Title: True Democracy is finally available
  It gives me so much pleasure to inform you that the first edition my unique empowering magazine which is really a periodical, is finally available on my Web site for the world to use to make the US government accountable to you and later other governments accountable to you.
  So determined was I to obtain the beginning of world peace, drug free nations, and a decent living wage for all people regardless where they live that I made the decision to provide it free to individual people, listservs, and organizations concerned with workers' rights around the world because I know that we would have had all of these goals many years ago but for the greed of certain elites in various countries around the world but mainly in the United States.
  The password below will enable people to access the first four editions of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia in Spanish). After that, it will be very inexpensive even for institutions. I would rather obtain the institutions than not because the struggle for justice will never end; indeed, when I am too old to continue this work, I will pass True Democracy on to someone who has proven to me that I can trust them to continue because we can never again allow conditions to degenerate to the low that they have become now in the last several years. Even if Al Gore had been elected, True Democracy would be vitally necessary because the deceits would have gone on under his administration too believe me. The only way to have what the people want is for the people to have control over the governments of the world because governments can generate into tyrannies unless we do.
  Anyone who is affilated with an institution of learning needs to have their students know of True Democracy because students will be able to make a copy of the Demand page which is the last page of this unique creation and send that page to the Speaker of the House whose name, address, and Email address are in the online publication. Students can bundle the copies together in groups of 5-6 to save postage. I ask the people in the United States to use the snail mail and give the people in foreign countries the choice as to whether to use the snail mail or Email because I am very aware that their postage is extremely expensive so want to give them that option but US postage is so inexpensive that I ask please use the snail mail. A 34 cent stamp between 5 or six students is little enough to obtain power over the government.
  One of the advertisers has moved and my Web site developer is not able to be contacted. I couldn't speak with him so the information on the James Cook Cheese Company is as follows: Address: 2421 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121; telephone number: (206) 256-0510 Fax: (206) 256-0747 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The cheese is delicious and is obtained from abroad.
  Enjoy True Democracy, the unique periodical which only exists because of the repeated deceits made by the US government. Every three months when a new edition is available I wil send everyone an Email so you won't have to wonder.
  If you would really like to help solve problems share this Email with everyone you know, you can tell the local public schools about it also, and you can tell the local public libraries about it too. When you see the Demand page you will really understand because any number of the demands are beneficial to these institutions but not if they don't know about them. I have done everything that I can think of to share with these institutions to no avail. The more contacts we have, the less likely that we will have to actually boycott as the threat would be sufficient but all my organizational skills flew out the window with the public libraries and my attempt to give this gift to the K-12 public schools which includes the charter schools has been rebuffed. If we are ever to have the kind of public education that I believe every American wants, these institutions will have to accept this gift. To not, is so egregious to me that it appalls me. Only five superintendents subscribed out of approximately 20,000. One in Rhode Island couldn't afford to subscribe. I understand her  plight; I do not understand the mentality of people who mold minds and I do not understand how they could rebuff my gift of three years either. If a private person didn't want to know the truth about government and help themself as a result, I could understand it but for an educator not to is more than a little troubling. These people have a responsibility to educate; that includes American history. To deliberately ignore someone who knows accurate history is simply disgusting. You deserve the best information; the textbooks that the public schools purchase with your tax dollars deliberately deceive yet they are purchased anyway. I tried so hard to provide True Democracy for free to these bureaucrats and they either ignored me or rebuffed me. This is inexcusable to you and to me. You have my permission to chastise your school officials who have done that. I hope you exercise your rights as human beings.
  I am so pleased to make your acquaintance because there are so many people who don't know I exist at all. That surely doesn't make for  democracy, that illusive concept which we most likely will never obtain in the United States although they could obtain it in other countries just as South Africa has it now but we will bring back sanity to the world with all the people who know of this work.
  Thank you and bless you for your activism. It is really appreciated. Feel free to contact me anytime. I look forward to hearing from you regardless if you have a problem that affects the world or not. This is a collaborative effort; I listen and learn from everyone else.

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
Password: freedom (first four editions)
News Source, Inc.
The Company That Cares About People
My Web site: http://truedemocracy.net

Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin With Me!

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