TODAY'S NEWS (December.24.2000 Juche 89)


   * Commemorations held

   * Commemorative seminars held abroad

   * Epic praising feats of Kim Jong Suk created

   * Papers observe anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as KPA Supreme

   * Wreaths laid

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * 9 aniversario de eleccion de dirigente kim jong il como comandante
     supremo de epc

Commemorations held

    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- An evening gala of the Ministry of the
People's Armed Forces was
held at Jonsung Square on Dec. 23 on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of
the great leader Kim Jong Il's
election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army.
    It was attended by Jo Myong Rok, director of the KPA general political
department, Kim Yong Chun,
chief of the KPA general staff, Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's Armed
Forces, leading officials of the
People's Armed Forces, KPA generals, officers and soldiers.
    The square turned into a veritable sea of soldiers dancing to the tune
of such songs as "Glory to the Dear
Leader," "Song of Best Wishes," "Song of Three Prides," and "the Guerrilla
March," etc, vice marshals and
generals of the KPA joined dancers, thus bolstering up the festive atmosphere.
    A music and dance performance was given by the song and dance ensemble
of the Ministry of People's
Security at the Ponghwa Art Theatre on the same day on the occasion of the
9th anniversary of his election
and the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist revolutionary fighter
Kim Jong Suk.

Commemorative seminars held abroad

    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Seminars were held in different
countries from Dec. 10 to 15 to
commemorate the 9th anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's election
as Supreme Commander of the
Korean People's Army and the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist
revolutionary fighter Kim Jong
    The seminars were sponsored by the Peruvian Association for the Study
of Revolutionary Activities of
Comrade Kim Jong Suk, the Peruvian Committee for Supporting the Independent
and Peaceful Reunification
of Korea, the Association for the Study of Self-reliance of Pakistan, the
Egyptian Committee for the Study of
the Juche Idea and the Catania branch of the Italian Committee for the
Study of the Juche Idea.
    Present there were prominent figures of political, social and academic
circles in those countries, among
them Victor Oliva Miguel, secretary general of the revolutionary socialist
party of Peru.
    Akrak Aktar Hamidi, chairman of the Association for the Study of
Self-reliance of Pakistan, said that
Kim Jong Il is a veteran and seasoned political leader, an outstanding
military strategist and iron-willed
    Amata, chief of the Catania branch of the Italian Committee for the
Study of the Juche Idea, noted that
Kim Jong Il's army-first politics is a lifeline of the Korean people in
their struggle for the building of a
powerful socialist nation.
    Teresa Otidiano, chairperson of the Peruvian Association for the Study
of Revolutionary Activities of
Comrade Kim Jong Suk, said that it is a great pride and glory for the women
revolutionaries around the
world to deeply study the revolutionary history of Kim Jong Suk,
comrade-in-arms intensely loyal to the
great leader Kim Il Sung and an anti-Japanese heroine. Her revolutionary
feats will shine long with history,
she stressed.

Epic praising feats of Kim Jong Suk created

   Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- An epic "the Cause of Kim Jong Suk Will
Be Everlasting" (written
by Li Pom Su) was published on the occasion of the 83rd birth anniversary
of the great communist
revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
    Singing of Kim Jong Suk's feats for the building of the army, the epic
says that her cause of building the
army will shine for all ages.
    After the liberation of Korea she, true to the idea and line of the
army building advanced by the great
leader President Kim Il Sung, led officials to build the army in a Korean
way, by rooting out flunkeyism and
dogmatism, it notes.
    She was always with arms in her lifetime and was the first to hold
aloft the banner of devotedly
defending the leader.
    Learning from her spirit, many devoted guardians have grown up, the
epic says.
    It tells about the motherly love shown by her for soldiers, which is
carried forward by the respected
marshal Kim Jong Il.
    The greatest feat she performed for the revolution is that she gave
birth to Kim Jong Il, successor to the
cause of the Korean revolution. In the crucible of the hard-fought
anti-Japanese war she brought up him as a
son of guerrillas and commander, it says.

Papers observe anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as KPA Supreme

    Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Papers here today editorially observe
the 9th anniversary of the
great leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of the Korean
People's Army.
    Rodong Sinmun, the organ of the Central Committee of the Worker's Party
of Korea, says that the
Korean revolution has been safeguarded by the matchless armed forces and
the KPA is the army of Kim Jong
    It goes on:
    He set forth the original idea that the army represents the party, the
state and the people, and has glorified
the new history of army-first politics.
    The Korean people and people's army have been able to glorify the 20th
century thanks to the
ever-victorious army-first politics of Kim Jong Il, who has steered all
affairs related to the revolution and
construction, attaching great importance to the military and depending on
the KPA.
    The revolutionary armed forces of Korea are ideologically strong as the
spirit of devotedly defending the
leader prevails in it.
    They are a matchless army which fights, inspired by the unparalleled
pluck and will of the Supreme
Commander, and is fully prepared in military technique.
    The staunch spirit of the revolutionary army is precisely based on the
spirit of its Supreme Commander.
    The grit of Kim Jong Il represents the iron will to courageously
confront even millions strong enemy
coming in attack and valor to strike merciless blows to them with his
correct judgement and resolute
    The KPA fights, inspired by this grit and spirit.
    Minju Joson, the organ of the presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly and the cabinet of the
DPRK, says that Kim Jong Il considers the military affair as the most
important state affair and the people's
army as the lifeline of socialism.
    The KPA is the backbone of the self-reliant defensive forces and the
main force in building a powerful
nation, the paper notes, and stresses:
    Only victory and glory are in store for the Korean people as long as
there are the army and people
single-heartedly united around Kim Jong Il.

Wreaths laid

   Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Party and state leading officials,
servicepersons of the people's
army, working people, school youth and children and overseas Koreans today
visited the Revolutionary
Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong to lay wreaths before the bust of the
great communist revolutionary
fighter Kim Jong Suk on the occasion of her 83rd birth anniversary.
    A wreath sent by the great leader Kim Jong Il was seen standing before
her bust.
    Guards of honor of the Korean People's Army lined up on either side of
the bust.
    Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Kim Yong Nam, Jo Myong Rok
and other party and state
leading officials.
    Amid the playing of music wreaths were laid in the name of the Central
Committee of the Worker's Party
of Korea, the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK and
its cabinet.
    Also placed there were wreaths and bouquets in the name of the
anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters, the
joint organization of the Korean Children's Union, the Ministry of the
People's Armed Forces, working
people's organizations, commissions and ministries of the cabinet, national
institutions, KPA units,
scientific, educational, cultural, art, public health and media
institutions, party and power organs, factories
and farms in Pyongyang.
    A wreath in the name of the delegation and visiting groups of overseas
Koreans was also laid.
    Written on the ribbons hanging from the wreaths were letters reading
"may the revolutionary exploits of
the great communist revolutionary fighter comrade Kim Jong Suk be immortal "
    Meanwhile, members of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic
Front of South Korea laid
bouquets before the bust of Kim Jong Suk.

For Spanish-speaking people

9 aniversario de eleccion de dirigente kim jong il como comandante supremo
de epc

    pyongyang, 23 de diciembre (atcc) -- el acto de informe central por el
9 aniversario de la eleccion del gran
dirigente kim jong il como comandante supremo del ejercito popular de corea
tuvo lugar hoy en la casa
cultural "25 de abril".
    estuvieron presentes kim yong nam, jo myong rok, hong song nam y otros
cuadros dirigentes del partido
y estado.
    el informe titulado "abramos brillantemente el nuevo siglo de la gran
prosperidad siguiendo la direccion
del estimado camarada comandante supremo de dar prioridad al ejercito"
estuvo a cargo del vicemariscal kim
yong chun, miembro del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular
democratica de corea y jefe del
estado mayor general del epc.
    el informante senalo:
    el que el estimado camarada kim jong il fuera electo comandante supremo
del epc y se haya puesto al
frente de las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias fue un gran jubilo nacional
para todos los oficiales y soldados
del epc y los habitantes y un evento historico de significado trascendental
en el cumplimiento de la causa de
construccion del ejercito autoctono y el desarrollo de nuestra revolucion.
    gracias a tener al gran camarada kim jong il en el puesto supremo de
las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias
el ejercito y el pueblo de la rpd de corea han podido defender
fidedignamente y llevar adelante la causa de
construccion del ejercito autoctono y la causa del socialismo
sobreponiendose a las severas pruebas de la
historia y manifestar vigorosamente a la faz del mundo la dignidad y
lafisonomia de corea y la nacion de kim
il sung.
    al dirigir la revolucion mediante la priorizacion militar el camarada
kim jong il ha fortalecido el epc en
invencibles filas combativas de acero.
    en todo el ejercito se han establecido el sistema de mando militar
autoctono y el estilo militar
revolucionario y se han renovado los rasgos ideo-espirituales de los militares.
    en las filas del epc reinan plenamente solo el espiritu de defender a
ultranza al lider y el modo de ejecutar
a ultranza la politica del partido. todo el ejercito ha logrado su
monolitica unidad ideo-volitiva y de obligacion
moral en torno al comandante supremo. esto es el orgulloso aspecto del epc,
fuerzas armadas revolucionarias
de nuestro partido. he aqui la caracteristica esencial y fuente principal
del invencible poderio del epc que se
difiere de todos los demas ejercitos.
    con la materializacion brillante de la orientacion de convertir todo el
ejercito en uno de cuadros y
modernizarlo el epc se ha convertido en las poderosas fuerzas armadas
selectas dispuestas de modernos
medios de ofensiva y defensiva capaces de derrotar a cualesquier enemigos.
    consolidar ferreamente el poderio defensivo del pais mediante la
priorizacion de los asuntos militares es la
mas importante de las labores del estado.
    hay que consolidar nuestras fuerzas armadas revolucionarias
convirtiendolas en un invencible ejercito
sigiendo la idea del estimado general de apreciar las fuerzas armadas y de
dirigir la revolucion mediante la
priorizacion militar.


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