From: Press Agency Ozgurluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 05:18:56 +0100
Subject: "[Ozgurluk.Org]" TDN/Turkey: Cases against security on charges of
applying torture escalate

Cases against security on charges of applying torture escalate

There are a number of cases against police and soldiers on charges
of torture and rape in the Southeast region

Ankara- Turkish Daily News

A number of cases opened in Southeast region against security
personnel on charges of applying torture and rape against suspects
while under custody escalated in the recent years.

43 military personnel and police are on trial for applying torture
to suspects under custody in Diyarbakir, Mardin, Siirt and Urfa in
last year.  However, none of them who are allegedly involved in
torture, causing death by applying torture and rape incidents are

Meanwhile, those who said they were tortured or raped while under
custody applied to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and
the court decided that these people should get compensation. In the
aftermath of the decision of the ECHR, Justice Minister Hikmet Sami
Turk said that prosecutors who failed to make full investigation
in the torture cases will be hold responsible for the compensations.
The statement of Turk cause a boom in the number of law suits against
security personnel on charges of applying torture.

Some of the ongoing cases in Southeast cities of Diyarbakir, Mardin,
Siirt and Urfa as follows:

Case against a sergeant and seven policemen on charges of torturing
and raping Kamile Cigci, 45, while she was under custody in Mardin's
Nusaybin province .  Trial against 19 policemen in Diyarbakir on
charges of torturing Enver Gunduz, Sabahattin Alp, Hanifi Turan,
Huseyin Avci, Sirin Agahatun and Mensure Avcu shortly after they
were taken under custody by the Diyarbakir Police Department.  Trial
against seven gendarmes on charges of causing the death of Mahmut
Yilmaz, 16, by applying torture while he was under custody in Siirt.
Case against five corporals on charges of applying torture to Nusret
Suluk and Yusuf Celik in Mardin.  Trial against Corporal Akin Ekiz
on charges of torturing Ali Altuntas in Diyarbakir's Lice province.
Trial against two policemen on charges of torturing Ibrahim Yalcinkaya,
Talaf Aydin and Cuma Yoktur while under custody in Urfa's Akcakale

Press Agency Ozgurluk
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