
Mainland Boat Set to Make First Official Trip to Taiwan in 50 Years

The first officially-sanctioned trip by a China's mainland boat to Taiwan
territory in half a century is set to go ahead on Tuesday, officials said.
The "Gulangyu" ferry will leave Xiamen in the southeastern province of
Fujian around 9:00 am (0100 GMT), taking about 100 passengers to the small
Taiwanese island of Kinmen, just a few kilometers (miles) off the mainland.
"The boat will carry more than 90 senior citizens visiting relatives on
Kinmen," said a member of staff with Xiamen's semi-official Kinmen
Compatriot Federation, who gave his surname as Dai.
"There will also be some medical personnel, and a number of Chinese
journalists," he said.
Although it will last only four days and three nights, and the tour group is
not scheduled to meet any Taiwan officials, the trip will have potentially
historic significance for relations between Chinese mainland and Taiwan..
The 90 people who are about to set out on the short trip are witnesses to
the human cost of this division, as many of them were born on Kinmen and
have been barred from visiting for more than 50 years.
The "Gulangyu" will be the first mainland vessel to participate in
newly-established direct trade, transport and postal links - called the
"mini-links" because they connect only Taiwan's outlying Kinmen and Matsu
Islands with selected ports in Fujian.
Taiwan sent the first two boats to make an official trip to the mainland in
nearly 52 years on January 2, in a move hailed by Taiwan as a breakthrough
in relations with China's mainland.
On Friday, 10 Taiwanese businessmen sailed directly to the mainland from
Kinmen, after obtaining special permission from authorities on both sides to
make a two-hour voyage.
Many expect the three "mini-links" to develop into broader relations as
early as the end of the year.
China has expressed hopes that full-blown links between Taiwan and China's
mainland to be opened at an early date.


China Succeeds in Exercising Unified Control of River Water Flow
News of victory has poured in from China's water resources front as we just
crossed the threshold into the new century: With the loving care of the
Party Central Committee and the State Council, the Heihe River has
successfully realized cross-province water transfer for the first time in
history, the Yellow River has realized unceasing flowing the whole year in
times of serious drought, the Bosteng Lake has twice brought life-saving
water to the downstream of the Tarim River. These three major events mark a
major breakthrough made in the unified control and scientific management of
the runoff of Chinese rivers.

In recent years, due to continued dry weather in China's northern regions,
plus excessive utilization and disorderly management of water resources, the
Yellow River has begun to dry up since 1972, this situation has occurred
almost every years since the beginning of the 1990s. In 1997, this situation
extended up to Henan
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/henan.html> ¡¯s Kaifeng
City, 780 km from the river mouth, the drying-up continued for 226 days the
whole year in the Lijin Hydrometric Station. In the Tarim River, China¡¯s
longest inland river, the river section, 363 km from the Daxihaizi Reservoir
down the lower reaches, has since 1974 completely dried up, the green
corridor on the downstream of the Tahe River has been in a precarious state;
the Heihe River has been dried up for more than 10 consecutive years during
the flood season, populus diversifolia over a large tract of land in
downstream areas has whither away. Eco-environmental problems and social
problems arising from water resources have become ever more outstanding.

The shortages of water resources in northern rivers have aroused the concern
of leaders of the Republic. When Comrade Jiang Zemin
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/leaders/jzm/jzmhome.htm>  inspected
the Yellow River in 1999, he gave the instruction on the unified control of
the volume of river flow; Premier Zhu Rongji
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/leaders/Zhurongji.htm>  concerned
himself with the problem concerning the transfer of water of the Heihe and
Tarim rivers. 

Cross-province transfer of water affects the relations of interest of the
upper and lower reaches and the left and right river banks, which requires
the all-out support and coordination of all quarters. In order to guarantee
success in cross-province water transfer, Zhangye Prefecture, though hit by
drought over a vast area of farmland and forest and grassland, released
water downstream four times to Ejin Banner of Inner Mongolia
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/mongolia.html> to ensure
that the latter retain a sufficient water amount of 650 million cubic
meters; to keep the smooth flow of the Yellow River, staff of the Water
Transfer Bureau of the Yellow River Water Resources Committee carefully drew
up a water transfer plan and sent out in succession 100 inspection groups to
guard every water gate. The key water-control projects in various provinces
(regions) along the way made concerted efforts in cooperation, gave the
green light to ensure the smooth flow of the Yellow River, the Ningxia
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/ningxia.html>  and Inner
Mongolian irrigated areas saved water by 910 million cubic meters and 380
million cubic meters of water respectively to support people on the lower
reaches in years of drought, the Xiaolangdi water-control project suspended
power generation for 74 days; to guarantee that the Bositeng Lake transfers
350 million cubic meters of water to the green corridor on the downstream of
the dried up Tarim River, staff members of the Tarim River Administrative
Bureau all turned out to dredge the river course, fighting valiantly day and
night in the desolate Gobi Desert.

The brilliant achievements gained in harnessing the Heihe, Yellow and Tarim
rivers at the turn of the century represent the success gained in the
unified control and management of water resources. At present, on the basis
of summing up experiences, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Yellow River
Water Resources Committee and other departments, to deal specifically with
the existing weak links, are studying and adopting related measures in order
to do the work related to the unified control of the river water flow even
better this year. 


Reporters Invited to Cover Upcoming NPC, CPPCC Sessions
Chinese and overseas reporters are invited to cover the upcoming annual
sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's
Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), it was announced February 4.

The 4th Session of the 9th National People's Congress and the 4th Session of
the 9th National Committee of the CPPCC are to be convened on March 5 and
March 3 in Beijing 
respectively, announced the general offices of the NPC Standing Committee
and the CPPCC National Committee.

A press center will be set up at the Beijing Great Hall of the People Hotel,
responsible for arranging Chinese and foreign correspondents to cover the
two meetings. 

Resident foreign correspondents in China should send their applications to
the press center, and foreign correspondents who temporarily come for the
coverage of the meetings should send their applications to the Chinese
embassies and consulates in foreign countries, or commissioner's offices of
the Chinese Foreign Ministry <http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/>  in Hong Kong
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/HK.html>  and Macao
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/macau.html> .

Taiwan <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/taiwan.html>
reporters who temporarily come to cover the meetings should send their
applications to the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.

Hong Kong and Macao correspondents should send their applications to the
liaison offices of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong and
Macao special administrative regions.

The deadline for applications from non-resident foreign correspondents and
Taiwan reporters is March 8.


Wuhan Closed 188 Polluting Enterprises
The municipal government of Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/hubei.html>  Province,
announced lately that the city's 612 industrial enterprises, which used to
be serious sources of pollution, have all met the standard set for emission

Since last year, Wuhan has tightened control over industrial pollution by
enterprises and specially cited and warned 612 such enterprises. Thereafter,
393 enterprises have met the standard. Meanwhile, for a thorough elimination
of sources of pollution Wuhan has even dismantled, stopped and changed some
manufacture lines and has had a total of 188 polluting enterprises shut
according to regulations and environmental standard set.

Thanks to these efforts, the air quality and living environment of residents
have been largely improved. It is reported that major industrial polluting
sewage discharges in Wuhan have decreased over 65 percent.


Gaddafi to Give Lockerbie Evidence

Libyans are preparing themselves for new evidence in the Lockerbie case that
the country's leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, has promised to reveal on

The Libyan leader says his evidence will prove that Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al
Megrahi, is innocent of the 1988 bombing.

Libya's defence of Al Megrahi - a former Libyan intelligence agent who
received a life sentence for the bombing of the Pan-Am aircraft and the
murder of 270 people - received a boost after a Scottish legal expert said
the verdict was obtained on "very, very weak" evidence.

A Libyan official said the opinion showed that the case was a "racist
pretext" to prolong nine years of sanctions against the country.

The three Scottish judges who heard the case found Megrahi's alleged
accomplice, Al Amin Khalifah Fhimah, not guilty.

Colonel Gaddafi has called two days of public holidays on Monday and Tuesday
for "people's conferences" to discuss the matter.

He is expected to make his announcement in front of a large gathering of
supporters early on Monday morning.

Correspondents say two possible scenarios are being discussed in Tripoli:
Colonel Gaddadi will produce evidence that Washington put pressure on the
Scottish judges to convict Al Megrahi or that another non-Libyan perpetrator
carried out the bombing.

However, there is scepticism outside the country that hard evidence will
emerge at this late stage.

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