BBC. 13 January 2002. FARC communique: 'Warmongers win out.'

[The following is the text of FARC's communique read out on Caracol TV
by FARC spokesman Simon Trinidad: ]

Public communique: The spokesmen of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) at the National Dialogue and
Negotiation Table tell national and international public opinion the

1. After learning about President Andres Pastrana Arango's decision to
end the dialogue and negotiation process with the FARC- EP, despite the
efforts made on 11 and 12 January, with the presence Mr James LeMoyne,
special adviser of the UN Secretary General, we propose to Mr President
the official return of the urban areas of the five municipalities in a
public ceremony in the same way we received them, in the presence of
representatives of the international community, economic groups,
workers, peasants, political parties and various personalities and
organizations that in the past three years have made their contributions
to this attempt to achieve national reconciliation and reconstruction.

2. The 48-hour ultimatum, which will expired at 2130 on 14 January [0230
GMT 15 January], established by Mr President unilaterally changes
everything that has been agreed upon in the past three years.

And thus, it closes the possibilities to the current process, which
despite difficulties, has valuable tools, the main of them being the
common agenda to achieve change for a new Colombia and the proposals
exchanged by the parties regarding a ceasefire and end to the
hostilities, the document containing the recommendations of the
Commission of Personalities, the San Francisco de la Sombra Agreement,
and the draft prepared with the UN facilitator who has continuously
consulted Mr President.

3. Once again the selfish interests of a privileged and rich minority
are being placed above the interests of 40 million Colombians. For the
time being, the warmongers have won out to obstruct the possibilities of
achieving peace with social justice.

4. Mr President: You, as head of state and government, are called upon
to guarantee the lives and security of the inhabitants of the five
municipalities within the demilitarized zone.

We will comply with our commitment to retreat from the urban areas as
was agreed upon between you and Commander-in-Chief Manuel Marulanda
Velez at the beginning of the process.

5. To the country and the world we reaffirm our willingness to continue
using all forms of struggle to achieve the changes that Colombia needs
to in order to reconcile and reconstruct the homeland.

This has been and continues to be our goal. The search for political
solution belongs to Colombians and this will always be the best path to
follow in the future.

6. We urge all Colombians to struggle in an organized manner to attain
the economic, political, social changes that Colombia requires.

Signed on behalf of the FARC-EP by spokesmen Raul Reyes, Joaquin Gomez,
Carlos Antonio Lozada, Andres Paris, and Simon Trinidad in the mountains
of Colombia on 13 January 2002.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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