From: "Francisco Javier Bernal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

March 1, 2001 

We note that our organisation, the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's
Liberation Party-Front), has been placed on the "draft order" of
organisations to be banned under the "Terrorism Act". Although the
British authorities deny that there are diplomatic reasons for  banning
groups, the government of Turkey has been trying to get its British
counterparts to ban our and other organisations for many years. A
Labour government, purporting to have an "ethical" foreign policy,  has
levied a ban on freedom of assembly and expression that not even the
Conservatives got round to during all their years in office. And it
has done it to please a regime in Turkey guilty of torture, murder,
rape and disappearances, a regime which systematically represses
minorities such as the Kurds, a regime which even makes it a criminal
offence to read a press statement in public without prior permission
from the police. But the British government is worthy of its
governmental and police friends in Turkey and other oppressive
regimes. The struggle for democracy and revolution in Turkey will
continue; the support for this struggle in Britain will continue,
whatever the cost and whatever the efforts made to criminalise it.

DHKC (Revolutionary People's Liberation Front)
London Information Bureau
97 Kingsland High Street
E8 2PB. 
(0207) 254 1266 
Fax (0207) 254 1288

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