
DPRK Backs Russia's Stand on ABM Treaty: Ambassador

Pyongyang backs Moscow's proposals on further radical reduction of strategic
offensive arms and on preserving the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM)
treaty, DPRK Ambassador to Russia Pak Ui Chun said here Thursday.
The ambassador made the remarks at a meeting with Russian Deputy Foreign
Minister Georgy Mamedov on international and regional security, the Russian
Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Last Saturday, at a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell in
Cairo, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov offered a proposal on creating
an open non-strategic missile defense system in Europe, instead of a
Washington-desired national missile shield.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) supports Russia's position
on the ABM issues. A pan-European missile defense system can become a
"pilot" project in compliance with the 1972 ABM treaty and the 1997
Russian-U.S. agreements on strategic arms reduction, Pak said after Mamedov
briefed him on the Cairo meeting.
The Russian and DPRK diplomats agreed that "it is necessary to solve any
even the most complex problems by political and diplomatic methods on a
non-discriminatory basis and with the participation of all interested
sides," the statement said.
Mamedov and Pak also discussed the results of Russian President Vladimir
Putin's visit to Seoul this week, noting that "Russian- Korean talks in
Seoul focused on ensuring peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in
the Asia-Pacific region as a whole."
Mamedov said Russia appreciates DPRK leaders' efforts for easing tension on
the Korean Peninsula and will strengthen cooperation with Pyongyang to
prepare an international space conference due in April 2001.


Two Bombs Explode at Pasto Airport in Colombia
Two high-powered bombs exploded Thursday at Pasto airport in the
southeastern Colombian province of Narino, damaging the landing strip and
caused the airport to close.
Norberto Ortega, director of the Civilian Aeronautics of Pasto (AEROCIVIL),
said the explosion didn't damage the tower or terminal structures or cause
injuries to persons.
According to the official, one of the bombs exploded at the southern end of
the runway, leaving a hole about five meters deep and 40 meters in diameter.
The device was placed half a kilometer from the end of the runway, he said.
The second bomb, he added, blew up at the airport's fire station, and
destroyed half of the building and a vehicle.
Operations at the airport terminal were suspended by an order of the
AEROCIVIL head office, the official said, adding that local authorities
hoped the airport would reopen soon.
So far, no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing.


Arms Sales to Taiwan Hurt US Interests, Chinese Official Warns
Continuous arms sales to Taiwan will cause damage to China-US relations and
put at risk US interests in east Asia, where the American businesses have
grown fast in the past 10 years, a Chinese official warned Wednesday in
"Arms sale is a political issue. It would not only hurt US- China relations,
but also hurt US interests in that region... To plough in such a hot spot
could be explosive at any time, eventually hurt bilateral relations as well
as US interest itself," said Zhou Mingwei, deputy director of the Taiwan
Affairs Office (TAO) under the State Council of the People's Republic of
Zhou, who is leading the first cabinet-level delegation to visit the United
States since President George W. Bush took office in January, said that the
present situation is quite different from that of 10 years ago as a great
number of American companies have taken roots in China to set up local
corporations or joint ventures.
With China going to enter into the World Trade Organization, a growing
number of American business corporations will make long-term investments in
the country, and therefore a more "peaceful and stable" climate in the whole
region is needed, Zhou told a press conference at the Chinese embassy.
He described as "cold-war mentality" the notion that provision of arms to
Taiwan can keep the military balance and result in peace. "Militarization in
the region will not lead to a peaceful solution... it is very
counter-productive and contradictory to the long-term interest of China-US
relations," he added.
Zhou made the remarks just before Taiwan and the United States are to kick
off their annual arms sales conference in Washington D.C. in April. The
Taiwanese authorities are trying hard to secure, among many other weapons,
several Aegis destroyers, which have advanced equipment capable of
intercepting incoming missiles. The Bush administration, however, is still
weighing the consequences and has not yet given approval to the transaction
thus far. 


Heresies Are Injurious to Lives: Commentary
The incident of immolation of obsessed "Falun Gong" followers happened at
Tiananmen Square is not only the evil result brought about by Li Hongzhi and
his heretic "Falun Gong" cult who have exercised long-term spiritual control
over the practitioners, vigorously incited "going to heaven for virvana",
"driven beyond tolerance" and "creating bloodshed" incidents, but also is a
serious criminal case wherein diehards of the heretic "Falun Gong" cult who
deliberately organized the incident which inflicted damage to others' lives
and undermined social stability.

A basic feature of heresy is that it preaches fallacies and exercises
spiritual control over crazy followers. By resorting to cheating, hinting,
rumor-mongering, intimidating and other despicable means, Li Hongzhi
wantonly spread the fallacies such as "eschatology", "fatalism", "abandoning
the rigid pursuance of life", "pursuing nirvana" and "going to heaven", as a
result, many practitioners were deceived and possessed by the Devil, and
some of them ended their valuable lives by the suicidal method.

The "Falun Gong" cult did not let off even women and children, instigating
them to serve as its preys. The immolation of obsessed "Falun Gong"
followers happened at Tiananmen Square on the eve of the traditional Chinese
New Year was a world-shocking incident created by them who had long been
mentally poisoned by Li Hongzhi's fallacies and had thus lost the reason as
normal people; they showed no consideration for their kinsfolk, families and
studies, and abandoned their normal social life. That represents another
evidence of crimes perpetrated by "Falun Gong" cult in doing harm to people
and depriving them of their lives.

In order to create disturbances, Li Hongzhi unhesitatingly made a show of
the cult's strength with the lives of the crazy followers. Before the
occurrence of the immolation incident, Li Hongzhi had made use of the
Internet to dish out the murderous "scripture"-"beyond tolerance" to incite,
instigate and urge the obsessed "Falun Gong" followers to go to Tiananmen
Square to "defend dharma with their lives and blood", cruelly giving the
signal for the crazy "Falun Gong" followers to serve the heresy with their
valuable lives. Several of them left their hometown for Tiananmen Square in
Beijing <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/beijing.html>  to
achieve "eternal completion" and "go to heaven".

At the time of departure, there were special persons who saw them off at the
railway station and made an appointment that they "would meet in heaven". At
their arrival in Beijing, there were special people who greeted them at the
railway station, an apartment house was arranged by someone for them to take
lodge, and trials were made before the immolation. Iron-clad facts prove
that the incident is a criminal case created in an organized, premeditated
and planned way by the "Falun Gong" cult, as well as an irrefutable evidence
of the crime committed by the "Falun Gong" cult in a vain attempt to disrupt
social stability, inflict damage to the practitioners' lives and set itself
against society. 

After the occurrence of the immolation, in order to evade people's
condemnation and shirk the cult's responsibility for the offence, Li Hongzhi
and his "Falun Gong" cult immediately issued a declaration, held a press
conference, flatly denying that those injured and died in the immolation
were crazy "Falun Gong" followers, they inhumanly abandoned the obsessed
followers whom they had repeatedly regarded as the "disciples of Dafa".

When facts are laid bare before the world's people, Li Hongzhi and his
"Falun Gong" diehards could no longer deny, they spread the rumors, their
guilty conscience was thus thoroughly exposed.

The incident of several obsessed "Falun Gong" followers urged by Li Hongzhi
to set themselves on fire has once again proved the great harmfulness of the
anti-humanity, anti-science and anti-society "Falun Gong" cult. It is a
malignant tumor of society and the scourge of humankind, which must be
resolutely eradicated for the tranquility of people, families and society.
We must fully understand that our struggle with the "Falun Gong" cult is
complicated, acute and protracted, and we must never lower our guard,
otherwise, it would mean that we leave behind the root of social

With regard to the overwhelming majority of "Falun Gong" practitioners,
including those who are so obsessed that they cannot extricate themselves
for the time being, we must give full play to our superiority in ideological
and political work, display the humanitarian spirit, strictly implement the
policy of unity, education and rescue, move them with affection, tell them
the reason and make them know the law, and rescue them from the trap of
heresy, bring them back to the embrace of society and their relatives, so
that they can live the life of normal people and enjoy a happy life. .At the
same time, we should further step up the development of socialist ethics and
culture, vigorously popularize scientific and cultural knowledge, actively
launch healthy and beneficial cultural and sports activities, thoroughly
eradicate the soil for the survival of heresies, protect social stability
and the lasting peace of the country as we do the apple of our eye, so as to
ensure the smooth progress of our country's reform, opening up and socialist
modernization drive.


Australian Lawmakers, Groups Urge Government to Oppose NMD
Australian Senator Vicki Bourne Thursday launched an open letter calling on
the government to unequivocally oppose the development of National Missile
Defence (NMD) 
"I am happy to be among 76 community groups, parliamentarians, church groups
and union representatives who are calling on the government not to support
the USA's push to give NMD the green light," Bourne told reporters.
Bourne, also Australian Democrats spokesperson on defence and foreign
affairs, said "if NMD does go ahead it will, without doubt, increase nuclear
weapons in the world, Star Wars will be well and truly back on."
In the letter, the parliamentarians and groups asked the Australian
government to urge the US government to abandon its pursuit of NMD and
Theater Missile Defence (TMD).
They also urged the government to inform the United States that Australia
will in no way cooperate and will not permit the use of joint facilities for
NMD or TMD. 
They asked the Australian government to join with other US allies and most
other nations in opposing NMD and TMD diplomatically.
They said that NMD may return the world to the dark days of nuclear
arms-racing that characterized the cold war and such a development would be
highly dangerous. 
"Accordingly, the undersigned Australian NGOs (non-government organizations)
and parliamentarians have committed to opposing NMD, " they said.
In the letter, they said that NMD has been opposed by the secretary-general
of the United Nations, the governments of most US allies, especially France
and Germany, and has been very strongly opposed by the governments of Russia
and China. 
NMD has also been opposed by 354 NGOs and parliamentarians worldwide, by 50
Nobel laureates within the United States and by a declaration of retired
military personnel and religious leaders at Washington National Cathedral,
they said. 
On his part, Senator Bourne said Australia must take a proactive role in
speaking out against NMD.
"We are significant players in its development through our joint facilities
at Pine Gap," he told reporters. "The government must be clear that Pine Gap
can not be used to develop or utilize NMD."
"The stakes are high, we are at a point in time where we can choose to limit
and hopefully eliminate nuclear weapons or we can shoot the starter gun for
a new and more fervent arms race," he said.
On September 20, 2000, 64 Australian groups and parliamentarians wrote and
signed a letter, asking that the facilities at the country's Pine Gap not be
used for NMD purposes.

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