Party's 11th plenum convened

The Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, CPV CC, opened its 11th
plenary meeting (second phase) in Hanoi on March 13.

The CPV CC praised and thanked the people nationwide for their contribution
of opinions to the draft Political Report to be presented at the coming
Ninth National Party Congress which has been made public since February 3.

The meeting focuses discussions on suggestions and comments given by Party
organisations of various levels and people of all walks of life to the draft
Political Report. 

The plenum is also discussed personnel issues of the Ninth Party Central

CPV CC advisors Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet attended the meeting.

Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu made the opening speech at the meeting.


Party meeting to focus on personnel issuesParty General Secretary Le Kha
Phieu called for the "most prominent Party cadres, endowed with both virtue
and talent" to be chosen and introduced to the ninth Party Congress for
election to the new Central Committee.

Mr Phieu told the second round of the Party Central Committee's 11th plenum
in Hanoi on March 13, that "personnel issues are of great importance as they
play the decisive role after the political line is charted out," adding this
is necessary to make the Party leadership fully capable of taking the
country toward socialism.

The plenum is part of preparations for the forthcoming ninth National Party
The Party Central Committee must be composed of worthy people sympolising
the will and wisdom of the Party having a high sense of responsibility
towards the people, and fully capable of leadership and implementation, Mr
Phieu said. 

He put stress on the need to ensure continuity and maintain political
stability and effect personnel changes for development not only for the
ninth Congress but also for subsequent events.
He wanted special attention to be paid to quality, standards and to evolving
a rational organisational structure.

Cadres who lack political firmness; are opportunistic, greedy and ambitious;
demonstrate a low sense of discipline; cause disunity, estrange themselves
from the public; are bureaucratic and corrupt; or inefficient and
irresponsible must not be nominated to the new Party leadership, Mr Phieu

Referring to preparation of official documents to be presented at the ninth
Congress, the general secretary expressed deep thanks to people from all
walks of life and from all parts of the country for their opinions and
suggestions on the draft Political Report made public early last month.
The Party Central Committee and mass media have received tens of thousands
of letters from different parts of the country and abroad, expressing
comments and offering ideas on the Party's major policies.

'This can be seen as a profound political activity involving broad sections
of the population nationwide,' Mr Phieu said.
The Politburo has instructed responsible bodies to sum up and generalise
these contributions for making due amendments to the draft Political Report
which will be reviewed in the main at this plenum before introduction to the
12th plenum for completion, he said. (VNA)


Exhibition on HCM City¹s Youth Union planned

Four hundred and fifty pictures and artefacts introducing activities and
achievements of the Ho Chi Minh City¹s Youth Union in the past 26 years will
be displayed at the Young People¹ Cultural House from March 18 to 26.

The exhibition, entitled ŒGolden Historic Pages of Ho Chi Minh Communist
Youth Union for 70 Years¹ themes include the history of the city¹s Youth
Union, the city¹s Youth Union in 25 years of advance and growth and the
city¹s Youth Union¹s construction and development.


Vietnam ambassador plants tree for peace in Australia

The Vietnamese ambassador to Australia, Vu Chi Cong, participated in an
international tree planting festival for peace in Canberra capital city on
March 12 on the 100th founding anniversary of the Australian Federation.

Attending the ceremony were the Australian governor general, the Canberra
governor, representatives from the Federal Parliament and Canberra People¹s
Representative Council and ambassadors of 70 countries.


Five Australians presented friendship medals

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations conferred five Australian
peace activists with 'For Peace and Friendship Among Nations' medals in
Hanoi yesterday in recognition of their contributions to the movement
against the conscription of young Australians to the war in Vietnam in the
1965-1972 period. 

They are Ms Jean McLean, Ms Jo Mclain Cross, Ms Cathie, Ms Joan Coxsedge and
Ms Rene Miller and were all members of a committee called ŒEnd the War and
Save Our Sons¹. 

The movement awakened a large number of Australian people and called on them
to support Vietnam's anti-US resistance war.

These women were jailed for having called on Australian youth to oppose
conscription to the US war in Vietnam. Since 1975, they have continued to
work in organisations for friendship and solidarity with Vietnam.

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