It's exist a lot of form of marxisms.
A Stalinist is not a trotskist or a bourgeois
It's true too with national-communism.

PCN is nothing to do with american lunatic fringe of
ITP or russian NBP (and we agree with you : it's not
national-bolchevism but fascism and racism).
In Russia we have links with KPRF (whose geopolitical
and economical programm was inspired by PCN's

PCN is not a third way party. We are socialist and for
a world revolution.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : > National Bolshevism is
Third Position fascism.
> Antifascists from all nations, 
> not just Yugoslavia, know this well. Heikki, please
> remove the PCN from the 
> list immediately.
> In Russia the National Bolshevik Party is the party
> founded by an ex Shadow 
> Minister of the nazi Zhirinovsky and admirer of
> Joseph Goebbels. Their 
> official programme is for the "iron order" and to
> put Black people in 
> concentration camps.

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