AFP. 8 January 2002. FARC offers timetable, with ceasefire, to
Colombia's Pastrana.

BOGOTA -- The head of Colombia's largest and oldest guerrilla force,
known as FARC, on Tuesday dispatched a letter to President Andres
Pastrana that included a timetable for peace negotiations, including a

In the document, obtained by AFP, Manuel Marulanda, the longtime head of
the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, also reiterated his proposal
that Pastrana and FARC convene a summit January 15 with government,
church and  business leaders.

Officials would discuss prospects for peace and a ceasefire, Marulanda
suggested, but also employment and possible unemployment insurance for
those without work.

Earlier Tuesday, the two sides completed another round of talks without
reaching an agreement to revisit the peace plan, though they announced
plans to meet again Wednesday -- a potential watershed moment for the
future of three-year-old dialogue, the government's top peace negotiator

Peace Commissioner Camilo Gomez told reporters that Wednesday, perhaps,
would be the day both sides could agree on solutions to bring an end to
the nearly four-decades-long civil war that has killed more than 200,000

FARC has sought a decreased military presence around the
Switzerland-sized rebel haven it controls but was rebuffed by the
commander of the armed forces.

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Barry Stoller

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