
British MP Condemns US-British Air Strike Against Iraq
George Galloway, member of parliament of Britain, here on Monday vehemently
condemned the US -British air raids against Iraq Friday evening.
"It is a crime against humanity," Galloway, who arrived in Baghdad early
Sunday morning by car from Amman, Jordan, told reporters.
While visiting the people wounded in the air strike at the Al- Yarmuk
hospital in western Baghdad, he described the joint US- British military
actions as "reckless, lawless and murderous."
There was no legal authority for the US and Britain to set up the so-called
no-fly zones as there were no United Nations resolutions for this, he said.
He also "utterly" rejected the excuse given by the US and Britain for the
attack. The US and Britain claimed that Iraq had intensified its
anti-aircraft fire against their planes patrolling the no-fly zones since
this year. 
Galloway said that such an excuse could not justify the attack. "The truth
is, as everyone knows it, that Iraq's anti-aircraft fire is pitifully
inadequate to the task of combating the high-tech US and British military
jets," he said. 
US and British planes have been enforcing the two no-fly zones with the
claimed aim of protecting the Kurds in the north and Shiite Muslims in the
south from the forces of President Saddam Hussein.
In an interview with Xinhua, Galloway said he will continue his
anti-sanctions efforts until the end. Iraq has been under sweeping U.N.
sanctions since its invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
Triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the US-led multinational forces
launched the 1991 Gulf War to eventually evict Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.
"We must assume the worst as America and Britain tend to continue the war
which has lasted for 10 years," he said.
Nlajeeb Jabbo, a surgeon at the hospital, told Xinhua that there are a total
of 10 wounded people, including women and children, being treated in the
hospital. "All of them are civilians," he said.
Ali Baham Ramadan, a wounded college student, was one among the people
treated in the hospital.
"I was walking in the streets with my mother and sister when the attack
came," he said. His mother and sister were also wounded and treated in the
same hospital and his mother looks extremely weak.
Other wounded people are reportedly being treated in other hospitals.
Iraq said that two were killed and 20 others injured in Friday evening's
bombardment by the US and Britain, the first such attack outside the no-fly
zones in about two years.


EU Still Mum on US-British Air Raid Against Iraq

The European Union (EU) is still mum Monday on US-British air strikes
against Iraq on Friday.
The European Commission, the executive body of the 15-nation bloc, merely
told the press that the commission did not have a public statement to make
at the moment and nor did it study the legal basis for the bombing.
"The issue is now in the hands of the United Nations Security Council," said
a spokesman of the commission.
He sidestepped a question on whether Britain, as an EU member, had complied
with U.N. Security Council resolutions which did not justify bombings
against Iraq. He replied that the question should have been directed to
He indicated that the EU would not like to see sanctions against Baghdad
lifted. The sanctions took place for precise reasons and would remain as
long as the reasons remain, he said.
Meanwhile, he said the commission would not take sides with the member
states holding different views regarding the sanctions against the Gulf
Some EU member states are now in favor of immediately lifting the sanctions
that are blamed for causing humanitarian disaster in Iraq, especially among
children, women and the aged, while some others hold that the sanctions can
be lifted only after Iraq complies with UN resolutions.
Although Iraq urged the removal of the sanctions imposed after its invasion
of Kuwait in 1990, the UN insists that Iraq first allow arms inspectors back
to the country to ensure Iraq is not developing weapons of mass destruction.
A total of 24 U.S. and British warplanes bombed Iraq on Friday night,
reportedly killing two people and wounding 20 others. The attack was said to
be aimed at the Iraqi air defense and radar sites south of Baghdad.


China, Russia to Boost Strategic Cooperation

China, Russia to Boost Strategic Cooperation
ian President Vladimir Putin and China's Central Military Commission
Vice-chairman Zhang Wannian stressed here Wednesday that the two countries
should strengthen their partnership of strategic cooperation to ensure
global stability and security.
At their meeting in the Kremlin, Putin told Zhang that the ties between
Russia and China will develop smoothly this year and the two sides will sign
a series of important agreements, which will strengthen the foundation for
bilateral strategic cooperation.
On the current world situation, Putin stressed that the two countries'
common task is to defend the mechanism of maintaining international
strategic stability and to keep it intact.
He highly valued the positive and fruitful cooperation in this field in the
recent years. He reaffirmed that Russia's stand on this issue is firm and
consistent, and Moscow will double its efforts to defend this position.
Zhang, who arrived here Monday for a four-day official visit, said that
expanding China-Russia partnership of strategic cooperation in light of the
current international situation is of great significance. This not only
conforms to the fundamental interests of the two countries and their
peoples, but also contributes to regional and global peace and stability.
Zhang highly spoke of Putin's contribution to the development of
Sino-Russian relations for his political wisdom and far-sight.
He said China is pleased to see that Russia has achieved political stability
and fast economic growth under Putin's leadership.
Zhang expressed confidence that Russia, led by Putin, will consolidate
political stability, social development and national defense and continue
improving the people's life.

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