    It expressed determination to implement the historic June 15 North-South
Joint Declaration, holding it high as the banner common to the nation, and
work hard to decorate the first liberation day in the 21st century as a
nationwide festival and thus contribute to the nationwide struggle for
bringing earlier the day of national reunification.


Rodong Sinmun on master key of national reunification
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article
calls for opening up the door of reunification through national
reconciliation and unity true to the spirit of the north-south joint
declaration. Recalling that the incessant aggression and interference
perpetrated by foreign forces from long ago brought untold sufferings and
misfortune to the Korean nation, the article continues:
    The Korean nation's grand march for reunification does not allow any
foreign force to edge itself into. The cause of national reunification is a
cause to be undertaken by the Korean nation as the Korean nation is
responsible for it.
    The north and south of Korea confirmed their will to reunify the country
and agreed to open up the door of reunification by pooling their efforts at
their historic meeting in Pyongyang and in the joint declaration.
    The driving force of reunification is the concerted efforts of the
Korean nation. 
    Leader Kim Jong Il's great magnanimity and tolerance encourage Koreans
of different social standings in the north, south and abroad to conduct a
patriotic movement to open up the door of reunification by concerted efforts
of the Korean nation.
    No one has the right to interfere in the Korean nation's independent
cause of reunification.
    There is no doubt that the national reunification, the cherished desire
of the nation, will be achieved in the near future if the Korean nation
sincerely implements the joint declaration.


Redress for Japan's crimes urged
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The Japan-DPRK Society on Jan. 23 urged
the Japanese government to redress its past colonial rule over Korea and
open diplomatic relations with the DPRK. That day representatives of the
society met officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and urged the
government to make an official apology and sincere compensation for its past
colonial rule over Korea, holding that it is of urgent necessity to redress
its past colonial rule over Korea in pushing forward the negotiations for
the establishment of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations.
    They urged the government to give top priority to the redress for
Japan's past for the normalization of relations with the DPRK.


Korean people's cause of reunification supported
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Friendship organizations in Peru and
Costa Rica issued statements in support of the appeal made at the 2001
meeting for the independent reunification of the Korean nation. The Peruvian
Committee for Supporting the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea
said in a statement on Jan. 17 that the dramatic change that took place in
the relations between the north and south of Korea following the publication
of the historic north-south joint declaration is an immortal exploit
performed by leader Kim Jong Il, the lodestar of Korean reunification, for
the nation. 
    The issue of Korean reunification should be solved by the efforts of the
Korean nation, not through cooperation with foreign forces, and it should be
achieved on the basis of co-existence of the differing two systems in the
north and the south, the statement said, and went on:
    We positively support the appeal which calls for setting the period from
June 15, the first anniversary of the publication of the north-south joint
declaration, to august 15 as a "period of the campaign for promoting
national reunification" and bringing about a great upswing in the movement
for Korea's reunification in this period and brilliantly decorating the
first liberation day in the 21st century as a grand nation-wide festival for
    The Costa Rican Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification in a
statement on Jan. 19 supported the proposals made by the meeting to promote
cooperation and exchange in various fields between the north and south on
the basis of the common prosperity and interests of the nation.
    The statement noted:
    We will respond to the appeal of the meeting to bring earlier the day of
Korea's reunification through the implementation of the north-south joint


Solidarity meeting held in Italy
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- A meeting for solidarity with the Korean
people was held in Rome on Jan. 21. The meeting was attended by Michele
Capuano, general secretary of the People's United Democratic Left's Wing of
Italy, members of the party leadership and officials of the Communists Party
of Italy and the Communist Re-Establishment Party of Italy.
    Addressing the meeting, Michele said that the imperialists' incessant
obstructive moves against the reunification of the Korean peninsula have
thrown a stumbling block in the way of the independent and peaceful
reunification of Korea.
    He cited the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration,
the reunion of separated families and relatives and the repatriation of
unconverted long-term prisoners, etc. as positive developments for the
peaceful reunification of the peninsula.
    The Korean people's drive to build a powerful socialist country under
the wise guidance of leader Kim Jong Il despite the imperialists' continued
moves to isolate and stifle the country greatly encourages the progressive
people in the world, he noted.
    He declared that his party would voice support and solidarity with the
Korean people in their endeavours to carry through the tasks laid down in
this year's joint editorial and wage a dynamic campaign to foil the
imperialists' anti-DPRK moves.


Greetings to Indian President
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on Jan. 25 sent a message of
greetings to K.R. Narayanan, President of India, on the occasion of the day
of the Republic of India. The message warmly congratulated the president and
people of India on the day.
    The message said that the DPRK rejoices over the signal successes the
friendly Indian people have made in their efforts to build India into a
developed industrial country in the 21st century under the leadership of the
    Convinced that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two
countries would grow stronger in the future in the interests of the two
peoples, the message sincerely wished the president good health and
happiness and the president and the Indian people greater success in their
work to build prosperous India.
    Meanwhile, Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK cabinet, and Paek Nam Sun,
minister of Foreign Affairs, separately sent messages of greetings to Atal
Behari Vajpayee, prime minister of India, and Jaswant Singh, foreign
Greetings to Australian General Governor
     Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings
to William Deane, General Governor of the Commonwealth of Australia, on
Friday on the occasion of the 125th Independence Day of Australia. In the
message Kim extended warm congratulations to the general governor and,
through him, to the Australian government and people on the Independence
    After the reopening of diplomatic relations the friendly and cooperative
relations between the two countries are developing on good terms in the
interests of the two peoples, the message noted, and said:
    Satisfied with this, I express belief that the bilateral relations will
grow stronger and develop.
    Meanwhile, premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam sent greetings to
his Australian counterpart John Howard and DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam
Sun to his Australian counterpart Alexander Downer.


Mathematical contest of senior middle schoolers held
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The ninth national mathematical contest
of third- and fourth-year senior middle schoolers including students of
senior middle schools no. 1 was held here from January 21 to 25.
Participating in the contest divided into six categories were over 400
excellent students from senior middle schools across the country.
    Students from East Pyongyang Senior Middle School no. 1, Pyongyang
Ryongwang Senior Middle School and several other schools fully displayed
their talents and abilities at the contest.


Appeal of 2001 meeting hailed
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The International United Confederation
of Koreans and the regional headquarters of the commonwealth of independent
states under the national alliance for the country's reunification released
a statement on January 15 in support of the appeal to the 70 million fellow
countrymen made at the 2001 meeting for the independent reunification of the
Korean nation. The statement described the publication of the appeal as a
practical step for meeting the cherished desire of the entire nation.
    It expressed determination to implement the historic June 15 North-South
Joint Declaration, holding it high as the banner common to the nation, and
work hard to decorate the first liberation day in the 21st century as a
nationwide festival and thus contribute to the nationwide struggle for
bringing earlier the day of national reunification.


Rodong Sinmun on master key of national reunification
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article
calls for opening up the door of reunification through national
reconciliation and unity true to the spirit of the north-south joint
declaration. Recalling that the incessant aggression and interference
perpetrated by foreign forces from long ago brought untold sufferings and
misfortune to the Korean nation, the article continues:
    The Korean nation's grand march for reunification does not allow any
foreign force to edge itself into. The cause of national reunification is a
cause to be undertaken by the Korean nation as the Korean nation is
responsible for it.
    The north and south of Korea confirmed their will to reunify the country
and agreed to open up the door of reunification by pooling their efforts at
their historic meeting in Pyongyang and in the joint declaration.
    The driving force of reunification is the concerted efforts of the
Korean nation. 
    Leader Kim Jong Il's great magnanimity and tolerance encourage Koreans
of different social standings in the north, south and abroad to conduct a
patriotic movement to open up the door of reunification by concerted efforts
of the Korean nation.
    No one has the right to interfere in the Korean nation's independent
cause of reunification.
    There is no doubt that the national reunification, the cherished desire
of the nation, will be achieved in the near future if the Korean nation
sincerely implements the joint declaration.


Redress for Japan's crimes urged
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The Japan-DPRK Society on Jan. 23 urged
the Japanese government to redress its past colonial rule over Korea and
open diplomatic relations with the DPRK. That day representatives of the
society met officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and urged the
government to make an official apology and sincere compensation for its past
colonial rule over Korea, holding that it is of urgent necessity to redress
its past colonial rule over Korea in pushing forward the negotiations for
the establishment of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations.
    They urged the government to give top priority to the redress for
Japan's past for the normalization of relations with the DPRK.


Korean people's cause of reunification supported
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Friendship organizations in Peru and
Costa Rica issued statements in support of the appeal made at the 2001
meeting for the independent reunification of the Korean nation. The Peruvian
Committee for Supporting the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea
said in a statement on Jan. 17 that the dramatic change that took place in
the relations between the north and south of Korea following the publication
of the historic north-south joint declaration is an immortal exploit
performed by leader Kim Jong Il, the lodestar of Korean reunification, for
the nation. 
    The issue of Korean reunification should be solved by the efforts of the
Korean nation, not through cooperation with foreign forces, and it should be
achieved on the basis of co-existence of the differing two systems in the
north and the south, the statement said, and went on:
    We positively support the appeal which calls for setting the period from
June 15, the first anniversary of the publication of the north-south joint
declaration, to august 15 as a "period of the campaign for promoting
national reunification" and bringing about a great upswing in the movement
for Korea's reunification in this period and brilliantly decorating the
first liberation day in the 21st century as a grand nation-wide festival for
    The Costa Rican Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification in a
statement on Jan. 19 supported the proposals made by the meeting to promote
cooperation and exchange in various fields between the north and south on
the basis of the common prosperity and interests of the nation.
    The statement noted:
    We will respond to the appeal of the meeting to bring earlier the day of
Korea's reunification through the implementation of the north-south joint


Solidarity meeting held in Italy
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- A meeting for solidarity with the Korean
people was held in Rome on Jan. 21. The meeting was attended by Michele
Capuano, general secretary of the People's United Democratic Left's Wing of
Italy, members of the party leadership and officials of the Communists Party
of Italy and the Communist Re-Establishment Party of Italy.
    Addressing the meeting, Michele said that the imperialists' incessant
obstructive moves against the reunification of the Korean peninsula have
thrown a stumbling block in the way of the independent and peaceful
reunification of Korea.
    He cited the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration,
the reunion of separated families and relatives and the repatriation of
unconverted long-term prisoners, etc. as positive developments for the
peaceful reunification of the peninsula.
    The Korean people's drive to build a powerful socialist country under
the wise guidance of leader Kim Jong Il despite the imperialists' continued
moves to isolate and stifle the country greatly encourages the progressive
people in the world, he noted.
    He declared that his party would voice support and solidarity with the
Korean people in their endeavours to carry through the tasks laid down in
this year's joint editorial and wage a dynamic campaign to foil the
imperialists' anti-DPRK moves.


Greetings to Indian President
    Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on Jan. 25 sent a message of
greetings to K.R. Narayanan, President of India, on the occasion of the day
of the Republic of India. The message warmly congratulated the president and
people of India on the day.
    The message said that the DPRK rejoices over the signal successes the
friendly Indian people have made in their efforts to build India into a
developed industrial country in the 21st century under the leadership of the
    Convinced that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two
countries would grow stronger in the future in the interests of the two
peoples, the message sincerely wished the president good health and
happiness and the president and the Indian people greater success in their
work to build prosperous India.
    Meanwhile, Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK cabinet, and Paek Nam Sun,
minister of Foreign Affairs, separately sent messages of greetings to Atal
Behari Vajpayee, prime minister of India, and Jaswant Singh, foreign

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