Year 2001 No. 37, February 27, 2001

Workers' Daily Internet Edition :

Tony Blair in Canada Attempts to Justify the Unjustifiable

Workers and Politics:
The Conditions of the Call Centre Workers
Shipyard Worker Jobs Depend on Government's Guarantee Credit Arrangement
Why Should the Jobs of Shipyard Workers Depend on the Government
Underwriting Loans for the Finance Capitalists?

The National Shutdown of Further and Higher Education

G7 Whistle in the Wind


Tony Blair in Canada Attempts to Justify the Unjustifiable
On his way to visit US President George W Bush, Tony Blair stopped in Ottawa
for a 24-hour stay. The Prime Minister spoke to a joint session of the
Canadian Parliament on February 22.

In his speech, Blair emphasised the position of Britain as a "bridge"
between the US and the European Union, and he referred to the role which
Canada plays in helping Britain consolidate this position. He stated, "I
have a belief, formed in theory, but now far more powerfully reinforced
after four years practical experience as Prime Minister, that where the two
sides of the Atlantic stand together, the world is a more secure, stable and
prosperous planet."

He went on to describe the values which unite Britain with Canada. He said,
"We know that what binds us together is a common belief in the values of
institutionalised democracy, the benefits of the rule of law, the primacy of
the market as the engine for growth, the belief in a strong and inclusive
society to correct the market's injustices, the creative power of
individualism and the ultimate need to protect human rights."

This is the list of so-called shared values which has been entrusted to the
Labour government by the British ruling class to implement its neo-liberal
agenda of globalisation and free trade to enrich the British monopolies and
to intensify the anti-social offensive against the working class and people.
This is the vision and programme of the "Third Way". Canadian Prime Minister
Jean Chretien, in introducing Tony Blair, said Britain and Canada share a
"common ground" on this topic. He said that while the "Third Way" is a way
to arrive at "unique British solutions to emerging challenges", Canada has
the "Canadian Way". "This is just a 21st century example of the common
ground that has long characterised the relationship between our nations,"
Jean Chretien said.

The "Third Way", which is also manifested in Canada as the "Canadian Way",
is the vision and programme of the bourgeoisie to make the monopolies
successful in the global market and enrich the financial oligarchy, as well
as an attempt to liquidate the independent movement of the working class and
people by conciliating it with the neo-liberal agenda. At the same time, it
is a programme to criminalise any and all opposition to it. This is
precisely the "common ground" that the imperialists share.

Tony Blair went on to say in his speech that Britain and Canada "share
something else. You are that part of North America closest in values and
traditions of Europe. We are that part of Europe closest to North America.
We both are part of and support strongly the transatlantic alliance, Europe
and North America." This emphasises the role Britain and Canada play in
doing the bidding of US imperialism in Europe and the Americas.

Tony Blair continued his speech by outlining his wish to try to reconcile
the interests of the two imperialist powers, the US and the European Union.

He said, "I speak to you first and foremost as the Prime Minister of the
United Kingdom. British, proud to be so, truly ambitious for Britain,
determined to see our potential fulfilled. I speak to you as a committed
Atlanticist. I speak to you also as a European, unshakeable in my view that
Britain's future is as a leading player in Europe, a powerful force for
good, and a force for reform, in the European Union."

He continued, "There are those in my country who say it is not possible to
be all these things. You can have Europe, or you can have North America, but
you can't have both. Britain has to choose."

His reply to them is: "It is an article of my political faith that I refuse
point blank to do so. We will have the best of both worlds. We will give up
neither relationship. We will make them both work. And we will make them
work not just for Britain but for the alliance itself."

This statement shows that the British government has not given up its
ambition to play a leading role on the world stage to "make Britain great
again". Tony Blair intends to do this by continuing to be a willing agent of
US imperialism and using his position in the EU to try to push US interests,
especially when it comes to military matters and imperialist aggression such
as in Iraq. At the same time, he is trying to reconcile the contradiction
between the two imperialist forces in areas such as free trade. Later on in
his speech he discussed the various trading blocs throughout the world. Tony
Blair pointed out that the EU and NAFTA are the world's largest trading
blocs and the world's biggest free traders. In 1999, EU exports to NAFTA
were £137 billion and imports from NAFTA were £121 billion. "And yet
relations are not as they should be. Proposals for a Transatlantic Free
Trade Area in 1996 came to nothing," he said. The Prime Minister continued,
"Despite ever closer economic links our trade relations have become
bedevilled by disputes over issues like beef and bananas, and damaged both
our interests."

Tony Blair then proposed that the EU and NAFTA draw up a political
declaration of intent on trade. "This should be reinforced by an EU/NAFTA
commitment to go further within the WTO framework to break down non-tariff
barriers. In areas like insurance and professional services, liberalisation
is massively in our joint interests."

Tony Blair also defended a proposal for the European Rapid Reaction Force.
According to him, the purpose of this new military force "is limited to
crisis management, peace-keeping and humanitarian tasks".

In an attempt to put opponents amongst the ruling circles in North America
at ease, Tony Blair said, "It is not therefore a standing Army. There will
be no separate EU military planning structures. And it applies only where
NATO has chosen not to act collectively."

He continued, "It has, however, two potential benefits. First, it allows
Europe - for example, in crises on or within Europe's border - to act where
the US does not wish to. . Second, it puts pressure on Europe to increase
its defence capability, something long desired by our allies in North

In this way, Tony Blair is meeting the US's demand that Europe pay a greater
share for defence, while not challenging US control of NATO. But Tony
Blair's dream of "having the best of both worlds" cannot overcome the
inter-imperialist contradictions that emerge on the basis of the competing
interests of the imperialist powers. More than this, its aim is to block the
struggle for progress.

The Prime Minister concluded his speech by attacking outright the movement
against neo-liberal globalisation. He said, "Finally, on trade, it's time we
started to argue vigorously and clearly for free trade." Turning truth on
its head, Tony Blair said, "It's the key to jobs for our people, prosperity
and to development in the poorest parts of the world. The case against it is
misguided and, worse, unfair. However sincere the protests, they cannot be
allowed to stand in the way of rational argument." At a time when the
Canadian state is militarising Quebec City in preparation for the Summit of
the Americas and preparing conditions to suppress civil liberties, Tony
Blair said, "We must start to make this case with force and determination."

The working class can be under no illusion that the "Third Way", and its
Canadian counterpart the "Canadian Way", are a means to solve the problems
facing society. On the contrary, the "Third Way" is a justification to block
and criminalise the struggles of the people for progress, including those
directed against the reactionary programme and vision of the "Third Way"

---Workers and Politics ---
This is the column of WDIE on the conditions of the workers and on the
agenda the workers themselves are setting to overcome their marginalisation
and to take up politics. We encourage all our readers to contribute to the
politicisation of the workers and write for this column

The Conditions of the Call Centre Workers
The TUC Campaign It's your call, launched at the beginning of February,
included a freephone hotline for call centre workers to report on the
conditions in their workplaces. Over 400 calls were taken in the operation
that concluded on February 23. They revealed what was expected, and what is
clear to workers from their own experience. Working life is for the most
part inhumane, entails insults to one's dignity and the loss of honour and
self-esteem. With such emotions goes the feeling of helplessness and stress,
which is the companion of an economy that has as its main aim the making of
maximum capitalist profit.

The TUC reports that British Telecom has launched a blueprint for "best
practice" in their own call centres in co-operation with the Communication
Workers Union. The blueprint promotes an end to the acknowledged oppressive
and exploitative hallmark of the industry and their replacement with team
rather than individual targets, a lessening of the pressure to minimise call
times and introduction of flexible working arrangements to suit workers and

Life itself has revealed that the aim of "partnership" between employers and
employees is not that of improving the conditions of the workers. Its raison
d'être is the drive to maintain maximum capitalist profits. Its modus
operandi is the stepped up exploitation of the workers. Such exploitation is
witnessed in the immediate sense of the graphic bad practice of call centre
industry that the TUC report highlights, and in the overall sense in the
destruction of the national economy.

It's your call highlights the pressure put on workers in the call centre
industry that unionise or collectively organise to defend their interests.
Indeed the majority of callers to the freephone hotline were non-unionised
workers, and the TUC points out that the 44% of workers who are in unions
work in the public sector, financial services and the privatised utilities.

New Labour and TUC have been promoting "partnership" principles for some
time to conciliate the class struggle and contain the emergence of workplace
organisations that fight for the interests of their members. BT's best
practice for call centres can be seen in such a context. The conclusion the
TUC draws from the exploitation and humiliation of the workers at call
centres is that the bad apples should follow the example of the call centres
which "treat their staff with respect", while the not so bad should continue
with their efforts to "clean up their act". Then, the implication is,
everything will be fine - the unions will gain members and the call centres
will be partners with these members in making the business successful.

The conclusion that the life experience of the workers suggests should be
drawn, however, is that the problem is not to reform the bad apples. It is
that workers have constantly to fight for their interests and that the
principle of "partnership" must be rejected. It is a straightforward matter
of the dignity of human beings. The bad apples are constantly being created
by the drive to make business competitive. The same issue goes for other
industries such as the construction industry where workers' very lives are
put on the line, and the TUC is also calling for a partnership between
employers, unions and government as the way to solve the problem.

The conditions in such sectors of the economy as call centres and the
construction industry must continue to be ruthlessly exposed. Such exposure
will further emphasise that all round in society pressure is being put on
the workers to give up their rights and interests both collectively and
individually. The conclusion can only be that workers should get further
organised to defend their rights and interests and discuss how the direction
of the economy must be changed so that the well-being of the workers and the
general interests of society as a whole can become the driving force.

WDIE wholeheartedly supports the struggles of the call centre workers for
their dignity and an end to their exploitation and oppression.

Shipyard Worker Jobs Depend on Government's Guarantee Credit Arrangement
The jobs of shipyard workers in Liverpool and on Tyneside are again under
threat. The government's loan guarantee arrangement for a £350 order for
ships by Luxus, a US company, to build the ships mainly at Cammell Laird's
Liverpool and Hebburn yards has not been agreed by either company.

Cammell Laird employs 800 workers on Tyneside and more than 1,500 jobs are
thought to depend on the contract at the Liverpool and Hebburn yards of
Cammell Laird. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) under its Home
Shipbuilding Guarantee Credit Scheme had made an offer to underwrite 60% of
the deal that would allow Luxus to borrow enough money to build the ships.
But the deal means that Cammell Laird must also agree to refund the
government and private investors a share of the total value of the deal if
it collapses. According to reports this was originally to be 50% a refund of
£174 but this had then been reduced by the DTI to 30% a refund of £104
million. The new figure still represents more than the assets of Cammell
Laird, which stood at £63.4 million in 2000, and the company has rejected
this new arrangement as well. A government spokesman said that they had made
a good offer but were now considering the responses from both Luxus and
Cammell Laird.

Why Should the Jobs of Shipyard Workers Depend on the Government
Underwriting Loans for the Finance Capitalists?

The situation at Cammell Laird shows how ship production, which should form
a vital part of the national economy, is more and more dependent on securing
the most favourable and guaranteed returns to the finance capitalists.

The government and the state works in "partnership" with finance companies
using the treasury to bankroll and secure guaranteed profits for this
financial oligarchy. The Home Shipbuilding Credit Guarantee Scheme is
operated for DTI by the Ship Mortgage Finance Company plc, a subsidiary of
3i plc and guaranteed loans are available for up to 80% of contract value
and 85% Mobile Offshore Installations for oil and gas companies. The 3i
Group plc had gross assets of £573 million in its 2000 balance sheet.
Cammell Laird had gross assets of £63 in 2000 in its 2000 balance sheet. Yet
the government has stipulated that it is Cammell Laird that will have to
repay £104 million if the US company Luxus defaults on the deal.

New Labour, as with the Conservatives before them, always try to present
themselves as the "party of business". Yet the truth is that it is big
business and in particular the finance capitalists that the government
represents and serves.

For the shipyard workers fighting for their interests is not just about
fighting to secure the work for their yards. It means opposing this whole
situation which marginalises them from having any say in what is produced
and how it is funded. Guaranteeing the profits of finance capitalists in the
global market is not in the interest of society and is a disastrous course,
which is destroying the national economy. This is the course which New
Labour and all the big parties are on.

For the workers, taking up politics means fighting for their interests which
are the general interests of society. Such interests are for a modern
shipbuilding industry that contributes to a society where the people are
empowered to take the decisions and where the whole economy is run to meet
the needs of the people.

The National Shutdown of Further and Higher Education
1 March 2001
In January, the National Union of Students produced a national shutdown
briefing for March 1, which is this Thursday. We are reproducing extracts
from the briefing below.

Background and rationale

At the start of the Winter Term 2000, the NUS National Executive Committee
announced the start of a nationwide ballot of students' unions, recommending
further mass action to fight fees. In the largest ever NUS ballot, the NEC
voted in favour of a National Shutdown of Further and Higher Education (FHE)
and gave students' unions the chance to decide whether to support a national
demonstration and shutdown.

An overwhelming majority of students' unions, over 160 colleges and
universities, voted in favour.

Why the Shutdown?

The last time there was a Shutdown of higher education, (March 1998) it was
a huge success, with campuses coming to a standstill across the United
Kingdom and sending a clear message to Parliament. This time we want the
government to re-think on the issue of fees and grants.

The education shutdown will show the government what seminar rooms and
lecture theatres will look like if they continue to press on with top-up
fees - deserted.

Following the National Demonstration in November 2000 which involved over
17,000 students, the Shutdown gives us the opportunity to highlight our
message to would-be students, to parents, the public, the media and of
course, the Government.

With the participation of all student unions across the country, over two
million students could be involved, making this the most dramatic action in
the anti-fees campaign to date.

NUS has written to all the further and higher education (FHE) trade unions
who have all offered support for the Shutdown and indeed are planning action
themselves to improve funding in FHE. We are also writing to all
vice-chancellors explaining what is going on and why we are taking this

What is the Shutdown?

The Shutdown involves students not attending lessons in universities and
colleges across the country. It is vital that the students' union secures
agreement from the institution that students will not be academically
penalised for this action - which is their right. In addition, each students
' union should contact all the staff unions and heads of department to
inform them of the action and enlist their support.

Students' unions will stay open as a focus for campaign activity on the day
and students should be encouraged to call into the students' union to take
part in protest activity.

Where practical, NUS is asking members to gather outside entrances to
academic buildings to persuade fellow students to boycott lectures. NUS is
not able to sanction any attempts to stop normal college activities, such as
deliveries of goods, entrance of staff or any physical attempts to force
students not to enter college buildings. There is more detailed information
on the legal situation on pickets later in this briefing.

Suggested activities for the FHE Shutdown

Below is a list of activities that could be undertaken as part of the
Shutdown timetable for activity:

. Put up posters around campus advertising the day

. Organise a stall for students to write postcards to your local MPs

. Organise students to picket/leaflet outside the entrances to the college
to explain the activities and persuade students not to attend lessons

. Arrange a visit to your local MP for the following day, presenting them
with the signed postcards from your members

. Write to the local media urging them to cover the Shutdown

. Arrange stunts/events for the day e.g. release balloons to signify the
support for the campaign, decorate the students' union or campaign
headquarters with balloons, posters and other publicity, organise social
activities in the students' union on the day and evening of the Shutdown to
encourage them to come and take part in the campaign activities

. Leaflet all the clubs and societies' chairs to get their support for the

. Invite NEC members to events on the day - contact Trish Breadmore on 0207
561 6510 with details

On the day of the Shutdown

. Leaflet all the halls of residence with a wake up leaflet telling them not
to attend lectures

. Decorate the students' union (or alternative venue) so all students are
aware it is the campaign headquarters

. Ensure there are students at all the college entrances

. Organise a media stunt - e.g. shutdown the power in the students' union
for a minute to signify the end of free tuition, or organise a balloon

The aftermath

. Tell NUS how your Shutdown went - how many students participated? How many
lecture theatres were deserted? Did your lecturers, VCs or principals
support you?

Some legal issues

In order to be effective on the day of the Shutdown you need to be aware of
certain facts of law.


We would encourage you to organise groups of students to peacefully explain
the reasons for the Shutdown. However there are limits to this:

. Students should not attempt to physically prevent entry to buildings or
rooms. Any physical restraint is likely to lead to, or itself constitute, a
breach of the peace or a public order offence. Physically blocking access is
also likely to constitute a civil wrong for which participants could be sued
in the civil courts.

. Students should not try and stop lecturers and other institutional staff
entering buildings, and lecture halls, even by non-physical means. If they
did, they would be inducing them to breach their employment contracts, which
is a civil wrong. Industrial relations law grants immunity to certain
participants in lawful industrial action from being sued in the civil
courts. However, this immunity only extends to employees (at the place being
picketed) and their trade union representatives.

. Participating students should not carry offensive weapons.

. Participants should not use threatening, abusive or insulting words or
behaviour which are likely to provide a breach of the peace. The Public
Order Act 1986 s5 makes it a criminal offence to use "threatening, abusive
or insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour" or to display "any
writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening or
abusive or insulting" where someone present is "likely to be caused
harassment, alarm or distress thereby". However, if the words or behaviour
are reasonable in the circumstances then they will be acceptable. On the
whole, as long as participants stick to political statements rather than
personal abuse, they should not fall foul of the Act.

. It is unlikely the police would feel the need to get involved, but if they
did then it is an offence to obstruct a police officer in the course of
his/her duty.

Good luck for March 1st !

G7 Whistle in the Wind
Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors from the G7 countries met in
Palermo, Sicily, on February 17. The talks included the United States,
Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada.

The meeting focused on ways to revive US growth and prevent a global
recession. It was reported that they remain optimistic for continued global
growth despite economic troubles in the US and Japan.

In Europe, "growth prospects remain favourable," due in a large part to
strong domestic demand in the 12 European Union nations using the euro
single currency, the G7 said in a joint closing statement.

"The basic factors that have supported sustained growth in many of the major
industrial economies remain in place."

The ministers urged the United States to use both interest rate policies and
budget policies - such as tax cuts - to support a rebound in growth.

US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve
chairman, have said the US economy has ground to almost zero growth but hope
hefty interest rate cuts in January can spark a revival.

Italian Treasury Minister Vincenzo Visco, who hosted the session, said
Europe was "comforted" by US optimism.

There is no doubt that the prolonged economic difficulties of US imperialism
will also affect Europe. Despite this, Japanese Finance Minister Kiichi
Miyazawa said he was confident of a recovery: "Generally speaking, I am not
too pessimistic about the US economy. Even though US growth has recently
been slowing, I think that it will recover in the middle of the year just as
Greenspan has been saying."

However, the G7 ministers urged Japan itself to take further action to
strengthen its financial sector and said the Bank of Japan needed to pump
more cash into the nation's money supply to stimulate growth.

The G7 meeting did not pass without opposition from those opposed to the
neo-liberal agenda of the international financial oligarchy. Hundreds of
police had ringed the ancient Roman fortress turned royal palace of the
Palazzo dei Normanni where the finance ministers and central bank governors
met. Despite that, hundreds of people gathered to demonstrate against the
agenda of globalisation that is being imposed on the world's people by the
G7 and the international financial institutions. They militantly shouted
slogans against capitalism, demanding jobs for the unemployed and job

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