From: "Macdonald Stainsby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 03:07:14 -0700
To: "Leninist International" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [L-I] Forwarded from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Respected citizens!

An attempt of treason and shameful capitulation of the country is going on!
The decree by which members of DOS politburo in Federal Government have
accepted extradition of our citizens to the Hague Tribunal is an
unprecedented anticonstitutional and antipopular act that puts under the
question survival of the federal state, our freedom and sovereignty.

This unprecedented decision has been prepared and followed by a series of
lies and manipulations such as: alleged commitments accepted in Dayton,
alleged unity of the international community, alleged prospects of our
better treatment in donors' conferences... They've been telling us about
forgiving of the interests grown during the period of embargo and
aggression, but they haven't been telling that we shall pay many times more
by loosing the right for war reparations, by paying compensations to Bosnia
and Croatia and by selling out our economy.

The real aim of this in the world history unprecedented decision is the
amnesty of NATO criminals and imposing the collective guilt to the Serbian
people for all past and future sufferings in the region. So that the Serbian
people loses all prospectives and become an object of mass deportations to
foreign political judges financed by Soros and American agencies.

DOS just destroyed the Federal Government. Due to resistance in Montenegro,
they want to destroy the Federal State as well. They are attacking the
Yugoslav Army.

The Presidents of Yugoslavia and Serbia are not only failing to protect the
constitutional order, but are also becoming a cover for its undermining. DOS
blackmails and misuses judiciary. The economic system has been fallen and
poverty becomes massive. Education, health-care, culture are humiliated. The
country drowns hopelessly deep.

Respected citizens,

Say decisively NO to the traitors of the people and the country! Say NO to
the ones ready to sell the Serbian soul and honor for a handful of dollars!

The people that deserved admiration of the world for its heroism can not
accept the major humiliation! The Serbian people will never recognize their

Let us unite to protect democracy, sovereignty and constitutional order! Let
us protect Slobodan Milosevic and each citizen of this country!

Belgrade, June 23, 2001


Head Committee

Belgrade, June 23, 2001


The Executive Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia warns that the
decision of the DOS Politburo to adopt the federal decree about extradition
of Yugoslav citizens to the Hague Tribunal represents a most severe
violation of the Constitution and paves the way for imposition of the
martial law in the country.

Since the DOS regime have failed in the attempt to pass the
anticonstitutional law, they decided to adopt a decree which in its essence
abolishes the multiparty parliamentary system.

It is now obvious that DOS takes control over the state by decrees and that
there is nothing left of the rule of law. The Federal Government is not
working. The Presidents of Yugoslavia and Serbia who are obliged to protect
the Constitution as well as interests and dignity of the people and the
country are not reacting to the major violation of the Constitution and even
more, they are becoming a coverage for the policy that produces serious
harms to the country and the people. The interests of the people can not be
subordinated to anyone's personal, leaders' or political ambitions. No one
has right to violate the Constitution which forbids extradition of our
citizens, nor can accept commitments in contradiction with the interests of
the people.

No one has right to diminish and insult the thousands of victims of the NATO
aggression, nor to forgive the mass destruction and amnesty the ones
responsible for the crimes against the peace and humanity. The aim of the
DOS decree is, by the surrender of our citizens, to impose the collective
guilt to the Serbian people for everything that happened in the past. The
actions of DOS and of the Soros representatives in the Federal Government
are unprecedented in the world history. To all those who are taking part in
it or are agreeing with it must be clear that they are bearing the
responsibility for the unforeseeable consequences. Since they act contrary
to the Constitution and to their powers - both they and the so-called
International Community must know that Serbian people and our citizens will
never recognize such acts.

The leadership of the Socialist Party of Serbia, on behalf of the highest
Party organs and on behalf of the Parliamentary Groups in Federal and
Serbian Assemblies, have sent a letter to the president of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia Vojislav Kostunica, demanding that violation of the
Constitution must be stopped, as well as the system of capitulation derived
from the anticonstitutional decree on extradition.


Belgrade, June 23, 2001


The Socialist Party of Serbia underlines that by the today's DOS decree an
unprecedented coup has been performed against the constitutional order of
the country and constitutional protection of all citizens of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, and in the first place of the defenders of the
fatherland, has been abolished.

The Socialist Party of Serbia as the major opposition party considers this
as an disgraceful fraud of the people, who will never recognize such an act.

The Socialist Party of Serbia decided to send immediately an appeal to the
Federal Constitutional Court to judge the legality of the decree of the DOS
part of the Federal Government.

The Socialist Party of Serbia expects that the Federal Constitutional Court

1. Declare the decree of the DOS part of the Federal Government
unconstitutional, since the Constitution of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia and the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia explicitly forbid
the extradition of their citizens;

2. Prevent immediately the implementation of any individual act or action
that might be based on that unconstitutional decree, since it can make
irreversible harmful consequences for the interests of the people and state,
until the final decision will be made.

Macdonald Stainsby
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                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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