Libya, Somalia Sign Cooperation Agreement

Panafrican News Agency (Dakar)
March 13, 2001 
Posted to the web March 13, 2001

Tripoli, Libya 

Official sources in Tripoli Monday confirmed the signing of a cooperation
agreement between the Libyan Jamahiriya and Somalia, in the information

By the terms of the agreement, Libya would help Somalia rebuild its media
infrastructure destroyed by years of civil strife.

Libya would also train Somalis in various media fields including the

The general manager of Libyan Radio and Television, Abdallah Mansour, signed
the agreement on the Libyan side.

Somalia's Information minister Zakariya Mohamed Belhadj, who was on an
official visit to Tripoli, signed for his country.

Belhadj commended efforts by the leader of the Libyan Revolution, Col.
Muammar Kadhafi, in establishing the African Union.

The Union was proclaimed on 2 March in Sirte, 450 km east of Tripoli, during
the fifth extraordinary summit of the OAU.

Libya News and Views

 Wednesday, 14 March, 2001: France's highest court has ruled that Libyan
leader Colonel Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi cannot be prosecuted in connection with
the bomb attack on a French DC-10 airliner over Niger in 1989. Ten years
after the bombing of UTA Flight 772 which killed 170 people, six Libyans -
including Colonel Qadhafi's brother-in-law - were sentenced in absentia to
life imprisonment. Last October, a French appeals court ruled that Colonel
Qadhafi did not have diplomatic immunity in the case although he is a
serving head of state, and could therefore be prosecuted. The court ruled
that diplomatic immunity did not apply to acts of terrorism. But on Tuesday
the Cour de Cassation overturned the appeals court ruling, effectively
ending France's case against the Libyan leader. [BBC]
 Wednesday, 14 March, 2001: Libya welcomed Tuesday night France's highest
court of appeal's refusal to authorise a criminal investigation into Libyan
leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi. "This decision proves the extent of the lie of
which Libya is the victim," according to Hassuna al-Shauesh, an official
spokesman for the Libyan authorities, who welcomed "the improvement in
relations between France and Libya." The Cour de Cassation, France's highest
court of appeal, refused to authorise a criminal investigation into Libyan
leader Mu'ammar Qadhafi over his alleged role in the destruction of a DC-10
airliner over Niger in 1989. [AFP]
 Wednesday, 14 March, 2001: Official sources in Tripoli Monday confirmed the
signing of a cooperation agreement between Libya and Somalia, in the
information sector. By the terms of the agreement, Libya would help Somalia
rebuild its media infrastructure destroyed by years of civil strife. Libya
would also train Somalis in various media fields including the audio-visual.
The general manager of Libyan Radio and Television, Abdallah Mansour, signed
the agreement on the Libyan side. Somalia's Information minister Zakariya
Belhadj, who was on an official visit to Tripoli, signed for his country.

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