Year 2001 No. 38, February 28, 2001

Workers' Daily Internet Edition :

Article Index :

Teachers Vote for Action

Rolls-Royce Workers Strike Again

International News
Vietnam and Russia Sign Agreement
Cuban Foreign Minister Visits Vietnam


Teachers Vote for Action
Teachers in London have voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action
in the dispute about staff shortages.

Teachers across London voted by more than nine to one to refuse to cover
vacant posts. Teachers' unions warned that thousands of children would
inevitably be sent home. The action will start after a statutory seven-day
notice period and as many as one in three schools could be affected. Across
London, that could mean disruption in as many as 800 schools. The ballot
covers every London borough, Kent and the Medway Towns.

Members of the National Union of Teachers in London voted by 94 per cent to
back action, while teachers of the National Association of Schoolmasters
Union of Women Teachers returned a 93 per cent vote in favour, both on a 30
per cent turnout of members.

There has been similar support in a ballot of teachers in Doncaster. Further
ballots are planned in Portsmouth, Southampton, Leicester, Middlesborough,
Nottingham, Kent, Manchester and Reading.

The action will mean that teachers will not cover vacancies for more than
three days, or teach classes which have been amalgamated because of staff
shortages, or to set or mark work for classes other than their own.
Employers have warned they risk losing pay as a result. Education
authorities are expected to draft in their own advisers since such just
action by the teachers will inevitably bring the system to the point of
crisis. The recruitment crisis has already manifested itself at a number of
schools where children have been sent home.

At Timeplan, one of the biggest supply agencies, chairman Ian Penman said:
"The supply would dry up on day one. There just aren't the supply teachers
sitting around waiting for work."

The National Union of Teachers and the National Association of Schoolmasters
Union of Women Teachers said that teachers were no longer prepared to "paper
over the cracks" at schools unable to recruit enough permanent staff. NASUWT
general secretary Nigel de Gruchy demanded government action on a wide front
to halt the protest, including altering the open-ended teachers' contract
which places no limit on the hours they can be required to work.

NUT general secretary Doug McAvoy said: "Teachers are today saying enough is
enough and that they intend to stop covering up the teacher shortage." He
accused Education Secretary David Blunkett of trying to "con" parents by
pretending that the recruitment crisis only affected a "handful" of schools.
Today's ballot exposed its true scale, he said.

David Blunkett claimed that government action was beginning to resolve
recruitment difficulties. However, his remarks indicated the scale of the
crisis. "Industrial action won't solve the recruitment problem," he said.
"All it will do is to make the task of raising standards and engaging
children's commitment that much harder." Trying to offload the problem, he
urged teachers themselves to come up with "positive ideas" to aid

Rolls-Royce Workers Strike Again
The Rolls-Royce monopoly is desperate to re-open negotiations after workers
staged a second 24-hour strike at the Ansty Plant in Coventry. Workers
picketed the gates of the plant in order to step up their campaign against
work being transferred to Canada and Bristol.

Around 400 workers took part in the action saying that 600 skilled workers
were due to be made redundant.

Rolls-Royce workers previously struck work on February 9, in the first
industrial dispute to hit the plant in over 20 years. They have also
organised other actions such as a "day of disruption".

The dispute stems from the company decision to relocate the plant's energy
and marine operations to Montreal and the Bristol Roll-Royce sites, which
estimates of engineering job losses could total 1,300 altogether. The
company thinks that an "offer" of re-location to Canada is a justifiable

MSF General Secretary, Roger Lyons, said the company had refused to take on
board the union's arguments. "We fear that if these 600 redundancies are not
opposed," he said, "it will make the whole operation at Ansty vulnerable in
the future."

International News

Vietnam and Russia Sign Agreement
General V G Matchiukin led a delegation of the Russian President's Liaison
and Information Agency (LIA) to Vietnam recently. Documents for co-operation
between Vietnam's Public Security Ministry and the LIA were signed in Hanoi
on February 24. Public Security Minister General Le Minh Huong signed on
behalf of Vietnam.

The Russian delegation discussed with their Vietnamese counterparts factors
affecting the security of their countries, among other issues. They also
discussed implementation of their co-operation programme.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is to visit Hanoi on Thursday and Friday
after his visit to South Korea. He is expected to sign a joint political
declaration and co-operation documents.

Cuban Foreign Minister Visits Vietnam
Felipe Perez Roque is visiting five Asian countries over a period of two
weeks. After visiting Malaysia and Singapore, he was in Vietnam on February
23-24. He then went on to China and will conclude his tour in Japan on March

The Vietnamese communist party general secretary Le Kha Phieu met with
Felipe Perez Roque in Hanoi on February 24. He said that Vietnam highly
appreciated the Cuban Party and people's staunch and creative spirit in
their socialist construction and defence, as well as their struggle against
the US embargo and blockade.

Le Kha Phieu said that Vietnam welcomed the Cuban people's great
achievements that helped raise Cuba's international prestige and win
world-wide sympathy and support. He reaffirmed Vietnam's traditional
solidarity and friendship with Cuba, as well as the continuation of the
comprehensive and reliable co-operation between the two communist parties
and people.

For his part, the Cuban foreign minister thanked the Vietnamese party and
people for their wholehearted help and support. He also briefed Le Kha Phieu
on his talks with Vietnam's Foreign Minister, as well as about Cuba's
current situation and its firm resolve to build and defend socialist Cuba,
as well as defeat the US embargo and blockade.


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