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Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 05:06:33 EST 
Objet: Re: [SovietDemocracy] PCN-NCP ANSWER TO THE
Répondre à: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

     I speak for myself here.  In my opinion, the
PCN-NCP has 
answered the attacks of its "adversaries".
     I will go along with the notion that the PCN-NCP
believes that 
it is a Marxist-Leninist outfit.
     I think that its "national-bolshevism" outlook is
flawed and is 
more or 
less an extension and continuation of Stalinism.  To
call them a 
of Stalinism i think to them would be a compliment, so
I do not think 
would entirely protest this characterization.  
    Inherent in their statement was the expression of
the view that the 
bourgeois-nationalists can still serve a progressive
role.  For this 
they supported Peron.  For this reason they reprint
speeches from 
Hussein without any accompanying critique.
     I do not know how they would answer to the murder
of thousands of 
Communists at the hands of Hussein.  
     But this is not the point:  While i believe their
outlook and overtly menshevik outlook of "two-stage
revolution" (which 
attributes revolutionary potential to bourgeois
nationalism in the 
era) is a bankrupt extension of Stalinist politics,
the PCN-NCP is a 
proletarian formation -- their stated aims are the
expropriation of 
the bourgeoisie, communist revolution by the working
class, and the 
construction of socialist society.

The PCN-NCP is not a fascist or "third positionist" or
from what I can tell so far.  Their liquidation into
3rd world 
movements may disgiuse this fact: but the fact remains
that they are 
on good impulses".
There is however a "National-Bolshevik Party" NBP
which IS one of these 
"red-brown" formations and is fascist.  I suppose we
are being urged by 
PCN-NCP to not confuse them with the fascist NBP.

Now I have tons and tons of disagreements with the
PCN-NCP, but that is 
what is at issue.  The issue is whether or not the
PCN-NCP is a fascist 
While I believe their politics are dead end and do not
generally raise 
class consciousness of worker's, ( e.g., calling for a
greater EU 
within the 
capitalist context) they are still a "proletarian
formation".  Perhaps 
I am 
wrong or have been duped, certainly I think they
represent "orthodox 
stalinism" which certainly lends itself to supporting
various 3rd world 
nationalists who may or may not have other certain
affinities with 
or Evola (like Peron).  What do you comrades think?

JV Capone

 --- PCN-NCP Service de Presse
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : >  It's exist
a lot of form of marxisms.
> A Stalinist is not a trotskist or a bourgeois
> social-democrat.
> It's true too with national-communism.
> PCN is nothing to do with american lunatic fringe of
> ITP or russian NBP (and we agree with you : it's not
> national-bolchevism but fascism and racism).
> In Russia we have links with KPRF (whose
> geopolitical
> and economical programm was inspired by PCN's
> theories).
> PCN is not a third way party. We are socialist and
> for
> a world revolution.
> ===================================
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : > National Bolshevism is
> Third Position fascism.
> > Antifascists from all nations, 
> > not just Yugoslavia, know this well. Heikki,
> please
> > remove the PCN from the 
> > list immediately.
> > 
> > In Russia the National Bolshevik Party is the
> party
> > founded by an ex Shadow 
> > Minister of the nazi Zhirinovsky and admirer of
> > Joseph Goebbels. Their 
> > official programme is for the "iron order" and to
> > put Black people in 
> > concentration camps.
> >  
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