From: rexy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 19:42:49 -0400


1.    The FARC-EP value highly the concern expressed by the international
community with respect to the future of the dialogues, and very specially
the effort realized in the name of the Secretary General of the UN, Kofi
Annan, by his Special Advisor, James Lemoyne.

2.    We consider today’s schedule of work as valuable and constructive.  By
common agreement we have decided to extend the meeting to tomorrow in the
certainty of finding formulas that will enable us to overcome the difficult
moment through which the peace process is passing.

3.    The FARC-EP reiterate to the country and the world their decision and
commitment to continue pursuing solutions through the Table, for the grave
political, economic and social problems that keep Colombians in

Raul Reyes
Joaquin Gomez
Carlos Antonio Lozada
Simon Trinidad
Andres Paris

Los Pozos,
San Vicente del Caguan, January 11, 2002


The spokespersons of the FARC-EP at the National Table of Dialogue and
Negotiation inform the national and international public:

1. During January 11 and 12 we have worked without interruption with the
Special Advisor of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, Mr. James Lemoyne, who
acted as facilitator.

2.  Throughout these days of work, and with the valuable collaboration of
Facilitator Lemoyne who maintained permanent contact with President Andres
Pastrana Arango, we elaborated step by step a draft document that attempts
to bring together the positions of the Government and the FARC-EP in order
to overcome the paralysis of the Process of Dialogue and Negotiation.

3. We attach the text of the draft to the present communiqué, in order to
make it known to
the country and the world and we report that we have yet to receive a
definitive answer from the National Government.

4.  In accord with the above, we are awaiting the presidential decision with
respect to the future of the Process of Dialogue and Negotiation.

5.  We reaffirm the unwavering will of the FARC-EP to continue in the
pursuit of paths that would bring us to reconciliation and peace with social
justice for Colombians.

Raúl Reyes

Joaquín Gómez
Carlos Antonio Lozada
Simón Trinidad
Andrés París

Los Pozos, San Vicente del Caguán, January 12, 2002


1.    The parties reaffirm their will for peace and to actively seek a
negotiated solution to the Colombian conflict.  As an expression of this,
they reaffirm their will to begin immediately to negotiate signed agreements
on themes that will improve the living conditions of the Colombian people.

2.    Therefore, the parties confirm their irrevocable commitment to put the
San Francisco de la Sombra Accord into practice, defining topics with a
schedule for negotiation, and accept to pursue a first agreement around the
proposal to provide a subsidy to the unemployed of the country.

3.    The parties take note of the fact that the San Francisco Accord
the need for a favorable environment for the peace process, without armed
confrontations by either side and that it is essential to obtain agreements
that lead to a de-escalation of the conflict.  As mentioned in this
agreement, the FARC-EP is committed immediately to instruct all its members
not to carry out “miraculous catches” (“pescas milagrosas”) in the roads.

4.    Recognizing their commitment under the San Francisco Accord, the
will begin immediately to study the document of the Commission of
Personalities, containing topics such as the truce with a ceasefire and
cessation of hostilities, kidnappings, and actions to bring an end the
phenomenon of paramilitarism.

5.    As declared in the San Francisco Accord, the Government reiterates in
emphatic and categorical manner its rejection of all forms of kidnapping,
whether of parliamentarians, public servants or any other person and the
Government will put this forward during the study of the truce with a
ceasefire and cessation of hostilities,

6.    To strengthen their efforts for peace, and as an additional expression
their will to find a negotiated solution, the parties have agreed to invite
Monsignor Alberto Giraldo, President of the Episcopal Conference, to be a
Witness of Honor in all the sessions of the Negotiating Table.

7.    The President reiterates that the policy of peace is a State policy
with the support of the international community, he will put every effort
into continuing the peace process.  With the aim of strengthening this
effort, the Government declares its will to broaden the Negotiating Table to
include representatives of important sectors of the country.

8.    The President and the State guarantee that the guarantees for dialogue
between the Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
(FARC-EP) in the demilitarized zone are given.  Likewise, they declare the
FARC to be valid political spokespersons for the peace process.  This is the
reason for having been involved in negotiating and the reason for
negotiations to continue.  The ten Facilitating Countries for the process
and the United Nations will support this declaration.

9.    The parties reaffirm that the only purpose for the Demilitarized Zone
to advance the dialogue and negotiation.  To respond to any incident inside
the zone which could hurt the process or affect the guarantees for the zone,
the Commission created by the Los Pozos Accord and composed of Luis Fernando
Criales for the Government side and Commandant Simon Trinidad for the
FARC-EP, will begin functioning actively.

10.    The Commission mentioned in point 9 will be attended by five
sub-commissions in each municipality of the zone, made up as soon as
possible and by common agreement of the parties, of representative
personalities from key sectors of these communities.  The sub-commissions
will report on any incidents that violate the norms of the zone to the
Commission mentioned in point 9.

11.    For the purpose of clarifying and resolving accusations by
situated on the borders of the zone about threats and abusive monetary
charges at checkpoints on the roads, a Commission whose members could either
be national or international, will be formed by common agreement of the
parties to receive these complaints, study the facts and report them to the
Negotiating Table.

12.    If the parties consider that obstacles have existed to moving the
process forward, they can send these cases to the Commission created by the
Los Pozos Accord.  This Commission already has as its members Monsignor
Alberto Giraldo and Commandant Andres Paris.  The parties can request of
this Commission to study those cases where the holding of gatherings between
national or international citizens and any of the parties in support of the
peace efforts have been impeded.

13.    In recognition of the important role of the international community
support of the peace process, the FARC-EP invites the 10 Facilitating
Countries for the process to a meeting in the coming week to discuss topics
of importance and to strengthen the search for peace.

14.    To avoid future crises in the process, the parties commit to take any
obstacle to the dialogue or failure to comply with this Accord to the
Commission referred to in point 12 above.  The parties commit today to
negotiate to reach signed agreements in the shortest time possible.

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army
International Commission, FARC-EP.

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
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