
Taiwan Separatists' Support for Cult Detrimental to Mainland-Taiwan
Relations: Official
An official warned in Beijing Friday that Taiwan separatists' malicious
support for the Falun Gong cult will ultimately lead to enormous harm to the
Taiwan people and severely affect the relations between the mainland and
Li Yafei, secretary general of the mainland-based Association for Relations
Across the Taiwan Straits, told a news conference here that Falun Gong has
been conducting a series of activities in Taiwan recently.
Li attributed the cult's rampant moves to support from the Taiwan
authorities and separatists on the island.
"Facts show that Taiwan separatists have colluded with Western anti-China
forces in using the cult as a tool to overthrow the Chinese government and
realize the outrage of splitting the motherland," Li said.
"We believe that most Taiwan people are fully aware of the evil nature of
Falun Gong and will condemn certain Taiwan officials and separatists'
villainous support for the cult," said Li.
Li also made it clear that it is on the acceptance or otherwise of the "One
China" principle that possible negotiations between both sides of the Taiwan
Strait hinge. 
According to Li, the Taiwan authorities and separatist forces should be held
fully responsible for the current political stalemate and failure of further
communication between Taiwan and the mainland.


U.S. Hostile Policy Toward DPRK Under Fire
The U.S. imperialist warmongers have become all the more pronounced in their
hostile policy towards the DPRK
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/DPRK.html>  to isolate and stifle
it, while groundlessly pulling it up. Rodong Sinmun, the leading newspaper
of the DPRK, says in a signed commentary on March 15:

The U.S. takes a defiant attitude towards the situation on the Korean
peninsula which began witnessing a sign of detente.

This clearly indicates its aggressive nature and ambition to stifle the DPRK
by force of arms and its black-hearted intention to torpedo the dialogue
between the north and south and put the brake on the movement of the Korean
nation for reunification.

The U.S. imperialists are chiefly responsible for the division of Korea and
a stumbling block in the way of peace and reunification of the country.

Their aggressive design to block peace and reunification of Korea and stifle
the DPRK by force of arms remains unchanged.

It is foolish, indeed, for the U.S. to work hard to stifle the DPRK by force
of arms. 

The U.S. imperialists' brigandish "policy of strength" can never go down
with the korean people who value the dignity and soveregnity of the nation
more than their life and soul.

We are fully prepared for both dialogue and war.

It is our determination to react to the enemy's hardline stand with the
toughest position and take thousand-fold revenge on aggressors.

The U.S. imperialists are well advised to drop their aggressive hostile
policy towards the DPRK and honestly implement the DPRK-U.S. agreed

If they keep to the road of confrontation with the DPRK, it will bring
irrevocable consequences. The U.S. will have to be entirely responsible for


Chinese Ambassador Briefs on Handling of Falun Gong Cult
Chinese Ambassador Qiao Zonghuai on Thursday briefed press officers of other
permanent missions based in Geneva on China's policy toward and its handling
of the Falun Gong evil cult.
At the briefing, Qiao compared Falun Gong with other cults like the People's
Temple, the Branch Davidians, Aum Shinrikyo and the Gate to Heaven, which
have led hundreds of people to suicides, violated fundamental human rights
and brought about appalling human tragedies.
"Falun Gong is not only an evil cult of this kind, but also the largest and
most deceptive and destructive cult in the world in terms of its membership
and extension of disasters it has caused to society and people," said the
Chinese ambassador.
Like all other cults, Li Hongzhi, the leader of the Falun Gong cult,
fabricated a series of heresies to deify himself and exercise spiritual
control of his followers. He preached about the "doomsday" and "catastrophe
for mankind." 
Deceived by such fallacies, many Falun Gong practitioners refused to see
doctor or take medicine when they fell ill and finally died. Incomplete
statistics show that the cult has killed 1,660 practitioners or innocent
On January 23, seven Falun Gong practitioners set themselves on fire on the
Tiananmen Square in order to achieve the so-called " fulfillment," among
whom is a girl of only 12 years of age.
"Those shocking incidents aroused great public indignation and have further
revealed the anti-mankind, anti-society and anti- science nature of the
Falun Gong cult," Qiao said.
At the request of the general public and in order to maintain social
stability and safeguard fundamental human rights and freedoms, the Chinese
government banned Falun Gong in July 1999, he said. The Chinese government
has taken this action entirely on the basis of law and in full compliance
with legal procedures.
"Our policy has been proved correct and successful," Qiao said. "Now, 98
percent of the estimated two million Falun Gong practitioners have waken up
and broken away from the cult. Only a tiny number of Falun Gong
practitioners have been punished simply because they have engaged in
criminal activities in violation of law."
China's banning and cracking down on cults has won full support from the
Chinese people and extensive understanding from the international community.
Nevertheless, Qiao noted, certain forces have applied double standards on
the issue of cults and made accusations against the way the Chinese
government has handled Falun Gong.
"They not only turn a blind eye to the monstrous crimes committed by Falun
Gong and even defend the cult as a peaceful spiritual movement, and try to
make China's handling of the cult as a human rights issue at the forthcoming
human rights commission session," the Chinese ambassador said.
"The Chinese government resolutely opposes these anti-China attempts. And we
believe that it will be futile for anyone to disrupt other countries by
supporting, conniving at and capitalizing on cults," he stressed.


Proposed UN Force to W. Bank Serves Interests of Both Sides: China
China said Thursday that the proposed sending of a UN observer mission to
the West Bank and Gaza Strip is in the interests of both Palestinians and
At the request of the Palestinians, the United Nations Security Council held
an open debate on establishment and deployment of a UN observer mission in
the occupied Palestinian territories which is strongly demanded by the
Addressing the open debate, Chinese Permanent Representative to the United
Nations Wang Yingfan said the proposal to send a UN mission to the occupied
territories, which has won wide support from the Security Council, is aimed
to ease and calm down the ongoing violence between Palestinians and Israelis
and is in the interests of both Palestinian and Israeli sides.
At the same time, Wang noted that the understanding, support and cooperation
from the Israeli side would be very essential for the smooth deployment of
the observer mission and its subsequent successful implementation of the
Wang expressed the hope that the Israeli side would take this proposal into
positive consideration.
At present, the peace process in the Middle East has entered into a very
crucial period, and the immediate priority for both sides is to stop the
violence and resume peace talks, he stressed.
Palestinians once again wrote a letter to the Security Council on Monday,
calling for an urgent meeting to discuss the establishment and deployment of
a U.N. protection force in the occupied Palestinian territories. This is the
second time since last September that the Palestinians want the council to
make such a decision.
More than 400 people, mostly Palestinians, have been killed since the recent
violence erupted last September which was prompted by a visit of the then
Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon to a Jerusalem holy shrine.

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