December.24.2001 Juche 90



Kim Jong Il gives field guidance to various domains in Jagang Province

Hong Song Nam greets Syrian prime minister

Greetings to Syrian foreign minister

Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK central committee

New souvenir stamps released

"Grand National Party's" anti-reunification moves denounced

Film shows held

10th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as supreme commander of KPA

Joint press release on Christmas issued

Congratulatory letter to Kim Jong Il


Kim Jong Il gives field guidance to various domains in Jagang Province
     Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il gave
field guidance to the work in various domains in Jagang province. During his
field guidance he went round the august steel works, the Hungju Youth Power
Station, the Kanggye Wine Factory, the Kanggye Knitting Factory, the Kanggye
Chicken Farm, the Kanggye Koryo Medicine Factory and other units.
    Giving on-the-spot guidance to the august steel works, he encouraged the
workers in the dynamic drive for increased production to send more iron and
steel to different domains of the national economy and advanced tasks to be
fulfilled by the works.
    At the Hungju Youth Power Station he was very pleased to see the people
who greatly benefit from the station, saying it is very good to
satisfactorily settle the problem of lighting for Kanggye city with the
electricity produced by the station and supply the power to different
factories and enterprises.
    At the Kanggye Wine Factory he went round the production processes and
the newly built bean milk shop, met technicians and had an amicable talk
with them while acquainting himself in detail with the technological
modernization of the factory and its production.
    After getting familiar details of the overall economic performance in
the province, he put forward the highly important tasks that would serve as
a guideline in raising the economic work in the province to a higher stage
and remarkably improving the standard of people's living.
    He expressed satisfaction with the great change brought about by the
people of the province in all domains and said that they should perform once
again the role of the vanguard, standard-bearer in the honorable drive to
build a powerful nation.
    He set forth the tasks to be tackled by the power industry and the light
industry and those of building up factories and workplaces, cities and
villages in a hygienic and cultured way and improving the standard of
people's living. 
    Saying that the cultured practices in production and in the industrial
management in the Kanggye Wine Factory and the newly built factories and
catering centres and modern houses have reached a high level which can be
safely described as a model in the 21st century, he noted that this reflects
the spiritual features peculiar to the most revolutionary, advanced and
cultured Korean working class.
    Thanks to the devoted efforts of the workers and other people in the
province who have waged a dynamic drive, full of conviction of the future
and optimism, holding high the slogan of faith "Let's always be cheerful
although our path is thorny" a great change has taken place in the province
in the literal sense of the word, he said, stressing that the whole country
should earnestly learn from this fighting spirit and trait of the people in
the province. 
    He expressed expectation and conviction that the officials, party
members and other working people in the province would give fuller play to
the Kanggye spirit and demonstrate once again the heroic stamina and the
spirit of certain victory in the general onward march to build a powerful


Hong Song Nam greets Syrian prime minister
    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
cabinet, sent a message of greetings to Muhammad Mustafa Mero on his
reappointment as prime minister of the Syrian Arab Republic. Expressing
belief that the good relations of friendship and cooperation between the two
countries would grow stronger, the message sincerely wished him greater
success in his responsible work.


Greetings to Syrian foreign minister
    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun sent
a message of greetings to Farouq al Shara, vice-prime minister and foreign
minister of the Syrian Arab Republic. The message warmly congratulated him
on his appointment as vice-prime minister and foreign minister of Syria.
    It sincerely wished him greater success in his responsible work.


Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK central committee
    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) today sent a congratulatory message
to leader Kim Jong Il on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his
election as supreme commander of the Korean People's Army. His election as
supreme commander of the KPA was a great national jubilee of the Korean
people and a historic event of epochal significance in accomplishing the
cause of Juche, the message said, and continued:
    Greeting the 10th anniversary of your election and the 84th birth
anniversary of anti-Japanese heroine Kim Jong Suk, we are looking back on
her life with deep emotion.
    Kim Jong Suk provided a sure guarnatee for the brilliant future of the
cause of Juche and gave Kim Il Sung's nation good luck to be blessed with
illustrious leaders and generals forever. This is a great noteworthy feat
which will shine forever.
    You, with the rock-firm will to accomplish with arms the cause of Juche
pioneered by President Kim Il Sung with arms, have successfully applied the
army-centred revolutionary idea and strengthened the KPA into a steel-like
combat rank of each being a match for a hundred.
    The vanguard fighters of the NDFSK and patriotic people from all walks
of life are full of the boundless national pride of having you at the head
of defending the nation.
    Korea's reunification is sure to come because you provided the historic
June 15 joint declaration with your army-centred revolutionary leadership to
open an epochal phase of reunification and are wisely leading all the fellow


New souvenir stamps released
    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- The Korean Stamp Corporation released
two kinds of souvenir stamps (sheets) on the occasion of the 10th
anniversary of the election of leader Kim Jong Il as supreme commander of
the Korean People's Army and the 84th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an
indomitable anti-Japanese heroine. The sheet marking the 10th anniversary of
his election has a picture of him inspecting a flying unit of the KPA in the
centre of the red flag in which the star of marshal of the DPRK is
    Given in the sheet marking the 84th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk is
a picture of her protecting the personal safety of President Kim Il Sung in
June Juche 29 (1940). The corporation also released two kinds of souvenir


"Grand National Party's" anti-reunification moves denounced
    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- The solidarity preparatory committee of
youth and students for the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration
reportedly issued a statement on Dec. 18 bitterly denouncing Ri Hoe Chang
and other anti-reunification forces for going against the desire for
reconciliation and cooperation on the Korean peninsula. Referring to the
rapid aggravation of the south-north relations which had been in the process
of improvement since the publication of the historic June 15 joint
declaration, the statement said all this is due to the U.S. standing in the
way of the independent reunification of the country and obstructions of Ri
Hoe Chang and the "Grand National Party" subservient to it.
    Ri, the boss of the anti-reunification forces, is dead-set against the
joint declaration, because he is keen to realize his political ambition by
tickling the fancy of the U.S., the statement noted, and went on:
    The youth and students in Pusan area and South Kyongsang Province will
never tolerate any acts of Ri Hoe Chang and the "Grand National Party."
    The statement urged the "party" to immediately disband itself and Ri to
quit the political arena at once.


Film shows held
    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Films are on at cinemas, houses of
culture and other places throughout the country on the occasion of the 10th
anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as supreme commander of the
Korean People's Army and the 84th birth anniversary of the indomitable
anti-Japanese heroine Kim Jong Suk. Among them are the documentary film
"With the Great Brilliant Commander" (serial parts) and the feature film
"Far Away From Headquarters" which deal with Kim Jong Il's immortal
army-based leadership feats and Kim Jong Suk's brilliant revolutionary life.
    Also shown are feature films "Road of Service" and "Soldier's Oath"
reflecting the advantages of the Korean-style socialist system growing
stronger thanks to the army-centred policy.


10th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as supreme commander of KPA
    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Papers here today editorially observe
the 10th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as supreme commander
of the Korean People's Army on December 24, Juche 80 (1991). Rodong Sinmun
dedicates its whole front page to an editorial captioned "our army and
people will fly the red flag of revolution forever under the great supreme
    Kim Jong Il's election as supreme commander of the KPA marked a proud
event which gave steady continuity to the history and tradition of the
victorious Korean revolution shining thanks to the army, the editorial says,
and goes on: 
    He has adorned the past decade full of ordeals with an immortal heroic
epic, shouldering upon himself all the burdens of the Korean revolution and
the socialist cause.
    It was under his leadership that the destiny of the homeland and the
people was saved from the crossroads of life or death, the socialist cause
firmly safeguarded, the stern ordeal during the "arduous march" victoriously
overcome and a new era of Juche-oriented revolution opened up.
    The path covered by him to steer the Korean revolution as the supreme
commander represented an immortal history in which an unprecedented unique
army-based political mode was created and the new era of army-centered
revolution dawned. 
    The Korean people are loudly beating the drum of the drive to build a
prosperous and powerful nation in a daring spirit and with optimism about
future braving difficulties even under the present acute and complicated
situation. This is a stirring reality brought about by the great army-based
    The editorial calls for glorifying forever the era of army-based policy
led by Kim Jong Il, great iron-willed commander, holding him in high esteem
as supreme commander of the revolution.
    The whole party and army and all the people should devotedly defend him
and unite closer around him, the editorial notes, and goes on:
    It is of particular importance to make the spirit of becoming human
bombs and the self-sacrificing spirit, the spirit of devotedly fighting for
the sake of Kim Jong Il, firmly trusting him as the sun and benefactor of
their life in any storm and stress, prevail throughout the revolutionary
    It is necessary to train the people's army into a guard unit of the
supreme commander and an invincible army of general Kim Jong Il-type and
consolidate the whole country as an impregnable bulwark capable of repelling
any surprise attack of imperialists.
    All the officers and men of the KPA and the people will as always win
victory after victory flying high the flag of the supreme commander even if
they may face such a trial as the "arduous march" and dynamically advance
towards a bright future of the new century.


Joint press release on Christmas issued
    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- A joint press release on Christmas was
published here. The Christians in the north and the south of Korea pray for
the achievement of lasting peace and independent reunification of the Korean
peninsula through the implementation of the June 15 North-South Joint
Declaration published in Pyongyang last year, the press release said.
    Noting that foreign forces should not threaten the peace on the Korean
peninsula for any reason, it said that the Christians in the north and the
south would resolutely oppose their military moves against the Korean
peninsula together with the peace-loving Christians of the world.
    The Christians in the north and the south visit each other and jointly
worship, clarifying their joint views that foreign forces, talking about
"freedom" of religion, should never jump to an unilateral conclusion of the
efforts made by the Christians in the north and the south, the release said.
    The press release was signed by Kang Yong Sop, chairman of the central
committee of the Korean Christian Federation, and Kim Tong Wan, director
general of the council of Christian churches of South Korea, on Dec. 11.


Congratulatory letter to Kim Jong Il
    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a
congratulatory letter from the economic and commercial councillors' corps
here on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his election as supreme
commander of the Korean People's Army. It was handed to an official
concerned today by commercial councillor of the Russian embassy Sergei
Lyoushkin, doyen of the corps.

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