TODAY'S NEWS (March.01.2001 Juche 90)



Day of Bikini observed

Diplomatic relations established between DPRK and Germany

Paek Nam Sun meets first Canadian ambassador

Spokesman of DPRK Foreign Ministry on U.S. report on human rights

Anniversary of March First Popular Uprising observed

Sports games for Paektusan Cup close

Japan's moves to distort history assailed

Fauna and flora in area around Jong Il Peak

Implementation of north-south joint declaration urged

Greetings to Libyan leader

Computer in wide use

For Spanish-speaking people


editorial conjunto por 90 (2001) de era juche

periodicos conmemoran 42 aniversario de triunfo de revolucion cubana

Day of Bikini observed
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The disaster in Bikini should never be
repeated, says Rodong Sinmun today in an article dedicated to day of Bikini.
On March 1, 1954, the United States had an H-bomb test on bikini island in
the pacific, showering "ashes of death" on the Japanese-flagged ship
Fukuryu-Maru no.5, which was engaged in fishing in the surrounding waters at
that time, and imposing serious damage upon its crewmen.
    Earlier, A-bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan,
claiming many human lives. And many people suffer from its aftereffects
until now, the article notes, and goes on:
    It is the unanimous desire of the world people to live in a peaceful
world free from nuclear weapons.
    Nuclear disaster against humanity can never be allowed again.
    If the danger of nuclear war is to be removed, it is essential to fully
eliminate all the nukes and establish nuclear-free, peace zones in different
parts of the world.
    All the peaceloving forces of the world should firmly unite with each
other and wage a vigorous struggle to check the imperialists' reckless moves
for nuclear arms buildup and completely eliminate all the nukes.
    Such "tragedy of Bikini" should never be repeated again on this planet.


Diplomatic relations established between DPRK and Germany
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- A press statement on establishing
diplomatic relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and
the Federal Republic of Germany was released on March 1. The statement
    Representatives from the foreign ministries of the DPRK and the Federal
Republic of Germany held official talks in Berlin on 26-28 February, 2001.
    At the talks relevant documents on establishing diplomatic ties were
exchanged and it was agreed to establish diplomatic relations at
ambassadorial level between the two countries from march 1, 2001 on the
basis of the Vienna convention on diplomatic relations and the Vienna
convention on consular relations.
    Both sides agreed to set up diplomatic missions in each other's capital
and exchange ambassadors.
    The establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and the
Federal Republic of Germany would provide favourable conditions for
expanding and developing bilateral relations in political, economic,
cultural and other fields on the principle of mutual respect for
sovereignty, non-interference in other's internal affairs and equality and
having in-depth discussions on matters of mutual concern.


Paek Nam Sun meets first Canadian ambassador
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Dun, foreign minister of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, met and had a talk with Howard Robert
Balloch, first Canadian ambassador e. p. to the DPRK, who paid a courtesy
call on him, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.


Spokesman of DPRK Foreign Ministry on U.S. report on human rights
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the DPRK Ministry of
Foreign Affairs today in an answer given to a question put by KCNA assailed
the united states for pulling up again the DPRK over the "human rights
issue." The U.S. State Department in its "country-by-country report on
overseas human rights practices" on Feb. 26 absurdly provoked the DPRK,
while accusing over 100 countries of their human rights situation as it
    The spokesman said that it is quite imprudent for the U.S. with poor
human rights record to say this or that about human rights situation in
other countries as if it was a "judge of human rights."
    He continued: 
    All the countries of the world differ from each other in traditions,
nationality, culture and history of social development and human rights
standards and ways of ensuring them vary according to specific conditions of
each country. 
    Therefore, if a specified country tries to impose its unilateral "human
rights standards" on other countries, it will bring about more complicated
issues in the international relations and result in the collapse of
good-neighbourly relations.
    As for the human rights situation in the DPRK, the dignity, position and
rights of the people as masters of the state and society, are legally
guaranteed under the socialist system centred on the popular masses.
    The human rights standards in the DPRK are precisely what the Korean
people like and what is in accordance with their requirement and interests.
    That is why we do not want others to "recognize" us and do not feel any
need to read other's face as far as the human rights issue is concerned.
    No one will lend an ear to the U.S. oft-repeated human rights issue and
this will only compel the DPRK to heighten vigilance against the vicious
hostile policy towards the DPRK invariably pursued by the U.S.
    The U.S. is well advised to drop its arrogant practices of interfering
in the internal affairs of other countries and vilifying them by its "human
rights standards." 


Anniversary of March First Popular Uprising observed
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in an editorial
dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of the March First Popular Uprising calls
for achieving the cause of national reunification through great national
unity under the uplifted banner of national independence. The uprising was a
nation-wide courageous patriotic resistance movement waged by all the Korean
people against the Japanese imperialist aggressors for the independence of
the country and the sovereignty of the nation, the editorial notes, and goes
    The Korean nation is faced with a responsible and honorable task to
achieve the cause of national reunification and the prosperity of the nation
by its concerted efforts under the uplifted banner of the historic
north-south joint declaration.
    An urgent task before the Korean nation in the new century is to reunify
the country and a key to its fulfilment lies in independence of the nation
and the great unity of the whole nation.
    All the Koreans should arm themselves with the consciousness of national
independence and this should prevail in the whole course of the movement for
    Our nation's consciousness of independence should be reflected in its
awareness of being responsible for national reunification and in its firm
stand to achieve it by its own efforts.
    All the Koreans should believe in their own efforts and firmly adhere to
the independent stand in the movement for reunification.
    They should thoroughly reject interference from outside forces keen to
benefit from meddling in the problem of reunification and work to achieve
reunification through cooperation and unity among the independent forces of
the nation. 
    It is necessary to achieve the harmony of the patriotic reunification
forces and the great national unity in conformity with the demand of the era
for opening the door of reunification by the nation's efforts.
    All members of the nation should put aside narrow-minded interests
detrimental to meeting the common interests of the nation, join the movement
for national reunification and make a tangible contribution to its
    The cherished desire of the Korean nation will certainly come true when
all the compatriots in the north, south and overseas wage a grand march for
reunification in firm unity.


Sports games for Paektusan Cup close
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Sports games for paektusan cup which
opened on the occasion of leader Kim Jong Il's birthday closed on Feb. 28.
New national records were established in archery, shooting and track and
field events. 
    The April 25 Sports Group, the Amnokgang Sports Group and Amnokgang
Defence Sports Group were successful in many events.


Japan's moves to distort history assailed
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary
denounces the Japanese reactionaries for their moves to totally deny the
aggression committed by the Japanese imperialists in the past. The "society
for preparing new history textbooks," a Japanese ultra-right reactionary
organization, in the new history textbooks for middle school described the
aggressive pacific war unleashed by the Japanese imperialists in the past as
a "war for greater east Asia to liberate colonies" and the occupation of
Korea as "justifiable annexation for the security of Asia."
    Recalling that the Japanese reactionaries have long sought to delete the
reference to their past aggression from the history textbooks, the
commentary says that even the word aggression is not used in the recently
printed history textbooks.
    The commentary goes on:
    The Japanese reactionaries leave no means untried to imbue the younger
generation with a wrong view on history.
    Their printing of distorted history textbooks is not a simple tampering
with history. 
    This is an insult to the Korean and other Asian peoples, victims of the
Japanese imperialists' aggression in the past, and part of their ideological
preparations for reinvasion.
    If these moves of the Japanese reactionaries are overlooked, they would
launch reinvasion any time. The DPRK will heighten vigilance against this.


Fauna and flora in area around Jong Il Peak
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- There is a variety of animal and plant
life in the area around Jong Il Peak on Mt. Paektu, a famous mountain of
Korea. Rare raccoon dogs and a flock of wild ducks appeared there in recent
years and butterflies of special species flew in summer, drawing the
attention of the biological circle.
    The fauna in the area is very diverse and the species of animals is on
an annual increase.
    There are over a hundred species of birds in the area and it teems with
more than 50 species of animals such as Korean tigers, bears, deers and roe
    Rich plant resources there remind one of a botanical garden.
    Big trees such as larch, abies nephrolepis and spruce and tangled liana
in the Sobaeksu valley form a primeval forest.
    About 280 species of plants are growing in the area around Jong Il Peak,
according to a survey.
    Among them are at least 90 species of food plants including asters,
condonopsis lanceolata and sorrel and medical plants of over 70 species such
as wild Insam (ginseng) and gonoderma.
    due to the marvelous topographical conditions and the ever-flowing water
of sobaek stream it is relatively mild in the area though it stands on a
high mountain and It offers a good habitat for animals and plants.
    The area presents diverse natural environment as it lies 1,700 metres
above the sea level.
    When the sunrise begins above Jong Il Peak birds chirp and the area
presents a spectacular scenery, adding beauty to the landscape of the holy
place. In spring sweet smell of flowers such as thymus guinguecosta us and
lilac bushes hangs in the air and in autumn strong smell of wild berry and
fruits is felt around the Sobaeksu valley.
    From June to July is a flower season.
    The scenery of the area around of Jong Il Peak is, indeed, fascinating.


Implementation of north-south joint declaration urged
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- It is the hope of foreign political and
public circles that the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration will
be sincerely implemented for earlier reunification of Korea. The Ugandan
Railway Workers' Union in a statement said that the inter-Korean summit was
arranged and the north-south joint declaration was published thanks to
leader Kim Jong Il's will for reunification, bold resolution and broad
magnanimity, hoping that the declaration would be implemented to the letter
for the reunification of Korea. Friedebert Kolmann, chairman of the Austrian
Jurists' Committee for the Defence of Democracy and Human Rights in South
Korea, in a statement said that the appeal adopted at the 2001 meeting for
the independent reunification of the Korean nation is an expression of the
firm determination of the people of the DPRK to implement the June 15
North-South Joint Declaration, a milestone of Korea's reunification.
    Mamadou Ali Sampil, chairman of the Guinean Committee for Supporting
Korea's Reunification, and Ahmed Hassanin, editor-in-chief of the Egyptian
paper Al Shabab Al Arab, in statements said that it is an important issue at
present to implement the joint declaration to the letter for the
reunification of Korea and all the Koreans should turn out to carry out the
declaration, irrespective of ideology, system, political view and religious


Greetings to Libyan leader
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea, today sent a message of greetings to Moammer El Gaddafi, leader of
the Great September First Revolution of the great socialist people's Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya, on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the proclamation
of the Jamahiriya. The message extended warm felicitations to the leader and
through him to the leadership and people of Libya.
    Expressing belief that the traditional friendly and cooperative
relations between the two countries would continue to grow stronger in the
future, too, the message wished the leader success in the efforts to defend
national dignity and achieve progress and prosperity of the country.


Computer in wide use
     Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- An early diagnosing system developed by
division no. 4 of the Korea Computer Centre is finding its way to Kim Man Yu
Hospital. It automatically analyzes signals emitted from cardiovascular
systems and detects myocardial infarction and other fatal diseases. The
system performs a dozen functions simultaneously in cardiovascular
diagnosis-electrocardiogram, phonocardiogram, cardiac ultrasonic generation,
    It reduces the diagnosis expenses by one-fifteenth.
    It makes it possible to measure previously impossible checkup indexes
and observe the changes after the taking of medicines.
    It does not need the injection of a contrast medium, so gives no pain to
    Researchers at the automatic garment design section of the garment
institute under the Ministry of Light Industry have succeeded in
incorporating Hyesong 1, a garment design programme, into highly effective
pattern design and fitting.
    Computer-aided design meets the demands of producers and clients by
reducing the pattern designing by one-fifth, the pattern increasing or
decreasing by one-tenth and the pattern making by one-seventh.


For Spanish-speaking people

editorial conjunto por 90 (2001) de era juche
     pyongyang, el primero de enero (atcc) -- los periodicos "rodong
sinmun", "joson inmingun" y "chongnyon jonwi" publicaron hoy el editorial
conjunto de ano nuevo exhortando a abrir el camino del avance del nuevo
siglo con aquel impetu con que logro la victoria en la "marcha penosa". el
editorial hace balance de los eventos sorprendentes del 89 (2000) de la era
juche y presenta las tareas del nuevo ano 90 (2001) de la era juche.
    el 89 (2000) de la era juche fue un ano de gran cambio en que ocurrieron
eventos asombrosos ineditos en la historia de la nacion coreana y un ano
historico que hizo balance con brillantez el siglo 20, senala el editorial y
    el pueblo coreano con la bandera roja del socialismo en alto ha logrado
victoria tras victoria de ano en ano en la revolucion.
    el siglo 20 es el glorioso en que corea que otrora perdio brillo exalto
su dignidad de patria de la idea juche, pais heroico y de chollima y el de
alto orgullo en que el socialismo coreano salio siempre victorioso.
    es un orgullo del partido del trabajo y el pueblo de corea el haber
finalizado bien el siglo 20 al defender hasta el fin el credo, el regimen y
la causa de corea con la ejecucion de la "marcha penosa".
    el ano pasado fue manifestado patentemente el poderio de la unidad
monolitica. el acto por el 55 aniversario de la fundacion del partido del
trabajo de corea fue un gran festival de esta unidad repleto del espiritu de
la adoracion y la defensa decisiva al lider.
    ademas las filas revolucionarias se hicieron mas indestructibles.
    el ano expirado el pueblo coreano dio brillante conclusion al ultimo
combate ofensivo de la "marcha penosa" al trabajar con la inflexible
    el ano expirado fue un ano de gran significado en que se abrio una nueva
coyuntura trascendental en la realizacion de la causa de la reunificacion de
la patria. 
    se preparo el historico encuentro de pyongyang y se publico la
declaracion conjunta de 15 de junio norte-sur.
    la realizacion de las tareas historicas para la reintegracion nacional
inedita en un periodo de mas 50 anos es un evento historico nacional.
    el haber preparado un nuevo programa de reunificacion abriendo una firme
perspectiva para poner fin a la division nacional es la inmortal hazana del
estimado dirigente kim jong il.
    mientras exista el dirigente kim jong il llegara sin falta el dia de la
reunificacion de la patria. esto es un ferreo credo guardado en lo profundo
del corazon de los 70 millones de coreanos.
    el ano expirado fue un ano orgulloso en que se exaltaron a todo el mundo
la dignidad y el honor de corea socialista.
    al mantener con firmeza la bandera de la independencia la rpdc sirvio de
foco de la politica mundial.
    por la lucha intransigente y de principios se frustraron las
maquinaciones de los imperialistas encaminadas a aislarla y aplastarla. el
fracaso de la "teoria de derrumbe" del socialismo portada por los enemigos y
la invariable existencia de la rpdc como indestructible baluarte del
socialismo sirven de gran estimulo a los pueblos que hacen la revolucion.
    establecer y desarrollar las relaciones de amistad y de buena vecindad
con la rpdc es la indetenible corriente de la epoca.
    la gran victoria del ano pasado que dio termino brillante al siglo 20 es
un valioso fruto de la destacada capacidad politica y de las dinamicas
actividades del dirigente kim jong il.
    el 90 (2001) de la era juche es un ano de nuevo avance y de gran cambio
para abrir un ancho camino de la construccion de potencia del siglo 21 bajo
la direccion del gran partido del trabajo de corea.
    este ano, el primero del siglo 21 la rpdc debe desplegar mas plenamente
la superioridad del socialismo en todos los sectores de la revolucion y la
construccion y dar nuevo impulso a la construccion de potencia, a base de la
victoria lograda en el proceso de la "marcha penosa".
    el ano proximo la rpdc celebrara el 90 aniversario del nacimiento del
gran lider presidente kim il sung. defender y mantener eternamente las
inmortales hazanas del presidente kim il sung, fundador de la corea
socialista, logradas en la construccion del partido, el estado y el ejercito
es la inconmovible voluntad del partido del trabajo de corea.
    " abramos el camino del avance del nuevo siglo con aquel impetu con que
triunfamos en la 'marcha penosa' ", esto es la consigna combativa que este
ano deben tomar firmemente todo el partido, todo el ejercito y todo el
    el avance con la bandera roja del socialismo del siglo 21 es la sagrada
lucha por materializar la politica de independencia, unidad y patriotismo
del dirigente kim jong il. la potencia socialista de corea es aquella que
ostenta alta dignidad con la independencia, que triunfa con la unidad y que
prospera con el patriotismo.
    en pleno acato a la gran politica de independencia del ptc debemos
solucionar todos los problemas de conformidad con la realidad de corea.
debemos defender y mantener firmemente el ideal y el sistema politico de
corea y modo coreano de hacer la revolucion.
    en el siglo 21 no deben ser tolerados por mas tiempo las arbitrariedades
y los actos despoticos de los imperialistas y sus maquinaciones
    rechazaremos resueltamente el desafio de los imperialistas y
defenderemos firmemente la sagrada soberania de corea y la dignidad nacional
conquistadas a costa de la sangre.
    el ptc mantiene la invariable posicion de abrir por iniciativa la nueva
era del desarrollo de las relaciones internacionales basadas en la
    el ptc mejorara sus relaciones exteriores con cualesquier paises que
respeten la soberania de la rpdc y contribuira activamente a la verificacion
de la independencia en el mundo y la causa de la paz de la humanidad.
    se debe materializar brillantemente la poderosa politica de la unidad
del ptc. 
    el poderio de la unidad monolitica reside en la defensa a riesgo de vida
al lider. 
    se debe desplegar plenamente la noble politica patriotica del ptc.
    lo principal para acelerar la marcha con la bandera roja del socialismo
del siglo 21 sosteniendo la gran politica del ptc es mantener firmemente la
linea revolucionaria de dar prioridad al ejercito.
    esta es la eterna linea estrategica de la revolucion de nuestra epoca y
arma universal de la construccion socialista.
    sera invariable eternamente tambien en el futuro el modo de la
revolucion del ptc de solucionar todos los problemas de la revolucion y la
construccion en adhesion al principio de la priorizacion militar y llevar
adelante la causa del socialismo tomando por grueso el ejercito
    debemos hacer indestructibles nuestras fuerzas armadas conforme a la
demanda de la epoca de la revolucion con el ejercito al frente.
    hoy en dia, el pueblo coreano no tiene otra tarea mas importante que la
de consolidar el poderio economico del estado que corresponda al siglo 21.
    debemos dar gran impulso a la construccion socialista con la consigna "
hagamos del presente un ano del nuevo avance de la construccion de potencia
economica del siglo 21 " en alto.
    la tarea principal de la construccion economica de este ano es reajustar
las bases economicas existentes, elevar al maximo su poderio y hacer con
constancia la labor para reconstruir a base de la tecnica moderna el
conjunto de economia nacional.
    el frente mas importante de la construccion economica socialista de este
ano lo constituyen las industrias de electricidad, carbon y metalurugia y el
transporte ferroviario.
    el editorial se refiere a las tareas de la industria ligera y la
agricultura y a la necesidad de construir la mayor cantidad de instalaciones
de cultura, servicio publico y salud publica y viviendas modernas.
    al respecto subraya:
    debemos acelerar el avance general al paraiso socialista para hacer del
presente, el primero del siglo 21, un ano del nuevo salto y de la
prosperidad general.
    este ano debemos lograr un avance decisivo en el cumplimiento de la
causa de la reunificacion de la patria.
    el problema importante y de principios que se presenta en la actualidad
para realizar la reunificacion de la patria es ejecutar estrictamente la
declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio.
    esta es la declaracion de la independencia, la reunificacion pacifica y
la gran unidad nacional basada en los 3 principios de la reintegracion de la
patria y un jalon de la reunificacion de la patria del siglo 21.
    de acuerdo con el espiritu de esta historica declaracion conjunta el
norte y el sur deben lograr la reunificacion de la patria de manera
independiente, por via pacifica y gran unidad nacional con las fuerzas
unidas de la nacion coreana.
    la armonia y la unidad de todos los coreanos son precisamente la
reunificacion a que aspiramos.
    todos los coreanos en el norte y el sur y en el extranjero deben
incorporarse a la lucha pannacional para ejecutar la declaracion conjunta
norte-sur del 15 de junio por encima de las diferencias de ideologia,
regimen, criterio politico y creencia religiosa.
    el partido del trabajo de corea, el ejercito y el pueblo con una
ideologia, un vaso sanguineo y un credo seguiran hasta el fin el unico
camino de la revolucion sean cuales fueren las adversidades.


periodicos conmemoran 42 aniversario de triunfo de revolucion cubana
     pyongyang, el primero de enero (atcc) -- hoy, los periodicos de esta
capital conmemoraron el 42 aniversario del triunfo de la revolucion cubana.
el periodico "rodong sinmun" inserto un articulo que senala:
    el triunfo de la revolucion cubana fue un evento historico que dio un
futuro brillante al pueblo cubano que vivia bajo la dictadura y subyugacion
y permitio abrir el camino de la construccion de cuba socialista.
    bajo la correcta direccion del partido comunista de cuba encabezado por
el camarada fidel castro ruz el pueblo cubano supero con los principios
revolucionarios y la voluntad indoblegable las incesantes maniobras de
agresion, bloqueo y aplastamiento de los imperialistas y ha llevado adelante
triunfalmente la causa socialista escogida por si mismo.
    el pueblo coreano envia siempre el apoyo y solidaridad firmes a la justa
causa del pueblo cubano.
    tambien aprecia altamente los exitos del hermano pueblo cubano logrados
en la lucha por construir el socialismo.
    la amistad y la unidad entre los dos pueblos se han consolidado y
desarrollado ininterrumpidamente en la lucha conjunta por oponerse a los
imperialistas y defender el socialismo.
    se hacen indestructibles porque se basan en las especificas relaciones
de amigo y la obligacion camaraderil entre el gran lider camarada kim il
sung y el respetado camarada fidel castro.
    en el futuro tambien el pueblo coreano se esforzara activamente por
fortalecer y desarrollar aun mas las tradicionales relaciones de amistad y
cooperacion con el cubano fundamentadas en la moral revolucionaria y la
verdadera amistad camaraderil.
    el periodico "minju joson" subraya que el pueblo coreano le desea al
cubano mayores exitos en su lucha ulterior para defender las conquistas de
la revolucion y construir el socialismo.

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