From: "Himmat Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 12:31:12 +0530
Subject: Fw: ML Update Vol.4 ;  No. 36 ;  05 -09 - 2001.

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-----Original Message-----

Date: Thursday, September 06, 2001 3:31 PM
Subject: ML Update Vol.4 ; No. 36 ; 05 -09 - 2001.

>ML Update: A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
>Vol.-4; No.-36; 5-9-2001
>A Desperate Exercise in Face Saving
>There are reshuffles and reshuffles. Though the recent one looks drastic,
>but something of this sort was not unlikely to happen, in fact due, in view
>of the critical situation faced by Mr. Vajpayee. In a recent review, it was
>found that half of the recommendations made in a dozen of reports submitted
>by the big business loaded 'Prime Minister's Council on Trade and Industry'
>could not at all implemented, and from among the rest, only one or a few
>recommendations were taken care of. The PM has to answer for this poor
>performance before his 'Council' on 7 September. A non-performing
>can do at least one thing, save its face by reshuffling the pack and show
>that it is concerned about "kick-starting the economy". In the process some
>scapegoat heads may roll and some zealots may get rewarded. Like the
>proverbial monkey distributing the loaf, the fascist saffron bosses decided
>to put all the blame on erstwhile "centrist" allies. Thus a Sharad Yadav is
>shown the doors of prestigious civil aviation ministry for "hindering"
>disinvestment of Air India, an Arun Shouri is promoted to cabinet rank for
>his self-professed zeal in disinvestment. A Ramvilas is ousted from
>communication and despatched down the coalmines and a Pramod Mahajan is
>handed over both IT and communication ministries, supposedly for their
>"convergence". A George is kept waiting pending his clearance from Tehelka
>while Rajiv Pratap Rudy, an MP from Bihar also tainted in Tehelka, is
>over a berth. If during all this turmoil Nitish Kumar manages to keep his
>portfolio, it is only because of the shrewdness with which he has planned
>milch in the name of providing "safety" even the marginal, most unsafe man
>riding a train. The only BJP man who has been really demoted in the
>reshuffle is Advani's man Jagmohan, because recently he had initiated a
>to reclaim the illegally occupied land even from temples and other
>sites causing considerable annoyance to RSS and builders mafia.
>With this kind of reshuffle Vajpayee wants to suggest the big business that
>whereas the BJP in the main wants to implement the reform, the so-called
>"socialists" are creating nonsense. This has led him to snub the NDA
>And not only Sharad Yadav and Ramvilas, Omar Abdullah too had to pay for
>National Conference outburst on PM and Advani's remarks on rigging
>in Kashmir. While Abdullah remained a deputy in foreign ministry, Chamanlal
>Gupta, another BJP MP from Jammu got an independent portfolio as state
>minister. Maneka Gandhi too was kept busy in an inconsequential ministry.
>Vajpayee has realised that these allies, who joined NDA peddling the
>daydream of "counterbalancing the saffron thrust in a coalition" have lost
>much of their spine and sting they cannot hit back even if whipped in the
>back. This was amply demonstrated when the BJP toppled the Samata-led
>Manipur ministry. Moreover, Samata today is itself a divided house. Saffron
>dictating power has reached a point where they can deny a berth to the
>surrendering Mamata Bannerjee and PMK in the reshuffle!
>However, the basic problems are much deeper than the ones a reshuffle of
>this kind can get over with. It is the lack of investment that is the main
>reason behind the slump in industrial growth after October 1996. India is
>now dangerously vulnerable to consumer goods import from other countries
>is in imminent danger of losing as many as five million jobs in the next
>or three years. Foreign reserves boasted to be sufficient to pay for 9
>months of import bill are most volatile -- 93% of the $ 43 billion worth of
>foreign currency reserves consists of "vulnerable liabilities"-- trade
>credits, NRI deposits, foreign portfolio investment and govt. short term
>borrowing. A sudden exodus on these will cause a crisis of outflow from the
>currency reserves. The economy is sitting on a powder-keg because of very
>policies of reform. How then implementing the same policies more zealously
>under the direction of IMF-WTO and the guidance of Indian big business by
>means of a reshuffled pack will rescue Vajpayee? It is your policies that
>are the true villain, Mr. Vajpayee, and not the ministers alone!
>CPI(ML) Condoles Death of Palestine Leader Abu Ali
>Abu Ali Mustafa, the 64 year-old leader of the Popular Front for the
>Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was killed at his desk on 27 August when an
>Israeli helicopter gun-ship fired two missiles into his Romullah office.
>killing, ordered by General Sharon, was supposedly a response to a
>Palestinian commando attack on an Israeli army camp inside the Gaza Strip
>25 August.
>China strongly condemned the assassination of the PFLP leader. In Beijing a
>Foreign Ministry official expressed China's profound regret and grief at
>Ali Mustafa's death and said that China always opposes Israel's policy of
>tracking and killing militants and its continual assassinations of
>Palestinian leaders.
>In a condolence message sent by CPI(ML), Com. PV Srinivas said that the
>barbarian cool-blooded killing was more than an act of murderous state
>terrorism, it was a key component in a larger war strategy of genocide and
>occupation carried out by US and Israel jointly, in the ultimate
>geo-political interests of the US. "We cannot ignore the fact that just
>before assassination, US administration had justified Israel's murder
>policy. The US media launched a campaign for calling NATO to occupy
>Palestine and run Palestine state; and after the assassination, large-scale
>political and diplomatic cover-up operation has been undertaken to divert
>the world attention from a most significant political murder in the recent
>time", the message says, while demanding withdrawal of Israel from
>territories forthwith. The letter extends "deep condolence and solidarity
>the Palestine people, PFLP members and the family members of Comrade Abu
>AISA Procession in Delhi
>Around 100 students activists marched in a procession under AISA banner in
>Delhi University (DU) North Campus on 3 September in the course of the
>election campaign for DUSU (Delhi University Students' Union). Led by AISA
>National President Kavita Krishnan and AISA candidates Aditi Pandey,
>and Rohit, the procession started out from Vivekanand Statue in the Arts
>Faculty, and passing through several colleges and faculties, including
>Ramjas, KM College, Hindu College, etc. reached Law Faculty where it turned
>into a short meeting, addressed by Kavita Krishnan and Aditi Pandey, the
>AISA candidate for DUSU presidential post. On this occasion, AISA manifesto
>for DUSU elections was also released. The manifesto opposes the govt.
>attempts to saffronise and privatise the education, lays stress on ending
>discrimination against women and ensuring their free participation in
>socio-political life, arranging for cheaper accommodation facilities to the
>needy students and freeing the campus from hooliganism. It demands
>restoration of voting rights to students not properly enrolled because of
>administrative lacunae.
>Bihar State Conference Concluded
>CPI(ML)'s 6th Bihar State Conference concluded on 28 August with the pledge
>to transform the party into the centre of aspirations of development and
>reconstruction nurtured by poor and dalit toiling masses and
>progressive-democratic minded people of Bihar, to develop it into a leader
>of people's resistance, and a full-fledged alternative in the state. Com.
>Swadesh Bhattacharya, PB member and Com. Krishna Adhikari, Central observer
>addressed the concluding session.
>In the organisational session, there were 358 delegates from 35 districts.
>As many as 298 among them were whole-timers. There were 42 women delegates;
>and class-origin wise there were 139 delegates from landless-poor peasants,
>59 from lower-middle peasants, 100 from middle peasants and rest from rich
>peasant or petty bourgeoisie. While 54 delegates had come over to CPI(ML)
>from other left streams, there were 13 delegates who had earlier worked in
>RJD or other centrist formations. Around 150 delegates expressed their
>on the report presented by the outgoing state committee and finally it was
>unanimously passed amidst standing ovation. The session was presided over
>a 5-member presidium composed of Com. Pawan Sharma, KD Yadav, Saroj Chaube,
>Rameshwar Prasad and Shyam Chandra Chaudhary.
>The conference elected a 35-member state committee. Com. Ramjatan Sharma
>reelected its secretary. A 13-member standing committee was formed by the
>newly elected state committee.
>The Conference resolved to press for declaring Bihar as a famine-struck
>state as it has been badly hit by floods and drought. The conference
>observed that both central and state governments were displaying utter
>apathy to the problems of the people and it condemned the political game
>being played by RJD and NDA while blaming each other but doing nothing to
>help the victims. While demanding implementation of 'food for work'
>programme throughout the state, the Conference announced the programme of
>staging dharna and demonstration at district headquarters.
>The delegates underlined the need of effectively countering the mass
>killings of the rural poor and dalits in various parts of the state, as
>Laloo-Rabri govt. has proved incapable of checking the activities of Ranvir
>Sena, Shahabuddin or other criminal gangs including MCC and People's War
>Group. Taking up the task of mass movement against the anti-people forces
>responsible for such killings, the Conference decided to observe a protest
>week from 7-13 September. Dhanarua has been the scene of the recent such
>killing. Therefore the conference gave a call Dhanarua Chalo to be observed
>on 14 September. People from nearby blocks and districts would be mobilised
>to participate in this programme.
>The conference emphasised the need to expand peasant movement and
>Khet Mazdoor Sabha. With this objective the conference demanded disarming
>Ranvir Sena and other feudal criminal gangs and supplying free arms with
>license to the rural poor and dalits. The conference reiterated its
>commitment to build broadbased resistance movement in the villages to fight
>these feudal-criminal gangs till their end.
>The Conference decided to hold state-level working class conference by the
>end of September. It appealed to the working class leaders and activists to
>participate in the conference in broadest possible number and make it a
>success so that this organisation becomes the main centre of working class
>movement in the state.
>The Conference pledged to fulfill the target set for recruitment of mass
>organisation membership and also adopted a resolution to expand the Party
>membership by 50% till the Party Congress next year. The Conference
>to build State Party office at the earliest. A resolution to raise Party
>fund seriously was also adopted.
>All these days the historic town of Rajgir was overlaid with red flags,
>festoons and banners stuck out on lamp-posts; it seemed all of a sudden
>Rajgir surrounded by hills acquired a new life. Cadres from Nalanda and
>nearby districts worked overtime to make the conference a success. With its
>widely acclaimed performances throughout this period, Hirawal team of Jan
>Sanskriti Manch portrayed revolutionary culture in safeguarding the
>integration of creativity and struggle.
>Tea Workers' Association Holds Convention
>On 11 July, Struggling Tea Workers Association held a convention at
>Parvatipur tea garden in Assam. It was presided over by Ruplal Nagavanshi
>and the basic agenda was presented by Debaru Murai. In the convention,
>discussion was held on problems of workers. A new executive was formed with
>Ruplal Nagvanshi as president and Debaru Murai as secretary. Com. Kanak
>Saikia, secretary of Tingkhang local committee of CPI(ML), circle president
>and secretary of Tea Workers Association Karan Murabi and Suraj Garait,
>Santha leader Bilasi Bhumij and many others addressed the convention. The
>convention resolved to conduct membership recruitment campaign and it
>adopted several resolutions concerning major problems being faced by
>Oil Workers Oppose Conspiracy to hand over Oil Refinery to Reliance
>Northeast Oil Workers Coordination Committee organised an emergency meeting
>at Bangaigaon Refinery Employees Association office on 12 August where they
>strongly protested the central governments conspiracy to hand over oil
>exploration in north Brahmaputra valley to Reliance. President Anant Mohan
>Barman and Gen. Secy. Biren Kalita have said in a press note that this step
>by the government on the basis of new economic policy is detrimental to the
>cause of Rajhuwa section of Oil India Corporation and ONGC. The Oil Workers
>Coordination Committee resolved to organise gate meetings, dharna etc. to
>demand from the central government withdrawal of this decision, removal of
>custom tax on refineries in Assam, establishment of gas-based industries in
>Cachar and Tripura, withdrawal of vindictive suspension of Anil Das,
>Secretary of Bangaigaon refinery employees association by the management
>send a memorandum to the Petroleum Minister. As a preparation to this,
>coordination committee called for holding a convention jointly with several
>politcal parties, trade unions and mass organisations in Noonmati on 26
>Killing of Jagannath Mandal : Statewide Protest Day in West Bengal
>Assassins patronised by CPI(M) ambushed and killed Com. Jagannath Mandal
>(46), Secretary of Kalna Subdivision Committee of CPI(ML), in the night of
>24 August at Tamashapur village in Kalna block of Bardhaman district. In
>protest, Party called a bandh in Kalna subdivision on 27 August, which was
>completely successful. Bandh was also observed in nearby Nabadwip.
>Overwhelming majority of people, who spontaneously joining the bandh,
>condemned this heinous, cowardly act.
>At the call of Party State Committee, 27 August was observed as a protest
>day throughout West Bengal. In North Dinajpur district, around 200 peasants
>participated in a protest meeting held at Raiganj. Earlier, Raiganj local
>committee as well as North Dinajpur district committee had organised a
>condolence meeting on 26 August. The district committee also observed black
>day on 28 August and wore black badges.
>Operation Washout by CPI(M)
>As people quickly understood who is behind the killing of Com. Jagannath,
>CPI(M)'s Kalna zonal secretary Biren Ghosh in a hurry issued a statement on
>26 August that his party had no role in the killing and demanded that
>killers must be apprehended. However, with the overwhelming success of
>bandh on 27 August at the call of CPI(ML), CPI(M) leaders right from Kalna
>level to the state became panicky. Now Ganashakti, the State Organ of
>CPI(M), has initiated a maliciously false propaganda campaign. On 28
>Ganashakti concocted a story: "Naxalite activist killed in Kalna by his own
>partymen on the charge of hobnobbing with BJP". The CPI(M) itself knows
>quite well that both Abdul Halim and Jagannath were good, hard-working
>cadres when they were in CPI(M). They became targets only when they left
>CPI(M) and joined the revolutionary alternative. Countering this malicious
>propaganda on the same day, CPI(ML) has issued a statement to the press
>(including Ganashakti) exposing this Goebbelsian propaganda as a brainwork
>of Alimuddin street pen-pushers. If they do not mend their ways, they too
>would meet the same fate, it said.
>Bicycle March in Delhi by Construction Workers
>Under the banner of Nirman Mazdoor Union (NMU) and All-India General Kamgar
>Union (AIGKU), a bicycle march was taken out to demand implementation of
>central legislation for construction workers in national capital region and
>oppose the conspiracy of introducing anti-worker amendments in labour laws
>through second labour commission. The union declared that a human chain
>be formed around the Viswas Nagar labour office on 25 September and a
>memorandum with thousands of signatures will be handed over to the Prime
>Minister.  The bicycle march started out from Jagatpuri and passed through
>several localities of East Delhi including Karkardooma court, Krishnanagar,
>Laxminagar, Shakarpur etc. ended at Shashi Garden in Mayur Vihar Phase I.
>Apart from construction workers, unorganised labour from garment factories
>and other small-scale units also took part in the procession. The rally was
>addressed by AICCTU East Delhi Secy. Com. VKS Gautam, Central Office Secy.
>Himmat Singh, Mahant Rai, Secy of NMU and Shashikant, Secy. of AIGKU.
>Kisan Rally and Meeting in Mansa
>Consequent to entering the World Trade Organisation in the decade of 1990
>and particularly as a result of anti-peasant agrarian policies of the
>BJP-led central government, Indian agriculture is today writhing under the
>grip of all-round and unprecedented crises...
>To meet this situation, united struggle of peasants on a nation-wide scale
>has come to the fore as an immediate and imperative task. Therefore ...
>coming together of all peasant organisations and leaders opposed to new
>agricultural policy and World Trade Organisation in a common struggle is
>need of the hour.
>In this context, and to accomplish the abovesaid objective, the Mansa unit
>of Bharatiya Kisan Union (Ekta), Punjab is going to hold a peasant rally on
>10 September 2001 and host a meeting of representatives of peasant
>Reach Mansa to Strengthen
>Anti-WTO Peasant Struggle!
>Need to Diversify Theatre
>The Lucknow unit of Jan Sanskriti Manch organised a cultural seminar on 22
>July at Lenin Pustak Kendra. The basis of discussion was an article on
>theatre, "Have we lost the ambition" by noted dramatist Prasanna, appearing
>in Samkalin Lokyudh. This seminar was presided over by director Surya Mohan
>Kulshrestha and participated in by well-known theatrical personalities of
>Initiating the discussion Ajay Singh, General Secretary of JSM said that
>basic concern of Prasanna is to make drama a medium of culture of
>in opposing the assault of imperialism and communal fascism. The
>system developed by the ruling culture has undermined the broadness of
>theatre and weakened its social sense. In the last few decades, new social
>forces have developed. The crisis of theatre can be overcome only by
>accepting the challnege of leading them in the field of culture.
>Initiating the debate, director Urmil Kumar Thapaliyal said that theatre
>worked with a commitment to society but in he past two-three decades no
>important drama has come up. Rakesh, UP secretary of IPTA said that if our
>ambitions do not match with the ambitions of the society we have to face
>problems.  Amongst us, there is a vast gap of communication. An artist in
>or Bihar does not know about ongoing experiments in Bengal or activities in
>Karnataka. Street theatre had played a great role in taking drama to the
>common man. However there is a paucity of drama with a new theme.
>Actor Jugal Kishor, who teaches at Bharatendu Natya Vidyalaya, Lucknow,
>that recently some new work has been there in the field of theatre. A big
>reason of crisis in the field of theatre is in the system as a whole. Until
>the policies of the system are hit, nothing will be accomplished. Mridula
>Garg said that despite all the financial crisis, television can create a
>crisis for us but it cannot do away with theatre. Theatre is a medium
>with ideas and social commitment and till this is necessary, theatre will
>there. We have seen that whenever theatre has accepted challenges, and
>the courage to show the social reality, it has become popular in the
>society. Shaqil Siddiqi and Shyam Ankuram also participated in the
>discussion. Summing it up, Surya Mohan Kulshrestha said that the problem
>raised by Prasanna is basic. The centralised system centred in Delhi has
>appropriated the role of assessing all activity throughout India. NSD gets
>money for developing drama, it is working to fashion raw materials for
>and TV. In this situation, a national debate is needed how to make NSD
>useful for drama.
>Again it is the consequence of the concept of centralisation that
>depends on director. In other countries as well, TV produced crisis for
>theatre and against this centralisation, decentralising it saved theatre.
>Community theatre, city theatre, etc. were established. The new social
>forces coming up in our society can only have theatre as their medium of
>expression and not TV. Theatre is a community act. So today theatre needs
>go to even smallest of places.
>Shramik ki Ghazalein Released in Kanpur
>Kanpur unit of Jan Sanskriti Manch and Yugprabha jointly organised a
>ceremony to release Kamal Kishor 'Shramik' s poetry collection "Shramik ki
>Ghazalein" on 26 August at Press Club. The collection was released by
>veteran poet Sudarshan Chakra, while the ceremony was presided over by
>renowned poet and educationist Madhavi Lata Shukla. Introducing the
>discussion Dr. Prabha Dixit, national councillor of JSM, said that the
>of democracy does not come out as mere slogan or fashion in Shramik's
>poetry, it is an honest manifestation of his ideology and real life, so
>the simplicity in language the poetry gives new dimensions to Marxist
>aesthetics. Dr. Madhavi Lata pointed out that apart from ghazals, Shramik
>has also mastered the art of expressing himself in songs. Noted
>intellectuals and cultural activists Dr. Premila, Neelima Chaturvedi,
>Yatindra Tiwari, Ramkrishna Tailang, Arvind Mishra, Dharmendra Katiyar,
>Kamta Prasad Tiwari, CPI(ML) leader Com. Vijay and AIPWA leader Shivani
>Verma spoke on the occasion. Poet Kamal Kishor said about his creative
>process that he became influenced with Marxism at a very early stage of
>and he also recited some of his poems. The second phase of the programme
>witnessed a poetry recital programme presided over by Niresh Katyayan. It
>was participated in by Devendra Safal, Dharmendra Katiyar, RD Singh, Ashok
>Shastri, Satyaprakash Shirish, Akhilesh Tiwari, Azad Kanpuri, Ramkrishna
>Premi, Narain Das Verma "Manav", Uma Shunya, Satryendra Tiwari, Surendra
>Shashi, Chetna Sharma and others. It was conducted by Prabha Dixit.
>"Nila Charai" Drama Staged in Guwahati
>The Noonmati branch of Sadau Asom Jansanskritik Parishad staged a drama
>"Nila Charai" (Blue Bird) at CD Hall of Guwahati Refinery Sector-II on 30
>and 31 July. The Assamese script of this progressive drama was written by
>Jyoti Prasad Agarwala on the basis of a child story written by Maurice
>Metarlink. Significantly, the drama was staged after little rehersal in a
>workshop taking novice child artists but the people very much appreciated
>the performance.
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