From: Nicholas Camerota <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Fwd: Sharon threatens to hold Arafat prisoner for years - - World [WW

--------------------------- - World Saturday, January 12, 2002
Sharon threatens to hold Arafat prisoner for years
[PHOTO CUTLINE: Shelter gone ... a Palestinian woman grieves next to her
destroyed home in the Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Israeli forces
razed more than 70 homes in the area under heavy fire. Photo: AFP/Fayez
by Ross Dunn, Herald Correspondent in Jerusalem and agencies
The Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, has vowed to lock up the
Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, in his West Bank headquarters for years
unless he agrees to meet Israel's demands over the arrest of Islamic
Mr Sharon also warned that Israel will examine ways to punish the
Palestinian Authority, which he says recently dared to smuggle arms from
The warning came as Israeli tanks and bulldozers ploughed up runways at the
Palestinian-controlled Gaza International Airport yesterday in the latest
response to a Palestinian raid on an Israeli army post in which four
soldiers were killed.
The operation followed an Israeli incursion into a Palestinian refugee camp
on Thursday that destroyed dozens of buildings.
On Thursday, the United States condemned the latest demolition.
"We have been very clear about the need for Palestinian action against
violence and terror," a State Department official said. "At the same time,
we do not believe that demolitions of Palestinian property and homes can
contribute to the restoration of calm and an end to violence."
Addressing a meeting of his right-wing Likud party in Tel Aviv, Mr Sharon
said Mr Arafat would not be allowed outside the West Bank town of Ramallah
until the Palestinian Authority arrested those suspected of assassinating
the Israeli tourism minister, Rehavam Ze'evi, in October last year.
Mr Arafat has remained grounded in Ramallah since December following a
series of Palestinian terror attacks. Israel refused to allow the
Palestinian leader even to travel to Bethlehem, in another part of the West
Bank, to attend Christmas celebrations.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for
the murder of Mr Ze'evi, saying it was in revenge for the Israeli Army's
assassination of its leader, Abu Ali Mustafa, last August.
"Even if we open the other [Palestinian] cities and remove the sieges on
them to ease things for the population, Ramallah will remain under siege,"
Mr Sharon said. 
"Arafat will remain closed in Ramallah and won't leave."
US officials say there is convincing evidence that senior figures in the
Palestinian Authority, if not Mr Arafat himself, were involved in the arms
smuggling, along with Iran and the guerilla group Hezbollah.
However, President George Bush said the smuggling affair would not mean an
end to US efforts to renew peace talks and broker a ceasefire.
The US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, said he was pressing Mr Arafat and
his colleagues to account for the arms smuggling affair.
"The information we are receiving and developing on our own makes it clear
that there are linkages to the Palestinian Authority."  [enditem]

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