TODAY'S NEWS (March.20.2001 Juche 90)



All Koreans urged to foil anti-reunification offensive by their concerted

DPRK rejects Japan's bid for UNSC permanent seat

U.S. policy toward DPRK protested

U.S. apology and compensation demanded

Voice of Russia on U.S. hostile policy toward DPRK

U.S. dismissed as kingpin of terrorism

"Pomhyanggi" cosmetics

CPC delegation arrives

Greetings to congress of Cambodian Funcinpec Party

Shanghai Symphony Orchestra here

For Spanish-speaking people


gran direccion es firme garantia para reunificacion de patria

unidad asegura avance victorioso de causa socialista

ha de ser frenada peroracion antinorcoreana, comentario de atcc

All Koreans urged to foil anti-reunification offensive by their concerted
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article
calls on all the Koreans to smash the U.S. imperialists' reckless
anti-national, anti-reunification offensive and bring earlier the day of
independent reunification by their concerted efforts. Referring to the
situation on the Korean peninsula getting strained due to their frantic
hostile policy toward the DPRK, the article says:
    The United States, clamouring about "reexamination", seeks to dodge its
implementation of the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework and, furthermore, increase
the tensions in a bid to create an atmosphere favourable for the ignition of
its war of aggression against the DPRK.
    Its aim is to pit the north against the south as it did before and
divert them from the track of independent national reunification.
    The U.S. imperialists leave no means untried to derail the Korean
nation's process for independent national reunification.
    The U.S. warhawks, obsessed with their ambition to seize the whole of
Korea, are straining the situation, while raising a hue and cry over the
fictitious "threat" from the DPRK, and watching for a chance to provoke a
war against the DPRK at any time.
    The Korean nation should be vigilant against these U.S. moves and turn
out as one in the sacred struggle to keep process for independent national
reunification going and defend the national security.
    In order to smash the anti-DPRK, anti-national and anti-peace aggressive
offensive of the U.S. bellicose circles against peace, all the Koreans
should unite under the banner of the north-south joint declaration.
    The nation will emerge invincible when all its members go united. Then
it will be able to defeat any aggressor forces and victoriously conclude its
grand march for independent reunification.


DPRK rejects Japan's bid for UNSC permanent seat
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- The permanent mission of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations issued a communique on
march 12 clarifying the DPRK's position towards the Japan's recent moves in
seeking a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. The communique pointed
out that Japan is the only country which has not recognized and compensated
for its invasion of Korea and other Asian countries and past crimes against
humanity even after more than half a century.
    Japan is also beautifying its invasion of Asian countries as a
"liberation war", thus distorting even its history and attempting to
inculcate the younger generation with it, it noted, and said:
    The purpose of Japan seeking a permanent seat in the UNSC is to cover up
its past crimes and become a military power with nuclear weapons.
    If Japan's permanent membership is allowed, it would result in burying
its past crimes and inciting its moves to become a military power and the
ambition to reinvade Asia.
    The international community should take issue with Japan's past crimes,
rather than discussing Japan's candidature for the permanent membership of
the security council, and pay due attention to the danger of Japan's moves
to revive militarism and become a military power.
    Before seeking a permanent seat in the security council, Japan should
gain the trust of the international community by, among others, recognizing,
apologizing and compensating for its invasion against Korea and Asian
countries and crimes committed in the past.


U.S. policy toward DPRK protested
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- The council of Christian churches in
South Korea issued a statement on march 16 in protest against the recent
commentary on the DPRK of the bush administration and against the promotion
of the "National Missile Defence" system, according to Yonhap News from
Seoul. The statement severely protested against the anti-peace and bellicose
remarks of the Bush administration going against the atmosphere of
north-south reconciliation and escalating tensions of division.
    The statement urged the U.S. to give up its nmd program at once because
it is a factor of threatening peace in northeast Asia including the Korean
peninsula and the rest of the world.
    Pae Ta Ji, permanent chairman of the national congress for independent
and peaceful reunification in South Korea, in a statement on March 6 said
that the U.S. should discontinue its policy based on "strength" towards the
DPRK and observe the Geneva agreement and other agreements reached between
the DPRK and the U.S. so as to settle the pending problems including the
missile issue between the two countries in a peaceful way through dialogue.
    The U.S. government should lend an ear to the apprehensions and protests
of neighbouring countries and immediately stop pushing ahead with the NMD
and TMD programme which will spark a global arms race and threaten world


U.S. apology and compensation demanded
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- Foreign figures denounced gi mass
killings of Koreans in the past Korean War (June 1950-July 1953). Jose
Francisco Aguilar Bulgareli, chairman of the Latin American Institute of the
Juche Idea, held that the U.S. government should pay for the blood shed by
the Korean people, noting that he can not but shudder at the thought of GIs'
mass killings which have been revealed one after another even today when 50
years have passed since the Korean War.
    Dilip Barua, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist
Party of Bangladesh (Marxist-Leninist), demanded the U.N. thoroughly
investigate the brutal killings committed by GIs during the Korean War
according to the international law and set up a special tribunal to take
emergency measures to severely punish war criminals.
    The chairman of the Madagascan national committee for the study of the
Juche idea held that the GIs' murder of POWs in the concentration camps were
hair-raising, demanding the U.S. severely punish those criminals who
organized those killings and apologize to and properly compensate the
government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the crime.
    The chief of the British group for the study of the Juche idea and works
of comrade Kim Jong Il demanded the immediate withdrawal of the U.S.
imperialist aggressor troops from South Korea and urged the U.S. to pay
reparation to the Korean people, noting that the Korean War was provoked by
none other than the U.S. imperialists.
    The chairman of the Costa Rican committee for supporting Korea's
reunification said it joins human rights organizations of the world in
denouncing the U.S. imperialists for their atrocities and called for a
thorough probe into them.


Voice of Russia on U.S. hostile policy toward DPRK
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- The United States is putting the brake on
the development of inter-Korean relations, pulling up the DPRK over the
"missile issue" again, and hamstringing the positive development of the
DPRK's foreign relations and the situation in northeast Asia, said the radio
Voice of Russia on March 17. Commenting on the U.S. administration's hostile
policy toward the DPRK, the radio said:
    Last year dialogues were likely to be held to stop the DPRK's missile
development program and establish diplomatic relations between the DPRK and
the U.S. but this hope was dashed.
    It is a well-known fact that last summer Pyongyang said it could cancel
its missile program under certain conditions.
    Pyongyang proposed to discuss this proposal.
    Washington agreed to this and talks began. negotiations, however, remain
    This clearly proves that the U.S. policy does not take the interests of
other state into consideration in order to meet its own interests.


U.S. dismissed as kingpin of terrorism
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- The United States is now loudmouthed
about "terrorism" committed by other countries. It is not entitled to say
about others' "terrorism."
    As the international community is unanimous in denouncing Washington,
the U.S. imperialists are the real culprit of terrorism, the common enemy of
humankind, a heinous harasser of peace and a wanton violator of human
    U.S. monstrous terrorism finds its specific manifestation in its
military terrorism.
    A clear proof of this was the U.S. armed invasion of Grenada in 1983,
its brutal air raids on Libya in 1986 and its aggression against Panama in
    In recent years the U.S. imperialists resorted to military terrorism by
mobilizing multinational armed forces.This was clearly evidenced by the
Persian Gulf War in 1991 and brigandish air strikes against Yugoslavia in
1999, etc. 
    And the U.S. mounted missile attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan under the
pretext of "prevention of terrorism" in 1998.
    Subversion, coup and assassination, etc. are important methods of
terrorism employed by the U.S.
    The U.S. orchestrated over 100 military coups and lots of subversive
activities and sabotages in just 40 odd years after the second world war.
    It was the U.S. terrorists who blasted a Cuban airliner in 1976,
hijacked an Egyptian airliner in 1985 and caused the crash of an Indian
airliner in 1985. 
    The U.S. does not hesitate to engineer the assassination of state
    The U.S. imperialists killed Torrijos, former commander-in-chief of the
Panamanian National Defence Forces, and Machel, President of Mozambique, by
blowing up planes. 
    All the U.S. methods of terrorism were also applied to operations
against the DPRK. 
    The Korean War provoked by the U.S. imperialists on June 25, 1950, was a
product of their policy of state terrorism.
    The U.S. imperialists have committed hundreds of thousands of cases of
military provocations in a bid to unleash a war against the DPRK since the
    The U.S. Daily Workers' World said that real terrorists do not exist in
North Korea but in Washington.


"Pomhyanggi" cosmetics
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- "Pomhyanggi" cosmetics of Korea are
gaining public favour. The cosmetics are made of Kaesong Koryo Insam which
is known as a natural drug and of eutrophics added by various biogen
stimulators, which are very effective.
    The cosmetics soften skin, cover minute scars, accelerate the activity
of capillaries and prevent senility, sunburn and skin diseases.
    the cosmetics are produced at the Sinuiju cosmetic factory commissioned
in January this year. It is located in South Sinuiju.
    The factory with a plottage of nearly 10 hectares consists of 29 large
production and subsidiary buildings including cosmetic, tooth paste and soap
workshops, a technical preparation room and welfare establishments.
    Automatic and semi-automatic assembly line has been introduced into
production processes.
    The production capacity of the factory has increased.
    The factory is now producing 3.1 times as much tooth paste, 2.5 times as
much toilet soap and 2 times as many sets of cosmetics as done in the past.
    Hundreds of dwelling houses will be built at the foot of mountains
surrounding the factory.
    The prospect of the factory is very optimistic.


CPC delegation arrives
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Communist Party of
China led by Zeng Qinghong, alternate member of the political bureau and
member of the secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, arrived here today.
The delegation was met at the airport by choe thae bok, alternate member of
the political bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea, officials concerned, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK Wang
Guozhang and officials of the embassy.


Greetings to congress of Cambodian Funcinpec Party
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- The C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea
sent a message of greetings to the congress of the Cambodian Funcinpec Party
today. The message extended warm congratulations to the party on the 20th
anniversary of the Funcinpec party and to its congress. It noted that the
party has dynamically striven to achieve the peace and stability of Cambodia
true to the noble intention of King Norodom Sihanouk in the past 20 years
after its foundation and is deeply trusted by the Cambodian people.
    It expressed the belief that the current congress would be a historic
occasion of weighty significance in the future activities of the party for
its strengthening and building a peaceful and prosperous Cambodia.
    Convinced that the friendly relations between the two parties would
continue to grow stronger and develop, the message wished the party a
success in its congress.


Shanghai Symphony Orchestra here
     Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- The Shanghai Symphony Orchestra led by Ye
Zhikang, director general of the Shanghai municipal culture, radio, film and
TV administration, arrived here today. It was greeted at the airport by Song
Sok Hwan, vice-minister of culture, Kim Jin Bom, vice-chairman of the Korean
Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Kim Jong Ho,
vice-chairman of the central committee of the General Federation of the
Unions of Literature and the Arts of Korea, Jo Yong Hwa, vice-chairman of
the Pyongyang city people's committee, and officials concerned, Chinese
ambassador to Korea Wang Guozhang and embassy officials.
    Working people in the city welcomed Chinese artistes, waving bouquets.


For Spanish-speaking people

gran direccion es firme garantia para reunificacion de patria
     pyongyang, 20 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" inserto en
el numero de hoy un articulo senalando que no se puede pensar al margen de
la destacada direccion del gran general kim jong il en la nueva epoca de
apogeo de hoy de la causa de la reunificacion de la patria. el articulo
    bajo la destacada y dinamica direccion del gran lider presidente kim il
sung la empresa de reintegracion de la nacion coreana recorrio el camino de
la victoria superando multiples obstaculos y dificultades.
    esta causa iniciada y dirigida por el gran lider la lleva adelante
brillantemente el estimado general kim jong il quien al considerar la
reunificacion de la patria como mision de toda su vida hace todos sus
esfuerzos por llevarla a efecto.
    el ano pasado fueron efectuadas las conversaciones norte-sur de nivel
supremo y aprobada la declaracion conjunta norte-sur que es un jalon de la
reunificacion de la patria.
    estos eventos son productos de su voluntad patriotica.
    el estimado general con sus actividades ideo-teoricas cientificas que
reflejan la realidad y la aspiracion del pueblo ilumina esplendidamente el
camino del movimiento de la reunificacion de la patria.
    la victoria lograda en este movimiento de la nacion coreana es la
victoria de su idea y linea en esta materia.
    con su destacada direccion orienta el movimiento de la reunificacion de
la patria por el unico camino de la victoria.
    la sabiduria de su direccion reside en lograr la victoria al reforzar el
sujeto de la reunificacion de la patria y asegurar la superioridad decisiva
de las fuerzas de independencia nacional para rechazar las fuerzas foraneas.
    bajo su direccion el movimiento de la reunificacion de la patria saldra
ciertamente victorioso. con las infinitamente nobles virtudes y magnanimidad
el conduce a la nacion coreana a la lucha por la reunificacion de la patria.
el gran general disfruta de absoluta confianza de la nacion coreana. bajo su
direccion es indispensable la victoria de la causa de reintegracion de la
nacion coreana. 


unidad asegura avance victorioso de causa socialista
     pyongyang, 20 de enero (atcc) -- el periodico "rodong sinmun" en el
numero de hoy inserto un articulo individual subrayando que el avance
victorioso de la causa socialista, causa de independencia puede ser
asegurado solo por la lucha unida de las masas populares aspirantes a esta
causa. el articulo continua:
    la unidad es el principio fundamental y el cordon umbilical de la
politica socialista.
    el socialismo es la conquista de la revolucion que las masas del pueblo
trabajador lograron en la lucha sangrienta contra la explotacion y la
opresion de la clase dominante y el regimen explotador. y el avance
victorioso por las fuerzas unidas de los pueblos es el socialismo. de
menospreciar y debilitar aunque en lo minimo la unidad es inevitable que el
socialismo pierda su vitalidad.
    la unidad es arma y bandera de lucha que deben tomar y enarbolar todos
los pueblos que abogan por la independencia.
    " unamonos los pueblos del mundo que abogan por la independencia " es la
consigna internacionalista que los pueblos progresistas del mundo deben
enarbolar tambien en el siglo 21.
    todos los paises y naciones y los pueblos que abogan por la
independencia deben unirse firmemente y desplegar la lucha comun bajo esta
consigna para destruir el caduco orden internacional desigualitario y
contradictorio, fraguado por los imperialistas, y establecer y desarrollar
las nuevas relaciones internacionales basadas en la independencia e
    cuando los pueblos del mundo se unan para desplegar la lucha tenaz con
la bandera del antimperialismo y de la independencia en alto las
maquinaciones dominacionistas del imperialismo se tornaran vulnerables y
seguira hacia adelante la causa de la verificacion de la independencia en
todo el mundo. 


ha de ser frenada peroracion antinorcoreana, comentario de atcc
     pyongyang, 20 de febrero (atcc) -- en estos dias algunas fuerzas de
surcorea profieren palabras muy malsanas en torno al problema de la "visita
de cumplimiento a seul". al no ver con buenos ojos la ejecucion de la
historica declaracion conjunta del 15 de junio y el desarrollo de las
relaciones norte-sur tendentes a la reconciliacion y cooperacion ellas ponen
algun "condicionamiento previo" a la "visita de cumplimiento" e incluso
disparatan sin escrupulos que esta no debe ser lograda.
    el "presidente" anterior quien en un tiempo habia propuesto las
"conversaciones cumbre" del norte y el sur se atrevio a hablar del problema
de la "seguridad fisica", la "cosa desafortunada que pueda ocurrir" y de
otras cosas similares.
    al mismo tiempo el cabecilla militar de surcorea declara que no puede
retirar la teoria de "enemigo principal" y asi fomenta el enfrentamiento con
el norte. 
    estas palabras malsanas se vomitan desenfrenadamente y se pronuncian
abiertamente incluso en la "asamblea nacional".
    de eso no podemos menos que extranarnos.
    de hecho, algunas fuerzas de surcorea no tienen la voluntad de tener
contacto con nosotros sino se proponen frenar la ejecucion de la declaracion
conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio con el proposito de llevar las relaciones
norte-sur al enfrentamiento que se puede ir a una coyuntura imprevisible.
    en fin es una provocacion premeditada.
    es claro para todos que en tales circunstancias las relaciones norte-sur
no pueden progresar favorablemente ni tampoco los puntos de acuerdo entre
ambas partes podran ejecutarse debidamente segun lo previsto.
    definimos el presente como un ano para abrir la puerta de reunificacion
con las fuerzas unidas de nuestra nacion y nos esforzamos activamente por
realizar la historica declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio.
    esta posicion nuestra suscita el unanime apoyo y reaccion positiva de
los habitantes de distintos sectores de surcorea.
    algunas fuerzas de surcorea al nadar contra la corriente de la epoca y
al proferir las muy malsanas palabras anti-norcoreanas no podran sacar nada
provecho sino una ignominiosa derrota.
    ellas deben cesar de inmediato tales peroraciones ridiculas y
    como ya declaramos mas de una vez, nos esforzaremos bajo todos los
aspectos por ejecutar la declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio al
mantener la fidelidad historico encuentro de pyongyang. pero en el caso de
que no la cumplan actuaremos sin piedad.
    la responsabilidad del caso en que en lo adelante las relaciones
norte-sur sufran contratiempo y la declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de
junio no se cumpla recaera enteramente sobre los provocadores y otros
sujetos que tratan con simpatia y tolerancia a estos.

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