NYT. 9 January 2002. U.S. Is Building Up Its Military Bases in Afghan

WASHINGTON -- Even as the air war in Afghanistan wanes and
American-backed forces hunt down pockets of Al Qaeda and Taliban
resistance there, the United States is preparing a military presence in
Central Asia that could last for years, military officials say.

The United States and its allies are building an air base in Kyrgyzstan,
a neighboring former Soviet republic, that the commander of the military
campaign in Afghanistan described last week as a "transportation hub" to
house up to 3,000 troops and accommodate warplanes and support aircraft.

Engineers are also improving runways, lighting, communications, storage
and housing at bases in Uzbekistan and Pakistan where American forces
are stationed, signaling a long-term commitment, or at least the ability
to redeploy forces quickly.

"The job is still not done," said Rear Adm. Craig R. Quigley, senior
spokesman at the United States Central Command in Tampa, Fla. "There is
great value, for instance, in continuing to build airfields in a variety
of locations on the perimeter of Afghanistan that over time can do a
variety of functions, like combat operations, medical evacuation and
delivering humanitarian assistance."

The Pentagon has also approved a request by Gen. Tommy R. Franks, the
commander of the military operation in Afghanistan, to station two
aircraft carriers and thousands of marines aboard ships in the northern
Arabian Sea through March, officials said. Navy officers expect that
request could be renewed every three months.

In another sign that American forces are settling in, each branch of the
armed services has adopted policies to rotate troops through the region,
typically every 90 days to six months, General Franks said.

However many troops the Pentagon ultimately stations in Afghanistan and
nearby, General Franks and the Joint Chiefs of Staff are looking to
expand American military engagement by increasing technical support and
training exercises with their counterparts in the region.

"Their function may be more political than actually military," the
deputy secretary of defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz, said in an interview.

[N.B.] He said bases and exercises would "send a message to everybody,
including important countries like Uzbekistan, that we have a capacity
to come back in and will come back in -- we're not just going to forget
about them."

The willingness of the Pentagon to put a long-term footprint in Central
Asia underscores a broader shift by President Bush. During the 2000
presidential campaign, he criticized the Clinton administration's
extensive overseas troop deployments, saying the military was being
stretched too thin.

There is no better symbol of the long-term commitment of the United
States military to Afghanistan than the recent arrival of the 101st
Airborne Division at Kandahar airport to relieve about 1,500 marines

Like the marines, the 101st Airborne is intended for rapid deployment.
But unlike the marines, Army troops are typically dispatched to hold
territory for long periods -- months, if not years. Army units tend to
establish more permanent bases and more extensive supply systems.

At Kandahar airport, the 101st is likely to set up a semipermanent tent
city known as a force provider or, more colloquially, a "city in a box."
These portable units include sturdy, pop-up canvas structures to house
and feed hundreds of troops. Latrines, water-purifying systems and work
facilities are included.

Similar encampments have already been established at Bagram air base
north of Kabul and at Khanabad air base in Uzbekistan, where more than
1,000 soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division have been helping to
guard and repair runways.

Initial plans call for about 1,000 soldiers from the 101st to secure
Kandahar airport, guard hundreds of Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners and
protect the airstrip for cargo planes carrying food, medicine and
military supplies. But Pentagon officials said the 101st contingent
could easily double in size if the number of prisoners grew sharply, or
if American forces were needed to capture terrorists.

What remains to be seen is whether the encampments at Kandahar and
Bagram will become as permanent as those in Kosovo, for instance, where
the United States has 5,400 troops, or in Bosnia, where there are 3,100
American soldiers.

Two and a half years ago, Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo was little more than
a village of tents. Today it is a small, self-contained city with wooden
barracks and command centers, helicopter maintenance buildings, a
water-treatment plant, a movie theater, gymnasiums and a hospital.

The military is patterning its deployments in Central Asia on that

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Barry Stoller

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