TODAY'S NEWS (February.05.2001 Juche 90)



Message of sympathy to Pakistani President

DPRK books presented to Nepal

Abrogation of "Security Law" urged in S. Korea

Appeal of 2001 meeting supported

Technical modernization makes headway in DPRK

Choesung Pavilion

Rodong Sinmun on comradeship that will lead Korean revolution to victory

Agreement on promoting economic cooperation between north and south

Greetings to President of Sri Lanka

Yang Hyong Sop meets delegation of secretariat of IIJI

For Spanish-speaking people


mitin de pyongyaneses en apoyo a editorial conjunto

rpdc: reconstruccion tecnica

norte y sur de corea intercambian acuerdo de cpcens

tonteria de maniaco militarista

Message of sympathy to Pakistani President
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of sympathy
to Pakistani President Muhammad Rafiq Tarar on Jan. 31 in connection with
the damage caused by an earthquake in Pakistan. The message said:
    Upon hearing the sad news that the southeastern part of Pakistan was hit
by an earthquake, I express profound consolation and sympathy with you and,
through you, with the inhabitants in the afflicted area.
    The message hoped that the Pakistani government would do away with the
earthquake damage and the life of the sufferers return to normal at an early


DPRK books presented to Nepal
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- DPRK books were presented to Nepal with
due ceremony on the occasion of the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. A
presenting ceremony took place at the building of the C.C., the Nepal
Communist Party (United Marxism-Leninism) on February 1.
    President Kim Il Sung's reminiscences "With The Century", works of Kim
Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and other DPRK books were donated to the library of
the C.C., the Nepal Communist Party (UML).
    Present there were presidium members of the C.C., the Nepal Communist
Party (UML) and members of the party central committee and advisors.
    On hand were the DPRK ambassador to Nepal and embassy officials.


Abrogation of "Security Law" urged in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Many dissident and public organisations
and citizens of South Korea are joining those who have been on a sit-in
strike around the Myongdong Cathedral in Seoul for 15 days in demand of the
abrogation of the "Security Law", the South Korean newspaper Hangyore Feb. 2
said. At least 40 members of the family movement for realizing democracy and
the Kuro Youth Society and long-term prisoners are joining the strikers in a
signature campaign.
    The signature campaign was participated in by more than 10,000 citizens
and seen on their internet homepage everyday were articles encouraging them,
the paper reported.


Appeal of 2001 meeting supported
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- An appeal made at the 2001 meeting for
the independent reunification of the Korean nation was supported in
different countries. The Communist Party of Bulgaria in a statement
supported the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, a landmark of Korea's
reunification, and hailed the decision of the meeting on setting a period
from June 15 to august 15 as a "period of the campaign for promoting
national reunification".
    At a meeting sponsored by the Madagascan National Committee for the
Study of the Juche Idea, its chairman said that the present era is a great
era when the cause of Korea's reunification will be achieved by leader Kim
Jong Il, the sun of the 21st century, and an era when a reunified Korean
nation will prosper, demonstrating its dignity and might all over the world.
    Meetings for supporting Korea's reunification were also held by the
Madagascan Society for the Study of Kim Jong Il's Works, the Madagascan
Society for the Study of the Juche-Based Idea on Literature and Art and the
Society for the Study of the Juche Idea at the university of Madagascar.


Technical modernization makes headway in DPRK
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Technical modernization is under way in
the DPRK to build up national economic power commensurate with the new
century. In recent years the state built modern industrial establishments of
lasting value even under very difficult economic conditions.
    Among them are fish farms including the Myonggi Cattle Farm in Songam,
the ostrich farm, Chicken Factory No. 112, the Hwangju Chicken Factory and
other poultry bases catfish factories and other fish breeding centers and
basic foodstuff producing bases built in all provinces, a syringe factory,
medicine research institute and an instant noodle factory that appeared in
Pyongyang and a potato starch factory in Taehongdan county.
    They are model units commensurate with the new century as they look neat
and tidy and all the equipment are computerized.
    This is part of the work to modernize the economy as a whole.
    Going in full gear in the field of iron industry is the work to put
furnaces, sintering furnaces and coke ovens, etc. on the latest scientific
and technological basis and replace the Juche-oriented iron manufacturing
equipment including oxygen-blown blast furnaces with large-sized and modern
    In the field of steel-making it is planned to equip comprehensive steel
industrial bases with ultramodern high capacity alternating current furnaces
and new type roughing machines.
    The Musan Mining Complex is pushing ahead with the work to realize
computerization and remote-control in open mining and build modern
ore-dressing plants in order to put the yearly production of millions of
tons of concentrated iron ore on a normal footing.
    In light industry a technical innovation drive is going on to readjust
and modernize overall production processes in leading textile production
centres including the Pyongyang Textile Combine and Sinuiju Textile Combine
and clothing, shoes, foodstuff and daily neccessities production bases.
    In silk mills including the Nyongbyon Silk Mill equipment are being
updated and computerized. The Sinuiju cosmetics factory has been built on an
expansion basis. 
    Mangyongdae, Sopho, Ryongsong, Sungho and Hadang chicken factories in
Pyongyang are in the process of technical modernization and expansion to
meet the needs of the new century.


Choesung Pavilion
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- A number of old pavilions are still
found on moran hill, a pleasure park in the middle of Pyongyang. One of them
is Choesung Pavilion which stands on the highest peak of moran hill. It came
to be called Choesung Pavilion in the sense that it is an excellent place
commanding a panoramic view. It was first built in Koguryo dynasty (277
bc-ad 668) and rebuilt in 1716 during Ri dynasty (1392-1910).
    It is of cosy attic style, the front 7.36 m long and the flank 4.67 m
wide, on the embankment erected by well-trimmed granite.
    The perimeter of the embankment is piled up with granite.
    Down below the pavilion it looks higher and more magnificent and up in
the building it feels far stable and comfortable although at height.
    The floor is covered with square granite plates to make it clean and
    Pillars painted with red colour and wooden framework coloured with
traditional patterns add a special touch of beauty to the building.
    The hip-saddle roof like a crane taking flight also adds the cheerful
effect on the building.
    Though it has suffered the action of time, it still testifies to the
resoucerfulness and talents of the Korean people.


Rodong Sinmun on comradeship that will lead Korean revolution to victory
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries a political
essay titled "comradeship will lead us to victory." The comradeship has
become a great trait of the whole party and the army and all the people in
the DPRK, the banner of single-hearted unity, the essay notes, and says:
    The song of comradeship which was sung during the struggle for national
liberation in the early period of the revolutionary cause of Juche has
become a march encouraging the people in building a powerful country, a song
of final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche.
    Comradeship represents an ever-victorious revolutionary philosophy of
leader Kim Jong Il, an illustrious commander of Mt. Paektu.
    Kim Jong Il reviewed the 20th century which saw the Korean
revolutionaries register great victories and changes united close around Kim
Il Sung with one faith and will as a history of comradeship and formulated
the comradeship as a scientific programme for the Korean revolution.
    Saying that our comradeship means comradeship of Kim Jong Il, the essay
notes that his dedication to comrades is his greatest joy and happiness.
    Recalling that "song of comradeship" is his most favourite song, the
essay says. That he always sings the song as his all-time favourite during
his inspection of the front and on-site guidance and in good or bad times.
    The essay cites the historic victory in the "arduous march," a provision
of a springboard from which to build a powerful nation and a vigorous
advance of the army-first revolution as a great fruition of comradeship.
    it further says:
    The banner of comradeship reflects Kim Jong Il's unique view on the
revolution to build a new world by virtue of love and trust.
    Comradeship alone leads to the protection of our own dignity, justice
and prosperity. 
    Nothing is fearful and impossible for us if we are under the
steermanship of Kim Jong Il though the road ahead of us is thorny.
    This is the requirement of the Korean revolution for glorifying the 21st
century and a banner of life and struggle of the revolutionaries in our


Agreement on promoting economic cooperation between north and south
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- An agreement of the first meeting of
the committee for promoting economic cooperation between the north and south
of Korea held from Dec. 27 to 30 last year was finalized by way of
exchanging documents. It was agreed, to set up under the committee two
sub-committees, one for cooperation in the power industry and the other for
the prevention of flood damage in the area along the River Rimjin, and to
have the first meeting of the first sub-committee on Feb. 7 and the first
meeting of the second sub-committee on Feb. 21.


Greetings to President of Sri Lanka
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on February 3 sent a
message of greetings to Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, President of Sri
Lanka, on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of its independence. The
message extended warm congratulations to the president, the government and
people of Sri Lanka on that occasion.
    Convinced that the good friendly and cooperative relations between the
two countries would continue to develop on good terms in the future, the
message wished the president success in her work for the stability and
prosperity of the country.
    Meanwhile, Hong Song Nam, premier of the cabinet, sent a message of
greetings to his Sri Lankan counterpart Ratnasiri Wickremanayake.


Yang Hyong Sop meets delegation of secretariat of IIJI
     Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the
presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, met and conversed
with the delegation of the secretariat of the International Institute of the
Juche Idea led by secretary general Kenichi Ogami at the Mansudae Assembly
Hall today. Kenichi Ogami said that the 21st century will shine as a century
of victory thanks to the immortal Juche idea founded by President Kim Il
Sung and the outstanding leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.


For Spanish-speaking people

mitin de pyongyaneses en apoyo a editorial conjunto
     pyongyang, 5 de enero (atcc) -- tuvo lugar hoy en la plaza kim il sung
el mitin de la ciudad de pyongyang para ejecutar cabalmente las tareas
combativas planteadas en el editorial conjunto del primer ano del siglo 21.
en el participaron el primer ministro hong song nam y otros cuadros
dirigentes del partido y el estado junto con mas de 100 mil habitantes de
distintos sectores.
    el informe del acto estuvo al cargo del presidente ryang man gil del
comite popular de la ciudad de pyongyang quien dijo en particular:
    el editorial conjunto de los periodicos del partido, el ejercito y la
juventud es la bandera de la victoria que llama a todo el partido, todo el
ejercito y todo el pueblo a la marcha general de ano nuevo.
    el 89 (2000) de la era juche fue un ano de gran cambio en que ocurrieron
los eventos asombrosos sin precedentes en la historia de la nacion coreana y
un ano historico que hizo balance brillante del siglo 20 al concluir con
exito la "marcha penosa".
    la gran victoria del ano pasado que dio conclusion brillante al siglo 20
es un valioso fruto de la destacada capacidad politica y las dinamicas
actividades del dirigente kim jong il.
    el presente es un ano de nuevo avance y gran cambio, llamado a abrir un
ancho camino de la construccion de potencia del siglo 21.
    todos los militantes del partido y otros trabajadores de la capital
deben manifestar plenamente la superioridad del socialismo en todos los
sectores de la revolucion y la construccion y dar nuevo impulso a la
construccion de potencia a base de la victoria lograda en la "marcha
    en acato a la poderosa politica de unidad del partido deben ser
inflexibles combatientes que ejecuten la idea y la linea del dirigente kim
jong il en cualesquier circunstancias y hacer que la defensa decisiva al
lider no sea la consigna abstracta sino la consigna de accion y de practica.
    en cualquier situacion deben luchar al tomar por linea respiratoria la
linea revolucionaria de priorizacion militar presentada por el dirigente kim
jong il. 
    con la consigna " hagamos del presente un ano de nuevo avance de la
construccion de potencia economica del siglo 21 " en alto, deben hacer con
constancia la labor para reconstruir a base de la tecnica moderna el
conjunto de economia nacional a la par de reajustar las bases economicas
existentes y elevar al maximo su poderio.
    deben disponer de gran poderio economico del estado de conformidad con
la demanda de la nueva epoca de la revolucion con el ejercito al frente.
    en el mitin intervinieron representantes de los obreros, campesinos,
jovenes estudiantes y de otros sectores.
    los oradores senalaron que bajo la probada direccion del dirigente kim
jong il y con la bandera roja del socialismo coreano en alto llevaran a
feliz termino las tareas combativas presentadas en el editorial conjunto.
    terminado el acto, los participantes marcharon por las calles
principales de la capital gritando consignas de decision de ocupar en la
delantera del avance de la bandera roja del socialismo.


rpdc: reconstruccion tecnica
     pyongyang, 5 de febrero (atcc) -- en corea se desarrolla la
reconstruccion tecnica para reforzar el poderio economico del estado
conforme al nuevo siglo. en los ultimos anos pese a las condiciones
dificiles de la situacion economica del pais, al organizar bien la vida
economica, el estado ha construido fabricas y empresas modernas que no
tendran desperfecciones tampoco en el futuro lejano.
    entre ellas figuran la granja de reses myonggi de song-am= la de
avestruces, la planta avicola no. 112, la planta avicola de hwangju, la
fabrica de siluros y otras bases de produccion avicola y de piscicultura,
las bases de produccion de alimentos basicos construidas en todas las
provincias, la fabrica de jeringas, instituto farmaceutico, la fabrica de
fideo al instante construidas en la capital, la fabrica de almidon de
patatas de taehongdan, etc.
    estas fabricas y empresas son de modelos correspondientes al nuevo siglo
porque sus ambientes productivos son excelentes y todos sus procesos de
produccion se dotan de equipos ultramodernos que se controlan por las
    se desenvuelve la labor para crear las unidades modelo para reconstruir
el conjunto de economia con tal ambiente productivo y equipos ultramodernos.
    en el sector de la fundicion de hierro se dan impulsos a la labor de
disponer del alto horno, el horno de sinterizacion, el horno de coque y
otros en que se han aplicado los adelantos de la ciencia y tecnica y a la
labor de hacer grandes y modernos los equipos de fundicion de hierro
autoctonos incluido el alto horno de inyeccion de oxigeno.
    en el sector de fundicion de acero se planean la labor para disponer de
un conjunto de base combinada de fundicion de acero dotada con sistemas de
acero y laminacion y la labor para preparar el horno electrico de corriente
alterna de alta potencia mas desarrollado.
    en el complejo minero de musan se desarrollan las labores para realizar
la computarizacion y el control a distancia del proceso de extraccion al
aire libre y construir un moderno centro de enriquecimiento de minerales y
asi normalizar la produccion de millones de toneladas de minerales de hierro
concentrados al ano.
    en el sector de la industria ligera se desarrollan las innovaciones
tecnicas para reajustar y reconstruir los conjuntos de procesos de
produccion de las fabricas textiles de pyongyang y sinuiju y de otras
grandes bases productoras de tela y las de ropas, calzados, alimentos y
articulos de uso diario.
    en la fabrica de seda de nyongbyon y otras varias fabricas del genero se
renuevan los equipos de produccion y se promueve la computarizacion y se ha
reconstruido y ampliado la fabrica de articulos de tocador de sinuiju.
    tambien las plantas avicolas de mangyongdae, sopho, ryongsong, sungho y
hadang de la ciudad de pyongyang se reconstruyen y se amplian a la moderena
conforme a la demanda del nuevo siglo.


norte y sur de corea intercambian acuerdo de cpcens
     pyongyang, 5 de febrero (atcc) -- fue aprobado finalmente a guisa de
intercambio de documentos el acuerdo de la primera reunion del comite por la
promocion de cooperacion economica norte-sur (cpcens) efectuada del 27 al 30
de diciembre del ano pasado. el acuerdo estipula crear la subcomision para
la cooperacion de la electricidad y la otra para la cooperacion en la
prevencion de los danos por inundaciones en el rio rimjin bajo la egida del
cpcens y efectuar en pyongyang a partir del dia 7 de febrero la primera
reunion de la primera subcomision y a partir del dia 21 del mismo mes la
primera reunion de la seguna subcomision.


tonteria de maniaco militarista
     pyongyang, 5 de febrero (atcc) -- el periodico "rodong sinmun" en el
numero de ayer inserto un comentario denunciando la peroracion de ishihara,
gobernador de la metropoli de tokio contra la republica popular democratica
de corea hecha en la tribuna economica del mundo efectuada recientemente en
suiza. en la tribuna ishihara al referirse al problema de "los 'hombres
secuestrados' por norcorea" hizo disparate: "es necesario hundir el 'barco
de trabajo clandestino para el secuestro' por el lanzamiento de misil".
    esta peroracion constituye un abierto desafio a la rpdc, senala el
comentario y continua:
    esta tonteria de ishihara llama atencion porque coincide con el tiempo
en que los reaccionarios japoneses preconizan abiertamente la teoria de
"primer ataque" a corea y dan acicate a la conversion de su pais en una
potencia militar y a los preparativos de agresion al ultramar.
    la ambicion de agresion al ultramar de los reaccionarios japoneses llega
al climax. 
    el capital monopolista del japon inflamado al extremo requiere
indispensablemente su salida al ultramar. por eso, ellos se proponen agredir
a corea y tomandola por trampolin expandir su agresion a otros paises
asiaticos. la peroracion imprudente de ishihara que tiene que ver con esta
intencion es precisamente una agitacion de guerra y un trompeteo de nueva
    el ejercito y el pueblo de la rpdc expresan vehemente indignacion ante
las maquinaciones de maniaco militarista ishihara y otros encaminadas a
desacreditar la autoridad de ella y agitar la nueva agresion.
    si los reaccionarios japoneses se atreven a desencadenar la guerra
contra la rpdc, todas las fuerzas armadas de esta se pondran en accion para
contrarrestar la agresion.
   ellos mismos deben pensar en la consecuencia de tal desarrollo de la

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