TODAY'S NEWS (January.27.2002 Juche 91)



Kim Jong Il's work published in Sweden

Rodong Sinmun on army-based policy

Three appeals and three proposals supported

Picture album on Kim Jong Il's revolutionary activities published in Russia

Young people called upon to take lead in struggle for national reunification

Revolutionary activities of Kim Jong Il exhibited

U.S. moves to reorganize its forces in S. Korea under fire

For Spanish-speaking people


peru: diploma de honor y medalla de oro a dirigente kim jong il

presidente de cc de fgsc apoya reunion conjunta de rpdc


Kim Jong Il's work published in Sweden
     Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "Let
Us Carry Out The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions For
National Reunification" was brought out in booklet by the Spirea Publishing
House of Sweden on Jan. 19. The work was published on August 4, Juche 86
(1997). It deals with the immortal feats performed by President Kim Il Sung
in achieving the cause of national reunification and the tasks to be
fulfilled in carrying out the Juche-based line and policies of national


Rodong Sinmun on army-based policy
     Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The army-based policy serves as an
effective political mode of giving a strong impetus to the progress of the
era of independence, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The
army-based policy is a perfect political mode in the era of independence
which reflects the demand and desire of the popular masses for independence,
peace and progress.
    Now that the dominationist forces are desperately working to dominate
the world by force of arms, it is foolish to try to persuade and stop them
with any theory or eloquence.
    It is the best way of achieving victory in the confrontation with them
to build up strength.
    The army-based policy, therefore, serves as an effective political mode
making it possible to build up muscle strong enough to deal telling blows to
those forces. 
    The revolutionary practice and experience and actual life in the present
times prove that it is the most correct way of protecting the destiny of
every country and nation and achieving its independent development and
prosperity to pursue an army-based policy in the world today.
    Leader Kim Jong Il, not wedded to the preceding theories and experience,
further developed in depth President Kim Il Sung's idea of giving priority
to the army and military affairs, thus singling out the conception of giving
priority to the army as a political idea and revolutionary line of the
Workers' Party of Korea and formulating the army-based policy as a perfect
political mode. 
    The core of his army-based policy is the army and its main principle is
to give priority to military affairs.
    Thanks to his army-based policy the Korean people could bravely overcome
unprecedented difficulties in the 90s of the past century, emerge victorious
in the life and death confrontation with the imperialists, defend socialism
and energetically speed up the drive to build a powerful nation.


Three appeals and three proposals supported
     Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) reportedly released a
commentary on Jan. 22 in support of an appeal to the Koreans at home and
abroad adopted at the joint meeting of the DPRK government, political
parties and organizations. The organization noted that the three appeals and
three proposals set forth at the joint meeting are a patriotic initiative to
achieve the reunification of the nation at an early date.
    The three appeals are in line with the spirit of the June 15 joint
declaration and the urgent requirements of national reunification and the
three proposals show concrete ways of giving an impetus to the march of all
the fellow countrymen for reunification, it said, adding:
    The south headquarters of Pomminryon will make every possible effort to
encourage all Koreans in the south, the north and overseas to conduct brisk
joint actions in firm unity under the banner of the June 15 joint
declaration this year.


Picture album on Kim Jong Il's revolutionary activities published in Russia
     Moscow, January 25 (KCNA) -- A picture album "With The People" showing
the revolutionary activities of leader Kim Jong Il was brought out by the
Paleya-Mishin Publishing House of Russia on the occasion of the significant
February holiday. Written in the picture album are letters "wholeheartedly
presented to general Kim Jong Il, the great leader and heroic leader".
Printed there are a photograph of his statue and more than 110 pictures
showing his revolutionary activities.
    Also edited there are Korean pictures.
    The picture album carries an article by director of the publishing house
Nikolai Mishin who is an editor of the picture album, which says Kim Jong Il
who has performed the immortal feats for the country, the people, the era
and humankind is, indeed, the great sun of the 21st century and an elder
statesman with a long political career.


Young people called upon to take lead in struggle for national reunification
     Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the
central committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, released a
statement yesterday. It is the most just proposal that the joint meeting of
the DPRK government, political parties and organizations called upon the
fellow countrymen at home and abroad to turn out in a nationwide anti-war
struggle to remove the factors of threatening peace of the country and
obstructing its reunification, he said, and went on:
    To check and frustrate the moves of the home and foreign bellicose
elements to provoke a new war is, indeed, a prerequisite to opening a new
phase of national reunification this year.
    He underscored the need to get the U.S. troops withdrawn from South
Korea, check the joint military exercises with foreign forces, seek the
withdrawal of the "arch enemy" conception and the repeal of the "Security
    He earnestly called upon all the youth and students in South Korea and
abroad to more vigorously wage the patriotic struggle to open up a decisive
phase of national reunification this year in hearty response to the three
appeals and three proposals made at the joint meeting.


Revolutionary activities of Kim Jong Il exhibited
     Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- More historic relics related to
immortal revolutionary activities and feats of leader Kim Jong Il have been
exhibited at the Korean revolution museum on the occasion of the February
holiday. On display are over 880 pieces of materials including pictures,
immortal famous works, revolutionary historic mementous and relics related
to Kim Jong Il who has wisely led the struggle for the building of a
powerful nation and opened up an epochal phase in national reunification and
external relations in recent years.
    What draws attention of visitors are pictures of him giving field
guidance to more than 560 units of the people's army, covering over 58,320
km to inspect the front in a little over six years after the demise of
President Kim Il Sung, the greatest loss of the nation, and materials on the
grand celebrations of the 55th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea.


U.S. moves to reorganize its forces in S. Korea under fire
     Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed
commentary dismisses the U.S. imperialists' moves to reorganize the units of
the u.s. forces in South Korea and newly build and expand various military
installations as a wanton challenge and insult to the Korean nation
demanding their withdrawal from South Korea. The commentary says:
    The U.S. imperialists are now staging such farces as closing or
integrating U.S. bases in South Korea as a gesture of doing something good
for the Koreans. 
    This is, however, nothing but moves to calm down the voices of the
Korean people demanding the withdrawal of the U.S. forces from South Korea
and retain their firm grip on South Korea as their permanent military base.
    It is an unchangeable ambition of the u.s. imperialists to swallow up
the whole of Korea by force of arms to realize their world domination.
    The Bush administration is made up of warmongers. Right after it came to
power it designated the DPRK as its "no.1 enemy" and has since clamoured
about the so-called "nuclear issue," "missile issue" and the "issue of
cutdown of conventional armed forces" in a bid to disarm the DPRK and seize
it with ease. 
    As long as the U.S. imperialists keep their aggression forces in South
Korea and persist in their moves to start a war against the north, the
Korean peninsula cannot be free from the danger of war and its independent
and peaceful reunification is hardly achievable.
    The Korean nation will further intensify the struggle to force the U.S.
forces to withdraw from South Korea because the U.S. imperialists are keen
to use South Korea as their permanent base for a war against the DPRK.
    If the U.S. truly wishes peace and security in northeast Asia and the
rest of the world, they should drop its hardline and hostile policy towards
the DPRK and opt for pulling its forces out of South Korea.


For Spanish-speaking people

peru: diploma de honor y medalla de oro a dirigente kim jong il
     pyongyang, 26 de enero (atcc) -- fueron adjudicados el diploma de honor
y la medalla de oro de la municipalidad distrital de independencia de lima
de peru al dirigente kim jong il. en el centro del diploma se lee: "rendimos
este diploma y medalla a su excelencia kim jong il, gran dirigente del
pueblo coreano en ocasion de su cumpleanos, el 16 de febrero del 2002 en
alta evaluacion a su gran contribucion al desarrollo de las relaciones de
amistad entre los pueblos de peru y corea y al cumplimiento de la causa de
independencia de la humanidad." y en la medalla estan grabadas las
inscripciones de "en alta estimacion al merito hecho en el desarrollo de la
amistad peru-corea".
    el dia 21 el alcalde, en representacion del consejo de la municipalidad,
los entrego a un funcionario de la embajada de la rpdc en peru.


presidente de cc de fgsc apoya reunion conjunta de rpdc
     pyongyang, 26 de enero (atcc) -- ryom sun gil, presidente del comite
central de la federacion general de los sindicatos de corea hizo publica el
dia 25 una declaracion apoyando los tres llamamientos y las tres
proposiciones de la reciente reunion conjunta del gobierno, los partidos
politicos y las organizaciones de la republica popular democratica de corea.
ryom sun gil senalo:
    la realidad de hoy exige desarrollar con mas vigor el movimiento por la
reunificacion de la patria con las fuerzas unidas de nuestra nacion.
    todos los coreanos deben desarrollar por inmediato las actividades
pannacionales por la reunificacion en el "periodo del movimiento por reunir
las fuerzas de nuestra nacion" que es la iniciativa de la reunion conjunta
en cuestion y hacer del presente un "ano para acelerar con las fuerzas
unidas de nuestra nacion la cohesion y la reunificacion".
    todos los obreros de la rpdc haran su responsabilidad y papel, tomando
por coordenadas del movimiento patriotico por la reunificacion para abrir
este ano una conyuntura trascendental de esta causa nacional, los tres
llamamientos y las tres proposiciones adelantadas por la reunion conjunta.
    estamos bien seguros de que los obreros surcoreanos y otras amplias
masas de ditisntos sectores y capas, al unir el alma y el proposito y
desarrollar la solidaridad y alianza con norcoreanos bajo la bandera de la
declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio, se alzaran mas activamente a
la lucha por aproximar la reunificacion de la patria, maximo deseo nacional.

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